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Reasons why world pvp is a joke.


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Its not a joke, there is open world PvP everywhere and fighting for control of planets and zones...


oh wait..... that was the other starwars MMO


haha I approve this message. What killed this game for me was the lack of world pvp period. Yeah I could ambush pvers doing their dailies; however, the world pvp is this game is extremely lacking when compared to swg pre-cu.

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1. Companion CC's do not affect resolve, making fight's over 1v1 completely frustrating.

2. The poorly optimized game engine that seems to lag when more than 4 people are involved.



1. You fail at pvp.

2. You have a bad computer.

Nuff said.

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1. You fail at pvp.


^ Lol insert pot-kettle jpg here.


2. You have a bad computer.


Your computer has nothing to do with server side lag/latency, you played SWG, you know this. :rolleyes:


Nuff said.


Yeah ^


Calm down bro.

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1. Companion CC's do not affect resolve, making fight's over 1v1 completely frustrating.

2. The poorly optimized game engine that seems to lag when more than 4 people are involved.




1. Doesn't bother me much - my companions are probably better geared than theirs :p

2. True, Hero Engine wasn't designed to handle it, no matter how good your computer is.


World PVP failed because:

1. Bioware allowed people to make both sides on the same server - it killed the illusion of having an actual war - I don't hate the pubs and I'm certainly not at war with my pub alts. :)


2. There are no other incentives to do it - no tokens/credits, no buffs, no looting corpses, no nothing.

So why do Open World PVP, if you could just play a warzone instead and get some rewards?


The desire for Open World PVP is still alive.- yesterday, while farming world event boxes in the Pub areas of Nar Shaddaa, a bunch of flagged pubs actually fought with me (they were low levels and died quickly, but obviously, the desire is still there). Now, if Bioware could just find a way to make it happen.

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World PVP failed because:

1. Bioware allowed people to make both sides on the same server - it killed the illusion of having an actual war - I don't hate the pubs and I'm certainly not at war with my pub alts. :)



I agree with your number two for the reason why world pvp failed; however, I don't put much credence to number one. In swg pre-cu you could switch between factions at any point which made world pvp pretty dynamic as your once rebel friends join the imperial faction and start fighting against you. This created nice world pvp, because if one faction became unbalanced and lacked good pvpers others from the opposite faction would join up for the excitement of being a part of the underdog faction. In swtor, I had fun having characters belonging to both factions so I could betrays friends while on vent with them. However, there is no motivation from the vast majority of pvpers in this game to take part in world pvp. When my server merged with Bastion, there was some exciting world pvp (bunch of republic players grouping up and repelling a huge lvl 50 attack on alderraan and then heading north and taking the imperial spaceport for 40 minutes until overran by imps) but then people slowly went back to only pvping in warzones with little motivation to actually world pvp. I don't think this game will ever have the world pvp that I need in an mmo to be honest, because most of the pvpers are more of the WoW crowd who prefer the gear grind over pvping with no rewards other than bragging rights of taking over the opposite factions spaceport.

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1. Companion CC's do not affect resolve, making fight's over 1v1 completely frustrating.

2. The poorly optimized game engine that seems to lag when more than 4 people are involved.




don't forget that the system encourages level 50s to gank people that are trying to level

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You want real meaningful world pvp? The only one that I've ever played that was worth a damn was some random korean grinder whose name I've forgotten where the maps were extremely small and the leveling areas were limited so you have to fight for your spot.


Imagine in SWTOR where flashpoints and operations weren't instanced and in neutral lvl 50 only territory, so for example only one or two Op could run Karagga's Palace at a time. And the other faction could come in and try ti wipe you so they can run it instead. Voila, you have your world pvp. Ganking lowbies in leveling zones isn't and never will be meaningful world pvp.

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I agree with your number two for the reason why world pvp failed; however, I don't put much credence to number one. In swg pre-cu you could switch between factions at any point which made world pvp pretty dynamic as your once rebel friends join the imperial faction and start fighting against you. This created nice world pvp, because if one faction became unbalanced and lacked good pvpers others from the opposite faction would join up for the excitement of being a part of the underdog faction. In swtor, I had fun having characters belonging to both factions so I could betrays friends while on vent with them. However, there is no motivation from the vast majority of pvpers in this game to take part in world pvp. When my server merged with Bastion, there was some exciting world pvp (bunch of republic players grouping up and repelling a huge lvl 50 attack on alderraan and then heading north and taking the imperial spaceport for 40 minutes until overran by imps) but then people slowly went back to only pvping in warzones with little motivation to actually world pvp. I don't think this game will ever have the world pvp that I need in an mmo to be honest, because most of the pvpers are more of the WoW crowd who prefer the gear grind over pvping with no rewards other than bragging rights of taking over the opposite factions spaceport.


The main reason why people just go back to warzones is because its INSTANT pvp. In this game they made it so darn difficult to run across a member of the opposite faction that you have to literally go out hunting.. and If you do actually find someone or your group finds another group Or Even Organizes.. If you die.. and are not rezzed up.. You gotta Travel aaallllll the way back to where ever the heck they allowed both factions to enter to either be smashed by a rediculous leftover squad or see that the enemy has already left the area.


In galaxies if they decided to have PVP in a remote area.. First thing to happen . BOOM drop a CAMP.. each faction now has a spawn point and travel point DIRECTLY to the fight... Or even in NGE. PVP ZONES. Spawn point 100-150m outside of the zone so if you die you come running back in.. Just like a Warzone.


Bioware must take the ideas of the warzone.. and put them in the open world.. and expand it just enough to accommodate more people.. and obviously optimize it for more as well.. Objectives, Rewards , Respawn Point , Shuttle In Point , "No Time Limit" , Throw in some Factional MOBS silver - gold level and we are in business..

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1. Doesn't bother me much - my companions are probably better geared than theirs :p

2. True, Hero Engine wasn't designed to handle it, no matter how good your computer is.


World PVP failed because:

1. Bioware allowed people to make both sides on the same server - it killed the illusion of having an actual war - I don't hate the pubs and I'm certainly not at war with my pub alts. :)


2. There are no other incentives to do it - no tokens/credits, no buffs, no looting corpses, no nothing.

So why do Open World PVP, if you could just play a warzone instead and get some rewards?


There was no rewards for world pvp in swg yet it was on every night. I mean why did people do it for no rewards? because it was fun. and not like wow.


The desire for Open World PVP is still alive.- yesterday, while farming world event boxes in the Pub areas of Nar Shaddaa, a bunch of flagged pubs actually fought with me (they were low levels and died quickly, but obviously, the desire is still there). Now, if Bioware could just find a way to make it happen.


i will pvp in the swg emu - just because it fun and not so heavily "rewarded based" as people seem to think they need to do any thing.

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  • 1 month later...

Once again....They need to put PvP terminals and Vendors in all the major cities, outlaws Den, and the factional bases on Illum....Matter fact they need to do everything possible to allow people to go out into the game. BW is directly responsible for not having any dtnamic world PvP....No one want to go out because they just have to go right back to fleet every 15 mins. because EVERYTHING is on fleet.


I honestly hate going back to fleet I really want to be hanging out on Tatooine pretty much all the time...Instead me and 90% of the rest of the server are all standing next to the PvP Vendor on fleet. Remove that Vendor! Put one on Illum in each faction base, and one in the Outlaws Den...Not my idea but its a great one...This alone would create more World PvP....


Seriouly Bioware...All you have to do to breathe a bunch of life into the worlds you built...Is put what the players need in them....Not on Fleet. Your HUB killed the life on your planets....

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World PVP would be active and happening if Mythic just made Ilum pvp area into a recreation of DAoC RVR with defendable/capturable bases and what not.


Put in a couple relic that are


5% boost to force for faction holding

5% boost to tech for faction holding


Eliminates the single person stat bonus so PVP doesnt become even more unbalanced and promotes pvp (or at least relic defence) to those that normally dont defend


Heck even outposts could be handled like DAoC keeps where guilds could claim and upgrade the outposts spending RVR points they accumulate by getting pvp kills in the open world (which creates even more incentive to pvp in open world)


Its really not that hard a concept to figure out!

DAoC had all the answers already to 99% of the questions and concerns


But with F2P coming I wouldnt hold breath on DAoC (or any other types) open world pvp happening.

Its far easier to sell a new warzone to F2P crowd then it is to sell chunks of open world pvp

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Back in this other game I've played there was a chat channel called World Defence. That was mine and my friends key to wpvp. There was this place called the cross roads, doubt any of you will know it but it was always under attack and there was no reason to defend it other than just because. But we always did and we always enjoyed it. SWTOR just doesn't have that same feel for me. Edited by Iggster
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