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Your first toon hit 50?



Thought maybe a fun thread for a Friday....


I am the casual player incarnate I have been playing and paying since launch and have come and gone spending an hour here and hour there. And Finally leveled my fist toon to 50 this past Wen. (my only other alt is at lvl 10)



So where was I, Standing on the top of the Dealers Den after being blown all over the place by air vents and clicked on the Panel and bam, the Grand Acquisition Race, just became part of my characters permanent lore.


So where were you....

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So where was I, Standing on the top of the Dealers Den after being blown all over the place by air vents and clicked on the Panel and bam, the Grand Acquisition Race, just became part of my characters permanent lore.


So where were you....


I Belive the Republic Casino where you get blown by the evnts is called Club Vertica. Isn't Dealers Den the Cantina from Corsucant?

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On my first character I didn't want to do Bonus Series (I assumed they wouldn't be part of the main storyline, I guess I was mostly right about that) so I ended up finishing Corellia at only level 47. Just PvPed until I hit 50. I also didn't know that companion affection would make their quests available, and most of my companions were at negative affection (especially Mako and Torian. But Skadge got maxed just through conversations on Voss, I guess he agrees with the things I was doing even though I was a mostly LS Bounty Hunter? As I have mentioned in a few other threads I don't get why Mako and Torian get their nickers in a twist when a Bounty Hunter has to kill someone for money considering one of them is the biggest fan of the Great Hunt and the other is a BH himself). Edited by Jenzali
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The first time... yea, I remember it well because I was on my way to face the boss of all bosses. :D I remember it well because, I was literaly on my way to face him and had worked painstakingly through a hoard of mobs to get there... and consequentlly, popping out to train all my abilities at 50 was not something I was willing to do. Lol. yea, should have trained. He one shot me in the first minute. I got him the second time through after I had trained up. Edited by Rafaman
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I rolled my character that hit 50 within the first month of the game because I changed servers to be with RL friends. Even though I played a lot and only on my Commando I didn't reach 50 until May.


I was one of the those 'have to do every quests, heroic, bonus series and flashpoint when they're still relevant' type of people. I was on Voss doing the regular story. After I hit 50 I finished the bonus series and went to Corellia.


I was sad to see that you didn't get a credit boost for finishing quests at 50 like another game does. :(

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Your first toon hit 50?



Thought maybe a fun thread for a Friday....


I am the casual player incarnate I have been playing and paying since launch and have come and gone spending an hour here and hour there. And Finally leveled my fist toon to 50 this past Wen. (my only other alt is at lvl 10)



So where was I, Standing on the top of the Dealers Den after being blown all over the place by air vents and clicked on the Panel and bam, the Grand Acquisition Race, just became part of my characters permanent lore.


So where were you....


In front of my computer? ;p



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I was a Pyrotech Powertech trying to kill that elite rancor on Balmorra in February. It wasn't intentional; I was just exploring the planet trying to find the LvL 50 dailies my guild buddy swore up and down were there (newbie moment). I saw the rancor and thought OH HELL YES and went at it with Torian. Dinged right after.


He's the only 50 I got and I liked the acklay post before mine, so I think I'm going to make that a rule: Before any of my toons hit 50 they must complete the Run of the Rancor.

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