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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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TL;DR version:

1. More solo level 50 content.

2. Respawn timers on mobs and objectives being the same

3. Appearance customisation



1. At level 50 it feels like all I have to do are dailies or group up for HM FPs or Ops. I love running Ops (and FPs to a lesser extent) but its really painful to find 8 people in the middle of the day to run with. Please note that I DO NOT want cross-server queues. I could deal with small groups of servers queuing together but I would not like FFA queuing. Dailies and waiting bore me, so atm I'm just leveling alts and only going on my mains when there are 60+ people on fleet or guild runs happening.


2. When running BH dailies (once a week), I can fight a respawned mob 4 times before the quest objective they are guarding respawns. Especially bad when freeing Drall Engineers. I can understand the mob respawn timer being shorter, but they shouldn't respawn more than once before the objective respawns... This is particularly bad when there are 40+ people in BH right after weekly reset. Preferably the respawn timers on objectives would be shortened.


3. From about level 30 I had Slave Girl top and Formal Dress legs on my Assassin with updating mods. I really like this look and so do lots of people who complimented me on it. However now that I'm a 50 I have to give up my set bonus to keep the look. I can get 2 piece set bonus (hidden head and boots) but the 4 piece ruins my look. I know once I get chest/legs/hands Campaign armouring I'll be fine but that's a fair way away.

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1. Faster Speeder Bikes. After watching the awesome bikes on the forest of Endor growing up it feels like my speeders are stuck with training wheels. This is my biggest biggest pet peeve. That paper cuts thread in which issues aren't super a big deal but detract from experience this is is for me.


2. Way way more Appearance options. Let me unify colours of my set to piece of my choosing not just my chest. More varied appearances in general. I don't want to look like a Trooper clone as a Bounty Hunter, I don't want a ball gown as a brutal Sith Lord. This is a big one even from roll playing options. This is my number two pet peeve. It's a shame that my favorite armour set is all the way back on Hutta.


3. Dual Spec ability. I main a Merc and I hate not having a fall back ability to switch to a healing spec in a pinch. I don't want to heal all the time or even often but sometimes when the healer drops out or trying to find people for a Heroic if I could drop my spec to healing it would help so much. This is my number one real game play gripe.

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1) A few more planets. I dislike having to level through the same old content for the 3rd and 4th time on my alts. It really puts a drag on the Legacy system which is otherwise pretty rewarding. We should have alternative paths to level through. You could make a really high level area on the new planets for max level players too, to justify the development.


2) Updates to the Collector's Edition Store. Honestly, it is really frustrating. I argue for putting a couple old speeders that are no longer available in that store (Korrellis please!). Of course, many options are available. The same can be said of the Security Key Vendor and the VIP Vendor. They all need regular updates.


3) More cosmetic character customization for sure. I'd start with just a good deal more models for chest pieces, helms, and pants. Plus, make it less restrictive to change your look. Swapping out loads of mods is both time consuming and expensive!

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  • At least 4 new Huttball maps
  • Cross Server WZ Queue's
  • Ranked Huttball matches



  • Challenging World Bosses that drop Unique and Powerful gear for players to compete over
  • Space. Guild Ships/Space-to-land pvp warzones and operations/True 3D space combat
  • Endgame operations bosses that drop Unique and Powerful gear for downing that certain boss.


These things might of stopped me from buying gw2



optimize the terrible engine or replace it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fix that god dm bugs.

provide cross server(region) LFG to prevent servers die again.


restore world pvp, at least let 25ppl vs 25 without any LAG.

remove endgame pvp gear grinding, instead of using lv10~49pvp system.


remove endgame gear grinding,

change all ops drops all can exchange from daily comms.

more story line, not just junk events.

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1. Character transfers to servers we WANT and MORE CHARACTER SLOTS per server.

2. New character customizations (hair, tattooes, makeup, gear, COLOR PALETTE to change gear)

3. Mini games that give us reasons to interact with one another or revisit earlier planets (pazaak, sabacc, pod/speeder racing, etc)

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PvP suggestions:


1) PvP gear stat distribution. An original design goal was that gear should have less than a 5% effect in PvP. That is not the case when looking at recruit gear vs full augmented war hero gear. Please even out stat distribution so that a recruit geared player at least has chance against full augmented war hero when the skill level of the recruit player is better.


2) Allow Battlemaster gear to be purchased before level 50 (even if through legacy). I have to buy useless items with my warzone commendations pre50, then have to earn most of my battlemaster gear once I hit 50 anyways. Making this simple change will partially help point #1. If you are worried about time to play for earning PvP gear, I think you will lose more fresh 50s in recruit gear when they are bumped into the 50 bracket than the decreased time to BM gear if you make this change.


3) Make the resolve bar go up when rooted in traps in huttball. While roots are part of the kite mechanics and should not normally increase resolve, I feel the roots and snares in huttball are used very differently around traps, making for frustrating and incredibly low time-to-kills.

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1. More medium robe options for Sentinels and Marauders, especially Marauders who currently have 2 hooded robe looks, one being the pvp armor, one being the Xenotech Weaponmaster's Vest. Check out this thread if you need references about the state of Sith Marauder armor. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=72909

2. chat bubbles. This would make RPing in large groups easier.

3. and chair to work. the current sit position is not that great.

Edited by Phylok
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1. Open space combat, never played JTL but I like the space combat from BF2 alot...something like it can't be that difficult.


2. Dual Spec


3. Enhancement exp...after max level you have a reason to still play your main...nothing crazy but something like an extra specialization point for a weeks worth of playing at 50.

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1. Advancing of class stories, or give each class a final pve quest that may be FP related to earn a decent tier of pre-op gear or another desireable item. I present exhibit A, purple crystal for sabers, etc. I mean really the costs on these things are way too outrageous. Enough said there.


2. Transfer of characters to destinations of our choosing. Its not going to off set balance/population by more than 1 character/person at a time.


3. Cut cost of modding to armor.

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3 only.. tough one..


1 - JTL-ish (SWG) / 3D space sim

2 - Spacecraft as housing, exterior/interior customization (+ let us chose which craft to use, add new ones)

3 - Sandboxy and rp features in general (emotes, sitting in chairs, char custom, comp custom, comp removal!)

- sorry but I dont like any of my consular comps.. perhaps that holosexual one for the weirdness..


oh and of/c my always included..

- remove the focus from Rakata or just annihilate them.. pretty please..

- remove Voss as a whole (use one of the "gazillion" doomsday/super-weapons...)

- remove Esh-Kah


- make it more Star Warsy and WAY less fantasy.. what's up with all the colors in force power.. it removes the "mysticism" and coolness about it.. this is not, NOT fantasy! :rak_03:

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Only 3? Hmmm... Ok


In Third place: Dual Spec

In at number two: Space PvP / Open space like J2LS

And, at Number one today: Massive PVP warzones (40vs40 - just like Old Vanilla Alterac Valley would be nice)


Thanks for paying attention Allison! ^^

Edited by djmothra
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1. mini-games (pazaak, swoop racing etc.) with titles, rankings and rewards (buffs xp, credit, crafting, etc) that change monthly

2. RvRvR - 3 factions is soooooo much more fun in PvP

3. Jump to Lightspeed styled space missions (Open space PvP zone)

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And, at Number one today: Massive PVP warzones (40vs40 - just like Alterac Valley would be nice)


I prefer Alterac Valley in the early days of WoW... not the AV of today... 12-16 hour AV matches were awesome. But, even with that said, I prefer the constant Keep battles of DAoC over the manufactured battles of a BG.

Edited by Kahldor
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I prefer Alterac Valley in the early days of WoW... not the AV of today... 12-16 hour AV matches were awesome. But, even with that said, I prefer the constant Keep battles of DAoC over the manufactured battles of a BG.


Totally agree...edited my OP to reflect this - thx ^^

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Coop space missions that have real rewards and gear upgrades for your characters. Includes updated scoreboards so you can see where you stand against other groups.


Side games like swoop racing and pazzak.


More PvP incentives and WZs.

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