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Will the stun-lock issue be "resolved"?


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As the title says, will this issue be "resolved"? Yes the pun is intentional........ I spent a while today in PvP and spent a great deal of time stunned, resolve bar full and yet again get stunned.......something has to give, with that AND the lag issues (as well as periods of being unable to fire ANYTHING (abilities/weapon), it is a total waste of time and I really dont see the point in lining up to be fodder.
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As the title says, will this issue be "resolved"? Yes the pun is intentional........ I spent a while today in PvP and spent a great deal of time stunned, resolve bar full and yet again get stunned.......something has to give, with that AND the lag issues (as well as periods of being unable to fire ANYTHING (abilities/weapon), it is a total waste of time and I really dont see the point in lining up to be fodder.


not having your own form of cc or cc breaker must suck

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not having your own form of cc or cc breaker must suck


If you are playing as a healer, your own CC won't save you. The best you can do is reset the fight and try to run away. You have no hope to kill them before it wears off. Your attacker, on the other hand, can use CC as guaranteed several second interrupt to finish you off. Normal interrupts almost never matter since stuns are up so often and are usually sufficient to finish a healer off.


In groups, yes, CC can save people. If when they stunned you, someone else stunned them. They can't finish you off, you come out of the stun before them and can heal yourself and survive.

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Time for you to move on.


Just like everyone else.


F2P for the win! Soon you'll hear the crowd chanting "don't complain it's free!"


It's just a fact that free to play games while successful do not receive the love that paid games do and those other games are pay2win.

Edited by NathanielStarr
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It IS a bit ridiculous the amount of CC in this game. Especially against the teams that know how to focus properly and decimate you in the 4 seconds you're stunned.


They should make non white resolve bars persist through death in my opinion. Or some other change. I don't want to remove them completely from the game, but jeez can it be annoying.

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A friend of mine made a great comment regarding this, we all agree in part that being stun locked and being unable to be in control of your toon as you watch the hp's drain a little annoying. Well how about when you use your cc break it fills your resolve bar preventing you from being stunned for 20 secs or a certain amount of time.
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It IS a bit ridiculous the amount of CC in this game. Especially against the teams that know how to focus properly and decimate you in the 4 seconds you're stunned.


They should make non white resolve bars persist through death in my opinion. Or some other change. I don't want to remove them completely from the game, but jeez can it be annoying.


So if enemy team focus you properly and you are not stunned you will survive?



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At this point Redat, Im betting it will not be addressed to take what you can from it.


Fact is they had a TON of pre beta feedback asking for MORE then just warzone kiddy pvp on the forums.


In closed beta they received a TON of feedback asking for DAoC style RVR


In beta the received a TON of Feedback asking for DAoC style RVR


After release they have recieved a tON of feedback asking for open world (DAoC style) pvp


And they stayed with the current system, and that was when they had the staff available to make sweeping changes


Now its pretty common knowledge they on a skeleton crew and any devs and designers working on way to make money in the upcoming cash shop.


So I wouldnt hold my breath if I was you on any issues being addressed!


Plus even back in DAoC, Mythic LOVED their stunlocking


It was in DAoC and even though they made changes they flat out refused to lessen the stuns and cc abilities. One could even say it cost them 3/4 of their subscribers and they STILL wouldnt diminish CC in PVP


Enter War, same story, CC heavy to the obscene


Enter TOR, well everyone knows its mostly a stun locking game, even if some will not admit it.


So you look at the history of Mythic and CC dominating their PVP and its pretty clear to hope for changes is being a little to hopefull.


Mythic beleives its fun for people to stand there unmoving and helpless.

One could say its their company motto


While I hate pointing people to other games

If PVP is really your driving force for gaming

you might wanna look at Guild Wars 2


The upcoming RIFT expansion that introduces a 3 faction and adopts many of the pvp 3 realm designs from DAoC (not the cc though Ive read).

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As the title says, will this issue be "resolved"? Yes the pun is intentional........ I spent a while today in PvP and spent a great deal of time stunned, resolve bar full and yet again get stunned.......something has to give, with that AND the lag issues (as well as periods of being unable to fire ANYTHING (abilities/weapon), it is a total waste of time and I really dont see the point in lining up to be fodder.


You cannot be stunned with a full resolve bar.

If you believe you were stunned with a full resolve bar then you should open an in game ticket and report a bug. If you want to post about it here you will need to link video evidence since we don't have access to game logs to verify your impossible claim. Since you didn't post a video, the only legit response to your OP is: L2P.

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This non-issue will not be "resolved". Because it's a non-issue.


Resolve works as intended. If you think it doesn't, the reason is you don't understand how it works.


In case you don't know, there are a number of abilities affecting character control that can be categorised as:

stuns (adds resolve; cannot act, do not break on damage)

mezzes (adds resolve; cannot act, DO break on damage) - often also called stuns, but are a different animal to hard stuns

knockbacks/knockdowns (adds resolve; character is moved involuntarily)

roots (does not add resolve, unaffected by resolve; cannot move, but can act otherwise)

snares (does not add resolve, unaffected by resolve; movement slowed, and can act otherwise)


Some abilities combine more than one - like a root that becomes a snare after two seconds, or a knockback that has an automatic mezz follow-up.


Stuns - where you get damaged but cannot act - typically last for only four seconds. Everyone gets a cc-breaker to get out of them, use it when your resolve bar is full or your situation dictates.


Now it's possible you or other posters will change the complaint to "I don't like how it works" - which still doesn't make it an "issue" that needs "resolving", but is an opinion to which you're entitled. I'd disagree, as the current system makes play a bit more skilled and interesting. You may prefer unskilled.

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You cannot be stunned with a full resolve bar.

If you believe you were stunned with a full resolve bar then you should open an in game ticket and report a bug. If you want to post about it here you will need to link video evidence since we don't have access to game logs to verify your impossible claim. Since you didn't post a video, the only legit response to your OP is: L2P.


Stunned no, rooted yeppers. Heck my gimmick in Huttball is to use Creeping Terror on Sentinels with full resolve crossing the fire pit and watch them BURN! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Edited by AshlaBoga
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Stunned no, rooted yeppers. Heck my gimmick in Huttball is to use Creeping Terror on Sentinels with full resolve crossing the fire pit and watch them BURN! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Roots and Snares are not RECCs (Resolve Effect CCs).


I will often suicide jump into the ball carrier as he crosses the fire pit since my Mara roots on jump :D

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You cannot be stunned with a full resolve bar.

If you believe you were stunned with a full resolve bar then you should open an in game ticket and report a bug. If you want to post about it here you will need to link video evidence since we don't have access to game logs to verify your impossible claim. Since you didn't post a video, the only legit response to your OP is: L2P.


It been done dozens of time with links to vids and screenshots from several guildies. Sometimes resolve works and sometimes it doesn't, which is like most of the stuff in this game (sometimes you can finish Soa in a fight, sometimes he randomly resets in stage 3 and you have to do it all over again).


Point is, stuns should be for strategic and limited use, not non-stop stunning on players. Everyone loses with stunlocking (both the stunners and the stunnees) as eventually people become so frustrated with it they just leave which means everyone loses.

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It been done dozens of time with links to vids and screenshots from several guildies. Sometimes resolve works and sometimes it doesn't, which is like most of the stuff in this game (sometimes you can finish Soa in a fight, sometimes he randomly resets in stage 3 and you have to do it all over again).


Point is, stuns should be for strategic and limited use, not non-stop stunning on players. Everyone loses with stunlocking (both the stunners and the stunnees) as eventually people become so frustrated with it they just leave which means everyone loses.


Link or retraction.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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This non-issue will not be "resolved". Because it's a non-issue.


Resolve works as intended. If you think it doesn't, the reason is you don't understand how it works.


In case you don't know, there are a number of abilities affecting character control that can be categorised as:

stuns (adds resolve; cannot act, do not break on damage)

mezzes (adds resolve; cannot act, DO break on damage) - often also called stuns, but are a different animal to hard stuns

knockbacks/knockdowns (adds resolve; character is moved involuntarily)

roots (does not add resolve, unaffected by resolve; cannot move, but can act otherwise)

snares (does not add resolve, unaffected by resolve; movement slowed, and can act otherwise)


Some abilities combine more than one - like a root that becomes a snare after two seconds, or a knockback that has an automatic mezz follow-up.


Stuns - where you get damaged but cannot act - typically last for only four seconds. Everyone gets a cc-breaker to get out of them, use it when your resolve bar is full or your situation dictates.


Now it's possible you or other posters will change the complaint to "I don't like how it works" - which still doesn't make it an "issue" that needs "resolving", but is an opinion to which you're entitled. I'd disagree, as the current system makes play a bit more skilled and interesting. You may prefer unskilled.


Yeah, it's such a non-issue that players are dropping from this game faster than flies sprayed with a can of bug spray because of how frustrating PvP is. Keep on believing that it's not an issue, all the way to the game's graveyard.

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OP states that a) he's getting stunlocked; and b) resolve is broken.


a) not happening; b) not true.


Not an issue.


So, as I said, you take the second option: "I don't like it".


You're free not to like it. That's understandable if you can't work out how to deal with it.


But those who can't deal with the resolve system are the ones who can't cope with pvp, so a pvp mechanic is not going to be the reason for them unsubbing.

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OP states that a) he's getting stunlocked; and b) resolve is broken.


a) not happening; b) not true.


Not an issue.


So, as I said, you take the second option: "I don't like it".


You're free not to like it. That's understandable if you can't work out how to deal with it.


But those who can't deal with the resolve system are the ones who can't cope with pvp, so a pvp mechanic is not going to be the reason for them unsubbing.


So very, very wrong. I can personally name more than a dozen players (including myself) who are done with this game this evening BECAUSE of the lousy PvP. And I can bet we aren't the only ones leaving over it.


Resolve is a stupid mechanic put in place to band aid over out of control CC in PvP.


Not worth arguing anymore as next week will be the tell tale proof of whether people like it or not by how many are left playing after midnight tonight.

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If you hate it so much don't play it - there's no law requiring you to play PVP in a MMO, and that you must keep playing one until another possibility comes along.


I've no doubt lots of people will try out GW2, so there'll be a drop in numbers for all games, and I seriously hope people who try it enjoy it. I like the idea of people enjoying good games.


Which is why I shake my head at these posts full of emotional language or outright nonsense trying to run down SWTOR to satisfy a poster's own ego.


SWTOR is not your enemy. It's a fun game and its players are just other gamers, not deluded heathens to be set on the true path or condemned.


And resolve works fine, people who can handle pvp can handle resolve. Enjoy Guild Wars, may it be a great success. But try to restrain yourself from spouting stuff about how a PVP mechanic that functions fine is responsible for every ill in the galaxy.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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A friend of mine made a great comment regarding this, we all agree in part that being stun locked and being unable to be in control of your toon as you watch the hp's drain a little annoying. Well how about when you use your cc break it fills your resolve bar preventing you from being stunned for 20 secs or a certain amount of time.

20s of full resolve is way too long to be immune. you could walk the entire length of the hb map, but as I've mentioned elsewhere, I think it's a bad design that one's "immunity" can tick away while still in a stun or rooted.




I will often suicide jump into the ball carrier as he crosses the fire pit since my Mara roots on jump :D

yep. the fact that root has no effect on resolve seems broken to me. maybe if it was possible to have two breakers...that's still one more root/stun than breaker for most classes. nothing like stun. stun. full resolve. break it. root. uh...ok. wonderful. at least you can move with snares. and cleansing is a mess with only half the stuff being cleansable by any one class.

Edited by foxmob
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If you hate it so much don't play it - there's no law requiring you to play PVP in a MMO, and that you must keep playing one until another possibility comes along.


I've no doubt lots of people will try out GW2, so there'll be a drop in numbers for all games, and I seriously hope people who try it enjoy it. I like the idea of people enjoying good games.


Which is why I shake my head at these posts full of emotional language or outright nonsense trying to run down SWTOR to satisfy a poster's own ego.


SWTOR is not your enemy. It's a fun game and its players are just other gamers, not deluded heathens to be set on the true path or condemned.


And resolve works fine, people who can handle pvp can handle resolve. Enjoy Guild Wars, may it be a great success. But try to restrain yourself from spouting stuff about how a PVP mechanic that functions fine is responsible for every ill in the galaxy.


the only people that are ok with how resolve and stunlocking works right now are the people that need these op classes as a crutch to beat other people. stealth, stun, attack, stun, sometimes start getting your butt kicked so you stealth and run like a *****. very poor balance. only a loser that needs this crutch would deny it.

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