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I Am All For Pay To Win, Are You?


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Firstly, I am not a troll and I am not writing this thread to get attention. I am an adult Star Wars fan who has seen Episode IV - VI in the cinema when they were first screened. I bought into the pre-launch hype and own two copies of SWTOR Collector's Edition, mainly due to the promised "exclusive" CE Store where I hoped to spend real money to buy "exclusive" virtual items. I stopped playing LOTRO for SWTOR and still have LOTRO credits in my LOTRO account.


I loved buying vanity items, pets different seasonal horses that are faster and stat and XP boosts in LOTRO and thought SWTOR would be the same, especially the CE store. I found out early in the game that we the CE store concept was only hype, but I gave BW some months to improve on it. I subbed for 6 month because of this and also because I enjoyed SWTOR at the pre-50 levels. I have just unsubbed due to various reasons which I discussed in another thread. However, I plan to pop in after they start the F2P just to have a look at the ingame store to see if there is any P2W items. If they are good enough, I might re-sub.


Specific P2W items I like:

PvP Stat boosts

PvP XP boosts

Exclusive CE armour with stats enhancements

Exclusive CE weapons with stats boosts

Flying mounts

Very fast speeders

Cartel coins

Datacrons which are difficult to get


Does anyone else like P2W items like I do?

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Firstly, I am not a troll and I am not writing this thread to get attention. I am an adult Star Wars fan who has seen Episode IV - VI in the cinema when they were first screened. I bought into the pre-launch hype and own two copies of SWTOR Collector's Edition, mainly due to the promised "exclusive" CE Store where I hoped to spend real money to buy "exclusive" virtual items. I stopped playing LOTRO for SWTOR and still have LOTRO credits in my LOTRO account.


I loved buying vanity items, pets different seasonal horses that are faster and stat and XP boosts in LOTRO and thought SWTOR would be the same, especially the CE store. I found out early in the game that we the CE store concept was only hype, but I gave BW some months to improve on it. I subbed for 6 month because of this and also because I enjoyed SWTOR at the pre-50 levels. I have just unsubbed due to various reasons which I discussed in another thread. However, I plan to pop in after they start the F2P just to have a look at the ingame store to see if there is any P2W items. If they are good enough, I might re-sub.


Specific P2W items I like:

PvP Stat boosts

PvP XP boosts

Exclusive CE armour with stats enhancements

Exclusive CE weapons with stats boosts

Flying mounts

Very fast speeders

Cartel coins

Datacrons which are difficult to get


Does anyone else like P2W items like I do?


The second they had a P2W item I am gone. I am barely here to begin with these days, keeping my sub open just to see what happens.

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Firstly, I am not a troll and I am not writing this thread to get attention. I am an adult Star Wars fan who has seen Episode IV - VI in the cinema when they were first screened. I bought into the pre-launch hype and own two copies of SWTOR Collector's Edition, mainly due to the promised "exclusive" CE Store where I hoped to spend real money to buy "exclusive" virtual items. I stopped playing LOTRO for SWTOR and still have LOTRO credits in my LOTRO account.


I loved buying vanity items, pets different seasonal horses that are faster and stat and XP boosts in LOTRO and thought SWTOR would be the same, especially the CE store. I found out early in the game that we the CE store concept was only hype, but I gave BW some months to improve on it. I subbed for 6 month because of this and also because I enjoyed SWTOR at the pre-50 levels. I have just unsubbed due to various reasons which I discussed in another thread. However, I plan to pop in after they start the F2P just to have a look at the ingame store to see if there is any P2W items. If they are good enough, I might re-sub.


Specific P2W items I like:

PvP Stat boosts

PvP XP boosts

Exclusive CE armour with stats enhancements

Exclusive CE weapons with stats boosts

Flying mounts

Very fast speeders

Cartel coins

Datacrons which are difficult to get


Does anyone else like P2W items like I do?



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The second they had a P2W item I am gone. I am barely here to begin with these days, keeping my sub open just to see what happens.


I agree.


It's pointless to play a P2W game. You might as well just base the game off who has the biggest bank account. Even though I could afford any thing they put on the cash shop it defeats the purpose of the game. It's like playing chest with the aid of a computer program.

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Everybody know it ain't pay-to-win if you got it.




Oh I agree, the issue is the "pay" part if I am a subscriber, if they want to make it a basic requirement to own such equipment to remain competitive, as a subscriber I expect it to turn up in my character's mail box, nickel and dime the f2p crowd not me.

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,,, you guys do know that , one of the new guys from BW said blue armour and such are going to be aceessable via the cash shop .


for levels 1 to 49 . ..


yes that does nt effect end game but a person whos just leveling slowly and can t be arse to do the FPs can just buy gear ( blue armour) thats pay to win. in its self..


maybe not effect level 50s but all this talk ...I AM GOING TO QUIT IF I SEE P2W ANYWHERE,,


Needs to grow up , your not going to quit the game your going to piss and moan on a form.. thats any it


face facts .

Edited by Murder_Toys
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,,, you guys do know that , one of the new guys from BW said blue armour and such are going to be aceessable via the cash shop .


for levels 1 to 49 . ..


yes that does nt effect end game but a person whos just leveling slowly and can t be arse to do the FPs can just buy gear ( blue armour) thats pay to win. in its self..


maybe not effect level 50s but all this talk ...I AM GOING TO QUIT IF I SEE P2W ANYWHERE,,


Needs to grow up , your not going to quit the game your going to piss and moan on a form.. thats any it


face facts .


I read that as well, but to be honest that doesn't bother me too much as 1 -49 is pretty much a solo game anyway, it will have no effect on PvP due to bolster pre-50, the only thing that will cause me to get upset is if they start selling items pre-50 with expertise on them. That is the definition of P2W as it gives a direct advantage over others (pre-50 there isn't any gear with expertise on the commendation merchant except level 49 armour).

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,,, you guys do know that , one of the new guys from BW said blue armour and such are going to be aceessable via the cash shop .


for levels 1 to 49 . ..


yes that does nt effect end game but a person whos just leveling slowly and can t be arse to do the FPs can just buy gear ( blue armour) thats pay to win. in its self..


maybe not effect level 50s but all this talk ...I AM GOING TO QUIT IF I SEE P2W ANYWHERE,,


Needs to grow up , your not going to quit the game your going to piss and moan on a form.. thats any it


face facts .


That's not Pay to Win.


That's Pay to Level.


Pay 2 Win is max level.

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I would also be gone the moment BioWare decides to put P2W stuff into the cartel market. I own a CE, I never expected there anything that would give me an advantage over other players (but I am disappointed that there wasn't many vanity things to get there). I am also really into PvP, and giving people who spend more money an advantage is not something I want to see in my video games (it already happens enough in real life sports.. and also quite a few video games, which I don't play because of this). I think P2W would kill SWTOR, because most people who are still with the game would leave then, and without much competition even the whales would see no reason to spend money and look for another game.
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My circumstances are similar to the OP. I am a working adult, I can remember going to the theater in the summer of '77 to see Episode IV, I play LOTRO so I am familiar with F2P. etc... While I certainly don't want to see a cash store upset game balance (particularly endgame balance) in SWTOR, I do think BW would be wise to make some of the more mundane necessities like consumables and crafting boosts, as well as cosmetics, available for real money. My play time is fairly limited by real life obligations, so I guess what I am hoping for is "pay to not have to spend my time grinding".
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Firstly, I am not a troll and I am not writing this thread to get attention. I am an adult Star Wars fan who has seen Episode IV - VI in the cinema when they were first screened.

I don't know anybody who saw Star Wars in the theater who refers to it as Episode IV ;)

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EA does.


Both of these, QFT. I'm all for Pay2Pretty. But Pay2Win is another thing. It's disgusting. You dont pay to reach max stats in a console game. And thats the point of playing the game. If you're going to buy an item in even a console game that gives you max stats, I dont see the point in playing the game at all. Takes away any challenge that would be present. I'm not even sure why someone would want it in a game, but thats your choice.


And I'm sure you'll love this game in the coming months. Them adding blue gear to the cash shop is just testing the waters while making cash. Other than that, sure you could use it in PvP, but you could also level crafting and make yourself some nice purple gear to own in Warzones. Doesnt hold much value in the game itself other than to sell people gear they will quickly outlevel, and see what people think of it before they add P2W endgame gear.

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"When you are six hours into playing Battlefield and you run out of ammo in your clip, and we ask you for a dollar to reload, you're really not very price sensitive at that point in time."


"A consumer gets engaged in a property, they might spend 10,20,30,50 hours on the game and then when they're deep into the game they're well invested in in. We're not gouging, but we're charging and at that point in time the commitment can be pretty high."


"But it is a great model and I think it represents a substantially better future for the industry."


Direct quote from an interview with John Riccitiello of EA.


If they smell a money making opportunity then they will milk it for all they can.


If pay to win items will make them money then damn right they will sell them.

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I don't know anybody who saw Star Wars in the theater who refers to it as Episode IV ;)


LOL! I am Asian. When Ep IV was first shown here in 1977, they probably had a later version which does say "Episode IV: A New Hope" when the upward scrolling blurb started at the beginning of the movie.

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If they smell a money making opportunity then they will milk it for all they can.


If pay to win items will make them money then damn right they will sell them.


Why do people act like this business tactic is exclusive to EA? ALL companies are in business to milk you if they can. People championing against EA like they invented corporate greed just makes them look dumb.

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