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Resubbed to give PvP/PvE another try... Still not impressed


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Firstly, I PvP and PvE 50% of my time. I enjoy both. Before I left I had 7 of 8 toons Class Quests completed and 3 50s with 5 40ish toons. I left 3 months ago because the time invested wasn't worth it (not because I couldn't afford $14.95 lmao at EA).


So I came back because I want SWTOR to be my game. However it is like a woman that you want to love, but she just doesn't quite meet your needs and your eyes wander constantly.


- Now, the Graphics have been improved. And the optimization has been improved. Great Job BW (Should have been that way from the start... but nonetheless GJ)

- Transport CDs are a nice addition too.

- Lower Speeder acquisition - Shrug - not a big deal with sprint being level 1. It just gives you that much less to look forward to as you level.

- I would like to see more H2s and H4s. This game needs more difficult/challenging content and less go here and kill 10 of these.

- Put more emphasis on secondary stats and add more secondary stats across the board to allow further creative builds.

- So overall the PvE gets a 7.5/10 as far as me and my time invested are concerned. However, I like to PvP just as much.



- Now, PvP... Huge disappointment. It still feels like a WoW clone in the BG since. There is soooo much CC that it is not even fun imho. Playing other PvP games since I left has reminded how fun PvP could be if a PvP developer could put it all together.

- Running and spamming CCs or being spammed just isn't fun - its been rehashed by tooo many MMOs and is overdone. More damage suppression, dodges, positioning, healing, damage... less CC.

- PvP is still hugely gear dependent or level dependent (as far as having your CCs/leaps/pulls/talent points) depending on which bracket you join.

- CC white bar is still fail IMO. It takes toooo long to fill. 1 CC (root, knockbacks and stuns) should hit you for 2 seconds, the next for 1 and then you are immune.... maybe even less

- Skill lag STILL exists this late into the game's development.

- Toons still port all over the place in Huttball.

- TTK is too fast for certain classes and too long for others. Certain classes need more survivability.

- No World PvP... and would it be fun with all the CC anyway?

- Lastly, all PvP gear is a grind... Whether it is 20, 40, BM, WH... You want this new F2P casual crowd, well lighen up on the grind Asian MMO stuff. Make the game less about gear grinds and more about teamwork/titles/ranks.

- Overall, I give PvP a 3/10. It is WoW PvP reskinned imho - been there and done that.


So if you have read this far and haven't started flaming yet, that is commendable that you are hearing me out. If not, your opinion is probably not worth my time either. Like I said... I WANT to like SWTOR... I really really reeeeaaaaaallly do... But, I can't stand the PvP. And that is 50% of why I play.


Most likely I will unsub again and come back at a later date to try to fall in love with SWTOR, but I am so over CC pvp that I can't support this game 24 hours after I renewed. I hope for everyone's sake that the improvements the community needs happen. Maybe not the ones I want, but ones that make this game truly unique and fun in multiple aspects.




Edited by Kahldor
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- Now, PvP... Huge disappointment. It still feels like a WoW clone in the BG since. There is soooo much CC that it is not even fun imho.


Most likely I will unsub again and come back at a later date to try to fall in love with SWTOR, but I am so over CC pvp that I can't support this game 24 hours after I renewed. I hope for everyone's sake that the improvements the community needs happen. Maybe not the ones I want, but ones that make this game truly unique and fun in multiple aspects.



F- on your paper, son.

Edited by BlazingShadow
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I find it funny when players complain about cc every class has a cc ability and a cc breaker

You know it's comming prepare for it counter it

From a person claiming to have 7-8 toons you should know this already


I know there is a CC breaker for each... Some classes have 3 CCs (Roots included). Its not a claim to have 7 of 8 class quests done. It is a fact. The funnest part of the game, unfortunately, is making alts because at legacy 43 with 500+ presence, my companions are OP. This game does not have a Player Search function that many newer games have or you would know my legacy... ranking or otherwise. It is a clone of Vanilla WoW, but not near as good. TSW isn't great, but imo it is better than SWTOR pvp-wise and less money was invested. Rift wasn't great, but it was also better than SWTOR pvp-wise.


But, if you have ever played a PvP game without CC bombs then you would probably see how much more fun PvP can be with collision instead. I am an oldschool UO PvPer and have enjoyed equal footing PvP ever since. I guess there is a reason why most of the PvP servers failed since launch besides Fatman - because everyone rerolled there early on. My guild had 25-30 active players when I left 3 months ago. I come back and no one in that guild is anywhere to be found.


But, as far as EA feels half of them left because they can't afford the game... failed logic... I am a medical device rep and one of my best friends is an optometrist... my other buddy works as a production manager of missiles and fire control... we all game... and all left this one. And it wasn't because of the subscription fee.

Edited by Kahldor
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I've played a few new titles Tsw being one of them

It's a great game pve is fun but the pvp is lacking

I feel currently there's not much else out there better than swtor pvp wise ATM

Especially if your sick of a fantasy setting 7 years of wow while still fun I just

Can't bring myself to Play it anymore

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Firstly, I PvP and PvE 50% of my time. I enjoy both. Before I left I had 7 of 8 toons Class Quests completed and 3 50s with 5 40ish toons. I left 3 months ago because the time invested wasn't worth it (not because I couldn't afford $14.95 lmao at EA).


So I came back because I want SWTOR to be my game. However it is like a woman that you want to love, but she just doesn't quite meet your needs and your eyes wander constantly.


- Now, the Graphics have been improved. And the optimization has been improved. Great Job BW (Should have been that way from the start... but nonetheless GJ)

- Transport CDs are a nice addition too.

- Lower Speeder acquisition - Shrug - not a big deal with sprint being level 1. It just gives you that much less to look forward to as you level.

- I would like to see more H2s and H4s. This game needs more difficult/challenging content and less go here and kill 10 of these.

- Put more emphasis on secondary stats and add more secondary stats across the board to allow further creative builds.

- So overall the PvE gets a 7.5/10 as far as me and my time invested are concerned. However, I like to PvP just as much.



- Now, PvP... Huge disappointment. It still feels like a WoW clone in the BG since. There is soooo much CC that it is not even fun imho. Playing other PvP games since I left has reminded how fun PvP could be if a PvP developer could put it all together.

- Running and spamming CCs or being spammed just isn't fun - its been rehashed by tooo many MMOs and is overdone. More damage suppression, dodges, positioning, healing, damage... less CC.

- PvP is still hugely gear dependent or level dependent (as far as having your CCs/leaps/pulls/talent points) depending on which bracket you join.

- CC white bar is still fail IMO. It takes toooo long to fill. 1 CC (root, knockbacks and stuns) should hit you for 2 seconds, the next for 1 and then you are immune.... maybe even less

- Skill lag STILL exists this late into the game's development.

- Toons still port all over the place in Huttball.

- TTK is too fast for certain classes and too long for others. Certain classes need more survivability.

- No World PvP... and would it be fun with all the CC anyway?

- Lastly, all PvP gear is a grind... Whether it is 20, 40, BM, WH... You want this new F2P casual crowd, well lighen up on the grind Asian MMO stuff. Make the game less about gear grinds and more about teamwork/titles/ranks.

- Overall, I give PvP a 3/10. It is WoW PvP reskinned imho - been there and done that.


So if you have read this far and haven't started flaming yet, that is commendable that you are hearing me out. If not, your opinion is probably not worth my time either. Like I said... I WANT to like SWTOR... I really really reeeeaaaaaallly do... But, I can't stand the PvP. And that is 50% of why I play.


Most likely I will unsub again and come back at a later date to try to fall in love with SWTOR, but I am so over CC pvp that I can't support this game 24 hours after I renewed. I hope for everyone's sake that the improvements the community needs happen. Maybe not the ones I want, but ones that make this game truly unique and fun in multiple aspects.





Agree totally. There are a lot of things I love about this game but the game glitches and pvp survivabilty for healing sorcerers and sages is a joke.

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I find it funny when players complain about cc every class has a cc ability and a cc breaker

You know it's comming prepare for it counter it

From a person claiming to have 7-8 toons you should know this already


Sigh what part of, "there's too much CC," did you fail to comprehend? Yes, all of the classes have it, and yes that means there's way too much. It's one thing for a control or lock down class to exist, and another for every class in the game to have a variety of CC options.

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Yea well today is the last day of my 6 month sub, so after this post I'll be uninstalling the game. I tried to like this game many times over the past 3 months or so. Leveling the first time with the voice overs was great, initial pvp wasn't too bad.


I agree that there is way to much cc and also do not care for the resolve system, (and yes I understand how it works), I just do not like it. My preference in pvp is a DR system, though with the burst in this game I doubt DR would do much good either.


Class balance really is not all that bad, I feel it was better earlier on in the game, not perfect but better. BW needs to learn to make small tweaks to class balance and not huge swings. Perhaps they will but either way I won't be around to find out.


I find it quite sad that less than a year old and the game that sold so many boxes is going to free to play, that alone is a testament to the failure of the dev team on this project.


To all those who enjoy the game, may the future hold many great things for the game.


To the rest perhaps we'll cross paths in GW2.





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Firstly, I PvP and PvE 50% of my time. I enjoy both. Before I left I had 7 of 8 toons Class Quests completed and 3 50s with 5 40ish toons. I left 3 months ago because the time invested wasn't worth it (not because I couldn't afford $14.95 lmao at EA).


So I came back because I want SWTOR to be my game. However it is like a woman that you want to love, but she just doesn't quite meet your needs and your eyes wander constantly.


- Now, the Graphics have been improved. And the optimization has been improved. Great Job BW (Should have been that way from the start... but nonetheless GJ)

- Transport CDs are a nice addition too.

- Lower Speeder acquisition - Shrug - not a big deal with sprint being level 1. It just gives you that much less to look forward to as you level.

- I would like to see more H2s and H4s. This game needs more difficult/challenging content and less go here and kill 10 of these.

- Put more emphasis on secondary stats and add more secondary stats across the board to allow further creative builds.

- So overall the PvE gets a 7.5/10 as far as me and my time invested are concerned. However, I like to PvP just as much.



- Now, PvP... Huge disappointment. It still feels like a WoW clone in the BG since. There is soooo much CC that it is not even fun imho. Playing other PvP games since I left has reminded how fun PvP could be if a PvP developer could put it all together.

- Running and spamming CCs or being spammed just isn't fun - its been rehashed by tooo many MMOs and is overdone. More damage suppression, dodges, positioning, healing, damage... less CC.

- PvP is still hugely gear dependent or level dependent (as far as having your CCs/leaps/pulls/talent points) depending on which bracket you join.

- CC white bar is still fail IMO. It takes toooo long to fill. 1 CC (root, knockbacks and stuns) should hit you for 2 seconds, the next for 1 and then you are immune.... maybe even less

- Skill lag STILL exists this late into the game's development.

- Toons still port all over the place in Huttball.

- TTK is too fast for certain classes and too long for others. Certain classes need more survivability.

- No World PvP... and would it be fun with all the CC anyway?

- Lastly, all PvP gear is a grind... Whether it is 20, 40, BM, WH... You want this new F2P casual crowd, well lighen up on the grind Asian MMO stuff. Make the game less about gear grinds and more about teamwork/titles/ranks.

- Overall, I give PvP a 3/10. It is WoW PvP reskinned imho - been there and done that.


So if you have read this far and haven't started flaming yet, that is commendable that you are hearing me out. If not, your opinion is probably not worth my time either. Like I said... I WANT to like SWTOR... I really really reeeeaaaaaallly do... But, I can't stand the PvP. And that is 50% of why I play.


Most likely I will unsub again and come back at a later date to try to fall in love with SWTOR, but I am so over CC pvp that I can't support this game 24 hours after I renewed. I hope for everyone's sake that the improvements the community needs happen. Maybe not the ones I want, but ones that make this game truly unique and fun in multiple aspects.





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This game is F2P quality at best, don't expect anything out of it more than what SoE had with SWG. If you are one of 'those' who chooses to give them money then "lol."


On the bright side, GW2 will be out soon. Or as you QQers refer to it, The Second Coming of Christ.


Go play that F2P game for awhile and see how bored you get in 3 months.

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On the bright side, GW2 will be out soon. Or as you QQers refer to it, The Second Coming of Christ.


Go play that F2P game for awhile and see how bored you get in 3 months.


Can't possibly be any more bored then playing the same 4 warzones night after night. I'm going to take my chances for a bit.


I agree with the OP's general views. I've only been here this long because up until now other options are worse, and I really love the IP of this game. It's a shame this company's pooped the bed here.

Edited by islander
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So I came back because I want SWTOR to be my game. However it is like a woman that you want to love, but she just doesn't quite meet your needs and your eyes wander constantly.


I like this analogy. +Rep


I have never unsubbed. Almost did after 1.2, but even with its shortcomings I still really enjoy the combat in SWTOR and playing a Jedi/Sith.


That said, the best PvP in this game was 1.1.5. BW had worked out a lot of the kinks in combat, there was an option to complete PvP dailies/weeklies via WZs or OPvP, Expertise wasn't jacked up and TTK was reasonable, and the gear grind wasn't bad at all.


PvP has gone downhill since 1.2 and even RWZs were a bust. I keep subbing because I'm still having fun. I'm also hoping Makeb will put OPvP back on the map. The WZ gear grind is beyond stale at this point, TTK is too fast, and there is just too much CC.


GW2 comes out soon and I will be playing that game. I will stay subbed to SWTOR, but PvP in this game needs some spice. GW2 will be a welcome change to our tired and played out WZs.

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What they should have done with the legacy system is allowed legacy unlocks based on achievements and group pve or pvp xp similar to the Everquest AA system instead of making them purchasable with credits. The current Legacy system promotes credit farming which is not fun, when it should be promoting socializing, and pvp/pve grouping which IS fun. Legacy unlocks should be rewards for playing the fun parts of their game, not rewards for credit farming.
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- CC white bar is still fail IMO. It takes toooo long to fill. 1 CC (root, knockbacks and stuns) should hit you for 2 seconds, the next for 1 and then you are immune.... maybe even less


So basically kiting classes who use 2 second roots like a Balance Sage/Madness Sorc would be ******* on due to only being able to root people for 4 seconds total before full resolve, awesome idea.


Once a melee class got on you it would be over, 1 gap closer after 4 seconds of roots would = certain death for a ranged class.


Melee classes have defensive cooldowns that last longer than 4 seconds, so they could just eat your damage up during your root and then leap/pull you and have their way with you for the duration of resolve. No thanks.

Edited by Nocadoj
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GW2 comes out soon and I will be playing that game. I will stay subbed to SWTOR, but PvP in this game needs some spice. GW2 will be a welcome change to our tired and played out WZs.


This is my exact plan. I'll play TOR each week long enough to finish my PvP weekly, whether that's 2 days or 3. I'll stick with my main and scrap the rest. The rest of the time I'll give GW2 a trial.

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