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Do lots of players actually do space missions?


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someone posted something along the lines of: "until they take it off the rails i wont play space missions"


idk about you guys but i loved star fox and i love space missions in swtor.


1 month b4 swtor starts a poll shown 70 like 30 dislike

after the game starts we didnt and still dont see any polls so rely those that say like or dislike without a summary, cant tell


personally i lvl up all my alts with space missions and my main doing the last daily each day

Edited by Kissakias
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Can someone here tell me 1 advantage of removing space combat? Why are people so selfish? Because there is a part of the game you dont enjoy it should be removed.....that makes you quite a **** you know.


Apparently hundreds of thousands of people have done space missions in the past month so removing them would be plain stupid.

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Space in its current form is a joke. Boring, repetetive and and almost devoid of value. A way to get a handful of credits and some extra Exp while waiting for companions to finish missions. The majority of the missions are so simple that I have on occasion actually eaten dinner while doing the missions with one hand, and that with only level 2-3 ship parts. The last missions however become so hard with no curve that even with the best parts availiable they are a sure fire cause for hand cramping and hair pulling. I started this game together with my old SWG guild and we used to do alot of space. Some of us spent more time in space than planetside. 90% of the guild quit SWTOR after 3-4 weeks mainly due to the lack of space content. Please give us a major space expansion. free flight,multiple ship types, PVP,maybe even an actual shipwright occupation.

One last thing. Why are the pilot outfits social 3 when space is a purely solo activity.Those things should be for everyone so that spaceing at least gives some reward worth fighting for.

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1) Allow other players to join you in the mission, either doing turret play on your ship or in their own vessel, like a flashpoint.

2) Add a Battlefront type persistent space battleground with PVP and PVE objectives.


and finally

3) Finally admit the metrics resoundingly denounced this feature before launch. We know it. You know it. It's time to own up to it.

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did loads on my very first char, but they get old fast - a shame.


now i have 4 or 5 chars that havnt even done the 1st mission.


though i would like to see them add a Deathstar Trench run, yes i know its the wrong time period.


but the trench run could work well, even on rails, well not to far to wander in a trench.

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Wraiven with his Lightsaber active


Wraiven Frontal View


Wraiven Back View


Side View for intricate work on the pants




Pieces are as follows for anyone who may like what I have put together... (I worked extremely hard at my look, took many many comms to get them for both PvP and PvE.)


Saber Marshal's Robe


Death's Claw Helm


Imperial Pilot Gloves


Imperial Pilot Belt


Imperial Pilot Pants


Imperial Pilot Boots


You don't even have to change the colors unless you just want to. Without changing the colors, you have a slightly off black color. When you change the colors, you get a pitch black outfit. Very Sith looking.


This is a quote from another thread...and as you can see, I could never put together that outfit without running a billion space missions. Does it mean I enjoy them? Hell no, but that was the only way to get those armor pieces.

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it would be nice if bioware would actually do a survey of players to find out their enjoyment level of space missions instead of just seeing if a player has done 1 space mission in the last 30 days and using that as their marker for how popular space is. Most of the people I play with absolutely hate space and only do the space missions for comms to buy crafting boxes. I for one find the space missions extremely boring after the first time through as well as extremely easy. I do them while watching tv and barely paying attention and I can still get all the bonus missions done on any space mission and I never fail. Please bioware survey your players on space and you will see current space is terribly boring take it off the rails and open it up so its more than just one person flying a set mission...give your players freedom to roam, explore, and fight eachother in space please!
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To address the question in the title of this thread, I talked to Jonathan Crow, a Gameplay Telemetry Analyst here. The data that we have shows that nearly half of all currently active players have played at least one Space Combat Mission in the past 30 days.


Just imagine how many would play space combat everyday if it wasnt on rails ala 1994 consol game.


To address another point brought up in the OP, it's important to note that we are working to bring more Space Combat in addition to the many other types of content that players enjoy.

And imagine all those hours used on the rail shooter could have been used on something like free flight

multiplayer space combat the players would actually enjoy 100 times more.....

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Yes they do .. reason ... crafting boxes and artifcat boxes .... if you are crafting BH gear doing your space combat dailies (which takes a total of maybe 1.5 hours for 100 coms give or take) every three days you can get a grade 7 or 8 crafting box and that means every three days your making a BH enhancement or mod or if your that lucky armoring hilt or barrel.


Currently to be honest its quite tedious and boring not because its the same thing over and over .. cause that can be said for raiding and regular dailies ... but because it requires so many coms for a box that you have to actually farm space combat ... i think they need to add coms for completing bonuses and twice as much for hidden objectives (like blowing up the hidden objectives with photon torpedos)


space combat in this game is great ... only the people who dont realize that SWG's space combat was the beginning of hte end for that game (cause that not NGE was the start of the decline in subs in massive numbers NGE was just the nail in the coffin) and that SWTOR is a ground based story based game ... unlike EVE which is entirely space driven.

This game really cant afford full space exploration there isnt enough ground based content to even consider that sort of stuff at this point of the game. The best you could hope for is that they eventually have a battlefront / rouge squadron style space pvp area. where when you hit the outer parts it forces you to recoil back into combat or some sort of swoop bike racing with combat bikes that can be upgraded using warzone coms.


Space combat is actually very good in this game ... not nearly enough quests and you dont get nearly enough rewards especially when your at cap per quest ... but those are easy fixes ... they just have to realize they are in need of higher rewards.

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And imagine all those hours used on the rail shooter could have been used on something like free flight

multiplayer space combat the players would actually enjoy 100 times more.....


and imagine how few people would be rolling alts and playing FPs and doing ops and playing WZs if we had the same craptastical space combat as SWG .... Taking MORE people away from PVE content wont save this games subs sad to say ... the majority of the players are not hard core space or pvpers.


full out space combat will kill this game .... like it did SWG. (as i have said before NGE was the final nail but subs started dropping when JTL came and no one was doing ground based stuff for months)


I agree with lord karsk on one thing though .... a multiplayer space combat PVP where it was a large area ala Battlefront where you have a mix of space and ground pvp would take this game to the next level of awesome. But i dont expect it for a couple of years cause that is what it would take to develop it in the hero engine.

Edited by drfirewater
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I have all the upgrades mostly pre 40 since I quit trying after 40 on my alts after my 50 with full level 5 upgrades kept dying in Sullust (but I always pick up the fleet com upgrades asap even if its just for 5 levels it helps). Have everything but the torpedos (not doing anything post 40 so why bother?).


I've read guides, and watched youtube vids. While they were a bit helpful, it is simply far too difficult for me to regularly complete any post 40 space combat mission. It just isn't worth the stress required to complete them.


I can complete Sullust Interception (not the bonus usually), but only once in maybe twenty to thirty tries. Actually I find the missions after Sullust more completable (it takes fewer than ten to finish them). But frankly that's far too much time to invest in a mini game.


There are actually upgrades beyond level 5, they can be made by cybercrafters, or you can get them as random rewards for finishing all the bonuses on the missions.

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I played them 1st when i started the game.. But now i just don't touch it at all. BORING and no surprises. Get rid of the rails and add an OPEN space environment then i shall add more time to it.


This. Not to mention there isn't any reason to do them. Hard mode isn't going to give anyone more reason to play it. Just more proof that Bioware has no idea why they're loosing players. Make space multiplayer and/or open area not on rails. Even better would be to tie space missions into ground missions where you have to do both to complete a quest. I.E. fight your way through planetary defenses or onto a space station, then a ground fight at that location to finish it.

Edited by tbrian
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No, they're way too hard at higher levels. They need a difficulty slider.



Stop holding down the fire button to actually let your shields recharge :rolleyes:

Power invert to shields when not firing.. Can go from no shields to full in about 10 seconds.


Easy game.

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Stop holding down the fire button to actually let your shields recharge :rolleyes:

Power invert to shields when not firing.. Can go from no shields to full in about 10 seconds.


Easy game.


it's easy when the frame rate doesn't die like in certain missions

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