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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Huttball is crap


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Every queue huttball pop-up , i cant choose a different wz cause pvp queue system is a failure.

I know its all about population imbalance but i'm really quitting the game cause of huttball. It's boring.


1)Create a clone of voidstar and alderaan , call it Training field or whatever and let empire face empire here.


2) Add a single queue button to join selected wz and not all of 'em.



Sorry , my english is crap too.

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Every queue huttball pop-up , i cant choose a different wz cause pvp queue system is a failure.

I know its all about population imbalance but i'm really quitting the game cause of huttball. It's boring.


1)Create a clone of voidstar and alderaan , call it Training field or whatever and let empire face empire here.


2) Add a single queue button to join selected wz and not all of 'em.



Sorry , my english is crap too.


Sry mate, but i don't think the Hutball is the problem ;), it is great and well balanced. (of course if players knows what to do), what can you expect if probably you are playing with people that doens't even know that there is a button to pass the ball?

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the door is ---->that way.


Huttball is a refreshing new look and lots of fun. Voidstar on the other hand i could do without but Huttball is far and away the reason I queue for warzones. Its cool if u dont like it and wanna quit....*dueces*.....but its not because huttball is junk.

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Empire vs Empire in VoidStar or Alderaan makes no sense. Here's a thought... roll Republic. Problem solved.


Personally, I feel that the fact that Empire can match against Empire in Huttball is making the situation worse than if it was only EvR. If the EvR was the only option, the ridiculous Empire queues would go a long way to balancing the server population.

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I like how most of the people posting in this thread are attacking the OP instead of acknowledging the problem. Nobody cares that you personally like Huttball, the simple fact is that some people don't like it. I don't mind the occasional Huttball game myself, but sometimes, I would just like to do some Alderaan or Void Star in between some PvE, even if it takes 30 minutes to get a match. There is no reason why we shouldn't at least be able to choose which warzone to queue for. The next step would be to add a Huttball-style or "training" versions of Alderaan and Void Star so that population imbalance becomes a non issue.
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pvp queue system is a failure.


Short answer: wrong.


Longer answer: It's brilliant. BioWare has solved the long-standing problem of pvp ques and server faction imbalance. The reason there are so many Huttball pops, is because all of the servers are massively tilted to the Empire. Result: more pops, but you just play Empire players.


It's not fail, its WIN.


Give me pops over no pops any day.

Edited by Petrus
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they dont want one to get neglected or one to get over populated. deal with it


If a warzones gets neglected it means that people don't like it (i.e. it sucks) so it is Bioware's job to deal with it, not the players.

Edited by Shendaar
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I like how most of the people posting in this thread are attacking the OP instead of acknowledging the problem. Nobody cares that you personally like Huttball, the simple fact is that some people don't like it. I don't mind the occasional Huttball game myself, but sometimes, I would just like to do some Alderaan or Void Star in between some PvE, even if it takes 30 minutes to get a match. There is no reason why we shouldn't at least be able to choose which warzone to queue for. The next step would be to add a Huttball-style or "training" versions of Alderaan and Void Star so that population imbalance becomes a non issue.


This is the real issue.


To be frank, far too much of this game is "on rails" - too few choices, even as you're given the illusion of choice. PvP is one area in which even the illusion of choice would be nice.

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I personally agree with the OP in his opinion. I dislike Huttball. However, I understand the genius of their system in that it significantly reduces queues for warzones.


My solution is relatively simple, and it was mentioned on the first page as a sort of joke by one of the posters.


Add a capture the flag warzone with the same sort of premise... it's "teams", so you can still have empire vs empire, republic vs empire, or republic vs republic.


You can then either keep the system as is and it randomly picks between huttball and the capture-the-flag warzone... or you can allow people to select either of the two as their "same side" option to help keep queues managable.


I'm not qutting the game over Huttball, obviously. I simply prefer it the least of all of the warzones, and were I to pick my own, I would never pick that warzone, ever.

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apparently not or you'd be able to q for specific warzones, huh? like i said deal with it


Is this your first video game or are you just being an idiot on purpose? So they couldn't add the feature in at release, big deal, there is nothing stopping them from adding it a later time. Hell, we got the ability to queue for specific warzones in Warhammer at some point too, so I expect it to happen in SWTOR too.


Seriously though, why are you so against giving the player(you) choice? I can't think of single reason why anyone could be against this.

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Is this your first video game or are you just being an idiot on purpose? So they couldn't add the feature in at release, big deal, there is nothing stopping them from adding it a later time. Hell, we got the ability to queue for specific warzones in Warhammer at some point too, so I expect it to happen in SWTOR too.


Seriously though, why are you so against giving the player(you) choice? I can't think of single reason why anyone could be against this.


that may be true but i was speaking in the present. its not currently in the game and a lot of things are currently not in the game that probably will be added later but guess what we have to do until then? yep u guessed it, deal with it


there are only 3 maps atm, i personally hate voidstar. do u know what i do when i get voidstar? i leave and requeue. Genius work around, i know. maybe that will help u

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Man I totally agree, nothing darkens the soul like an innovative and refreshing game of Huttball.


I propose we delete it from the game and replace it with a 10v10 Capture the Flag warzone named Huttsong Gulch.




Hahaha, I agree w/ you 100%! Its funny how people complain about it because Huttball *IS* CTF only ur delivering the flag to the enemies' base (i.e. it's harder) AND you can pass. And because of BioWare's exellent design of the playing field, the side passages are blocked so the simple team flanking rush is out of the picture. If you're having trouble, throw to a teammate on the catwalks who can quickly run it to end zone. Don't get caught in the enemies pit unless you're the ball runner and you plan on baiting the enemy down on the lower level and plan to pass up to the catwalk. More strategy than simple CFT and therefore a significantly better game. If you're running around smacking people like it's TDM you're playing it wrong, you can win this game without killing much if you position yourself correctly.


As far as it's entertainment value that is in the eye of the beholder. For the rest of us out here it's a very fun game to play and a more balanced game because players less good at combat can contribute in a different way via a beautiful thing called strategy.

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