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I Am All For Pay To Win, Are You?


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Why do people act like this business tactic is exclusive to EA? ALL companies are in business to milk you if they can. People championing against EA like they invented corporate greed just makes them look dumb.


nah i think people are more concerned that they invested a tonne of time in to their characters to watch tehm develope and grow ... and then some douchey little kid with daddys credit card gets the same gear instantly.

i know thats what annoys the hell out of me, in this play-to-win model that this game is 100% guaranteed to become.


i have no doubt that EA did not invent coporate greed, but it is my choice not to buy their goods if i deem them to be too greedy. IF EA does go pay-to-win, then they are becoming too greedy and i will quit.

They already have my sub, if they made the game better then they could expect more people to play the game.


stop copying WOW and its fail logics on games EA, start reading the forums and you will see tonnes and tonnes of good ideas that no other game has thought of.

The most powerful and inventive minds out there are the nerdy twits that play this game, myself included.

EA needs to read what they are saying and impliment these ideas ... theres armys of nerdy players out there, use em in your war on mediocrity.


oh, and give me an alt bank that all of my alts can put stuff in to and take out of .... its such a pain to gather on one alt and mail to the crafter alt. A guild bank would be fine but unfortunately i dont trust anyone in the game enough to invite them and get them to invite/promote my alts. Not everyone brings friends in to computer games or plays online with them, you know.


and bring in gear brackets for pvp at level 50.

and rename ewoks as wookie-poop.

and make more costumes.

and have more than one planet as a destination whilst leveling ... gods i hate nar shadda.

and remove macros.

and make more colours for lightsabers.

and make more different types of bullets for guns, maybe stylised/personal choice colours for your gun bullets (who doesnt want to shoot bullets with "in your face with a can of mace" or "hope you kissed your momma goodbye this morning cos you aint gonna see her again" etched on to each one .. oh come on.

and more ships, customisable and re-structurable.

and more companions, very annoying to get greeded loot for heavy armour and none of my comps can use it. Every class should have customisable companions as extends to their tree/talents ... to an extent.

filters on your crafting skills to limit, for example, based on level or gear type or "usable by" sorta thing.

the above filters on vendors too ... so much time crawling through what gear my comps can use.


these are just drawn from my brain as i prepare to go back to work from my lunch break.




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Firstly, I am not a troll and I am not writing this thread to get attention. I am an adult Star Wars fan who has seen Episode IV - VI in the cinema when they were first screened. I bought into the pre-launch hype and own two copies of SWTOR Collector's Edition, mainly due to the promised "exclusive" CE Store where I hoped to spend real money to buy "exclusive" virtual items. I stopped playing LOTRO for SWTOR and still have LOTRO credits in my LOTRO account.


I loved buying vanity items, pets different seasonal horses that are faster and stat and XP boosts in LOTRO and thought SWTOR would be the same, especially the CE store. I found out early in the game that we the CE store concept was only hype, but I gave BW some months to improve on it. I subbed for 6 month because of this and also because I enjoyed SWTOR at the pre-50 levels. I have just unsubbed due to various reasons which I discussed in another thread. However, I plan to pop in after they start the F2P just to have a look at the ingame store to see if there is any P2W items. If they are good enough, I might re-sub.


Specific P2W items I like:

PvP Stat boosts

PvP XP boosts

Exclusive CE armour with stats enhancements

Exclusive CE weapons with stats boosts

Flying mounts

Very fast speeders

Cartel coins

Datacrons which are difficult to get


Does anyone else like P2W items like I do?


I have much in common with the OP except for the purchase of 2 CE edtions of this game. I have never had any reason to purchase such items as they are (IMHO) over priced and not worth the value.


As to the items listed (or any other item), I think that anyone that puts down the money FOR A SUBSCRIPTION should be able to get those items WITHOUT paying EXTRA. I do not pay my sub to pay for "freeloaders". I do not pay my subscription to get no content except that I have to purchase in a "store". I further will not pay for items in a store as they are overpriced and I will not pay for overpriced "pixels". It is going to be people that are like the OP that are going ruin MMO's with the willing help of overly greedy game developers.

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Or just consider this.. if everyone decided to think the same way, what's the point of BW continuing on with the sub package rather than forcing us all down the F2P route instead? - ooh you might cancel anyway.. so either way if the game does not make money then simply there will be no game... simples


Think you might have mis-understood my point, so I'll give you some examples from LOTRO


1) XP Boost Scroll e.g. 200% xp from monster kills for 1 hour.


This item was not available in game, only through the store. However, the result of using the item was simply quicker leveling. Gaining XP and leveling was still available in game through normal quests, so the shop was not giving you anything exclusive. You could still level fine without the shop. It was convenience, not paying to win.


2) Deed Accelerators


Again, another convenience item. Using it made your deeds go quicker for an hour, thus reducing the grind.


3) Horses / Cosmetic Outfits


These bore no relation to your performance in game so are just fluff items. Not pay 2 win.


4) Content packs, expansion packs, new classes etc.


If you wanted to level through the misty mountains, you either had to be a subscriber or you had the buy the content pack for MM.



Basically, what I'm saying is that I'm fine with anything being in the store as long as it does not give the buyer an irreconcilable advantage over a normal subscriber. So, for example if the top tier of gear was only available through the store, and not available in game any other way, that would be pay 2 win, something a subscriber could not overcome through simple playtime. If they offer convenience items, thats fine, as whilst it may be frustrating I know I can overcome the advantage just by playing normally.


now, of course, if bioware force us all down the F2P route and do away with subscriptions then I'm fine with pay 2 win. If you go down that route from the start then at least everyone is on a level playing field and knows what they are in for. I dont think its a good idea, or sustainable, but at least it would be even. However, if you're sticking with subscribers, a subscriber should get everything included with their subscription fee except expansions.

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Nah-trolling is not what the intended purpose of this thread, even though P2W hater would like to think so. The purpose of this thread is to find out if there are other players like me who are partial to the availability of P2W items in SWTOR.


There are so many emotionally-charged posts against P2W items out there and I was wondering if this resistance to P2W is purely economical or are there other reasons for it. Judging from the posts, the main factor for the anti-P2W sentiment is economical. Although some posters state that they oppose to players buying what can be earned in-game, the reasons behind this is also economical. Frankly, I think one will buy a P2W article if they can afford it. For example: would you buy a full set of War Hero gear for $1? Most of you will probably say "Take my money"! However, would the same people who would buy it for $1 buy the same item if it was priced at $300? Probably not.


So I think there is a divide in the SWTOR community between the haves and the have-nots. These two groups are not age-dependent as I know that there are some well-off students who play SWTOR on a high-spec PC with multiple 32-inch screens. There are players like me who would pay a reasonable amount of money to buy convenience in the game. This convenience increases our enjoyment of the game and probably make us play more or continue to remain subbed for a longer time. There are also other players who deplore the business idea that players can pay for such items and claim to quit as soon as these items are available. These players probably can't afford to buy such an item at the intended price. These are all economic reasons.


I am sure that there are players who are strongly against P2W because its against their principles. I respect that, but I am of the opinion that the roots of these principles are purely economic. Why should it bother one if the other player can spend their own money to buy better gear? If one can't afford to buy better gear then one can obtain it by other means, like grinding for it. The end result is the same: time is traded for money. If one is able to afford better gear, but does not want to buy it due to "principles", then be happy and grind for the gear. That way everyone is happy in the game.


Now, I know people may have different views than mine, and I respect your views. If I have offended anyone, it is not my intention. I merely want to find out if anyone shares my views on P2W, and I openly welcome differing views, as long as they are expressed in a mature and civil manner ,,, and in accordance to the EULA of SWTOR.


May there be peace in the Galaxy.

Edited by Ratior
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From a guy that unsubbed I take this with a grain of salt



"I have unsubbed. Reasons: 1. Guild Wars 2 -...


I have unsubbed. Reasons:


1. Guild Wars 2 - I had fun in the beta test weekends and stress tests. Hey-there will be a stress test in a few hours' time! Wooohoo!

2. Boredom - lack of end game..."


I call TROLL


And No to the P2W

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As long as there is another realistic way of getting the P2W items (grinding for example), I have no problems with it. I spent some money on P2W in other MMO's but these are usually improvements of my Quality of Life instead of the "LOLIWIN"-button.


You want to spend 300 dollars on War Hero gear? fine, go ahead. But I need to be able to match that gear by spending more time in it.


It's the trifecta "skill-time-money". Very few have all three. Those with less time, can use money and skill to cope with that. Those without skill can make up the difference (gearwise) with time and or money. and those without money can cope by learning more (time + skill)...

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Why are you marginalizing the work that person B is doing? Just because it isn't in the game doesn't make it not important. If he wants to take the work he's been rewarded for, and translate that external reward into a reward from SW:TOR, why is he demonized for doing so? Letting him do that is in no way penalizing person A, as person A's rewards are still there and he was still willing to put in the time he did to obtain them. If the price cost and time cost aren't equivalent then there may be an issue, but thats beyond this discussion.


The playing field is about in game skill not real world resources. If you aren't willing to put in the effort to achieve in game goals you don't deserve the reward. What you are suggesting is tantamount to buying a medel of honor. You didn't put in the sacrifice, the training, nor did you enter into harms way. You don't deserve the reward.


So subscriptions aren't pay to win, they are commit to win? Does that mean we should only let six month subscribers access to Terror from Beyond for the first few months its out, since they're the most committed? How is someone who has spent $30 in the cash shop this month less committed than a one month subscriber who has cancelled and is riding out their final 29 days? Should we strip gear from people who complain on the forums, since they're clearly not supportive enough to deserve it? This idea that only people who've proven their support for the game should get the best rewards is a dangerous one and probably more damaging to the game's health than pay to win ever could be. And again, letting people pay a one time cash fee for the same rewards as the people paying cash monthly is in no way a penalty to the subscibers but an alternative means of advancement.


You are engaging in reductio ad absurdum. This doesn't merrit a response.


My argument isn't letting people without the time or cash to play competitively. My argument is that people without the time but with the cash should have a chance.


Addressed in my first response. But will state again: You didn't put in the sacrifice (time), you don't have the training ( know how to play your class as well as someone who has more time and experience ( unless you are a MMORPG vet ) ) to warrent the same rewards.


This hyperbole is really unnecessary. Especially since you've hade to misunderstad my position to justify using it.


When I state that attitudes about buying success without effort not only bring down gaming but everything else in life to a state of mediocrity at best and a stinking dung heap at worste, I am not engaging in hyperbole. It merrits a discussion in this context because our secular progressive western world no longer values hard work or excellence. Everything from the media to western education systems to the state are screaming mediocrity and dependance rather than that of excellence and independance. This poisonouos mind set has insidiously crept into the collective gestalt in much the same way as puttting a frog in a pot of water and slowly turning up the heat. This cycle needs to be broken before the water boils. This striving for fairness is a ruse and a distraction. In a world where everyone is special, no one is. Paying to win is much in this mind set as to rewarding mediocrity instead of excellence. Paying to win is not a leveling or normalizing mechanism. Paying to win devalues all those that put in the time and effort to achieve the reward instead of "just buying it".

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I am so flipping tired of the "I am a working adult" argument. You know what? A very large percentage of people who play this game are working adults. I work 8-6 every day, have 3 young children... yet because I am able to manage my time I am able to do everything in this game that I want (currently rank 85 pvp). I have 5 alts all at 40+, all crafting skills maxed out, etc etc.


Stop using that as an excuse, because it really makes you sound like you do not know how to balance your time.


Agreed 100%

I am well over 40 years old and I work 10-12 hrs a day on a swing shift (4 days on day shift ,2 days off, 4 days on night shift,) and have done so for over 15 years, I am a father of 2 and a grandpa to 3 and soon to be 4. and still I have a level 50 here (+3 over lvl 40), 10 level 85's in wow, and still manage to put about 500 miles a week on my harley. So the "I work so I don't have time" excuse doesnt fly. If I can do it with my RL obligations anyone can.


I get so sick of folks crying "I pay 15.00 a month like everyone else, but i can only play 1 hr a week so its not fair they must give me epix lewtz too", or " They need to let me just buy a max level toon, and all the gears so I can be competitive". I say BEE ESS. Furthermore buying all the gears or max level doesn't buy skill, I got stuck with more than one person who bought their max level wow toon on ebay that had no idea how to play it.


It is what you do with your time in game. do you sit on the fleet the whole time and troll general? or do you look at your mission log and figure out the most efficent way to get them done with the least wasted time then execute? Do you run face first into every mob group and wast time killing way more than you have to, or avoid what mobs you can to get the objective done quickly?


For example I have the entire revanite chain on Drummond kass down to 25-30 min start to finish, and can complete all the dark temple quests in about 30 minutes as well. So in about 1 hr play time there is almost 2 plus levels of xp, an orange quest reward, a title, 2 datacrons, and a couple thousand credits. how much easier can you make it.


A MMO is a time sink, if you don't have the time to commit then a MMO may not be for you. ( maybe go play mario cart, or Monopoly).


Even if you play 1 hr a week or 1 hr a day, you can still get the gear, granted it will take longer to reach max level and max gear but you will eventually get there. so stop crying to have it handed to you.


It doesn't take that long in all honesty. Even with my busy RL schedule it took me 1 month to reach max level on my BH. It took me 2 days to max my professions, and doing all dalies, flashpoints over the past week has got me enough gear to start entry level OP's. Will I be the heaviest hiter in the op? NO I wont, but I will be there, and hopefully winning better gear to improve my performance for the next one.


P2W is just a cop out to cater to the lazy crybabies. I would probably not complain if they sold empty orange shells in the cash shop, BUT make mods and enhancements still have to be purchaced in game for comms that only come from quest rewards. so they will still have to do the work to make the shells useable.

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Agreed 100%

I am well over 40 years old and I work 10-12 hrs a day on a swing shift (4 days on day shift ,2 days off, 4 days on night shift,) and have done so for over 15 years, I am a father of 2 and a grandpa to 3 and soon to be 4. and still I have a level 50 here (+3 over lvl 40), 10 level 85's in wow, and still manage to put about 500 miles a week on my harley. So the "I work so I don't have time" excuse doesnt fly. If I can do it with my RL obligations anyone can.


I get so sick of folks crying "I pay 15.00 a month like everyone else, but i can only play 1 hr a week so its not fair they must give me epix lewtz too", or " They need to let me just buy a max level toon, and all the gears so I can be competitive". I say BEE ESS. Furthermore buying all the gears or max level doesn't buy skill, I got stuck with more than one person who bought their max level wow toon on ebay that had no idea how to play it.


It is what you do with your time in game. do you sit on the fleet the whole time and troll general? or do you look at your mission log and figure out the most efficent way to get them done with the least wasted time then execute? Do you run face first into every mob group and wast time killing way more than you have to, or avoid what mobs you can to get the objective done quickly?


For example I have the entire revanite chain on Drummond kass down to 25-30 min start to finish, and can complete all the dark temple quests in about 30 minutes as well. So in about 1 hr play time there is almost 2 plus levels of xp, an orange quest reward, a title, 2 datacrons, and a couple thousand credits. how much easier can you make it.


A MMO is a time sink, if you don't have the time to commit then a MMO may not be for you. ( maybe go play mario cart, or Monopoly).


Even if you play 1 hr a week or 1 hr a day, you can still get the gear, granted it will take longer to reach max level and max gear but you will eventually get there. so stop crying to have it handed to you.


It doesn't take that long in all honesty. Even with my busy RL schedule it took me 1 month to reach max level on my BH. It took me 2 days to max my professions, and doing all dalies, flashpoints over the past week has got me enough gear to start entry level OP's. Will I be the heaviest hiter in the op? NO I wont, but I will be there, and hopefully winning better gear to improve my performance for the next one.


P2W is just a cop out to cater to the lazy crybabies. I would probably not complain if they sold empty orange shells in the cash shop, BUT make mods and enhancements still have to be purchaced in game for comms that only come from quest rewards. so they will still have to do the work to make the shells useable.


Well said. :)

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What they should do is just sell orange gear shells in the cash shop. That way there are no stats linked to them and people can customize their appearance with new outfits. I know this won't be the case though since they've talked about blue level gear being sold but that is far from BiS anyways.


That is a lesser of two evils, it will still have an effect on the game if you allow people to buy gear that looks just like or better than gear from the end game operations. The reason is because one of the main reasons people chase gear is appearance, and if you give some noob with daddies platinum card a robe that looks exactly like one that a progression raider spent weeks of time and strategy to get you are going to lose players.


You can argue whether that is a stupid reason to play an mmo, what you cant argue is that you will lose alot of your games raiders, and despite the casuals always complaining about the "elitists" mmos do not thrive without them.

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I like the community in LOTRO better too.


The community in LOTRO is one of the best I've ever encountered in any MMO. Unfortunately, F2P killed that game, especially the PvP with its P2W emphasis and the Build-A-Creep system. There is a ton of content, the best of which was created over four years ago, but the store has soiled the experience there and the community is the only thing keeping that game alive.


In fact, LOTRO is the perfect example of F2P gone wrong. Not only can you P2W to PvP, but you have to pay just to compete in any meaningful way (at least as a Creep). Additionally, the endgame raids and content are designed around the buffs in the store. It's not simply a P2W situation, but is content specifically designed to require players to buy buffs just to complete it. LOTRO was a wonderful game for about three years. Once the store took over, it became complete garbage and is just a shadow of its former self.



The LOTRO store, to my knowledge, only ever put one type of pay2win item up for sale: stat tomes.


You need to reacquaint yourself with the LOTRO store then if you think stat tomes are the only P2W items there. It currently is a P2W paradise. Stat tomes, exclusive heal/power pots, special buffs, extra legacies for Legendary Items, and that's just PvE stuff. PvP is even worse, led by the Build-A-Creep system.


It's an utter farce and it's no wonder that nobody takes LOTRO seriously anymore. Playing that game is like playing in a commercial. I currently have 10K+ in Turbine Points that continue to amass on a monthly basis which I will never use because of the sell out that game has become.



The guy from Bioware said that P2W would be a disaster in a game like SWTOR. He went on to say it would never happen. ****! I wish I could give a link, but I would put a large sum of money on SWTOR not being P2W.


So far, the official word I've heard on two separate occasions by Michael Bromberg (BW Austin General Manager) and Gabe Amantalego(sp?) [Lead PvP and Ops/FP Dev] is that the store will not have P2W items. Of course, the store hasn't been implemented in game yet so it's easy to say these things. High levels at BW have also lied to us in the past so take those comments for what they are worth.


At the same time, it always starts out this way; good intentions with an emphasis on "convenience, not advantage." Unfortunately, I haven't seen a game adopt F2P that didn't eventually sell out. We shall see if BW can navigate the slippery slope without turning the game into a complete joke.



Meanwhile, I will be playing GW2.


You guys do realize that GW2 is starting out P2P/F2P and has the making of a true blue P2W game already right? Lol


The virtue of GW2 is that it's almost solely a PvP game made for PvPers. However, that's where the virtue ends.



The playing field is about in game skill not real world resources.


No it isn't. This is a game. It is a form of entertainment. That's how EA/BW sees it. That's how they will treat it. Skill doesn't factor into the equation at all.

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Firstly, I am not a troll and I am not writing this thread to get attention. I am an adult Star Wars fan who has seen Episode IV - VI in the cinema when they were first screened. I bought into the pre-launch hype and own two copies of SWTOR Collector's Edition, mainly due to the promised "exclusive" CE Store where I hoped to spend real money to buy "exclusive" virtual items. I stopped playing LOTRO for SWTOR and still have LOTRO credits in my LOTRO account.


I loved buying vanity items, pets different seasonal horses that are faster and stat and XP boosts in LOTRO and thought SWTOR would be the same, especially the CE store. I found out early in the game that we the CE store concept was only hype, but I gave BW some months to improve on it. I subbed for 6 month because of this and also because I enjoyed SWTOR at the pre-50 levels. I have just unsubbed due to various reasons which I discussed in another thread. However, I plan to pop in after they start the F2P just to have a look at the ingame store to see if there is any P2W items. If they are good enough, I might re-sub.


Specific P2W items I like:

PvP Stat boosts

PvP XP boosts

Exclusive CE armour with stats enhancements

Exclusive CE weapons with stats boosts

Flying mounts

Very fast speeders

Cartel coins

Datacrons which are difficult to get


Does anyone else like P2W items like I do?


To just say NO seems like such a gross understatement.


Nothing but contempt for the P2W philosophy and the people who support it.

Edited by Hardwear
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No it isn't. This is a game. It is a form of entertainment. That's how EA/BW sees it. That's how they will treat it. Skill doesn't factor into the equation at all.


You took my quote out of the context it was answering and it was only a partial quote to "prove your point". Selective editing doesn't validate your view in light of the point being made:


There is a reward given in game for time spent and skill learned to achieve said reward. Real world "resources" (e.g. Money) should not be used as a means to circumvent the effort to obtain said reward. It dimishes the accomplishments of those that achieved the reward via legitimate IN GAME means.

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Firstly, I am not a troll and I am not writing this thread to get attention. I am an adult Star Wars fan who has seen Episode IV - VI in the cinema when they were first screened. I bought into the pre-launch hype and own two copies of SWTOR Collector's Edition, mainly due to the promised "exclusive" CE Store where I hoped to spend real money to buy "exclusive" virtual items. I stopped playing LOTRO for SWTOR and still have LOTRO credits in my LOTRO account.


I loved buying vanity items, pets different seasonal horses that are faster and stat and XP boosts in LOTRO and thought SWTOR would be the same, especially the CE store. I found out early in the game that we the CE store concept was only hype, but I gave BW some months to improve on it. I subbed for 6 month because of this and also because I enjoyed SWTOR at the pre-50 levels. I have just unsubbed due to various reasons which I discussed in another thread. However, I plan to pop in after they start the F2P just to have a look at the ingame store to see if there is any P2W items. If they are good enough, I might re-sub.


Specific P2W items I like:

PvP Stat boosts

PvP XP boosts

Exclusive CE armour with stats enhancements

Exclusive CE weapons with stats boosts

Flying mounts

Very fast speeders

Cartel coins

Datacrons which are difficult to get


Does anyone else like P2W items like I do?


Im 30 years old, I work, I have 4 kids, I homeschool those kids, and i Have a healthy social life.


I run a successful ops guild, my main is in full campaign, and all my alts are lvl 50 and at least in battlemaster.


All my lvl 50's have every datacron.

Basically L2P:cool:

Edited by TrakonBazzaak
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In-game challenge, the amount of time it takes to earn a reward, and the level of your stats are just numbers completely controllable by the devs. Why ask for changes to those systems when you can offer to pay for them, and keep paying for them?


Silly humans.

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I'm having fun with the game atm but if they introduce PTW I'm gone.


I mostly PVE so I define PTW as making the best operations gear available in the cash shop.

Even though BW folks have said in video interviews that top tier gear will not be purchasable I wouldn't be surprised if EA went down this route later on because their mandate after all is to make money and corporations nowadays seem to be about short term gain rather than long term payoff.


Oh well, there are plenty of other good games to play out there.

Edited by Projawa
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Firstly, I am not a troll and I am not writing this thread to get attention. I am an adult Star Wars fan who has seen Episode IV - VI in the cinema when they were first screened. I bought into the pre-launch hype and own two copies of SWTOR Collector's Edition, mainly due to the promised "exclusive" CE Store where I hoped to spend real money to buy "exclusive" virtual items. I stopped playing LOTRO for SWTOR and still have LOTRO credits in my LOTRO account.


I loved buying vanity items, pets different seasonal horses that are faster and stat and XP boosts in LOTRO and thought SWTOR would be the same, especially the CE store. I found out early in the game that we the CE store concept was only hype, but I gave BW some months to improve on it. I subbed for 6 month because of this and also because I enjoyed SWTOR at the pre-50 levels. I have just unsubbed due to various reasons which I discussed in another thread. However, I plan to pop in after they start the F2P just to have a look at the ingame store to see if there is any P2W items. If they are good enough, I might re-sub.


Specific P2W items I like:

PvP Stat boosts

PvP XP boosts

Exclusive CE armour with stats enhancements

Exclusive CE weapons with stats boosts

Flying mounts

Very fast speeders

Cartel coins

Datacrons which are difficult to get


Does anyone else like P2W items like I do?


I am absolutely FOR pay to win. I p2w in real life and nothing would make me and millions happier than to p2w in my video games as well. You hear me Bioware? Make the game P2W and I'll gladly spend over $1000.00 a month easily.

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Firstly, I am not a troll

Yes, you are. No one likes P2W except the people that can afford.


I also left LOTRO for SWTOR. You know why? P2W. LOTRO was getting unbearable with its demands.

Amen brother.

Edited by Bugattiboy
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