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Calling all Pro pvpers


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Boss, I commend you for trying to do this, but just looking at the responses in this thread reminds me of why I never did it myself.


People don't want to admit that they are scrubs. They will latch onto whatever they can so as to maintain their delusion: be it gear, class imbalance, or any of the other feeble reason the bads like to throw around.


I mean, just look at the things people are saying, accusing you of editing to show only games where you were successful before you have even made the video. Its pathetic.


If you think that gear is the reason that you are getting owned in PVP, you need to seriously re-evaluate your play. Getting WH won't magically increased your output by a factor of 3 or 4, only learning how to play can do that.


Why wouldn't people with a brain question it?

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This is easily done; be in full recruit and solo queue normal WZs 5 times nonstop. Record everything, fast forward through through the actual gameplay at 2x speed and cut the waiting for queues to pop. Upload the video to youtube, this is my challenge to all the pro-pvpers. This is the typical pvpers experience. Of course if anyone wants to record a premade of people in recruit gear smashing another premade in ranked I will give mad props and brownies~!
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Doing this as a healer doesn't prove much. Compared to dps and tanks healers scale really poorly with pvp gear:

  1. Healing is tuned around the healing target's gear (in addition to the healer's gear). If your target has expertise, he'll be easier to keep up with weaker heals.
  2. Dps scales better with expertise and stats so the difference in performance is less for a healer.
  3. Against incompetent attackers (who don't know how to focus fire, interrupt or coordinate stuns), even unskilled and undergeared healers are gods. Neither gear nor skill really matter against them.
  4. If your team has a tank, it is a near certainty you'll have a guard. That makes much more of a difference than gear wrt survivability.
  5. Healers don't really care about their opponents' health and mitigation so 2/3 of the gear difference is irrelevant.


If you were to try this with a melee dps, you might find it a bit different.

  1. They kinda have to be in the middle of things to do anything so the likelyhood of being attacked by disorganized opponents is higher.
  2. They almost never have a guard.
  3. They they be burst down before a healer can react and land a heal.
  4. They must damage their opponents significantly more due to

    1. better mitigation
    2. greater health pools
    3. the fact that they do significantly less damage

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I melt recruits, it's just how it goes. Yep, I'm an aug'd wh gear user, and when I see 15k health or there abouts, its medal spam time. No videos needed, no arguments to be had, I AM going to melt them.


To be fair, when I log on to an alt that has just recently got his mix of bm and recruit, that 15 or 16k health indicator is a magnet to get dominated. I can still contribute *some* but when the epeen of that 20k hp dps finds me and locks on, its match over for me, especially if they want to "display how amazing they are" repeatedly.


This is all solo que'ing the only way this changes *somewhat* is if I'm graced as premade filler. Which I find more a problem than the gear in non ranked. They need to detect or add another field in non ranked "4man groups" and place these guys against each other, while using the solo que'rs as "filler" if theres no true solo que matches ready.

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Definitely needs to be a live stream. That is the only way people, including me, will accept that you're not cherrypicking. And it has to be solo and random as well.


Regardless, doing this as a healer is rather pointless. You dont have to deal damage and you dont really have to survive longer than a particular enemy. This would make a small point with regards to survivability, but healers are squishy anyway...


The gear complainers are mostly DPS players, healers tend to complain about class imbalance much more.

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wait wait I think people are saying a lower grade of gear isn't as good as the top grade of gear which took awhile to actually earn instead of being handed out for nothing



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Lot of people already said this, but I'll go ahead and echo it: healers are least effected by gear gap. My guess is op healers would be the least affected of the healers as well. So you're probably picking the class that's least disadvantaged by being in crap gear to prove that there's no gear disadvantage for any class.


I've got a mostly war hero sorc, a half-optimized war hero geared carnage marauder and an op healer that's full battlemaster plus two war hero relics (bought these first because of dual use). Of these three, the op healer, being the most recent 50, was at the biggest gear disadvantage vs the enemy and yet was the most-effective out of the gate by a mile.

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My name is boss,

I am a 2500 rated combat medic, 100 valor blah blah yadda yadda....

I am going to be proving that the gear gap in this game is not that high, If there are other players that would like to join me on this en-devour please post up on this thread.


I will be frapsing myself playing wz's in recruit gear and dominating stats.


Soon to come >link to video


If you can manage it try to get your guild or other peeps you normally que

with in ranked to join you in recruit gear and in a ranked match

- This would go further in showing skill v. gear


However, I am interested in seeing how it turns out as with a solo que, as it would seem to show the experience of a "fresh" 50 in pvp.


Also, as previously mentioned... Will your recruit gear be augmented? Most peeps hitting 50 with their first toons now would not likely have the creds to fully deck out their recruit gear with max stat augments.


Lastly, Best of luck

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I'll be honest here; I have 2 50s but I've never gotten them geared(endgame on swtor is sadly lacking, which you all know.) when I am doing warzones with them(guardian and gunslinger) It doesn't seem like there's much of a gear gap at all considering they are both in mostly recruit and maybe a few pieces of battlemaster.
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My name is boss,

I am a 2500 rated combat medic, 100 valor blah blah yadda yadda....

I am going to be proving that the gear gap in this game is not that high, If there are other players that would like to join me on this en-devour please post up on this thread.


I will be frapsing myself playing wz's in recruit gear and dominating stats.


Soon to come >link to video


did it once on my GS. still was on top of the table and 4/5 wins.

proved to myself that recruit gear is not enough to suck like some guys sucking.

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I dont think people need the video anymore. Seeing the QQ about "oh you must face premades" and "oh you must face WH+ or it does not count" and "oh you cant have friends" and "you gotta spec dps or it does not count" just tells enough about all the " waaaaah gear gear waaah" QQers to me and I am sure I am not alone in this observation.


And to think the QQ is actually about a free set.


Don't worry though. Your secret is safe with me.

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My name is boss,

I am a 2500 rated combat medic, 100 valor blah blah yadda yadda....

I am going to be proving that the gear gap in this game is not that high, If there are other players that would like to join me on this en-devour please post up on this thread.


I will be frapsing myself playing wz's in recruit gear and dominating stats.


Soon to come >link to video


Are you really that bored? Who exactly are you communicating to? You realize most of the PvP community have left? Who ever you play against now are social and ultra casual players.


Then again SWG had players in game until all the servers came down, I bet you were one of them?

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I dont think people need the video anymore. Seeing the QQ about "oh you must face premades" and "oh you must face WH+ or it does not count" and "oh you cant have friends" and "you gotta spec dps or it does not count" just tells enough about all the " waaaaah gear gear waaah" QQers to me and I am sure I am not alone in this observation.

Not really, I could make a video where I get 400k+ damage as a gunnery commando/arsenal merc in full recruit gear curbstomping a recruit-heavy pug on voidstar with a pocket medic and guildies in vent to peel. It doesn't mean that the class isn't broken and gear doesn't matter.


As for this "healers doesn't count" thing.. half of your healing numbers depends on your team, the other half is your skill and gear. You can be the most ****** healer ever, but if everyone on your team is in recruit or their leveling blues who get instagibbed in 6 seconds well.. your numbers will suck.

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And I'm not saying it can't be done but it would take some impressive skill to do this as DPS.


Pretty much this ^


Show me "domination" as a DPS (especially melee) in Recruit gear, and I'll be impressed. Otherwise, meh. You haven't proven anything.

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Boss is actually a very powerful player who is guild leader of one of the best guilds on my server. Too tired to remember server name right now. But, in this case I think he's absolutely wrong. I have full BM and 3 Warhero pieces and am a highly skilled player playing Scroundrel scrapper which is actually in my opinion the hardest class in the game to be good at as I have alts for all the rest. Anatax my scrapper is my only 50. Anyhow if you have 15k or lower health I will destroy you in seconds. I myself have 1688hp at this time. Guys with 20k health usually beat me 1v1. Imps with 19 health are a real serious challenge. I started Anatax 3 days after launch. I remember getting destroyed by lvl 50 imps from lvl 16 up in the old 10-50 pvp bracket. I finally got 50 got some champion gear, got expertise up to 600 and I could finally really kill people. Took 4 months break, came back to the game and found out Champ gear sucked, and Recruit gear was better. I got destroyed in Recruit gear and only recently have decided to push Anatax hard to gear up so I can compete. SWTOR Gear is better than Skill by a mile.
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So about those videos? Been like 12 hours, what's the hold up?


Also what class/spec are you going? Please say gunnery commando and REALLY prove all the haters wrong amirite? In all seriousness though please do this on a DPS or Tanking spec.


If I can make a request, assuming you aren't going to post every single warzone you're in, please post the vids of the worst warzones you had, the best, and screenshots for all warzones, preferrably with screenshots of valor afterwards. We don't know you and it would be really easy to post just the results that make you look good because you got lucky by hooking up in a premade. Even if you are not the kind of person to do that ever, someone will say that's what you did unless you do everything within your power to show the actual results, instead of cherry picking the odd good game (YES THEY HAPPEN EVEN IN RECRUIT) and trying to pass that off as the average experience you had. Also I'd ask that you only do solo queues.


As long as you're completely honest and forthcoming with the results they should be interesting to see no matter what they actually are.

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I have just completed this on my gunnery commando (perhaps THE worst class in pvp when dinging 50, and mostly percieved as the worst at any stage) from recruit to 95% fully itemezied and augumented BM.


It was pure PAIN, hehe- I was a liabilty to my team nearly all the way to 50% BM - why, because I pugged and usually fought premade-ranked teams, my gunnery commando was the weakest link and a easy target for ANY class- maras and PT's only needed to click a few buttons and, well -dead, fracking dead as disco.


Actually, feeling I wasn't getting enough pain on my scrapper (and wanting the class buff plus access to Imp GTN back when they were separate), I levelled up an arsenal merc myself.


He's in middling gear now and I can top damage in random warzones (sometimes), in fact I'd say it's easier to do damage on him than my WH-aug'd scoundrel. Output was worse in recruit than now of course and I'd go down quicker, but it wasn't unbearable. I quickly geared to BM. Every few warzones I'd get people who knew what they were doing and would make it painful by beelining and smashing me, but I didn't (and don't) expect to be a PvP god on him. Now I kill more than I die, can make it untrivial to kill me, and he's good fun.


One day I might try a sent or a vanguard, once they've been nerfed a bit.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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If you're in fully aug'd Recruit gear and healing, it's not really going to prove anything - especially if you have your geared guild premade peeling for you. All that's showing is that you guys have good communication and team work, which is still noteworthy, but not the point.


Now, if you only solo queue in non-aug'd Recruit gear as a DPS and still "dominate" stats (which isn't hard as a healer, since healers are only competing with maybe two other players at most), then props to you for being good at your role and knowing your AC.


Anything else is just...meh. So, my question to the OP, will you at least be using non-aug'd Recruit gear (With Champ Relics only, as it's part of "Recruit" gear =P) and taking solo queues?

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Well, we are 8 pages deep in this discussion, so probably no one will read this... but, isn't worrying about who he's fighting *against* mostly wrong? When I first started PvP, before there even was recruit gear, with an arsenal BH (don't laugh) my performance was *highly* dependent on the enemy. If they noticed me standing there being a turret, I was shut down. If not, I would get some really high numbers. But those really high numbers certainly weren't my skill, and whenever I got really high numbers, so did the rest of my team. So that sounds like I just argued against my own point, but I didn't - my point is that you are all correct - the enemy he's facing I would expect to make a big difference in his numbers. However, it also makes a big difference in how the rest of his team does too. So...


Shouldn't the "control" be who he's fighting alongside? And specifically another healer of the same class - preferably a newbie who someone gave a set of WH gear to? Then that person is fighting against the same team as he is, and lets compare their numbers over several matches. If the OP consistently does better than the newbie in WH, wouldn't that be better evidence that the OP skill is helping him more than the newbies WH gear?


(Although, I agree with the opinion expressed by a few people that a healer is probably least affected by gear.)

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Shouldn't the "control" be who he's fighting alongside?


Actually I do not think anyone will take this video seriously unless it is a live stream annonuced in advance.


Posting a video that could have been one in a hundred is not that much value when it comes to proof.


I do like the idea though and support it as I have posted previously in this thread

Edited by Icestar
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Actually I do not think anyone will take this video seriously unless it is a live stream annonuced in advance.


Posting a video that could have been one in a hundred is not that much value when it comes to proof.


Yes, let's see a live stream! That'd be pretty neat. Still, as I said before, healing in fully aug'd Recruit gear while your guild premade peels for you is not showing "domination."

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