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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1. Being able to name your ship. You can do it in the SW universe, you should be able to do it here.

2. Customized lightsabers. Hilt, design, crystal, etc.

3. GORE! If you're 18, you should be able to click a button and lop off an arm with your lightsaber. How that's managed, I don't know but it'd be cool.

4. Possible starship manual control to planets and who knows what you find on the way.

5. "Personal touches" to the interior of your starship. You want hanging dice, it's yours!

6. MORE SPECIES!!! If I want to play as a Mon Calamari Juggernaut, a Gand Bounty Hunter or a Meerian (Hammerhead), Consular I should be able to.

7. More planets.

8. A possible HQ/home on any planet as long as I have the dough-ray-me to pay for it. Plus guards and/or turrets of course.


Edited by DudeSweat
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Free moving Space missions and better ship builds - (SWG JTL type) cookie cutter stuff isnt good

RVR type deal

Capital starships for guilds - something that was promised and yet not seen ingame

Space PVP.


This is Star Wars not ground wars. Let us duke it out in space.


Yes!!! That'd be ultra cool!

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1. Shorter cool down on quick travel.

2. RvR (or ideally RvRvR).

3. 300% plus speed increase mounts! as i hate slow riding :(


Maybe they will sell the 300% mounts in the shop.


Only thing with RvR though is you need more than 2 factions or it could be unbalanced as people will run to the winning side leaving one side OP

Shorter cool down on everything!

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Beeing able to run with 3 comps out in HCs and FPs. LFG is a fickle ***** sometimes even as a tank...not to mention all the "ignore"-food you come across.


Color matching/hood control also for comps. Hood control for main. And fix the lightsaber out prob with comps. It worked long after release why not now? Roll back a subroutine ffs.


Legacy crafting mats bank sharing for all my chars.


Datacrons shared in legacy.


Thats the most important stuff for me anyho.


Datacrons in Legacy would be ideal.

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An option (available to the player only if he/she wants it) to give DPS companions another role, like a tank or healer, rather than two different DPS/attack stances where the choice between the two is meaningless.


Right now all tank and healer companions have a DPS mode, though it's still not as good as a DPS companion in that role, there's some flexibility there that might suit the player better. That's what I'd like to see for DPS companions. So it's easier to bring along the companion of my choice, and not just go with the healer or whoever matches my own character's role best.

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1. Dual-spec

2. Less focus on money at end-game, particularly for legacy unlocks.

3. Variety in the dailies. Bigger pool of missions, random selection of which ones you get each day.


People still asking for dual spec huh.


I like the idea of randomness on dailies but you know people will complain that so and so friend has this group of dailies not the same as them. The whine fest will be at its worse. But i like the idea.


I agree the leagcy should be based more on what you character has done other than how much creds you spend.


Base it upon finish this line of long and boring quest you get this. Finish all this planet and you get this. Kill every raid boss and you get this. Not the ooh your this level spend 50 mil creds and you get to now have your compnaion dance with you.

Edited by bravotwentysev
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1) Something better than stupid dailies (already suggested a system like the mission terminals from Anarchy Online)


2) Far Far Far better customizations (and plenty of them), what we have is a pitiful joke( barbershop to change ingame for yourself and companions, changing anything except gender, species and bodytype)


3) Ability to get 1-3 companions to do the heroics/flashpoints, or a solo mode for them.


4) More story, new areas to explore. Full blown companion story (except of just the first one). Full 6-7 quests arch for each companion at 50 and 10k affection (full set of the best pve armor for that companion)


5) SGR + npc romance if you don't like the companion option.

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1. The ability to toggle to the original combat effects while in pve, so that they're as they were before they were adjusted to be more informational for pvp. I get why they did that. You need to know what people are doing at a glance in pvp, but having a target on the ground when a sorcerer casts, or some of the equally nonsensical effects that were added are pretty lame in pve, especially when one rps. It would be nice to be able to turn that off.


2. Story intensive fps and end game side quests. Flashpoints are disappointingly free of story content. I get why that is, too. A lot of people spacebar through dialogue anyway, but to me, the story elements are the only reason for doing things. More complex and story driven fps/side quests shouldn't replace fast runs for people in a hurry, but should be available for people who are here for stories and rp so there's end game content for both types of player.


3. More body types, especially for the female characters. There simply is no equivalent to male body type 2 for females--fit, leanly muscular and athletic--a kind of heroic normal. It's ok for females to have muscles in their arms and not be all about ***** and butts. Female body type 3 is simply inexplicable. How is it possible to have such massively muscular thighs while never picking up anything heavier than a twinkie??


addendum--I really don't want to see people moving significantly faster than we do now. It already looks fairly impossible, at least when on foot.

Edited by errant_knight
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Despite all the nonsense, still need:


1. A launcher that works for all the peeps.


2. FPS at a reasonable level for all the peeps.


3. Packet handling that eliminates the 9000 error.


Along with that(I know more than 3): Fixed so that it can run on Win8. FTP will not work unless Win8 is taken care of.

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1. Removal or at least changes to the annoying weapon restrictions on abilities. Let Sentinels/Marauders use a single or doublebladed saber if they want to or a Bounty Hunter wield a blaster rifle.


2. More focus on story missions. Give me stories to play even at level 50 rather than grinding stuff.


3. Mini games like Pazaak, Sabacc or Pod/Swoop-Racing.

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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


What are your top 3?


1) Open worlds (broaden the world maps, make them less corridorish, and labyrinth like. I don't want to keep running into mountain barriers etc.)


2) The ability to customize appearance like in other games (DC-universe online would work). If I get a neat looking piece of armor I would like to save the look to some kind of wardrobe, or alternative character look template.


3) Some grouping tweaks but the biggest ones would be. Change the need/ greed system to the one Wow has so people can't go greed on stuff their character can't use. It would also be nice to have teleport ability that's usable on others like City of Heroes had (you would have to fit it into the Starwars theme off course, calling it something like Summon Shuttle etc.). Getting invited to a group from someone who is across a maze like map can really put the crimp in trying to group.

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1. Redo the following ships: Smuggler, Agent, Sith, and bounty hunter. They are for the most part carbon copy knock offs of ships seen 3000 years in the future. COME ON! GIVE US SOMETHING WE HAVEN'T SEEN YET.


2. Make the trooper armor more along the lines of KOTOR 1 & 2, not the Clone trooper armor from ROTS. Sith should look more like the silver armor we saw in the first two games. And mandos, look way too much like again the 6 movies instead of the game since it was only 300 years after the events of KOTOR 2.


3. Tie the companions in WAY more in the game. Take the trooper and Havoc squad. To borrow a page from halo, these guys need to be treated more like Noble team. Be nice on a mission or two and to borrow from another game Republic Commando, have your whole team on a mission and you can have them breach and clear, focus fire, some simple commands, but least you'd have the whole squad. I definately feel int he trooper arc, there is much more that could be done with it after lvl 50.

Same with bounty hunters. Actually have PvP bounties and let bounty hunters go wild. How bout some smuggling missions for smugglers, make a cross planet market where you have to run cargo, faster you get it there[which could be space missions for smugglers] better you get paid.


Point is, need to stop with making a lot of it cookie cutter out of SW Ep 3, and Evolve the game play. Have something unique for each class.


Bounty hunters: Having PvP bounty boards. Kill the PvP, get something like a coin or merit saying you got the kill, present said merit, get paid. Fail, and guess what, can't do that bounty again say for a week or two.


Smuggler: Space missions where you have to run blockades, or meet another ship in space to exchange cargo and you get jumped by imperial or republic customs and have to make that mad dash for freedom. Cause for smugglers, there's NO SMUGGLING. No market to pick up and haul cargo, whether legit, or not so much.


Trooper: Having Havoc go on FULL squad missions, where again you can have certain commands they can do, just like in Republic Commando. Sweep and clear a room, focus fire, heal me. Actually COMMAND A SQUAD.


Agent: Snipers being treated like USMC snipers, and sent behind the lines to take out the CRITICAL target and then disappear, and opertives being something like james bond, sneak in, or hide in plain sight. Be a spy.


For sith and jedi, i really haven't thought them through, but you are getting the ideas behind where i think lvl 50 game play can and SHOULD go.


Each class should have at lvl 50 like 25-50 missions on random or rotation cept the bounty hunter, since their whole game revolves around scoring bounties, so you never know who you'll be sent after.


But the smuggler should have like 25 different jobs that he never gets the same one twice. One day, he is hauling spice for a hutt. Next day, he is shipping replacement parts for a republic ship.


So many different missions that could be done.

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I like the space missions. They are a good way to get some quick XP, daily coms, Gr8 crafting boxes, etc. It's also nice to hear that there will be some additional L50 comming in the near future.


My wish list is all about this.

1. Pod Racing... I think this could be added as an alternative space mission.

2. Group space missions... How do you group for these? It would be nice to have them as a "group up and play" missions, but maybe using group finder would be key to this?

3. Tied partially to #2, Space PVP or ranking. Not necessarily the same as character PVP, but maybe some ship upgrades with the ranking, etc?


I actually have a #4, but it's more like a #1b. Pod racing PVP... may or may not take off, but would be kind of cool to break up some of the other skulldudgery with some 2-4 minute quick races. Pay an "entrance fee" to travel to the mission, winner takes the pot... No level requirements maybe? Or maybe just having finished the primary on your capital world when you unlock your ship, you get the option to go to these?


Thanks for listening...


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1) Space racing against other players - Checkpoints, Dodge asteroids, get within death's range of a black hole's even horizon for a gravity swing, alternate paths (one simple but safe and one dangerous but cuts racing time) etc...

2) True space battles including PVP dog fights and PVE objectives.

3) Ship customizations


Of course I won't expect elements of this until version 2.0 or 3.0 but #2 is a good start. ;)

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Oh and add partial PVE space battle + partial PVE ground battle Flashpoints and Operations (individual ships or large ships with multiple control consoles that do different things). Kick butt in the air and on the ground!!! That would be so Star Wars!!!!
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So many changes I like I'll pick 3 though


  1. Update the Graphics Engine, huge overhaul if you must the glitchiness of characters and textures is rather annoying. Polish things down.
  2. More Cooperative play. Take a page from Guild Wars 2. The game wants me to play with others. This is something I want to see in an expansion.
  3. Group Finder and Queueing: Make it cross server, I've said it so many times that this needs to be added. Waiting for a queue off peak hours forever is no fun. If I play at offpeak hours I should be able to play the content as well. WoW's dungeon finder was a huge success and queues are rather short even at off peak hours. 15-25 minutes for a dps queue? Sign me up.

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More Robust Character Creation! Height, Weight, Etc sliders, Colorable tattoos, markings, and cosmetics.


Armor Color Customization!


Better Animations! i.e. More realistic not so stiff. The ability to take cover behind walls, rocks, and to beable to freaking dodge or atleast to be able to kite and still use my abilities.

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I keep my subscription as an investment of hope, but my guild, friends, family and I no longer play.


1. "Jump to Light Speed" styled space exploration and combat...No more rails.


2.A third side of the force or faction, the neutral side. It would be the Light side, Dark side and the we don't care just pay us side. That is true to lore and worth adding.


3. More small group missions beyond level 50, so I can begin trying to get some of my friends or family back to SWTOR. I may never get the kin back, but if I want to play alone I can just play Mass Effect.

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I can live without the following, but it would be some nice stuff :D


1. Legacy

  • Legacy wide option to purchase character perks (mail, repair, travel, etc)
  • Legacy costs scaling by legacy level (level 10 gets 10% off, 20 get 20% off, or something similair)
  • Legacy comms (Hit level 10 legacy and all starter planet comms become legacy, hit level 24 and nar shadaa comms become legacy wide, hit 50 and daily/BH become shared) I feel this could really be a nice touch, and a pretty good reward when you hit legacy 50 (and beyond).

2. Trooper (possibly bounty hunter)

  • Would replace the high impact bolt sound with rail shot sound effect (or something as good). HIB sounds kinda wimpy. High Impact Bolt Sound. Rail Shot Sound.
  • Make charged bolts the color of the crystal you use (have black-blue yet it is orangeish, not sure if applies to power shots as i haven't checked in a while.)

3. UI/Keybind

  • Save keybinds to desktop or possibly with your UI customization. I would be more willing to try out other specs (From heal to dps or vice versa. Sucks to remap your ui/keys after getting the perfect ui)
  • More action bars
  • Keys to target specific enemies (instead of tabbing to find the guy with the red fire icon, push F to immediately target fire icon)

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1- An improved Space Combat system similar to what Jump to Light Speed expansion had offered in the late Star Wars: Galaxies. I'm sure you understand how much of a boost this will be to the attractiveness of this game.


2- One of the major strength of this game is the amazing class story lines and quests. Particularly the ones that involve making hard choices that effect the story arc. This is what I expect to have from a BioWare product and its what sets you guys apart from the other companies. So give me more of these and keep them coming, and in return, I will continue to throw my money at you. :)


3- More dynamic companion interaction and more companion story lines. After being very vocal during my leveling up days, my companions just went completely silent after I hit level 50, (yes, with the exception of the protocol droid.) My ship is a very lonely place right now...

Edited by Calhoun
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1. 3D space environment and combat, like JTL in SWG. Some of us want to PvP in space whether it's in a fighter or a multiperson ship.

2. More sandbox features. There's only so many times one can ride the rails in this game.

3. More customization. Character/ships/armor etc.

4. More armor that looks like it belongs in the Star Wars universe. I see a lot of end game armor that looks like it should be in a Shogun:Total War based MMO instead of Star Wars.

5. Make species unlocks account wide. Not just server specific.

Edited by Daynna
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