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a new lead : what a mess


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how can they design such a terminal in a mix zone, and a spawning time on it, what a mess.

100 people and more want to click it. this makes me very angry and it looks like they rushed it.

how long must i wait till i am very lucky that i clicked the terminal.

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It should clear up in an hour or so, though prime time will be another cluster*bleep*


I Agree though, that the entire design of this event....having bottle-necked objectives (especially the gated ones) is absolutely horrible and poorly thought out.

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Yeah, totally agree. What the heck were they thinking? I tried grouping, no takers, so instead of being a dick and try to click on it before anyone else I just logged off. At this point, it really doesn't surprise me though. Edited by Techtastix
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Ye its a very nice event.Yesterday i was waiting about 15 minutes for quest "A lead" and when i finally win clicking race against 100 people,i followed the droid 20 seconds to digging place when quest bugged and i cant do nothing,droid vanished,i cant click on digging place,didn't received the mask.So,i think just simple reset quest and do it again,but its not possible.When you abort that part,you cant take it again.I placed a ticket which stays without any answer til now..But today it goes better in the "clicking race" will start both factions. This should be an event? I didn't enjoy it yet...
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people on Ebon Hawk are waiting in line. While it is working relatively well and people are being civil (minus the couple people ninjaing) it is ridiculous people are waiting in line to complete a quest.. . hell if that were fun i would go to the DMV and renew my license for fun like i need to this month.
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I didn't enjoy it yet...


I think this is the key. A scavenger hunt is a great idea for an event....but freaking design the quests to account for the fact you're asking the entire server to complete these objectives at the same time.

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Popped online about 10 minutes after the servers came back up. As soon as I arrived I announced I was republic for group, 10 seconds later I've got an invite. 5 minutes later we've completed the mission.

Only stumbling block was someone converting the group to an OP, which doesn't work. Lots of people there but a group of 4 has a better chance of getting the click and it's also 4 people out of the way once they complete.

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I thought yesterday quest was horrible but this one just plain awful I think I'll skip the whole event thing it's not fun at all.


Another thins is I DEMAND a game-master from bioware to over watch the race point for new lead.. some ppl throwing party bombs.. using those huge boat speeders and casting power spam to interfere with ppl click the panel... more so some ppl standing in middle of the panel so u can't click it at all > I call this crap disturbing the gameplay on which we're all paid for.

I agree there is some contest etc but to deny ppl from using the panel is just bully.

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What's even funnier is people refusing to group up to make it go faster...what do they think this is an mmo?


You're funny ;)

+1 for you Sir


on a side note, don't just grp up with 4, in this game you can actually complete quests when in a raid (ops) group, just get groups of 16, we've been doing that on our server, and it works perfectly well.

Edited by Ifrica
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I am trying to consider myself in the developer's shoes:


If I was one of the developers or part of the team responsible for this and many things. I'd just feel pretty hard (by now) to take the feedback criticism about how things are done, even though it's justified in many cases, like this one. A lot of the "critic" is almost hateful or includes insulting remarks. Not everything is "fail" and the criticism loses it's edge if it's flavored with hateful or offending tone.


/end musing.

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Just did this on my pub toon, on Ebon Hawk, and I have to say, I am so very impressed on the courtesy that players have shown to each other, imp and pub alike. Now, have to go spam the ninja imp looser who decided not to show much coutesy in this regard.
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Honestly this deserves criticism. I mean it's blatantly obvious that whoever coded this does not play MMOs or this sort of thing would never make it to live, without some person figuring out what a mess this would be on crowded servers.


Would've been great if it was instanced it isn't so it's an utter waste of time standing in a pile having 'click war'. Something you force yourself to do because you have to in order to get the required item not something remotely fun or engaging.

Edited by kirdapeswtor
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Now I'm actually glad I accidentally completed the event by space mission. The rewards are crappy and I only wanted 1 bowcaster so I can transfer crystals and barrels to alts. The pet is just a recoloured version of the transfer reward and you can get sand people armor at the social vendor on Tatooine.


If this is the quality of future content then no F2P will save them. Also GW 2 in 9 days and it's awesome.

Edited by HammersteinSW
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I think this is the key. A scavenger hunt is a great idea for an event....but freaking design the quests to account for the fact you're asking the entire server to complete these objectives at the same time.


I agree, there needed to be some mechanic changes for the server wide event, I have pretty much given up on it nothing in the vendor inspires me to continue doing the event unless they add some more items, I think it is a great concept just not implemented to well, but I am glad others are having a good time with it..:)

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I haven't really had any problems completing the objectives so far. The one that took me the longest was the floor puzzle. The problem isn't the design mechanics of the quest, the problem is nobody wants to work together. When I did the turret quest there were about 6 people there. We just formed a line and chatted while we waited for the current person to finish. Took me about 4 minutes to complete. In the cantina doing the puzzle there were like 10 people there and everyone was spamming in general chat for everyone else to stop "click whoring" so other people could click the datapad. It literally all depends on the attitude of the people you run into. I personally am having a good ol' time with this event and I've met a couple of people who I might actually group up with in the future to boot!
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