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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1. Space sim like swg

2. Added races like Wookies and trandoshans

3. Beast mastery


The truth is all the money problems and everything else I do not think swtor will ever see these changes. They made this a one dimension game. You level you do pvp or flashpoints the end. This new content we are getting is based on that track one dimension.


The problem is the star wars universe is not one dimension, it covers a whole range of things. You see beast mastery for the first time in return of the Jedi, when Luke slays Jabba's pet the rancor. You have a huge war in space, depicted in every star wars film. Yet in swtor you have a rail system that confines you and is extremely generic. They choose the cathar race? Are you joking? I would have wanted a wookie over a dang cathar anytime of the week.


The only way swtor makes a place for itself is becoming a game that covers all these aspects and leaving the one dimension track of level then do pvp or flashpoints. I don't see EA or Bioware handing the money out for that.

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1) SWG like space missions (or anything off of rails)

2) Dual spec!

3) Penalties for people who leave PVP matches, its hard to come back when youre down but impossible to come back when you're down and half the team bails to re-queue

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1. Player Housing which is full open to decorating. For this alot of new schematics to be added for decoration items for all crafting skills. Ie chairs, tables, beds, plants and much more. Also colour choices on the decorations.


2. Alot more guild tools and features. We need a guild ship, somewhere a guild can meet before events, add features to it ie guild legacy repair droid, guild legacy items. GW2 have a system i read that a guild member earns the guild points as they progress through the game and these points can be used to unlock items to benefit the guild. Nothing game changing or giving players advantages in combat but something that can be used to upgrade the guild ship. As for features, a guild email (cant believe we dont have this yet) as an example.


3. Social Aspects improved. Allow multi passenger vehicles, allow players to change colour of vehicles and add new drops schematics for new vehicles. Add interactive items to cantina's ie other games (Star Wars Galaxies had a Ma'Jong tile game ingame), add racing and race tracks. A Simple Droid NPC could be placed to start the racing. Add fishing, SWG and WoW have fishing, sometimes its nice just to chill out ingame, and also having run fishing competitions in other games, plenty of players enjoy it.

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My top 3 would be:


1) Dual Spec (I don't like being forced to solo as a healer if I also want to practice healing in flashpoints before level 50)

2) More customizations (recustomization of character, redecoration of ship, more diversity in mounts, all gear customizable, removal of armor levels from all gear like with social gear at this time, etc)

3) Better RP tools (chat bubbles, sittable chairs and other RP world interactions, /say should come with a talk animation, etc)


Those are my top 3 wishes.

Edited by Devlonir
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  1. Flesh out the Legacy system: More per character and Legacy-wide unlocks and a use for the family tree
  2. Space exploration/ship customization: Offer different types of ships, bonuses and penalties for each ship, ability to customize the inside of the ship, allow companions to interact and wander around my ship, space pvp, space pve, keep the current space game as a mini-game but add more to it
  3. Guild improvements: guild mail, guild calenders, guild symbols/banners/"tabards", guild capital ships

Edited by Thaltom
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Remove Randomness from Reverse Engineering


Reverse engineering is an interesting idea, but the current implementation has one major issue: randomness means that you will sometimes have long streaks of bad luck. I believe this is a bigger issue than the designers expected when they created the system.


There are two main reasons that this is a problem:

1. People expect to be lucky, so when they get a new schematic "early" it seems normal, but when they have a long streak of bad luck, it is incredibly unpleasant.


2. People like to see progress toward a goal, rather than just knowing that they have a small chance of being successful. This is what makes a grind much more tolerable - knowing that you're further along toward a goal than you were before.


My suggestion is to change the reverse engineering system from a "20% chance" type of system to a "do it 5 times" type of system. I believe this still allows for the option of pleasant surprises (small chance of success earlier than the listed amount), but removes the problems listed above. It also allows for new options, such as requiring the reverse engineering of several different items before a new schematic is available (example: combo stims that require reverse engineering two different types of stims to learn the schematic).


Of course, there's an impact to the interface where we have to find a new way to show goals toward schematics and how far along toward that goal you are, but I think this would fit with the stated desire to revamp the crafting interface to accommodate large numbers of schematics.


Note that a less impactful alternative would be to have a hidden counter that keeps track of your reverse engineering and caps bad luck streaks. However, I think this would not fully resolve the issues, especially those related to perception of progress.


I know its not a discussion thread and we are supposed to post only our suggestions here, but I couldnt help commenting this RE idea.


I think the RE system is ok the way it is atm.

They should give us some ways that allow us to improve the RE chance tho, like it used to be in SWG.

Back then we could add modifications with RE chance to our armor, also we could use different stims that increased the luck and the RE chance for a limited time.

So I think we'd better have something like that than changing the whole system.

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1) More playable species - i know cathar is announced but i would like to know that within the next 6 months we will have at least 4 new species.


2) change all BOUND items that i have crafted to bind on legacy, why shouldnt my armour that i have crafted be able to be handed down to my alts ? Surely that is the whole point of legacy and a family tree.


3) Ability to queue for PVP like flashpoints in group finder with the tickboxes. Allow people who dont like playing certain Warzones the abiliity to choose which ones they queue for, if they really only want to play Huttball for example they wait a little longer for it but at least they get to do the WZ they want and not be put into a WZ thyey dont which they end up immediately leaving and then puts the group at an imbalanced number. Also incentivise people who queue for all WZ randomly.

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1. More customization- toon, comp, and ship :csw_vadertie::hope_03::jawa_biggrin:

2. Credit Cost:csw_jabba: Lower in game credit cost all around. I mean spending 100k+ to pull mods is rediculus, and why should I pay for training of new skills? This include Legacy prices too

3. PvP--larger team PvP maps, death matches, Space pvp :wea_03::csw_bluesaber:

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  1. More emotes. I'd love to see a Wall Lean and a Stand at ease.
  2. More faces, hair styles, markings, piercings, scars, etc. varieties.
  3. More legacy tree options. Such as filler characters and an option to add in game friends to our legacy tree.

I'm going to expand a little on legacy tree options. It's rather annoying about the 6 different relations a players character can have with another one of their characters. For my legacy, most of my characters are things not listed on the relations list. One example is my trooper and BH are cousins and I cannot clearly identify them being cousins without making characters like their fathers and having them connected as brothers. So it would be nice to add so called "filler character portraits" just to better distinguish this relation.

Also for the legacy trees, I'd like to see different options to be added for the relations such as Acquaintances, Employer/Employee, Padawan/Apprentice, etc.

Edited by Clogski
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1 more interactive , creative, and enjoyable galaxy with star wars flair

For questing and leveling


2 streamline and simplify combat skills and specs. Allow multi spec or at

The least respec at fifty


3 improve travel. Improve speeds and reduce training cost. Allow mostly

Unchallenged roads. Add holo turn ins or shuttle pickup and

Drops for quest doing a back and forth follow up. Add entrances

To structures so that travel isnt always the farthest possible travel.

Improve quest directions like those on tatooine and hoth that path me

Through enemy territory

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1) Monthly Class reviews (that result in class updates). More communication about class changes and direction.


2) make space battle an RPG aspect, rather then just arcade style mini-games (though the are fun...boring). allow for class development using space (smugglers can't smuggle in the game atm....why even call them smugglers?)


3) Give us REAL customzation. LotRO has the best example I can provide....Dev's really need o head over there and check their system out (short and skinny: its a skin. you toggle it, and the skin replaces your current look, even though the gear is the same). weapons should be included, but im not too picky, we just need real customization...not this horrible money sucking extravaganza that you currently have. Current cost to re-customize is around 600k creds (3 per armor piece, 5 general armor peices that are visible. 31k per piece with BH level mods. 2X5X31 = 465k. add in 5 augments @ 30k apiece = 150k. total cost is over 600k. horrible. I understand why you want the ablity to adapt your stats to be a cost choice. but this should not be tied into our customization process as well (which is purely cosmetic). Mod switching should be for stat purposes only. Customization should be fast, easy, and hot key-able.

Edited by Elyx
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1 - World VS World PvP; where is it? Maybe at least an update or some sort of mention of the plans


2 - Achievements; give me something else to chase at 50


3 - Optimize the engine / load times. This relates back to #1; while the old Ilum was fun, it wasn't fun at 10 fps.

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1. Introduce "persistent MMO" features to the worlds, like day/night cycles and weather. Without it, this will always feel like a single-player rpg instead of the MMO that you claim it to be.


2. UI mod support.


3. General "vanity" improvements, such as a barber shop, cheaper or free mod extraction prices, and a proper ability to hide or show helms and hoods for all races.

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1. A few spaceship's features:

  • Spaceship customisations - like companion customisations but for the ships. Plus craftable decorations. Plus shelves for displaying achievements such as datacrons or boss trophies. Plus ANY kind of long term endgame purpose related to spaceships/player housing.
  • Guild capital ships. Possibility of Guild vs Guild battles with Voidstar's mechanic on said ships would be also nice.
    [it count's as one :p]

2. More items bound to legacy instead of BoP.

3. Night/day cycles and weather. Hey, even Luke could stare into the twin sunset on Tatooine!

Edited by skaybay
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1) Options options options! More races, more armor choices, appearance tab and/or get rid of mod-removal costs, change color of armor, ship customization, ability to turn off OTHER players' entirely too long titles on your screen, etc.


2) More "legacy wide" stuff. Legacy bank, legacy friend list, bind on pickup changed to bind to legacy, access crew skills of your legacy members without relogging.


3) Dailies on ALL planets. Maybe have the mission board give you 3 planets each day either at random or on rotation to keep things sane and balanced between casual and live-in-the-game types. It would keep some variety in the "grind".


Unofficial #4 - I'll give a nod to the call for minigames. Some racing & gambling would be fun. :cool:

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