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10 races that are better than Cathar.


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So, exactly what I said. G and L canon is practically the same, C is EU, and S is considered stories of events, but with the story tellers twist to them. Basically, rumor and urban myth. So in effect G and L are a canon unto themselves, C is what we play in (aka another universe separate from G and L). These are Georgie boy's own words:


"I don't read that stuff. I haven't read any of the novels. I don't know anything about that world. That's a different world than my world. But I do try to keep it consistent. The way I do it now is they have a Star Wars Encyclopedia. So if I come up with a name or something else, I look it up and see if it has already been used. When I said [other people] could make their own Star Wars stories, we decided that, like Star Trek, we would have two universes: My universe and then this other one. They try to make their universe as consistent with mine as possible, but obviously they get enthusiastic and want to go off in other directions." - George Lucas, from an interview in Starlog #337


And well S is just tall tales of the SW universe.


there is no such thing as L canon... there is G-canon which is the movies and anything personally made by George, then there is T-canon which is the clone wars series since Lucas signed off on it and wrote some of it, then there is C canon which is all the current EU that is considered full canon, then there is S-canon which are things like the old marvel comics which are considered secondary because they aren't that relevant and are available to be used or ignored as needed by current authors, then there is N-canon like the Infinities comics what if stories which are not canon at all




Lucas himself flip flops and makes all kinds of weird statements but has gone as far as to appoint a whole team to watch over and rule on continuity... as far as Lucas is concerned the EU is still the same universe but separate since he can and usually does ignore it when he makes something... as far as you, me and every single other SW fan, writer or producer is concerned there is only one continuity because we have to follow the full canon rules ... so they are only separate if you happen to be George Lucas but since he is retiring and won't be personaly producing/writing any more SW stories even that will cease to matter

Edited by Liquidacid
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Expanded Universe is not cannon. There is no example of cannon wookies able to speak Galactic.


Like it or not, the EU IS official canon. Only the films and Clone Wars tv series are higher levels. As stated by Liquidacidr. So, yes, Wooks can speak Basic if they have some kind of speech defect. There is one example of this in the Thrawn Trilogy. It is canon too. GL also said there can be no Wookie Jedi except Lowbaca, Chewie's nephew. He signed off on that.

Edited by Kilikaa
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Like it or not, the EU IS official canon. Only the films and Clone Wars tv series are higher levels. As stated by Liquidacidr. So, yes, Wooks can speak Basic if they have some kind of speech defect. There is one example of this in the Thrawn Trilogy. It is canon too. GL also said there can be no Wookie Jedi except Lowbaca, Chewie's nephew. He signed off on that.


ahh no I already covered the speech defect... there is ONE wookie in canon (thrawn trilogy) that had it and he still could not speak basic... the speech impediment simply made him speak his native language slower and in such a way that people not fluent in it (like Leia at the time) could understand it better and easier... he was still speaking shyriiwook tho not basic



tho I suppose they could pull some crap so you could get a wookie with basic... like Piggy from the X-wing series who had cybernetics put in to allow him, a Gamorrean, who normally couldn't pronounce basic to be able to speak it fluently... or maybe a miniature translation droid like Lowbacca had

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Why do people even bother to argue cannon anymore. It's a bloody mess. This game is the perfect example, like old republic soldiers in dumb *** clone armor, like sith pure bloods that u can make into jedi,. Like the bloody chiss 1000s of years before there ascendency is even discovered, which also got added in outta nowhere, like the hundred or so morons who use the same dumb Anakin cartoon haircut in this game. Like Darth maul being brought back with stupid bionic legs, or an annoying kiddish anorexic togrutan apprentice that never even got an inserted mention into the rest of the story. It's pretty clear Lucas lost his marbles man. IMO nothing made after the last non cartoon film matters for anything but making money and drawing young fans into it, so I dismiss it all as bs, it sux but what else can I do when my favorite story is continually bein ruined by the same dude who wrote it, just cuz the guy went crazy, or senile, or got alztimers or whatever it is that's wrong with him. I'm not gonna swallow all this new moronic garbage just cuz the guy used to have really awesome ideas, even a complete meat-head can see the bloody holes he's made in the plot. He's lost it man.
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Why do people even bother to argue cannon anymore. It's a bloody mess. This game is the perfect example, like old republic soldiers in dumb *** clone armor, like sith pure bloods that u can make into jedi,. Like the bloody chiss 1000s of years before there ascendency is even discovered, which also got added in outta nowhere, like the hundred or so morons who use the same dumb Anakin cartoon haircut in this game. Like Darth maul being brought back with stupid bionic legs, or an annoying kiddish anorexic togrutan apprentice that never even got an inserted mention into the rest of the story. It's pretty clear Lucas lost his marbles man. IMO nothing made after the last non cartoon film matters for anything but making money and drawing young fans into it, so I dismiss it all as bs, it sux but what else can I do when my favorite story is continually bein ruined by the same dude who wrote it, just cuz the guy went crazy, or senile, or got alztimers or whatever it is that's wrong with him. I'm not gonna swallow all this new moronic garbage just cuz the guy used to have really awesome ideas, even a complete meat-head can see the bloody holes he's made in the plot. He's lost it man.


Best post on the forums today! Well done!

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Why do people even bother to argue cannon anymore. It's a bloody mess. This game is the perfect example, like old republic soldiers in dumb *** clone armor, like sith pure bloods that u can make into jedi,. Like the bloody chiss 1000s of years before there ascendency is even discovered, which also got added in outta nowhere, like the hundred or so morons who use the same dumb Anakin cartoon haircut in this game. Like Darth maul being brought back with stupid bionic legs, or an annoying kiddish anorexic togrutan apprentice that never even got an inserted mention into the rest of the story. It's pretty clear Lucas lost his marbles man. IMO nothing made after the last non cartoon film matters for anything but making money and drawing young fans into it, so I dismiss it all as bs, it sux but what else can I do when my favorite story is continually bein ruined by the same dude who wrote it, just cuz the guy went crazy, or senile, or got alztimers or whatever it is that's wrong with him. I'm not gonna swallow all this new moronic garbage just cuz the guy used to have really awesome ideas, even a complete meat-head can see the bloody holes he's made in the plot. He's lost it man.


Hey I like Ahsoka. The Clone Wars is redeeming Star Wars IMO (in large part because George Lucas has little to do with it).

Edited by VicSkimmr
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Hey I like Ahsoka. The Clone Wars is redeeming Star Wars IMO (in large part because George Lucas has little to do with it).


actually Lucas has a lot to do with The Clone Wars... especially compared to the rest of the EU... He's written some for it and takes a semi-active role in it's development... he generally completely ignores the rest of the EU like the novels and such... he pays people to watch over that for him.. it's pretty much the reason the TV series got it's own canon category that is higher than the standard C-canon... it's to signify that while not as high as G-canon which Lucas completely sees over he does participate somewhat so it is higher than the novels and rest of the EU which he plays no real part of

Edited by Liquidacid
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actually Lucas has a lot to do with The Clone Wars... especially compared to the rest of the EU... He's written some for it and takes a semi-active role in it's development... he generally completely ignores the rest of the EU like the novels and such... he pays people to watch over that for him.. it's pretty much the reason the TV series got it's own canon category that is higher than the standard C-canon... it's to signify that while not as high as G-canon which Lucas completely sees over he does participate somewhat so it is higher than the novels and rest of the EU which he plays no real part of


He makes top of the line creative decisions for the show, but on the whole he has very little to do with it. I didn't realize he had written anything for it though. Either way, I like it a lot. It makes me like Episode III less and less, but that's more because the show let's you get to know the jedi that are all killed with order 66, and Ep III portrayed that horribly.

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He makes top of the line creative decisions for the show, but on the whole he has very little to do with it. I didn't realize he had written anything for it though. Either way, I like it a lot. It makes me like Episode III less and less, but that's more because the show let's you get to know the jedi that are all killed with order 66, and Ep III portrayed that horribly.


eh I'm always on the fence about the show... for all the things they do I like they then do somethings I hate or think is horribly stupid... like Darth Maul with robot legs or peaceful Mandos...

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true... and being a SW fan I can't help but read/watch it even when it is bad... because the whole continuity weaves together so much thanks to Chee and the others at LL if I don't watch/read something I always feel like I'm missing something Edited by Liquidacid
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Hey I like Ahsoka. The Clone Wars is redeeming Star Wars IMO (in large part because George Lucas has little to do with it).


It is not dude, how is deliberitly screwing up the plot to the point where nonexistent characters live too long and dead characters come back to life redeeming? A universe full of ideas n they pick suggestions from the lets be stupid and ruin the story even more hat. They dont even try to explain how the crap its supposed to fit, face it, it totally sucks. But good news now Star Wars is owned by Disney, a direct competitor of Turner broadcasting the dorks who own the cartoon, I hope Disney makes them kill off Asucka n cancel the dumb thing.

Edited by Beans_of_steel
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1. Weeguay 2. Trandoshan 3. Nautolan 4. Kel Dor 5. Wookie 6. Duros 7. Kaleesh 8. Rhodian 9. Gormak

10. Clawdite


Kel Dor is one of my fav races, and Wookie should never be a force user imo. Maybe on dark side as a bounty hunter but that is about it. I like Togruta too but most already listed that one.


EDIT : As long as we dont get a playable mouse, duck, cow, or dog.....

Edited by Jaylen
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Anyone who is as annoyed as i am with the terrible choice of Cathar as the new playable race, please write the names of your top 10 species that you think would have been better choices, and perhaps with a little luck the right people will take notice and help ensure garbage like this doesnt happen again. Heres mine:


1.Wookiee, 2.Droid, 3.Mon Calamari, 4.Jawa, 5.Rodian, 6.Sullustan, 7.Trandoshan, 8.Quarren, 9.Duros, 10.Nogrhi


I understand some people like Cathar, and actually requested them, but this thread is more for those who didnt, and would like to throw other ideas out there.


You have to remember, that BioWare has put all their SWTOR "eggs" into the "basket" of fully voiced character interactions. They have also previously stated that they will "never" allow a playable character race that does not speak, "Basic."


Of course, things can always change. But if they continue with that reasoning, which there has been no indication that they won't, then that means most of your list is void.


Wookiee, some droids, Jawas, Rodians, Sullustans, Trandoshans, Duros, and I "think" Quarrens and Nogrhi as well, do NOT speak in Basic.


All non-viable suggestions, basically.


Now, I did read that someone else had suggested a, "disguise hologram" where you would visually appear as other races EXCEPT for during cut-scenes, kind of like helmets. Maybe that is something BioWare would be into, especially with the Cartel Market coming soon...

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