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~ * ~ Vanity Pets Guide ~ * ~


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Due to the old one not being updated in a long while, I offered to remake it as to keep up to date with pets for those who care. If you have no interest in pets...well, don't post :p No reason to flame or anything, okay? Please also do not troll the thread. This really is to help people and false information is just...never helpful.


For research threads, there are The Orobird Thread, Tauntaun Thread, and Other Misc. Pets. However, you're welcome to research here instead too :) Mostly those are there to read through or archives--however, the Tauntaun Thread has a lovely list of people who can make the Ice Scrabbler Jerky for you! If you would like to make any suggestions related to Vanity Pets, I'd recommend posting them over here~ Now, onto the guide.




Store Pets

Little Sandcrawler - Can be bought from the Light Side Vendor on the fleet for 25,000 Credits. Requires Light III to activate (though, can be bought (and used once activated) regardless of alignment level).

Hutt Observer - Can be bought from the Collector's Edition Vendor on the fleet for 25,000 Credits. Requires Collector's Edition and VIP Lounge Wristband to access the store.

Interrogation Droid - Can be bought from the Dark Side Vendor on the fleet for 25,000 Credits. Requires Dark III to activate (though, can be bought (and used once activated) regardless of alignment level).

Mouse Droid - Can be bought from the Security Key Vendor on the fleet for 25,000 Credits. Requires Security Key to access the store.

The Czerka Eye - Can be bought from the Social Vendor on Hoth and Belsavis for 25,000 Credits. Requires Social Level 7 to purchase and activate.

Taunta - Can be bought from the Collector's Edition Vendor on the fleet for 200,000 Credits. Requires Collector's Edition and VIP Lounge Wristband to access the store.

Lawgriffarl - Can be bought from the PVP Items Vendor on the fleet for 1,000 Ranked Commendations and 2,000 Warzone Commendations. Requires Rank 70 Valor.

Lobelisk - Can be bought from the PVP Items Vendor on the fleet for 1,000 Ranked Commendations and 2,000 Warzone Commendations. Requires Rank 70 Valor.

Gree Data Core – Can be bought from the Gree Reputation Vendor during the Relics of the Gree recurring event for 50,000 Credits if your reputation rank is atleast Newcomer.

Miniature Gray Secant – Can be bought from the Gree Reputation Vendor during the Relics of the Gree recurring event for 50,000 Credits if your reputation rank is Legend.

Baby Drouk – Can be bought from the Section X Reputation Vendor for 250,000 Credits if your reputation rank is Friend.


Drop Pets

M0-GUL Thrall Droid - Dropped from Karagga the Unyielding in Karagga’s Palace/Hutt Hospitality on normal and hard. It is a “rare” drop. However, it has a higher chance to drop on Nightmare mode and has a chance to drop on most of the bosses in that difficulty.

Taunling - Summoned from a Exotic Animal Crate which drops from Gargath, one of the world bosses on Hoth.

Midnight Rakling - Dropped from bosses in Lost Island Hard Mode. (Has not been confirmed to not drop in normal mode as, well, nobody is really doing normal mode so can't really be checked)

Orosquab - Hatched from a Mysterious Egg. Mysterious Eggs are dropped from bosses in Lost Island Hard Mode. (Has not been confirmed to not drop in normal mode as, well, nobody is really doing normal mode so can't really be checked)

Deep Wriggler - Dropped from the final boss in Terror from Beyond. May be hard mode only.

Dwedtoof – Dropped from Dreadtooth on 5+ Stacks. (Requires Friend Rank with Section X to activate)

L1-L Defender – Dropped from Ancient Gree Defender, who will sometimes spawn instead of Ancient Gree Destroyer, and Hard Mode Xenoanalyst II. (Requires Friend Rank with the Gree to activate)

Desert Kell Drake - Chance to drop from Dread Master Styrak in Scum and Villainy.


Adventure Pets

Orokeet - Hatched from an Unusual Egg. Unusual Eggs can be found in nests on Alderaan, Taris (Republic Only), and Balmorra (Imperial Only) with a 4 hour respawn time. Each pair of nests shares the respawn timer so once 4 hours is up, it can appear in either nest regardless of which nest it was taken from to begin with.

--Alderaan Coordinates: (Please realize every pair shares a spawn timer)

------X: 168, Y: 1836 - Under the broken bridge in the Serene Meadow in Alsakan Lowlands. You need to jump down to a horizontal log from the lower side (Recommended to jump down from the rocks--not the actual broken bridge) and then run across and jump down onto the next.

------X: 215, Y:1787 - Also by the Broken Bridge mentioned above, head to these coordinates and jump straight down to another nest (you should be able to see it when you look down from this spot). Much simpler than the other--though, this jump will take nearly all your health so be sure to be at full health when jumping or if you can, use a cooldown to reduce damage.

------X: 1930, Y: -1451 - Involves you going up a mountain and through a cave all the way around and then jumping down to land on top of the entrance of the cave you entered where the nest is. Also has several enemies (Mostly Killiks) around.

------X: 1825, Y:-1384 – Like the above, but instead jumping above where you exit the cave instead of the entrance.

------X:-2469, Y:-293 - Involves going past House Panteer and climbing up some wreckage. Need to use the MGGS to get to the highest area where the nest is. Will have to run through some enemies.

------X-2517, Y:-301 – Not far from the one above, at X:-2524, Y: -314, look up and to the South East and you will see a Magnetic Stabilizer. Use your MGGS on it and you will be taken up to the nest.

--Taris (Republic Only) Coordinates:

------X: 1363, Y: 75 - These are actually two nests right next to eachother--one to the left of this spot and one to the right (don't worry, it's just a walk!). To get there, you want to climb up the pipe at X: 1182, Y:263. Jump off it and head to your right and around. When you get to the far edge (X: 1104, Y:224), look down to see some metal sticking out and walk onto it and then, jump to the platform across from it (I'd recommend jumping across on a speeder). Then, just head straight back and you'll find the 2 nests up and to the right on the grassy hill.

--Balmorra (Imperial Only) Coordinates:

------X: -1782, Y: 1208 - These nests are near Grandfather in the northern area of his heroic area (To the North East of where he spawns). You'll either need to climb up the rocks and jump down or run through the exhaustion zone to get to them. Like Taris, the nests are across from one another.

Taunlet - At X:834, Y:759 in the area of Glacial Fissure with the volcanoes and stuff. There is a little opening between two sides of the area that you need to go through after using the Ice Scabbler Jerky and getting the buff from it. When you do, a Tauntaun ("Frightened Taunlet") will spawn at the end of the area that you need to click and use the NVSCSS on.

--Quick Tidbit: Unlike the Magenta Crystal, not all people with you in the party/ops are required to have the buff/Ice Scrabbler Jerky--it only spawns the Tauntaun, the NVSCSS is the only thing required to actually capture it so if one person has the buff on, they could let anyone within the hour get it (You may need to run out and back in though if the Tauntaun disappears) as long as the buff doesn't disappear and they haven't gotten their pet yet (so you'd have to get your pet last).


Achievement Pets

MCR-100 Miniprobe - Gotten for completing the hidden achievement "The Droids You’re Looking For" which involves you finding each plants' MCR-99 Droid Reconnaissance.


Gift Pets

Tauntaun Ram - Given to all accounts as a Thank you through Mail on April 25th (30th for users getting their characters transferred), 2012 who had a active subscription for the game by 1PM EST on April 12th or 22nd, 2012.

Gannifari – Gotten from a Loyalty Reward Box that was given to all users as a Thank you through Mail on August 7th, 2012 who were currently subscribed and used the Server Transfer system and/or started on a Destination Server by 12:59AM EST on July 31st, 2012.

Makrin Seedling - Given to anyone who pre-ordered The Rise of the Hutt Cartel Expansion.

J9-BH Mercenary - Gotten for registering and playing Battlefield Heroes and making a new account for SWTOR (Current subscribers can not get these) by April 1st, 2013.

LU-20 Builder - Gotten for registering and playing Lord of Ultima and making a new account for SWTOR (Current subscribers can not get these) by April 1st, 2013.

2C-TA Commander - Gotten for registering and playing Command and Conquer Tiberium Alliances and making a new account for SWTOR (Current subscribers can not get these) by April 1st, 2013.

BF-4F Warrior - Gotten for registering and playing Battlefield Play4Free and making a new account for SWTOR (Current subscribers can not get these) by April 1st, 2013.

N4-SW Runner - Gotten for registering and playing Need for Speed World and making a new account for SWTOR (Current subscribers can not get these) by April 1st, 2013.


Code Pets

Minimech CE - Gotten through the Collector's Edition of SW:TOR.

Taun Fawn - Given through a code handed out during conventions that the SW:TOR Staff visit and Cantina Tours. First given out at PAX East 2012. SW:TOR Convention/Upcoming Events page.

Arctic Manka Lynx - Gotten for redeeming a $20 Cartel Coin Card from Best Buy.

Lobelode - Gotten for redeeming a $20 Cartel Coin Card from GameStop.

Forest Nekarr Cat - Gotten for redeeming a €17 Cartel Coin Card from European Retailers.


Event Pets

Crimson Rakling - Gotten from completing the "Tracking the Origin" Quest during the Rakghoul Pandemic Event on Tatooine.

Pale Rakling - Could be bought from Jeelvic in the Dune Sea for 60 DNA Samples during the Rakghoul Pandemic Event. The samples could be gotten by completing quests and/or exploding from Raghoul disease event on Tatooine. Jeelvic may return in the future (by himself), but unless you have DNA samples saved (or buy from someone) or buy the pet from someone who didn't use theirs, you can not get one at this time.

Lobelot - Could be bought from Shady Dealer in the Lower Promenade for 250 Tokens of Enrichment during the Grand Acquisitions Race and a week after the event ended. The tokens were gotten by completing the event quests and Smuggler's Crates that were spread around during The Grand Aquisitions Race. You also had a chance of getting a Lobelot from a Smuggler's Crate.

Hagnoffarl – Gotten as a reward for completing "The Grand Acquisitions Race" quest during the titular event.

L1-L Scout – Gotten from completing the “The Ancient Gree Relay” Quest during the Relics of the Gree Event. (Requires Friend Rank with the Gree to activate)


Cartel Shop Pets

Ivory Mouse Horranth - Sold in the Cartel Market for 240 Cartel Coins.

Slate Mouse Horranth - Chance to get in the Crime Lord's Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins) and Black Market Cartel Pack (180 Cartel Coins)

Golden Lizardbat - Chance to get in the Crime Lord's Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins) and Black Market Cartel Pack (180 Cartel Coins)

Mountain Lizardbat - Chance to get in the Crime Lord's Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins) and Black Market Cartel Pack (180 Cartel Coins)

Low Atmosphere Miniprobe - Chance to get in the Crime Lord's Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins) and Black Market Cartel Pack (180 Cartel Coins)

Golden-Skinned Vrblet - Chance to get in the Crime Lord's Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins) and Black Market Cartel Pack (180 Cartel Coins)

Fire-Bellied Vrblet - Chance to get in the Crime Lord's Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins) and Black Market Cartel Pack (180 Cartel Coins)

Green-Backed Vrblet - Chance to get in the Crime Lord's Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins) and Black Market Cartel Pack (180 Cartel Coins)

Red-backed Gizka - Chance to get in the Crime Lord's Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins) and Black Market Cartel Pack (180 Cartel Coins)

Ruddyscale Kowakian Monkey-lizard - Chance to get in the Crime Lord's Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins) and Black Market Cartel Pack (180 Cartel Coins)

Tundra Nekarr Cat – Chance to get in the Blockade Runner’s Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Mottled Blurrg – Chance to get in the Blockade Runner’s Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Speckled Blurrg – Chance to get in the Blockade Runner’s Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Lurker Blurrg – Chance to get in the Blockade Runner’s Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Micro-Patroller Droid – Chance to get in the Blockade Runner’s Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Micro-Defender Droid – Chance to get in the Blockade Runner’s Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Micro-Aggressor Droid – Chance to get in the Blockade Runner’s Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Green-Spotted Gizka – Chance to get in the Blockade Runner’s Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Desert Nekarr Cat - Chance to get in the Skip Tracer Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

White Womp Weasel - Chance to get in the Skip Tracer Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Black Womp Weasel - Chance to get in the Skip Tracer Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Brown Womp Weasel - Chance to get in the Skip Tracer Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Killik Drone Larva - Chance to get in the Skip Tracer Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Blue-Speckled Gizka - Chance to get in the Skip Tracer Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Sub-Zero Mini Probe - Chance to get in the Skip Tracer Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Model Dominion Starfighter - Chance to get in the Skip Tracer Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Model Liberator Starfighter - Chance to get in the Skip Tracer Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Model Redeemer Starfighter - Chance to get in the Skip Tracer Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Model Supremacy Starfighter - Chance to get in the Skip Tracer Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Flamehair Kowakian Monkey-lizard - Chance to get in the Skip Tracer Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins). You can also get it from a Cantina Tour Code.

Forest Lizardbat - Chance to get in the Space Pirate Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Shadow Nekarr Cat - Chance to get in the Space Pirate Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Killik Assassin Larva - Chance to get in the Space Pirate Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Killik Queen Larva - Chance to get in the Space Pirate Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Model Terminus Destroyer - Chance to get in the Space Pirate Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Model Thranta Corvette - Chance to get in the Space Pirate Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Mossy Mouse Horranth - Chance to get in the Space Pirate Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Sablefur Kowakian Monkey-Lizard - Chance to get in the Space Pirate Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Toxic Environment Miniprobe - Chance to get in the Space Pirate Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Lunar Wriggler – Chance to get in the Space Pirate Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

Stellar Wriggler – Chance to get in the Space Pirate Cartel Pack (360 Cartel Coins).

GS-1 Sentry Droid - Chance to get in the Enforcer's Contraband Pack (320 Cartel Coins) and Regulator's Contraband Pack (160 Cartel Coins)

Model X-70 Phantom - Chance to get in the Enforcer's Contraband Pack (320 Cartel Coins) and Regulator's Contraband Pack (160 Cartel Coins)

SP-RO Power Droid - Chance to get in the Enforcer's Contraband Pack (320 Cartel Coins) and Regulator's Contraband Pack (160 Cartel Coins)

Sublime Blurrg - Chance to get in the Enforcer's Contraband Pack (320 Cartel Coins) and Regulator's Contraband Pack (160 Cartel Coins)

Venomcrest Lylek - Chance to get in the Enforcer's Contraband Pack (320 Cartel Coins) and Regulator's Contraband Pack (160 Cartel Coins)

BL-N3 Power Droid - Chance to get in the Vice Commandant’s Contraband Pack (320 Cartel Coins)

Bloodhusk Lylek - Chance to get in the Vice Commandant’s Contraband Pack (320 Cartel Coins)

Model XS Freighter - Chance to get in the Vice Commandant’s Contraband Pack (320 Cartel Coins)

Striated Wriggler - Chance to get in the Archon’s Contraband Pack (320 Cartel Coins)

Nefarious Blurrg - Chance to get in the Archon’s Contraband Pack (320 Cartel Coins)

Slateshard Lylek - Chance to get in the Archon’s Contraband Pack (320 Cartel Coins)

Ebon-Wing Flutterplume - Chance to get in the Archon’s Contraband Pack (320 Cartel Coins)

CH-R1 Power Droid - Chance to get in the Archon’s Contraband Pack (320 Cartel Coins)

Model B28 Extinction-Class Bomber - Chance to get in the Archon’s Contraband Pack (320 Cartel Coins)




How to hatch an Orobird Egg

To hatch the Orobird Egg, you need to go to Tatooine. From there, you want to:

1. Get the Water buff from a Water Vaporator. (There's some right near the taxi area in Anchorhead and one right in the middle of the second town on the Imperial Side).

2. Head to the Czerka Archaeological Site in the Dune Sea and go behind it (At about -2410 by -335). There will be a bunch of solar panels and behind one, an odd machine that has solar panels facing inside.

3. Go under the strange machine and stay there until your egg hatches. It will then turn into an exhaustion zone (and take away the water buff) once the egg has hatched and you will need to run out.


Only hatch ONE EGG AT A TIME or it can glitch.


How to get Ice Scrabbler Jerky

Besides someone making it for you, you can get the schematic from:

1. The final bosses in Kaon Under Siege HM

2. Snowblind, one of the Hoth World Bosses. (He also can sometimes drop the jerky himself)

3. Gargath, the other Hoth World Boss.

4. Primal Destroyer, the Belsavis World Boss.


You can reverse engineer the jerky (if it drops) to try and learn the schematic, however, you can not reverse engineer one made for you. The recipe requires 300 Biochem to learn and uses the following ingredients:

1. 4x Cosmic Trace Particle - Grade 4 Biochem Compound

2. 4x Inert Virus - Grade 4 Biochem Sample

3. Ice Scrabbler Liver - Random drop from various mobs on Hoth and Ilum.

4. 2x Pickled Space Worm - Can be bought in the cantina on Balmorra and Hoth for 350 Credits each.

5. Ice Fern - Can be found and gathered by anyone on Hoth. Respawns every 30 minutes.


------X:-3085, Y:-1756

------X:897, Y:799

------X:-2823, Y:193

------X:-442, Y:81


Where to get the NVSCSS and MGGS

The NVSCCS and MGGS are both sold at the same place and by the same person, Lain-Ricie on Alderaan. You can find her in the Juran Mountains at X: 1870, Y: 109. The NVSCCS costs 5,000 each and the MGGS costs 10,000 credits. The NVSCCS is a useable item and you can buy multiples (which stack up to 5). The MGGS is a permanent item, but is unique so you can not have more than one at a time.




If you are on The Shadowlands and are having some trouble with coordinates or need some help, I am always willing to help :) Just send me (Marilea) a whisper or mail OR try joining the pets channel: /cjoin Pets



Possible Upcoming Pets

PLEASE REALIZE THESE ARE NOT CONFIRMED TO BE OUT. There are no definite that they are now available or will be in a specific patch. For example, the White Lightsaber Crystal has been in the patch data for a long time.


1.2 Data Dump and Mentioned in Patch Notes



Wonderous Egg - Orochick


1.4 Data Dump


Once again, triplets seem a big theme (Only one that doesn't have 3 is Nekarr Cat with 4) and while we still have no idea what's going on with the Wonderous Egg/Orochick and have no clue if the Lobelode can be gotten (would be the first pet not to be available in the patch it was put in)... it's still quite a bit. I won't be adding these to the Pet List until more are found, but for now, it's something to think about.


Anyway, onto the list:

Manka Lynx: (#10 in Data Dump)




Lylek: (#1 in Data Dump)





Flutterplume (#7 in Data Dump)





The only ones not mentioned from the Data Dump were the Akk Dog and Wraid/Lobel. Similarly, Lizard Bat and Nekarr Cat were not mentioned either so there is a chance the Lizard Bat and Nekarr Cat just share similar models with the former.


Regardless, I do think most of these aren't out yet (if any) and several will be for Free to Play as many of the items included in the dump seemed like things for the Cartel Shop and future quests and things.


And since it has been confirmed a pet will drop from NM EC, do you think any one of these pets could be it?


1.6 Data Dump

Crested Orokeet

Edited by Jenemi
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------In 16-man Normal and HM, the Orobirds are missing (supposedly 8-man HM too, but I've heard mixed results on this so not sure!) and maybe if you find the Orobirds, you find a nest/an egg?


I can 100% confirm that the Orobirds are missing from their normal SM location in 8-man HM. Exploring the instance has still not been fruitful, unfortunately. I'm wondering if they might make it drop from Kephess when Nightmare Mode comes out, but that's pure speculation on my part.


I've set up a Google Alert for "orochick" and both "wondrous egg" and "wonderous egg", so hopefully I will see any information that does surface very quickly :p


I've also just asked on Reddit if anyone knows how to get it.

Edited by Telanis
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I can 100% confirm that the Orobirds are missing from their normal SM location in 8-man HM. Exploring the instance has still not been fruitful, unfortunately. I'm wondering if they might make it drop from Kephess when Nightmare Mode comes out, but that's pure speculation on my part.


I've set up a Google Alert for "orochick" and both "wondrous egg" and "wonderous egg", so hopefully I will see any information that does surface very quickly :p


I've also just asked on Reddit if anyone knows how to get it.


Thanks, Telanis :) So 3/4...I can't help but wonder if that really does have anything to do with it--especially as 8 man and 16 man share lockouts anyway. Regardless, I did a full exploration of 16-man HM EC and found nothing, but feel free to see if you notice anything. As for maybe not until Nightmare, the thing there is why mention the egg if it can't even be obtained yet and also, customer service did say someone has one...but who knows :(


Hopefully :)


darthstinji - Trust me, we're trying.

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Sorry for misinformation, I got the drop for the the jerky recipe from Kaon Under Siege HM last boss fight. Not from Battle of Ilum HM, I recalled wrong, appologies.


It's alright :) Thank you for letting us known!

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Thank you guys so much :D Yeah, I really hope the Wonderous/Wondrous Egg issue gets solved. And if it really ends up being any way besides "drops from Kephess on HM EC", I'm going to be quite frustrated.


imperialmerc - Hehe, I have trouble enough getting any other characters up to 50 :p Though, speaking of Canderous Ordo, someone in the reddit that Telanis made said there has been (or was in the past, not sure) one that showed up on the GTN. Could you check your GTN or try asking around to see if anyone knows more information?

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I'll check in about 15 minutes. The Rakling has never dropped for me and the egg has only dropped once but luck was not in my favor giving it to someone else.


Alright :) Thanks.


It seems to be very luck of the draw. I've seen the Midnight Rakling drop 3 times (I lost the first time--won the second), but never the Mysterious Egg (though, many of my friends have. I ended up buying mine).

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I got 8 of them now. The good thing is that unlike the hatched pet who is Bound, the egg can be traded so now I can store some more for future characters :p


Yeah :) All 3 types of Eggs, the Pale Rakling, and the Ice Scrabbler Jerky can be traded~ (As can the schematic, NVSCSS, and MGGS :p)

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Tonight a guildie said a friend of his got it, and he thinks it dropped from the birds in EC SM. I asked him if he could confirm exact details. I killed all the birds tonight with no luck, though it was after we had finished the op. I also explored some more and found a way to get to the upper area bordering the main path, just after the second tunnel (before the waterfall), but nothing interesting was there.
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