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Lower the cost of War Hero and other Higher end gear.


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I did the math for how many warzone comms it would take to buy the full set of warhero gear. It totaled around 75k. Divide that by 140 comms per win ( my average ) and it totals to 500 games. A bit rediculous. Now, we're not counting the times that a player would not do so well or it is just a plain loss with 8 medal requirement earned. I would imagine it would be somewhere from 700-800 warzones if it was straight losses. On average a player can do four warzones (assuming that each Warzone lasts the average 15 minutes). If a player grinds warzones for eight hours (the hardcore gamer with no life), that will be 32 warzones in one day - on average. Which in effect will take him seventeen weeks to complete the required amount of commendations to have his gear. 17 weeks is four months and one week. There are dailies and weeklies to assist in shortening the time. But... These numbers alone.. really?


Haters gonna hate and probably say I am whining. These folks prolly already have their War Hero gear. But think of it this way... Do you wanna do this entire grind over again once there is a new season - each season? Or each level cap that is raised? Gonna compare to WoW here - it didnt take me nearly as long to get my arena gear...

Edited by DarthDeimos
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I did the math for how many warzone comms it would take to buy the full set of warhero gear. It totaled around 75k. Divide that by 140 comms per win ( my average ) and it totals to 500 games. A bit rediculous. Now, we're not counting the times that a player would not do so well or it is just a plain loss with 8 medal requirement earned. I would imagine it would be somewhere from 700-800 warzones if it was straight losses. On average a player can do four warzones (assuming that each Warzone lasts the average 15 minutes). If a player grinds warzones for eight hours (the hardcore gamer with no life), that will be 32 warzones in one day - on average. Which in effect will take him seventeen weeks to complete the required amount of commendations to have his gear. 17 weeks is four months and one week. There are dailies and weeklies to assist in shortening the time. But... These numbers alone.. really?


Haters gonna hate and probably say I am whining. These folks prolly already have their War Hero gear. But think of it this way... Do you wanna do this entire grind over again once there is a new season - each season? Or each level cap that is raised? Gonna compare to WoW here - it didnt take me nearly as long to get my arena gear...


Suck it up. Everyone else earned their War Hero gear and you can too! Why do you think you're special and should be allowed to bypass the hardships that everyone else in the game had to endure? We got through it and so can you!


The "Gimme Gimme Now!" sense of entitlement among people today is hilarious.


Did I cover everything?

Edited by WrykilX
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When the next set of PvP gear becomes available, you will probably gather the current War Hero set in about a week. Just don't PvP until then :rolleyes:


Do you see me complaining about Battlemaster gear? I hit Valor 60 back when Warzones gave pitiful ammount of it, didn't exploit Ilum and grinded the BM tokens bag by bag after bag and so on and so on. Now everyone gets in a casual week what took me months. But its ok :D

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When the next set of PvP gear becomes available, you will probably gather the current War Hero set in about a week. Just don't PvP until then :rolleyes:


Do you see me complaining about Battlemaster gear? I hit Valor 60 back when Warzones gave pitiful ammount of it, didn't exploit Ilum and grinded the BM tokens bag by bag after bag and so on and so on. Now everyone gets in a casual week what took me months. But its ok :D

Yup, that's how I earned my BM gear too. Just saying that now this process seems to take longer than it did when you had to grind for BM tokens
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Its not that bad to get the gear. With the option to do ranked warzones for ranked comms it is better than what some people had to go with getting the gear on dead servers with 45-60 min+ queue times and some had it worse than that.
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They need to do something about the gear, right now fresh 50s going into PvP is just a disgrace, you die so easily to people in fully augmented WH all the time and there's no enjoyment whatsoever.


Pretty much been like that for a long time.

I agree with you, there should be a valor bracket in my opinion but not if were not getting cross server ques.

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I don't think answers like "We did it, just do the same and shut up" are constructive in any way. What I can see is that among the persons I know who actually got their full war hero gear, most of them ended up leaving the game since they were tired to wait for something more interesting in swtor pvp.

And I also know a lot of people that gave up on the WH gear since it was too long for them to get it.


Finally every passing day there are less people in WZs between those who are full and leave and those who give up on pvp. But there are still egoist people that grinded their equippement and want to keep winning easily not because they are good, but because they have a good gear. But you should understand that if the situation stays as is (like you want it to), you are only penalizing yourself since in the end there won't be anybody playing pvp in your server.


So I would rather agree with the OP and make the gear more accessible, or even I would ask that everybody gets the best set for free, so that everybody has equal chances to win and not only the guys who grinded for monthes

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ISo I would rather agree with the OP and make the gear more accessible, or even I would ask that everybody gets the best set for free, so that everybody has equal chances to win and not only the guys who grinded for monthes


Yes also make full campaign as easy as Battlemaster.


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I did the math for how many warzone comms it would take to buy the full set of warhero gear. It totaled around 75k. Divide that by 140 comms per win ( my average ) and it totals to 500 games. A bit rediculous. Now, we're not counting the times that a player would not do so well or it is just a plain loss with 8 medal requirement earned. I would imagine it would be somewhere from 700-800 warzones if it was straight losses. On average a player can do four warzones (assuming that each Warzone lasts the average 15 minutes). If a player grinds warzones for eight hours (the hardcore gamer with no life), that will be 32 warzones in one day - on average. Which in effect will take him seventeen weeks to complete the required amount of commendations to have his gear. 17 weeks is four months and one week. There are dailies and weeklies to assist in shortening the time. But... These numbers alone.. really?


Haters gonna hate and probably say I am whining. These folks prolly already have their War Hero gear. But think of it this way... Do you wanna do this entire grind over again once there is a new season - each season? Or each level cap that is raised? Gonna compare to WoW here - it didnt take me nearly as long to get my arena gear...


1. The only time you shouldn't get 8 medals is when you're trying not to get 8 medals.

2. Go play ranked warzones, it wil be faster.

3. Four months sounds about right for the average player.

4. Yes, I want a long grind for gear every season... either that or just give it to everyone for free (even playing field). Either is okay.

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Yes also make full campaign as easy as Battlemaster.




Sorry guy, but you are wrong there. It is much more quicker to get full campaign than to get full WH.


My last reroll that hit 50 was full rakata in about one week and even got 2 BH pieces during this week. Most of the BH gear is better than campaign gear and you can easily get 2-3 pieces a week with the commendations and even more if you get some interesting loot. If you play every evening you can get full campaign in about one month after hitting 50. That's a lot quicker than the time requested to become full WH.



1. The only time you shouldn't get 8 medals is when you're trying not to get 8 medals.


Have you played a recruit in PUGs recently? I bet not. Take a deeper look at the result tables after you pvp tonight and see if among the fresh 50 there are a lot of people that have their 8 medals. You are insulting them. In some cases I even got zero medals. If you are dps, can't make heal ore shield medals, and are targeted as soon as you respawn, can't have defensive medals because they control all three points, can't take them out because there is a healer per points, the ennemy has good focus and your teammates are dumb, you can spend the whole WZ getting no medal. Same thing in huttball, if the unbalance between the two teams is too high they will score 6-0 in no time and you won't get anything for this.

Edited by Boufsa
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I did the math for how many warzone comms it would take to buy the full set of warhero gear. It totaled around 75k. Divide that by 140 comms per win ( my average ) and it totals to 500 games. A bit rediculous. Now, we're not counting the times that a player would not do so well or it is just a plain loss with 8 medal requirement earned. I would imagine it would be somewhere from 700-800 warzones if it was straight losses. On average a player can do four warzones (assuming that each Warzone lasts the average 15 minutes). If a player grinds warzones for eight hours (the hardcore gamer with no life), that will be 32 warzones in one day - on average. Which in effect will take him seventeen weeks to complete the required amount of commendations to have his gear. 17 weeks is four months and one week. There are dailies and weeklies to assist in shortening the time. But... These numbers alone.. really?


Haters gonna hate and probably say I am whining. These folks prolly already have their War Hero gear. But think of it this way... Do you wanna do this entire grind over again once there is a new season - each season? Or each level cap that is raised? Gonna compare to WoW here - it didnt take me nearly as long to get my arena gear...


U did just small mistake in your math. Ure not calculating daily and weekly rewards. Its additional 4k normall comms per week. I have two full WH sets now, not concidering myself really hardcore pvper.

Btw. when war hero tier comes alive, reward for weekly was only 100/100. So be glad u have 300/300 now ;]


Edit: to fill the math. If ill use your simple calculation. If youll go 3 wz everyday and win them all, u have 76 340 comms per 11 weeks.

Edited by Coturnix
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Sorry guy, but you are wrong there. It is much more quicker to get full campaign than to get full WH.


My last reroll that hit 50 was full rakata in about one week and even got 2 BH pieces during this week. Most of the BH gear is better than campaign gear and you can easily get 2-3 pieces a week with the commendations and even more if you get some interesting loot. If you play every evening you can get full campaign in about one month after hitting 50. That's a lot quicker than the time requested to become full WH.


How is BH better than Campaign?

Last time ive checked i got a tonload of Endurance than my main stat which is Cunning, how is that better?


I have no intensions making this go way offtopic so im done here, you go stack Endurance for your dps, ill go stack my MAIN stat

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How is BH better than Campaign?


BH is better after remoding. I did it for my trooper and a lots of my mates think the same. Of course there are some mods that are crappy, and have too much endurance for a dps especially for the chest armoring mod, that's right. But after a good remoding and optimization process, you can have a better result. For example I looted a trooper BH chest from the pilgrim nightmare that outpowered from far the corresponding BH or campaign chest from the vendor. I also bought 3 boot pieces CM because they had very insteresting stats on their mods. Furthermore, lots of mods from the campaign gear are like +68 primary stat/ +32 endurance/ +12 power while the BH gear are like +53 primary stat/ +32 endurance/ +41 power which is a lot better.

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Have you played a recruit in PUGs recently? I bet not. .

I kill PuG recruits all the time.


You are insulting them. .

Yes. Yes I am.


In some cases I even got zero medals..

You can argue the 8 medal thing, but if you can't manage 1 medal naked then you need to rethink why you even queue.

What class are you. I'll give you some medal tips.

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I don't think you've ever played solo against 2 premades of the same guild.


Premade does not equal good players, or even coordination.


Either way. Double premade is rare. You're talking about 1 in 20 matches or more. So 95% of the time you should get 8 medals... the other 5% get 6.


And no, I havn't played a 1v8 since last patch... it's pretty good about giving me teammates.

Edited by UnderatedNoob
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Fortunately it doesn't happen very often, maybe 2 times over the last 6 months. But when in your PUG there are only level 43 green gear 11k pv people, you are 14.5kpv thanks to the recruit gear and in front on you there are two vocal-premade group with full WH augmented gear, you can do your best, know how to play and what are the tactics and still get no medals. Both times the thing happened I was playing my sage. I probably could have make one medal by healing myself, but the WZ ended so quickly I didn't even had time to think about it.



I have other stats form my server: 66% of the time, the 3 best players of the losing team have their 8 medals, and the 5 other have around 6. 10% of the time the whole losing team has their 8, and the rest of the time they are outpowered so much that the best of the losing team hardly earned 3-4 medals

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I probably could have make one medal by healing myself, but the WZ ended so quickly I didn't even had time to think about it.


So ip so facto... you should always get medals. Even as a dps you could get a couple healing medals if the stars aligned in the sky for two fully war hero premades to meet your full recruit team... .LOL.

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Don't laught, I play on a pve server, the pvper population is low and there is a big gap between the players which are very well geared and the others. It frequently happens that republic has two premades while empire has only PUG and since there are not much people tagging those are freqently facing each other.


additionnaly the PUGs are sometimes very noob, which causes an even greater unbalance

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Suck it up. Everyone else earned their War Hero gear and you can too! Why do you think you're special and should be allowed to bypass the hardships that everyone else in the game had to endure? We got through it and so can you!


The "Gimme Gimme Now!" sense of entitlement among people today is hilarious.


Did I cover everything?


You didn't cover why you need a gear advantage to win warzones.

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