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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1. Same Gender relationships

2. Pazaak * it was in Kotor 1 and 2 why isn't it in kotor 3? this technically is 3 ya know :D

3. uh would love a new class...wookie's make them 4-15 meter ranged dps/tanks/Buff DPS with rifle mainhand and techblade off hand, make it so you have a skill to switch weps and the skills require that wep, much like smugglers cover only skills! The other AC 4meter DPS/AoE DPS/Debuf DPS techblade and off hand generator give them lots of leaps and mauls, after all they rip your arm of if you don't let them win :rolleyes: make them a 3rd faction that can do content with either side since by now every one has at least 1 toon on both side's would be a nice change! (You could do something similar to Jawa's)

the story doesn't have to be to deep, the war hits kashyyk and both side's are fighting over the wookie's so the wookie's help out the people that they want to and kick the butt of who they want :p



P.S. sorry long post:o

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1) Dual Spec that is NOT swappable after entering Warzones (No AC swapping, ever - you chose, deal with your choice)


2) PvP Mods craftable or directly for sale at the PvP Item vendor. The current way of having to grind out several sets of gear to pull 1 mod from various sets is bad and drives players away from the game.


3) The ability to specific queue for Warzones the way we do with Flashpoints. If I don't want to play Huttball (Which I detest with a passion due to the very poor consideration of how Force Speed, Force Pull, Guard, and Overload (talented especially) interact with Resolve to essentially give one class type immunity to run to a goal line in seconds), then I (and others that I know who hate it & or Voidstar) shouldn't be forced to.


Honorable Mention: Fix access to certain datacrons, like Cunning on Coruscant and Tatooine - currently certain body types can't get to them because their feet are shorter than others so they fall through the pipe edges and straight to the ground (Body Type 1 has this issue in particular, whereas the larger body types I had no issues reaching the same datacrons).


It's sadly comical using a speeder to make the same jump as a Body Type 1 that I see the "fatman" doing without using a speeder.

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1) Speeder races. With this goes the ability to purchase upgrades for a specific speeder to make it faster, have the ability to use a speed boost, shoot etc... but with certain upgrades would downgrade other features like a faster speed would decrease turn speed. Adding weapons to shoot would decrease speed. etc...


2) The ability to shift+click items into the GTN search window


3) The ability to send a transport to pick up and bring to your location party members or guild members at the very least.


Bonus) In game guild recruitment boards for those players who do not frequent the forums here.

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1-Weather effects...I fell having weather, rain, night/day cycles, really adds to the immersion of a game. It makes the planets feel more alive when your playing during a different part of the day or during different weather conditions.


2-Add more NPC's doing things and make them targetable. More random NPC's doing day to day things again makes the world seem more alive. I also noticed you can't target a lot of the random NPC's. For me this makes them feel like they are just an image in the landscape and not an actual part of the game. In other MMO's you can target similar NPC's and they will have some name like 'City Warrior' or 'Pazzak Player'. Things like this would be a nice feature.


3-Merge the servers...I know it's planned to do forced mergers of the old servers, but if possible even merge the servers more. The more dense the population the better this game will be. I know this may not be possible and if this is the case we need cross server Warzones and FP's in the group finder. I know people may be opposed to this but I personally think this game is at a point where the benefits of X-server FP's and WZ's would outweigh the negatives.

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1. Remove Expertise from lvl50 PvP or make PvP gear unusable in PvE.

2. Bring back Open World PvP but only if you can significantly improve visual performance. Watching 50v50 duke it out in 2 frames per second on a PC that runs BF3 and Crysis 2 on Ultra is not fun.

3. Improve warzones: more warzone types, new warzone objectives (e.g. first team to score x kills wins), cross server queuing, selective warzone queuing.



1. The ability to land directly on the planet, once you've picked up the quests on the orbital station.

2. Faster respawn timers on daily quests or instances for daily quests that have interactive objects/unique enemies.

3. Make speeders scale with the license. (e.g. 110% speed boost on our CE speeder if we have the lvl3 license)



1. Battlefront II style space combat. A rail shooter gets very boring after a while.

2. Space-Land Warzones (like Bespin in BF1).

3. Guild capital ships.



1. Star Wars-looking endgame armor for each and every class.

2. Remove the modification costs of an item if you have already extracted a mod from a slot. (So you can change your outfit whenever you want without going bankrupt.)

3. Bind set bonuses to legacy, so that you can exchange Tionese/Columi/Rakata gear for something other than Campaign.



1. Character recognition system! I want to know if my friend is offline or online playing a newly made character on the opposite faction.

2. Guild vs Guild PvP.

3. Guild capital ships.



1. Skill templates: I want to be able to load preset skill templates instead of manually redistributing skill points whenever I respec.

2. Key binding templates: It's incredibly frustrating to have to manually rebind every single key if you make a new character.

3. More quickbars: You gave us so many skills, now give us the ability to store them on our UI!



1. Make the price of legacy unlocks scale with our legacy level. As someone creatively put it "you gave us the privilege to pay huge amounts of money for moderately useful stuff."

2. Mounts/Pets shared across legacy or make them bound to legacy, so that collectors can transfer rare items from alts to mains.

3. Legacy vendors on the fleet: the fleet is the hub of all activity, I thought it went without saying that you put at least one vendor of each kind there.



1. Group finder option to go back to whichever planet we were teleported from.

2. Respawn points inside the instance! Why force us to go through 2 loading screens each and every time we die!?

3. Armorings that aren't bound to slot should drop from Flashpoints.



1. Tested and bug-free operations. Every operation you've released so far was fraught with bugs at launch despite ample feedback from the PTS.

2. Make each story mode operation "puggable" in difficutly and add them to the group finder. Strictly Columi loot from story modes but they are repeatable every day instead of every 5 days for 5 Black Hole commendations.

3. 8man raid teams should be able to acquire Campaign Boots not just 16.



1. It's broken. Fix it. Make hunting codex entries a worthwhile pursuit.

2. Bring back planetary titles.

3. Achievements for fulfilling various PvE objectives. (Similar to GW1's Cartographer, Vanquisher and Guardian.)



1. Chat bubbles but also the option to turn them off. I personally don't want to see any cartoonish bubbles but give the option to those who do.

2. Minigames (e.g. pazaak, sabacc, swoop racing).

3. Cross-faction chat not limited by distance.



1. The option to switch advanced classes (even if it's paid.)

2. Character transfers to each server (even if it's paid).

3. Character recustomization options (mild - facial, hair, body type; extreme - race, gender etc.)

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My top 3, and I am thinking long term, not immediate:


1) I want there to be a single cohesive story from level 1-100, 6 chapters long per profession.


2) I want when those stories are completed in step 1, for the next big expansion to be brand new stories with different voiceovers per profession and new companions that you unlock once you bring a character in that profession to chapter 3 (or buy the alternate story with cartel coins) Case in point, Smuggler right now is supposed to be the "Han Solo"ish story - so how about one patterened more after lando? or Talon Karrde? It will help make the professions a lot more replayable.


3) Once to level 100, if the devs want to make new stories or "continuing adventures", they should be done in side quests, not expanding the level cap. There should be massive, galaxy-spanning quests for the top players and also trickle it down to the lower levels for their own. Just make sure the rewards are worth the hassle(orange gear).

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-open space !

-In Game Voice Chat- i play other games that have this feature-DDO for one . The community KNOWS each other because of this. You get to know others very well when you can speak to them w/out everyone having to get in the same chat service.

-more Ops.

last but certainly not least - Keep Us informed and dont feed us BS ! Would love to hear somthing be it somthing i dont like or somthing i do, just wanna know!

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Good too see a thread that isn't all about: ' BW SUCKS! or ' I'm a bad player but its BW's fault'


1. More world PVP: Ideally something from the pages of DAoC Frontiers, I really miss those epic RvR battles that could go on for hours and hours.


2. Iether server transfers or perhaps even better Cross Server interactions


3. More space content, not just the standard instanced missions, but let us make our ship our home (like housing in other games) and give us content to explore using our ships.


The community seems to all want things along the same basis, give it some time and lets see what the future holds

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I don't understand people who want to be able to change classes? So, you want to skip the whole class story? That would take away so much from the experience that swtor offers.


I wouldn't expect character transfers until the community is robust enough. They are going crazy trying to balance servers now. I know players think they can do a better job, but experience doesn't back up that claim: players all jump on the same servers and leave others to die (which isn't balancing).


My three are:

1) Learn to fix bugs systematically because they just aren't getting the job done fast enough right now.

2) Develop repeatable content that is fun, varied, and rewarding to do over and over. This is a huge area of the game that is missing and is why most people are getting bored. pazak and swoop racing tournements; interesting pvp zoned events on each planet (with planet wide buff for the side who wins); Guild achievements; etc

3) Balance expanded content between MMO (flashpoints/operations/pvp/etc) with story/class advancement (continuation of the world story). They spent too much effort on story and not enough on MMO for launch (and with no fun & rewarding repeatable events, players chewed through the story and got bored). AND they need to release content faster but keep it meaningful and at the same high quality.


I don't ask much :).

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1: Space 3D off Rails with a large scale map. More Like SWG with Single Man or Two Man cockpits.


2: World PvP Objectives.


3: Better Looking Gear that fits more the Star Wars theme rather than the Conan theme along with Real Sounding Lightsabers...or at least a way to Hear it before you buy it. This means, activation, hum, and attack sounds. I want Movie Sabers, not Bioware Sabers.

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1) Transfers. Paid if necessary, but prefer free. At least a one-time-only free option. Paid after that.

2) Cross queue servers for pvp and operations etc.

2a) Lowbie PVP should be two brackets 10-29 and 30-49.

3) Quicker transportation options. Going from one planet to another via quick travel. Like the fleet pass, but you get to pick a planet. Cool down similar to Fleet pass.

4) I know you said 3 but, I want PVP to be less about gear and more about skill. The gap between recruit and augmented WH is too much. It should be minimal at best. At least cut the gap in half. I say this and all of my 50's are at least all BM at this point, with a few WH. The difference is worse than a 10 going against a 49.

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1. FREE SERVER X-FERS - Transferred all my toons to "The Fatman" which is now dead not going to pay just to end up on a another dead server.


2. Faction Change - 2 50 sorcs because of the free x-fer but I don't want to waste paid time taken from leveling. I would like to make one a sage.


3. CS that is willing to TRY in solving problems or helping. It's frustrating enough waiting 3+ days for a response just to be asked more questions and than nothing is done anyway.

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1) A space component.

No, whatever that 'thing' is that is in-game, it is most certainly not a space component.


2) Open world PvE with real factional feel. As is you don't feel like you're fighting against the other faction, just doing your own instanced missions seperate from the world at large. In fact it wasn't untill Voss that I actually saw a republic player in game. (PvP excluded)


3) More Star Wars. Be it the above, the horrible gear options, the game engine, stupid little vanity pets, what have you. STAR WARS the old republic does not feel enough like Star Wars.

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1- Same gender relationships with already existing companions and neew ones.

2- Better character creation and customization (wider variety of features and the posibility to modufy them at pleasure)

3- Better starship customization so we can really feel at home.

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1- Same gender relationships with already existing companions and neew ones.

2- Better character creation and customization (wider variety of features and the posibility to modufy them at pleasure)

3- Better starship customization so we can really feel at home.




You can't be serious. You want same gender relationships, so play secondlife.

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1 - Cross-Server queues for FPs and Ops, or better yet a single server for each playtype per region. I know it's all instanced anyway, so it should be possible with existing tech.

2 - Additional story content

3 - Additional relevant FPs, both story and HM.

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