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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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There is a thread going around on the general discussion forums with the same topic. A moderator posted enthusiastically in the thread, and encouraged more to share their top 3. So fellow sorcerers, let us apply this to our own advanced class. What top 3 things would you like changed, fixed, or added to the sorcerer class.


1. Change how the Consumption ability functions. For PvP this spell needs changing. Remove the penalties for it's use, slap a 2 min cd on it, and have it restore 35% force. Then replace it's talent in the Corruption tree with something worthwhile.


2. Add a defensive cooldown. Sorcerers have no defensive cooldowns for PvP and are the squishiest advanced class in the entire game. Tack something on to a current ability or create an ability that increases survivability for 8-12 seconds on a 2min cd.


3. Fix Dark Infusion and/or Dark Heal. DI's cast time is far too long. This isn't even up for debate. Innervate is basically your only real heal as a sorcerer right now. Dark Heal is terrible. It heals for barely anything and costs way to much force. Fix Dark Heal so it costs less force to cast or have it actually heal for a decent chunk of health considering the cost. It heals for very little and can run you out of force very fast. And/or also fix Dark Infusion by either reducing the cast time considerably, or increasing the health generated by it considerably. It doesn't heal for enough considering how long it takes to cast.


Add yours everyone. Be creative but be constructive.

Edited by Hairyzac
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1) static barrier: +10% Melee and ranged defense, 10% damage back.to attacker


2) force run: +immune to all control effects


3) creeping death: change to 10/20/30% DF & periodic base damage increase


4) wrath: can proc chain lightning also


5) polarity shift: reduce a cast time by 1 second, for 20 seconds every 180 seconds


6) TB: instant cast with 9 second cd


7) DF: can hit 5 targets instead of 3


8) CT: dot damage is 10 seconds long, increase base dot damage +35%


9) forked lightning: change to a 45% chance to proc 2ND arc


10) saber strike goes off.pdf willpower instead of strength (or both)

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The above are all good.


Remove parasitism (high tier talent to improve it not tier 2) from madness tree and replace with talent to make bubble reflect damage. More synergy in madness tree, actual proper damage increasing talents (cf Pyro tree in Pyrotech)


Defensive Cooldown - like undying rage or force camo AND shroud. (why sins get it and not sorcs is just baffling)


Hard hitting ranged Execute move.


DoT damage buffed.

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hmm.. i guess i would'nt mind having parasitism removed from the madness tree and turned into a base ability that would be an on use ability(buffed ofc) someone else would have to come up with the math


also i dont think electric bindings should be in the skill tree


same goes for backlash they should be applied to said abilities already

Edited by hallucigenocide
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For PvP:


In PvP we're easily the weakest DPS class, and we're easily neutralized/kill as a healer. I believe we're fundamentally behind the other 7 classes when it comes to PvP utility. Certainly a skilled player *can* make it work, but if you're comparing players of equal skill I believe the sorc/sage will be the lowest on the list.


1.) I believe that the single biggest issue is lack of any defensive cooldowns. In order to survive we're forced to simply run away and hope that we don't get CCd while doing it. Something like the Merc ability that reduces damage taken by a percentage or something similar on a cooldown in the minute/2 minute range.


2.) Force regeneration. As the only class that has a resource pool that regenerates slowly compared to it's overall maximum (Takes 75s to regen from 0 to 600, no cooldowns to help this) we have issues in drawn out fights where we can't rest. I'd add a new ability similar to vent heat which will instantly restore a certain percentage of force (say 25%) with no penalties and a cooldown in the 90s - 2 minute range. Leave consumption as is for PvE or for other force regen.


3.) Some form of DPS on the move. We are currently far far far too turrent style which leads to significant issues in any form of organized PvP. Perhaps making TB instacast or having a talent that allows us to move during casting for the next 10 seconds on a 2 minute cooldown.



For PvE:


PvE is pretty good in my opinion, just two small changes/tweaks


1.) Slightly increased DPS. Right now we're right at the bottom of the pile when it comes to DPS. We provide no additional benefit to the raid (no extra buffs like bloodlust, or the giant shield) so our DPS should be at least middle of the pack.


2.) Replace CL in our rotation with a single target ability that's more powerful. CL is our second largest nuke in Lightning/TK spec but we can't use it around CC or when there's mobs we can't kill (adds on kephess while shield is up and shield generators on tanks). CL can still remain around for times when we actually do want AoE damage.

Edited by hatterson
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First up I will admit to being a complete noob at MMOs, so my suggestions may be way off base, but I thought I would put my ideas out there anyway. Having said that, it seems to me that the main issues with Sorc at the moment are survivability (our lack of it) and low damage (burst and dot). My three suggestions are:


1. Increase the damage of Lightning Strike to the point where it's actually worth using when Wrath Procs (even if it's just when CD is on cooldown).


2. Increase the effectiveness of your bubble when used on yourself.


3. Increase the healing from DF and Parasitism to make them a viable defensive strategy.

Edited by ShupFace
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1. Make Shock an Execute style ability. Increase its damage by 2-3x and make it usable only when the target is below 25% health. It is currently the least force-efficient attack and is not really used.


2. When used on yourself, Static Barrier should either reflect 100% of the damage back to the attacker or it should convert 10% of the damage it absorbs into raw force power, instantly granting you that amount of force.


3. New ability: Unlimited Power - Consumes 75% of the Sorcerer's current force power, knocks down all enemies within 10 meters, and the Sorcerer shrugs off damage for 5 seconds (Undying Rage effect).

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1. Make Shock an Execute style ability. Increase its damage by 2-3x and make it usable only when the target is below 25% health. It is currently the least force-efficient attack and is not really used.


I do like your number one a lot. I think if they made the cooldown a bit longer, they could increase the damage of Shock to be in line with its force cost. They could also add to the tooltip that while your target is below 20% health, that it will do 2-3x normal damage.

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Things to make all specs more viable without going into OPness.


1. CT when dispeled does x amount of damage and or silences the dispeler.(madness talent)


2. Lightning strike able to be cast while moving (lightning talent)


3. Every fourth lightning strike cast grants the next thundering blast to become instant cast.(lightning talent)


4. Corruption needs some type of pain suppression.

Edited by TwitchWINs
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I’m quite happy with my sorc overall, maybe because I don’t play rated, I don’t know. I currently run 3/20/18 build after 79 valor levels of pure Madness and I ain’t going back.


Madness could use some better force management, that was always my biggest problem (now totally gone in my current build). And I wouldn’t mind if LS got some use other than filler for pure Lightning, like placing a debuff on target that caused next FL to gain some Lifestealing (+ appropriate cooldown on debuff proc of course).


What I would like most of all though is a use of my lightsaber. Not because I need it, but because it would improve the fun of my gameplay a lot. I assume that having sorc gain melee damage and crit chance from WP would be overpowered with the big resource pool we have. But I would love a say 10 second buff that for the duration let WP affect melee damage and increased armor substantially.


Even if we only have 2 melee abilities it would still serve as a defensive cooldown (provided that the armor increase is good enough) and it would give sorc a little fighting power when snared without increasing the overall damage output from range. But most of all, I would get to use my statstick and it would be pure fun (IMO).

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1) An interface commiserate with my role as a healer/cleanser.

2) An interface that allows me to perform abilities in less steps than it takes now

3) An interface that allows me to enjoy the operations and basically the game, without forcing me to put blinders on and play whack-a-mole.


Did I mention an interface?

Edited by RabeParat
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1) Madness dots doing same damage in half the time. No fight lasts 20 seconds + and they are zero threat right now so no one even cleanses them.


2) Force sprint that removes roots (not stuns) and makes immune to leap/snares/roots for duration of sprint w/o having to spec into it...


3) Increased range or decreased leap range for melee. 30 meters gap closers are *********** ridiculous. ZERO skill involved and completely unable to kite.



1) Shorter cast times. Unviable for PvP with such long cast times.


2) Proc chances way to low. This build has amazing burst but its way to random to get a Force Storm proc let alone the proc at the same time as lightning barrage for the TB>CL>FL Death combo of doom...(or something like that).


3) Mana Issues.



1) More options for viability (roots, etc.)


2) Cast times SOOO long. (May be less of an issue w/ the new heal coming out).


3) Consumption is a *********** DUMB RETARD mechanic for a healer in a ranked warzone.

Edited by TheLordMaster
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Oh, where do I begin?


1. OVERALL DPS BUFF/ MORE SURVIVABILITY. I cannot express how irritating it is that my class as a whole seems broken because we are lagging behind in DPS (of course, good Sorc players know how to balance this, but it should not take the best of the best to do well in DPS) and we are the squishiest things that ever crawled out of a Hutt's....I digress. Either our damage should be increased quite a bit to make us true 'glass cannons' with very high offensive capabilities, or we need some serious defensive abilities so we could survive long enough to make our meager offense count. I'm not sure how to implement these changes, hence I didn't suggest anything, but I'm sure some genius number-cruncher could figure it out.


2. Force Speed/Sprint/Whatever needs to make you immune to snares and stuns during its duration. Also, it needs to make yoou immune to the annoying "jump at you from across the Warzone and stun you while you are sprinting" move that one of the melee AC's have. Force Leap, I believe?


3. Static Barrier needs a buff. It needs to absorb much more damage than it does now to be useful. I apply a bubble, stand away from the fray and fire off my DPS, a Melee sees me, Force Leap, bubble disintegrates, I get my face melted. 'Tis a vicious cycle.


4. I think it would be cool if Madness had more life-stealing mechanics that you could spec into.The current ones steal a little health, but if there was a way to spec into large health-stealing abilities, I think it would give us a unique edge on the battlefield. Plus, depending on how much health these abilities steal, it could help solve Sorcerer over-squishiness.


5. We need some 31-point love. I've not tinkered with Corruption, but I know Creeping Terror isn't much more than an extra Affliction with a semi-useless stun, and Thundering Blast seems just...bleh. 31-point abilities should reward a player for sacrificing so many spec points to that tree, and thus should be rather powerful (for all classes), and that is where I think the Sorc tree is lacking alot.


6. Burst damage. My Sorc is a turret rooted to the ground pew-pewing...ermm, I mean, zap-zapping people from afar. That is all well and good, until a Guardian notices my antics and melts my face. If we could have more mobile abilities, our survivability would increase becuase we can hit people while running from Melee classes for dear life instead of feebling standing in one spot trying to spam Force Lightning before being beheaded.

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Some ideas for each spec for each of the specs.


- Force speed removes roots and makes you immune for the duration.

-Thrash and saber strike both benefit from willpower, not just strength

-shock gains 15% additional critical chance on targets below 30% health


Madness spec only

- Increased dot damage overall but shorter durations and add a 3 second cd to affliction to stop multidotting (will not increase overalll pve damage much due to less time to spam cast force lightning) and crushing darkness becomes internal damage. Creeping terror has 6% chance per tick to activate your wrath proc.


- Passive: Thrash has 100% chance to make your next force slow root for 1.5 seconds and apply a dot that deals a moderate amount of damage on that target over 8 seconds. Lightning strike cast via wrath does 50% more damage overall and increases dot crit chance on that target by 5%. (puts lightning strike on cd for 8 seconds)


- Defensive Cd: Passive: removes the force regeneration penalty from consumption. On use Increases force regeneration by 150%. Additionally reduces damage taken by 25%, increases healing received overall by 15% and all current dot ticks activate parasitism for the next 8 seconds.



Lightning spec only

- Force lightning now slows its targets by 80% and has a 30% chance per tick to make your next thundering blast uninteruptable and do 35% more damage. (15 second internal cd)


- Passive: Overload knocks its targets 10 meters further back and roots for 3 seconds but does not break on damage. Adds lightning energy to your trash decreasing the targets armor by 20%(lasts 6 seconds) for the sorcerer's attacks and making your next lightning strike instant cast.


- Storm master (lightning spec only CD) makes force storm instant cast and require no channel. 1.5 min cd



Corruption spec only

- healing tree CD . reduces damage your taken by 30% and increases your armor rating by 100%. usable while stunned. 2 min cd


- gives affliction a 5 second cd. Your affliction now slows its target by 70% for 5 seconds and reduces its target's damage by 5%


- New ability: Reduces a targets kinetic/energy damage taken by 20%, cool down is increased by 10 seconds if used on yourself. (30 second cd)

Edited by AdmiralParmesan
additional information. tried to make it more clear
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Re-arrange trees: By placing Madness (No CD on FL) and Force Effusion on the first tier we've instantly solved the Madness spec's force management, which indirectly ups it''s dps by allowing more shocks and high-cost attacks, and made Lightning a bit more viable by adding a no-CD filler ability.


If it was up to me we'd go back to pre-1.2 settings but that's probably never going to happen so I wouldnt mind a slight dps buff. Some might argue against this but since there's no delicate balance it's worth a shot. Even with a 5-20% buff, depending on ability, we wouldnt see sorcs "burning" people down like other classes can at the moment. Good sorcs would obviously look even better on the scoreboard but that's never a good reflection of actual input.


Keep electrocute and overload as they are (pre1.4)

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1) I agree to change creeping terror to a faster acting DOT that does the same amount or slightly more damage. Right now it does damage over 15 seconds and gives you a 2 second root every nine seconds. If you change it to it ticking every second for five or six ticks, it would give madness sorcs some form of burst. Now to balance this the cooldown would be increased to the 12-15 second range. Also the root should be increased by one second. This would also have the advantage of making death field use a bit more strategic to take advantage of a crushing darkness/creeping terror combo.


2) Make Thundering Blast uninterruptable.


3) Rework Sith Defiance. Right now it's two points you can put in to reduce damage by 2 percent. I would suggest that it be talented to reduce the lockout duration of static barrier that is cast on yourself by 1 second per point. With the two piece set bonus, it would allow you to cast static barrier on yourself once every 15 seconds.

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Pretty good suggestions overall, now here is what I would like to see.


Creeping terror reworked, CT roots Target 2s does damage over 15s blah. Blah "in addition" if creeping terror is active on the current Target when re applied it now roots 4s and deals damage equal to the remaining duration of the dot.(1-2k)


Deathmark reworked. If deathfield is applied to a Target with active dots,now does 5% more damage for each dot applied(only up to 15%)

If deathfield is applied to a Target with no active dots, now heals for 5% up to three targets and roots targets for 2s.(in addition to the current deathmark)


Meaning you could now do decent burst to your single Target while gaining 5-10% heal from off targets and adding another much needed root. As anyone who plays sorc knows it takes far to little skill to sit in our face as a melee compard to how much effort it actually takes to kite melee classes.(if the melee knows how to play its near impossible) this is coming from a 3k rwz rated sorc.


I posted these suggestions because they would effect pvp and pve without hurting either one.

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Force Regeneration -- I can't spare a single hitpoint in competitive PvP, especially ranked WZs, for force regeneration.


Defensive Cooldown -- Either a buff to Static Barrier or some other defensive ability to make survival more likely (not an "I Win" button), especially in ranked WZs were healers are targeted first.


Mobility -- After 1.4, Sorcs will be second to Assissins in force speed thanks to the five second Force Speed cooldown reduction that Sins can get with talents. The reduction of force speed to 20 second CD is great but we either need to be on par with Sin or have some other means of mobility with the expenditure of talent points perhaps increased duration of Force Speed or a non-offensive leap ability like levitation.

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Some ideas for each spec for each of the specs.


- Force speed removes roots and makes you immune for the duration.

-Thrash and saber strike both benefit from willpower, not just strength

-shock gains 15% additional critical chance on targets below 30% health


Madness spec only

- Increased dot damage overall but shorter durations and add a 3 second cd to affliction to stop multidotting (will not increase overalll pve damage much due to less time to spam cast force lightning) and crushing darkness becomes internal damage. Creeping terror has 6% chance per tick to activate your wrath proc.


- Passive: Thrash has 100% chance to make your next force slow root for 1.5 seconds and apply a dot that deals a moderate amount of damage on that target over 8 seconds. Lightning strike cast via wrath does 50% more damage overall and increases dot crit chance on that target by 5%. (puts lightning strike on cd for 8 seconds)


- Defensive Cd: Passive: removes the force regeneration penalty from consumption. On use Increases force regeneration by 150%. Additionally reduces damage taken by 25%, increases healing received overall by 15% and all current dot ticks activate parasitism for the next 8 seconds.



Lightning spec only

- Force lightning now slows its targets by 80% and has a 30% chance per tick to make your next thundering blast uninteruptable and do 35% more damage. (15 second internal cd)


- Passive: Overload knocks its targets 10 meters further back and roots for 3 seconds but does not break on damage. Adds lightning energy to your trash decreasing the targets armor by 20%(lasts 6 seconds) for the sorcerer's attacks and making your next lightning strike instant cast.


- Storm master (lightning spec only CD) makes force storm instant cast and require no channel. 1.5 min cd



Corruption spec only

- healing tree CD . reduces damage your taken by 30% and increases your armor rating by 100%. usable while stunned. 2 min cd


- gives affliction a 5 second cd. Your affliction now slows its target by 70% for 5 seconds and reduces its target's damage by 5%


- New ability: Reduces a targets kinetic/energy damage taken by 20%, cool down is increased by 10 seconds if used on yourself. (30 second cd)


seriously why are you trying to get me to use my melee attacks. I have no want to use them. it is pointless. I have no want to be 4 meters from a melee toon unless being forced to.

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seriously why are you trying to get me to use my melee attacks. I have no want to use them. it is pointless. I have no want to be 4 meters from a melee toon unless being forced to.


Don't hate on a guy for trying...he had some good ideas and tbh that root one wasn't half bad, any good sorc knows you won't have max range on melee at all times this would raise the skillcap on our class and add some pretty cool mechanics.

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Increased damage on lightning overall. Make TB crit or insta cast with a proc. Madness damage increase via CL. Buff it to its original state. Bring back hybrid spec. Ill be content with damage increases at least. But Bioware made Sorcs a support class since Sorcs, on paper, and practice, do lower overall damage, and are squishy.
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Make lightning talent increase damage by 3/6/9 instead of 1/2/3%, also make every fourth lightning strike give a proc making the next thundering blast instant cast and deal 20% more damage(20 second internal CD). Tb does crap for damage anyways...its sad that our 31 point in the lightning tree hits for 500-1500 less then our 10 point madness talent.


Now let's look at the facts, my sorcerer has about 945 bonus damage give or take

****Thundering blast**** is the 31 point lightning talent

Has a 1.5-2s cast time based on alacrity and current buffs

Hits only single target

Talents giving bonus increase critical damage don't stack with surge past 100%(awful talent design)meaning say on my sorc where I have 78% surge and the talent gives an increase of (10/20/30/40/50%) critical damage increase. Meaning I am getting 28% unused critical damage increase from talents.

Hits anywhere from 3.5-4k on full Aug/warhero players(4.5-5k if very lucky and player has low expertise)


****Deathfield**** is the 10 point madness talent

Instant cast

Hits up to three targets and based on spec makes your dots do more damage and heal slightly

Hits anywhere from 4-5k(up to three targets) in full aug/warhero(5-6k if very lucky and player has low expertise)


Now you tell me what you think.

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****Deathfield**** is the 10 point madness talent

Instant cast

Hits up to three targets and based on spec makes your dots do more damage and heal slightly

Hits anywhere from 4-5k(up to three targets) in full aug/warhero(5-6k if very lucky and player has low expertise)


Now you tell me what you think.


I am full optimized warhero, and deathfield crits are never more than 5k, and that's against 0 expertise. I'm lucky if they crit for 3.5-4k against full wh players, and a fair bit less if it doesn't crit.


And not much point comparing DF to TB, AOE vs Single target. DF should be compared to Chain Lightning - which can hit more than 3 players. You should be comparing TB to Creeping Terror.



If sorcs were fine before they aren't now for various reasons.


1) DoT damage takes too long to do full damage, they need to do the same damage in half the time PvP wise. People's HPs have gone up considerably thanks to WH and Augs. Where you used to see 16k you now see 20k+ on players. This really hurts DPS sorcs that need burst to finish someone, and what a surprise we don't have an execute move either.

2) AoEs are comparatively low damage, and it's sad have to use an AOE to get our highest single target burst too, so Thundering Blast and Creeping Terror really do need a huge buff.

3) The DPS trees are badly designed, with not much synergy. We don't have an armour dedbuff. Madness instant Whirlwind white bars people (compare a scoundrel/agent aoe mez, 5 people instant and 8s) we have to talent ours to make it instant. Madness has crappy parasitsm in second tier and one below CT, when we really need DOT buffing talents. Suppose DoTs on a subject with an active deathmark were auto-crits for instance.


But it's been pointed out a MILLION times how and why sorc DPS is woeful with possible solutions, but because it looks super awesome on the scoreboard padded out with ineffectual AOE damage Bioware think Sorcs are OP, so we get our stun ranged nerfed (yay run into melee range? like seriously?) and our changed overload will never hit a competent melee player, and our kiting got a big hit.


I'm really depressed over how Bioware have screwed over sorcs, as its the character I love playing the most, but come 1.4 I'll only be playing my sin in PvP.

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