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Worst Star Wars MOVIE moment of all time


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Yeah, I'll still take the former over the latter for worst moment, although both are neck and neck...


That killed such a great scene and is why I will never buy the blu ray edition, granted I don't have blu ray, but if I did... :mad:


No one can seriously tell me that Palpatine is too dumb to realize what would happen when he heard Vader going "No" when his son was being shocked to death.

Edited by Tuscad
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I think the film had alot of issues but the main thing is that he ruined the character of Vader..

I used to love Vader when I was a kid, how could anyone not think he was epic at the age of 7+.

but then we got Hayden Christensen.... 'from my point of view the jedi are evil'. made me lol so much.

All his scenes and acting were horrible (which could be the directors fault) his only good scene in the whole 2 films was the end choreography with obi wan (and that was average at best but the best of of the bunch)

So ye, ruined one of the coolest characters ever.. and no matter how many times Ia see the The 4-6 or read the books, he will always fail as Hayden Christensen and what the films did to him.

tragic :< RIP Vadar. 'from my point of view the jedi are evil'

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In my opinion, people overreacted at the Han Shooting first scene...

Imagine if George had made it so that Vader never choked anyone to death. That, instead of retiring Ozzel by killing him, Vader gave him a plaque and a gold watch and sent him on his way. It softens the character, and makes it so his eventual redemption is not as powerful--not as extreme a change.


But even the cantina scene with Greedo pales in comparison to the very awkward and creepy "romance" scenes on Naboo in Attack of the Clones. I felt uncomfortable watching them. I imagine Natalie Portman had to scrub herself clean after the premiere.

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But even the cantina scene with Greedo pales in comparison to the very awkward and creepy "romance" scenes on Naboo in Attack of the Clones. I felt uncomfortable watching them. I imagine Natalie Portman had to scrub herself clean after the premiere.


^This x100.


This is my biggest complaint with the prequals. The romance seens between anakin and padme made me feel so uncomfortable watching them because I know they just didn't mesh well. I find myself skipping them since they are so bad.


And this is coming from a guy with autism/aspergers who knows next to nothing about forging relationships.

Edited by Xanikk
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The Ewoks defeating the Imperial Army with sticks and stones has to be the worst for me. This always takes me out of Episode 6 (an otherwise good SW film).


Also, anything involving Jar Jar and Jake Lloyd's acting in Episode 1. Anakin and Padme's romance in Episodes 2 and 3 was also very badly done.


Ironically, I think that people overreact with the "Han shot first" thing. I agree that his character looks better when he shoots Greebo first but it's not the end of the world. He ends up being a 100 % good guy by the end of Episode 4 anyway.

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The Han shot first thing is a big deal to so many because a good guy ending up as a good guy, is not nearly as interesting as a ruthless smuggler ending up as a good guy.


Frankly I think Hayden C. Deserved an Oscar for making those lines come off as good as they did, and I admitt it's horrible to watch, but the dialog is the real stinker.

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Han shooting first was horrible, but I'll mention something that annoys me almost as much.


Little Annie accidently destroying the droid control ship, that whole scene was just awful in every possible way "Now THIS is podraceing!" ARRRRRG!!!!! MY EARS!!! THEY BUUUUUUURN!!!


Also what possessed the trade federation to reduce their blockade to ONE ship. Isn't the point of a blockade to prevent things from going to and from the planet? One ship can't exactly cover the entirety of a planetary system to prevent things from going on and off planet, especially when it is a comparatively slow and lightly armed droid control ship. What possibly could've occurred (Certainly nothing on-screen)that the Trade Federation had to move THEIR ENTIRE FLEET, sans one ship, away from Naboo, over which they are making the most significant power play in their organizations history. You would've thought that they would've left at least a few ships there just in case the judicial department got its act together and sent what naval forces they could muster up but no, they couldn't be bothered to do even that.

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Han shooting first was horrible, but I'll mention something that annoys me almost as much.


Little Annie accidently destroying the droid control ship, that whole scene was just awful in every possible way "Now THIS is podraceing!" ARRRRRG!!!!! MY EARS!!! THEY BUUUUUUURN!!!


Also what possessed the trade federation to reduce their blockade to ONE ship. Isn't the point of a blockade to prevent things from going to and from the planet? One ship can't exactly cover the entirety of a planetary system to prevent things from going on and off planet, especially when it is a comparatively slow and lightly armed droid control ship. What possibly could've occurred (Certainly nothing on-screen)that the Trade Federation had to move THEIR ENTIRE FLEET, sans one ship, away from Naboo, over which they are making the most significant power play in their organizations history. You would've thought that they would've left at least a few ships there just in case the judicial department got its act together and sent what naval forces they could muster up but no, they couldn't be bothered to do even that.


who the hell builds a ultimate weapon with a hole that leads right to the main reactor

who the hell builds another one with a even bigger hole that a ship can fly through

how the hell did a bunch of carebares beat the imperial army

why did the imperial army just stop fighting once the emperor was dead did they not have a plan for a assassination?

how the hell did luke beat vader in a sabre duel hes had what 3 years training from yoda whos to old to spar any more compared to all the years Vader had


there's lots more but you get the idea there's loads in the original too but no one bangs on about them


i personally like them granted not as much as the original three but they where still good

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Han shooting first was horrible, but I'll mention something that annoys me almost as much.


Little Annie accidently destroying the droid control ship, that whole scene was just awful in every possible way "Now THIS is podraceing!" ARRRRRG!!!!! MY EARS!!! THEY BUUUUUUURN!!!


Also what possessed the trade federation to reduce their blockade to ONE ship. Isn't the point of a blockade to prevent things from going to and from the planet? One ship can't exactly cover the entirety of a planetary system to prevent things from going on and off planet, especially when it is a comparatively slow and lightly armed droid control ship. What possibly could've occurred (Certainly nothing on-screen)that the Trade Federation had to move THEIR ENTIRE FLEET, sans one ship, away from Naboo, over which they are making the most significant power play in their organizations history. You would've thought that they would've left at least a few ships there just in case the judicial department got its act together and sent what naval forces they could muster up but no, they couldn't be bothered to do even that.

The ship they destroyed was the droid control ship. it was the nerve center for the Trade Fed army. Once it went kaboom, the rest of the droids were shut down because they were disconnected from their command vessel. Imagine unplugging your laptop and watching it shut down due to loss of power. This basically the same thing, except much faster. There were actually plenty of vessels blockading the planet, but they were obviously spread out in order to block all access routes to the planet.

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The ship they destroyed was the droid control ship.


He knows that. He wasn't asking what it was.

He's simply stating that;

A) Little Annie's destruction of that ship by accident, aka The Force, and his following line was horrendously bad.

B) Why the hell were the Trade Federation so stupid as to leave the one single ship controlling their entire droid occupation force without any extra defensive measures beyond its own weaponry and droid fighters.


Personally, I'd add the question of why didn't they have any sort of backup system(s) on-planet for Droid Control?


In my opinion, the worst movie moment is Vader's new "Noooooo" dialogue in RoTJ.

Edited by Fyurii
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The Han shot first thing is a big deal to so many because a good guy ending up as a good guy, is not nearly as interesting as a ruthless smuggler ending up as a good guy.


Frankly I think Hayden C. Deserved an Oscar for making those lines come off as good as they did, and I admitt it's horrible to watch, but the dialog is the real stinker.


I fully agree with the first part of your statement about Han.


However, Hayden Christensen isn't an Oscar worthy actor on his best day. I'll grant that George can make all but the very best actors look bad, and Hayden was handed the rawest deal out there. Hell, it's a wonder those movies didn't end his career completely.


The only Prequel actors that still managed to keep their self-respect were Ewan McGregor, Sir Christopher Lee, and Liam Neeson. Sam Jackson had it right up until he died screaming like a little girl. Yes, I blame George for that one too.

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I fully agree with the first part of your statement about Han.


However, Hayden Christensen isn't an Oscar worthy actor on his best day. I'll grant that George can make all but the very best actors look bad, and Hayden was handed the rawest deal out there. Hell, it's a wonder those movies didn't end his career completely.


The only Prequel actors that still managed to keep their self-respect were Ewan McGregor, Sir Christopher Lee, and Liam Neeson. Sam Jackson had it right up until he died screaming like a little girl. Yes, I blame George for that one too.


aww dont do that to jackson he was given a first class trip around courosaunt with no parachute and one hand even chuck norris would be screaming like a little girly man

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He knows that. He wasn't asking what it was.

He's simply stating that;

A) Little Annie's destruction of that ship by accident, aka The Force, and his following line was horrendously bad.

B) Why the hell were the Trade Federation so stupid as to leave the one single ship controlling their entire droid occupation force without any extra defensive measures beyond its own weaponry and droid fighters.


Personally, I'd add the question of why didn't they have any sort of backup system(s) on-planet for Droid Control?


In my opinion, the worst movie moment is Vader's new "Noooooo" dialogue in RoTJ.


I know he knew. Just a little fact.


1. Destroying the ship with the guidance of the Force was similar to Luke blowing up the Death Star. The best Rebel pilots couldn't hit that mark then Luke does it. The line was bad, I completely agree on that.

2. The most likely reason for this is that two control ships could provide conflicting programming for the droids that could hamper their combat performance. Putting the control system on the ground makes it vulnerable to attack. having it on a battleship makes it much more difficult to destroy. The attack on the battleship is very similar to the rebel attack on the Death Star.

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That killed such a great scene and is why I will never buy the blu ray edition, granted I don't have blu ray, but if I did... :mad:


QFT except I do have Blu Ray. Cancelled my pre-order the moment I saw that leak. GL's meddling finally hit too many nerves. He writes an epic myth, designs great characters, has or had remarkable attention to detail. But he writes the most cliched clunkiest dialogue in the universe, and not in a good way. He writes romance like someone who's never had a real emotional exchange in his life. And he thinks "Nooooooooooooooooo that's impossible!" was such a good line he wants to plaster variations of it over all the other films, even retroactively. What he seems to fail to realise is that getting it to work once, outside comic books, was no mean feat, and the fact it worked at all was more likely due to the scene being directed by Irvin Kershner, and not George Lucas than it being an excellent line in its own right.

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QFT except I do have Blu Ray. Cancelled my pre-order the moment I saw that leak. GL's meddling finally hit too many nerves. He writes an epic myth, designs great characters, has or had remarkable attention to detail. But he writes the most cliched clunkiest dialogue in the universe, and not in a good way. He writes romance like someone who's never had a real emotional exchange in his life. And he thinks "Nooooooooooooooooo that's impossible!" was such a good line he wants to plaster variations of it over all the other films, even retroactively. What he seems to fail to realise is that getting it to work once, outside comic books, was no mean feat, and the fact it worked at all was more likely due to the scene being directed by Irvin Kershner, and not George Lucas than it being an excellent line in its own right.


I liked the "No, that's not true, thats impossible!" and the "No!" when Obi-Wan gets struck down, I didn't mind the "No!" when Qui-Gon got struck down either. All of the other No's are crap and shouldn't have been uttered.

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