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Bioware fix the lightsaber-Forms Please!!!


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BioWare SWTOR MMO Lightsaber-Forms are Screwed up if you been reading the books SWTOR have them screwed up kotor 2 did a better job with the lightsaber arts this is how it should be read plz.




Jedi Knights lightsaber forms are mass up in-game this is how it should be.


Jedi Guardians Combat Forms:

Form I: Shii-Cho

Form V: Shien / Djem So - Advanced level 14 lightsaber Form

Form VII: Juyo - Advanced Skill Tree Form


Jedi Sentinel Combat Forms:


Form I: Shii-Cho

Form III: Soresu - Advanced level 14 lightsaber Form

Form IV: Ataru - Advanced Skill Tree Form


Sith Warriors Lightsaber Form this is how it should be.


Sith Juggernaut Combat Forms:

Form II: Makashi

Form V: Shien / Djem So - Advanced level 14 lightsaber Form

Form VII: Juyo - Advanced Skill Tree Form


Sith Marauder Combat Forms:

Form II: Makashi

Form III: Soresu - Advanced level 14 lightsaber Form

Form IV: Ataru - Advanced Skill Tree Form



Jedi Consular Shadow / Sith Inquisitor Assassin Lightsaber Form and Powers

Jedi Shadow Combat

Forms and Powers:

Form VI: Niman - Advanced level 14 lightsaber Form

Powers: Battle Meditation – Advanced level 25 learn power

Sith Assassin Combat Forms and Powers:

Sith Assassin Combat and Powrs

Forms and Powers

Form VI: Niman -Advanced level 14 lightsaber Form

Powers: Sith Battle Coordination – Advanced level 25 learn Power

Edited by Master_Dark
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Just figured i'd add my two credits. For the record Anakin was a Jedi Guardian and a Form V user so limiting it to sentinals would be a mistake. Also basic Form I (Shii-cho) is taught to all jedi initiates... saber forms may not be 100% accurate in-game but it works fine, although being able to learn Juyo on my JG would be fun.


In any event nothing to see here move along, move along. :csw_trooper:

Edited by Ryeko
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Just figured i'd add my two credits. For the record Anakin was a Jedi Guardian and a Form V user so limiting it to sentinals would be a mistake. Also basic Form I (Shii-cho) is taught to all jedi initiates... saber forms may not be 100% accurate in-game but it works fine, although being able to learn Juyo on my JG would be fun.


In any event nothing to see here move along, move along. :csw_trooper:


Have anybody notices that Raven can use Juyo form and his a Jedi Guardian, just fight him as a Sith and look at his buff Juyo is right there so why can he use that lightsaber form but not a Guardian player only the jedi Sentinals can W T F Bioware.

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Have anybody notices that Raven can use Juyo form and his a Jedi Guardian, just fight him as a Sith and look at his buff Juyo is right there so why can he use that lightsaber form but not a Guardian player only the jedi Sentinals can W T F Bioware.


Here's a pic of raven's battle a the foundry look at his buff everybody his using Juyo lightsaber as a Jedi Guardian.



Edited by Master_Dark
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Have anybody notices that Raven can use Juyo form and his a Jedi Guardian, just fight him as a Sith and look at his buff Juyo is right there so why can he use that lightsaber form but not a Guardian player only the jedi Sentinals can W T F Bioware.


I'll take "punctuation" for $200, Alex.

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Here's a pic of raven's battle a the foundry look at his buff everybody his using Juyo lightsaber as a Jedi Guardian.




They could name the buff "Super Duper Totally Awesome Fun TImes Form" if they wanted to. Don't try to pigeonhole NPCs into PC restrictions as an attempt to draw canon conclusions based on game mechanics.

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Lightsaber forms have confused me from day 1. I have a Infiltration spec consular shadow, a melee dependant character and yet aparently this character was abesent during lightsaber training. Don't ALL jedi go through some form of saber training ?
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They could name the buff "Super Duper Totally Awesome Fun TImes Form" if they wanted to. Don't try to pigeonhole NPCs into PC restrictions as an attempt to draw canon conclusions based on game mechanics.


I'm only showing the facts guys. cause Bioware had it right back in the beta the Jedi Guardian and Sith Juggernaut use Form VII: Juyo or Form IV: Ataru lightersaber forms by using the skill tree.

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Lightsaber forms have confused me from day 1. I have a Infiltration spec consular shadow, a melee dependant character and yet aparently this character was abesent during lightsaber training. Don't ALL jedi go through some form of saber training ?


Yes, the basic lightsaber form should have been Form I: Shii-Cho training how did bioware get that wrong in this game thats the basic form for all Jedi's it was also in the Kotor 2 and in the books, the Sith use the Form II: Makashi cause its more better against lightsaber to lightsaber combat as well as defends against blaster fire how did Bioware not see this already.

Edited by Master_Dark
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I just want this game to be accurate a little more then what it is now base on the books and Kotor games cause there change to much from the books, look at Exar Kun he was a Jedi Shadow/Sith Assassin's and his lightsaber forms was Form II: Makashi and Form VI: Niman but he started with Form I: Shii-Cho and thats the basic for all Jedi's in the Old Republic.


O and there is no limitations guys just do the research Bioware and see what I mean.

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If I remember correctly, Yoda mastered all forms and he was a Consular? =/

Not really, when did this happen I would like to know guys cause i never hear about that.



It is most accurate that Yoda mastered every form of lightsaber combat, save for the form that was developed by Mace Windu; Vaapad.


Also, Master Yoda did employ, most commonly, Ataru form and is considered to be the greatest Ataru form user ever. Yes, he was a consular.


I think the entire point is being missed here though. These forms are given to specific classes and talent builds purely for balance reasons. As a lore junky myself I also agree that it seems a bit of a rough decision to do that, but I can't really disagree with it.

Edited by Exhaltia
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Makashi isn't a main Sith form at all, Juyo and Shien are the predominant Sith lightsaber forms, because Dark Side rage amplifies it's usefulness.


The Jedi stuck to Makashi, Ataru and Soresu, because Niman wasn't considered an effective form for the everyday Jedi, even Makashi saw very light usage because of it's weakness at facing multiple opponents and Shii-cho was the most basic and was considered by many to be the training form.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Have anybody notices that Raven can use Juyo form and his a Jedi Guardian, just fight him as a Sith and look at his buff Juyo is right there so why can he use that lightsaber form but not a Guardian player only the jedi Sentinals can W T F Bioware.


Its off subject slightly but 2 of you are getting the name wrong and its annoying, its Revan, not the bird Raven.


And /signed for Consular/Inquisitors getting Lightsaber forms.

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Just figured i'd add my two credits. For the record Anakin was a Jedi Guardian and a Form V user so limiting it to sentinals would be a mistake. Also basic Form I (Shii-cho) is taught to all jedi initiates... saber forms may not be 100% accurate in-game but it works fine, although being able to learn Juyo on my JG would be fun.


In any event nothing to see here move along, move along. :csw_trooper:


Actually Vader was a juggernaut, we saw in Ep2 that Anakin used 2 lightsabers. So I could infer from this that when he "fell" he changed classes as well. It was implied that he was getting good at saber forms in the banter between Anakin and Obi-wan, that Anakin thought he was as good as the masters. So if anything Anakin was more of a sentinel and Vader was a juggernaut.

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Actually Vader was a juggernaut, we saw in Ep2 that Anakin used 2 lightsabers. So I could infer from this that when he "fell" he changed classes as well. It was implied that he was getting good at saber forms in the banter between Anakin and Obi-wan, that Anakin thought he was as good as the masters. So if anything Anakin was more of a sentinel and Vader was a juggernaut.


Anakin Skywalker always Used Form V even when he was Vader.

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Actually Vader was a juggernaut, we saw in Ep2 that Anakin used 2 lightsabers. So I could infer from this that when he "fell" he changed classes as well. It was implied that he was getting good at saber forms in the banter between Anakin and Obi-wan, that Anakin thought he was as good as the masters. So if anything Anakin was more of a sentinel and Vader was a juggernaut.


if remember in SW Ep 2 only at the end of the movie he use 2 lightsabers maybe he did want to be a jedi sentinel at one point but once Count Dooku cut off Anakin's hand that change everything if you watch the old Clones Wars cartoon you will see what I mean.


Star Wars Clone Wars Cartoon Part 10

Star Wars Clone Wars Cartoon Part 11

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Its off subject slightly but 2 of you are getting the name wrong and its annoying, its Revan, not the bird Raven.


And /signed for Consular/Inquisitors getting Lightsaber forms.


I'm more for Inquisitors getting Force Forms than LS forms.

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