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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1. Something that bothers me dearly, is the leveling up system. I mean, I too want that progress and so, but all the old planets become quite useless after you've passed them. I want it to work out differently, something like how it is in other Bioware games, where creeps are at the same level as you all the time...


Suggestion: You know when you PvP through level 10-49, as a level 10, you still got a shoot at high levels somewhat (not like in open PvP vs a 50 anyhow). What if it'd be possible to force a said level on a planet, when you get back to that planet, you'd be at the same amount of level as others are (creep would be more challenging again rather than some bugs attacking you, players would be around the same level as they're in "level up PvP").


One other bonus would be that you get to choose what planet you first want to go to in Chapter 1 (without being forced off taking the lower leveled one) and you could've heroics on them planets to give you something to do end game (if made more challenging and rewarding).


Know this would cause tons of works, there's so much involved around that, but it'd be a wonder if something were to be done so that all the planets would become more useful even in endgame and that old creeps wouldn't be weak as a bug. :|



2. Customization, then I really mean it all, through races and looks to abilities and their skill system. We all want more races to choose from, that's quite a given and also more normal good looking armours for them to wear.


Seeing as Cathar's are coming, it'd be awesome with more races like Nautolan and Togruta, also that we'd be able to change existing characters into them (some reroll system of a sort, stay at level 50 and keep everything, but have to redo class story that'd be suited for level 50s).


Then that all weapons and armours should be made like orange gear but with green/blue/purple mods instead, so that those "useless green drops" later on would be more useful to us if they looked good (there's lot of them that do), then to make moding free... We'd get so much to choose between... That would be wonders! :)


And then combat; I'd want to choose my abilities through a tree system and improve upon them through there. I don't want to go to a trainer and pay them for it (although there'd need to be an other money sink if this was to take part I'd guess). I want more freedom on how I'm to fight within my AC, of course, not all of the classes skills would be available, AC's could still have their own ones. We'd be able to choose which and how many abilities to use, how well I'm to upgrade them and maybe how they'll work and so... Much similar to the DA2 system, with some ME twists I'd guess...



3. Alien conversations, I want them to feel more real, live up to the scene some more... Also to make subtitles better when they talk, like to see a timer on when that scene/convo will change. :>

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1. Transfers to other servers

2. Character modification, more orange gear especially some of the green items preferably turn all the gear in game to orange, and armor coloring dyes.

3. Game content, illum or large open world pvp battles like wintergrasp in wow, large size raids, and stuff to do while not pvping or pveing.

Edited by Knockerz
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1) Factions: different groups you do quests for should reward you for doing them over and over again. A good way to bring people back to low level planets.


2) Many many more cusomization options, everything should be able to be adjusted as far as character appearance.


3) Rewards for open world pvp, make it only for people within 2 levels of you or something but we need to have a net gain for open world kills.

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1) Be able to use the sabaac tables in the casinos! being able to play cross faction and chat with your opponent. Maybe add casinos on coruscant, dromund kaas and tatooine.

2) MOAR PLAYABLE SPECIES MOOOARRR... at this point i dont really care what they are i like them all. but cathar is not enough! (togruta and gungans would be my favorite though)

3)Multi faction classes... Like being a bounty hunter on pub side or a smuggler for the empire. also if youare a dark side jedi the ability to becom a sith and vice versa


P.s Moar planets (preferably naboo)

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Hmmmmm... My top three, this is actually difficult.


1. The ability to sit my bootay down in all the chairs I see.


2. More mini-games: Pazaak, Dejarik, Swoop Racing, etc...


3. Cross-faction emotes and maybe chat bubbles, though I'm not hard up on chat bubbles.

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1. Character Appearance Changes ( ie barbershop, Image Desinger, etc)

2. Legacy Name Change

3. Open CTS to any server open of my choosing


and for good measure:

- Open space combat ala JTL

- Housing or decorable Ship interior

- Seatable chairs

- AC Respec

- More species (Ithorians, Rodians, Bothans, Trandoshans, Nautolans)

- Larger drops w/ Mat nodes

- Cheaper NPC Vendor pricing

- Appearance tab (Paper doll)

- Incentive for open world PVP to draw players to those zones

-Bounty Hunter RIFLE

-More character slots

-More game play, less gear grinding

-More craftable items superior or equal to raid gear


That's enough..for now.



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Time to throw another idea or two at the wall to see what sticks*!


- Cross faction channels. I can understand the reasoning for now allowing General or Trade channels to be cross-faction, but there's not much reason not to allow player created channels to be cross-faction.

- Armor normalization. It's just silly (and more than a little unfair) that players need to pay more to repair their armor simply because it has lower durability. I don't know what the reasoning is behind the various grades of armor having different durability, anyway. Sure, there's a certain level of "makes sense" there, but then it also "makes sense" that putting in a few stitches to fix a robe costs a lot less than repairing a piece of heavy armor with a crack in it - and currently the reverse is true.



* No, that's not how I cook my pasta.

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1) Yoda 's race as a playable character. How fun would that be?

2) Customization. Like SWG you could make it a skill or just have a vendor that you could pay to change your appearance or that of your Armor. customize the look of your ship as well.

3) Space missions maybe tie in missions to crew skills. i.e. you have to deliver said part to hutts through mandolorian pirate space. or you find a wrecked satellite or ship and can scavenge crafting materials.



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#1 More game content on a regular schedule, say every 3 months we get new quests, raids, etc. Not just a random few days of events or a single raid, or a pvp match, but honest content to explore.


#2 Patches that do not break more items than they fix; breaking class story lines is simply inexcusable. Why do we have to have the AH act up every single minor patch? Why much we go through 5-6 attempts to fix the same bugs (Group finder, cosmetics issues, etc)


#3 Deliver on the things that were promised on since beta! Grey gear for people who don't want to play saints or devils. More companion options.

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This game was done and broken before launch, because 3 things:


1. Hero engine. Cannot support mass pvp because lag, So, never open world pvp => no mmo


2. Faction imbalance. Imperial favoritism, only 2 poles, no third "balanced"- neutral - "Underworld faction" with smugglers and bounty hunters, which can balance imbalance between jedi and siths in terms of quantity players.


3. Very fast (for mmo) leveling and progression. There must be at least 100 or 200 level cap, with much more long and hard reach new levels and abilities.


So, this is greatest single-player RPG, with good and fun cooperative, but because ^ this, there are no rich end game content, and major problem is end-game content cannot generate by players themself (like pvp open world/ pvp events content).


No solutions, no future.

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Some great ones I've seen here and mentioned in suggestion box are space pvp, make use of space it's a shame it is isolated, legacy bank, more character slots makes sense for the whole legacy system.


I would suggest:


1. Speeder races, race track. With rewards and comms for wins. After all that would fit marvelously with the starwars theme. Mario kart isn't huge for nothing.

2. Additional rewards as incentive to complete some things X amount of times etc. be it a pet speeder comms or whatever. As well as more hidden items to find in the world and to group up to get/find with guildies. Secret dynamic things. The orochick got people going crazy to find it, this is good. More of these all over the planets.

3. Better gear customization and crafts. Armstech and artifice my two main crafts are pretty much useless.

4. Legendary loot and special loot/schems to farm. And more incentive for world bosses, much more loot and better ones. All we ever do is Pilgrim.

5. Ability to switch between comps on the fly when assigning gear or gifts. It is really not user friendly to have to keep dismissing one and spawning another for each and every thing you want to do with them. When you pick the comp tab in the character window have an arrow to switch to the next comp.

6. Spawn point after a group finder FP should be where you left from, like for warzones. It is very frustrating to have to go back to the planet and spot you were leveling on after the FP puts you back on fleet.


More coming soon.

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These two ideas are just great.


1. Speeder races, race track. With rewards and comms for wins. After all that would fit marvelously with the starwars theme. Mario kart isn't huge for nothing.


I would love it if I queued for a WZ and one of them was a race. Or if there was maybe a bonus race after the match for those who wanted to stay and participate. A little extra PvP element like that does wonders. Think of the rage match before a real match on Mortal Kombat. It was just something small an extra but in the arcade it made that game really stand out. Many games do this.


Also I think a dueling match would be great, maybe fore the top two players after a match for one min. A random mini game element for one min after each match would really hit things out of the park.


You would get one of three;

Speeder Race

Space Battle



That would be so cool. But I like your speeder race idea the most.


6. Spawn point after a group finder FP should be where you left from, like for warzones. It is very frustrating to have to go back to the planet and spot you were leveling on after the FP puts you back on fleet.


More coming soon.


lol. i never even thought about this before because I have the opposite problem, I never even get warped to where I'm supposed to be (but I think they fixed this just last week). I haven't had enough successful PvE FP's to even get to the end but it's a great point and you can look at it like this...


PvP is so successful because it is quick and easy. PvE needs to take notes when it comes to group missions. FP's, Heroic's etc. should warp you right to your group (so for God sakes you don't make 7 people wait 30 min for you to get there..i make people wait all the time because I'm a PvP'r i don't have as many taxi's etc. unlocked and I don't have the whole map unlocked. I'm just trying to be nice and help.) And I agree with you they should also warp you right back to where you were after. That would be amazing! I would PvE so much more!!! In addition we should be able to rewatch the videos. For me that's half the reason it's fun to PvE. I liked to watch the video and know what the heck is going on...so my group doesn't have to explain it. With extra time from warping...I would have time to watch the vid and then some.

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1) Cross-server queues for warzones, FP's and ops.

2) Cross-server chat and friends support (origin logins, 'BioTags', whatever).

3) Cross-server grouping support.


Better yet, I wouldn't object to ditching the notion of "severs" entirely and just make it one big happy family ;). I don't believe in all that "but it kills the community" by going cross-server, when essentially the community is killed this day by segregation.


this. queing for wz can be very boring at(most of the) times,

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Haven't been playing for very long, but so far here are my 3:


1. The ability to use Tab to scroll through the people you're talking to in whisper. It would make it so much easier to talk to more than one person.


2. Character transfer!!!!


3. More options in Character Creation, and the ability to change our armor colors to whatever we want. Ok, I know those are two things, but it's all considered customization. Also, I do not like that everything has to look like the chest piece. Why can't we change the chest piece to match the boots, pants, etc.?

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