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To Unsub or Not to Unsub, That is the Question


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Hello, everyone.


I just don't know if I should unsub or not. Only a few times is when I have fun with this game and that's when I team-up with my guildies or gank Imps on planets such as Tatooine or Alderaan. The rest of my experience with this game now, is well... such a letdown. I've been subbed to this game since the 1st day of EGA and have been here ever since.


I'm a bit skeptical on the F2P hybrid because of EA, and they tarnish great developing companies and just want as much money as they can get on a game. We all don't know if this F2P hybrid will improve the game or not, but the only time we'll know is when F2P hits. I just don't wanna end up paying microtransactions because I hate that and it's a waste of money, and I also think this game won't be getting better when F2P comes out. The amount of fluff that keeps getting added into the game sickens me, and for me, that is NOT content.


I was also extremely disappointed with the lack of OPvP and the disappointment left in PvP. No sandbox features and no PvP customization makes it worse. With PvE, this game is just so static. Like for example: On the Republic faction: After you've liberated Balmorra from Imperial forces, are they gone? No. After completing Bonus Series missions to completely rid of the planet from enemy forces, do they disappear? No. The only dynamic thing in this game is the pieces that move you to collect more datacrons, and that's just extremely sad.


Optional Read:


I'm a huge, huge fan of Star Wars, have seen all the movies and TV shows, and the galaxy is always changing because of skirmishes and wars. We see the Republic, Empire and Neutral Armies fighting for more resources, power, support, alliances, politics, freedom, etc., and I'm disappointed that I don't see that at all in this game.


I always imagined a Star Wars MMO being a galaxy that's binded together (not too many instances) that expands to discover new territory, planets and gain control of them. With an ever-changing galaxy map to show you what territory you're entering (Republic, Imperial, Neutral, etc.), you could invade planets from Space first and if successful bring it down to land battles (and maybe even sky battles, too). That idea, though, could be a whole new Star Wars MMO in and of itself.


My subscription ends in September, and I'm stuck somewhat at a standstill whether to sub until F2P or not because I don't wanna leave and disappoint my guild and all of the guildies I have and friends I've made in the process, but it's sad because PvP servers are bleeding out players faster than PvE and RP servers, and a lot of the friends I made have either stopped playing (because of all the flaws this game has), or just rarely ever get on... and if they do, it's only for just a bit. I'm on The Fatman server, and that server ended up taking a huge hit from all the players that went to play their original characters stuck in limbo after server transfers and now, it's still taking a hit from players not playing and unsubbing.


I'm a very disappointed CE VIP, and I've supported the game since like 2009. Sad to see that after 6 months of this game's release, F2P talks started. I don't think this game was truly the Star Wars MMO a lot of players wanted it to be. Overhyped game, lied to by EAWare from many of the things they said and was left with an extremely static galaxy, non-innovative world, with repetitive (and grindy) side-quests that aren't worth doing for a 2nd time.



Edited by HomicidalWhales
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Do you like playing? If yes then stay. If no then leave. Simple as that really.


Make a list of everything you like and don't like. Write it out so you can actually see it objectively and not emotionally. Weight the pros and cons. Also factor in if you have something else that is better, the same or worse to go to or back to into the equation.


You will have your result.

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Guild wars 2 is coming i would give that a try if your not sure about swtor. If they dont have the frame rate problems that swtor does that will be more then enough to keep me playing Guild wars 2 it already looks great from what i have seen.
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The game you mention in your spoiler is what SWTOR will never, ever be. This is, and always will be, a single player RPG with multiplayer options and nothing else.

I'd recommend you unsub, but take it with a grain of salt as I already have unsubbed and I'm waiting for my sub to run out.

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Well everybody has pretty much said it but they aren't wrong if your having fun then stay, if not then go. I can understand not wanting to let your guild or your friends down but I'm sure they'll understand. The only person who can answer that question is you, it is your money after all.


As for the content they've been releasing...well we know there's a full new planet coming, probably when F2P launches I would imagine as for what they have released trust me it's still better than the rubbish Cryptic have been releasing for STO over the last year so it could be worse.

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Well everybody has pretty much said it but they aren't wrong if your having fun then stay, if not then go. I can understand not wanting to let your guild or your friends down but I'm sure they'll understand. The only person who can answer that question is you, it is your money after all.


As for the content they've been releasing...well we know there's a full new planet coming, probably when F2P launches I would imagine as for what they have released trust me it's still better than the rubbish Cryptic have been releasing for STO over the last year so it could be worse.

I was just curious and looked at one of the posts. Maybe I should take a step outside the emotional view of it and objectively compare.


I think I'll be most likely leaving SWTOR. It's just that I created the guild for one huge goal, but it seems like with the faults this game has and bleeding subs I don't think that'll happen. Few servers will die again and drop in population, and many guilds will be affected and possibly break apart. The Fatman may be an affected server and my guild may break apart, but I guess what happens happens, right?


It's just that I've tried to give this game many chances. I was sorta a fanboi when this game came out, defended it frequently and once I started noticing all the flaws and stuff, I tried and I tried giving the game more chances and thought my guild could keep me here forcing me to grind through this game, but I guess not.

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Daily grinds are not fun. (I feel like PAC MAN with four 50s doing dailies)

Doing the same exact Flash Points over and over and over and over... (Well not so much fun anymore)

Operations are still fun but getting 16 people is impossible and getting 8 is time consuming.

Rewards are cosmetic. i.e. pets and speeders never interest me. (Better mods or gear interest me more)


Variety is nice but the rewards have to be worth the effort. Like the current event is just stupidly pointless.


So unless they allow us to run Flash Points for better rewards then no the game is going nowhere fast.

PVP was more fun in the 1 to 49 bracket then the 50s bracket as FUN is defined as equal winning/losing.


I think the main problem SWTOR has is more stuff to suck the fun out of game then stuff to be fun.

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I'm not having much fun right now, but I'm staying subbed at least until F2P hits. I bought the Collector's Edition last year, and figure that I've been in deep this long, I may as well ride it out and get my max number of Cartel Coins when that happens. That way, should there be a miraculous turnaround in features and content through the F2P Micro-transaction model, I'll be set to buy back in and experience the new stuff.
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As a few of the guys have already said if you are not enjoying your game time try considering (objectivly and honestly) why you are not enjoying yourself. If you don't like the game, unsub. If it is how you are playing the game could you change how you play? If so try that if not unsub.


The game you mention in your spoiler is what SWTOR will never, ever be. This is, and always will be, a single player RPG with multiplayer options and nothing else.

I'd recommend you unsub, but take it with a grain of salt as I already have unsubbed and I'm waiting for my sub to run out.

Can you please tell me what makes an MMO that is missing from TOR? I am not an MMO expert but TOR seems to have all of the components of the other couple of MMOs I've played.

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I have unsubbed, it ends in 8 days. Really love the game and the world but I posted the following when I cancelled. Not that it will matter will probably just be ignored but at least I tried to give an honest opinion.



Technical game issues (camera etc) spoil pvp experience. reported months ago and nothing done.


Legacy system perks should have been account wide or have the costs reduced greatly to avoid grinding


Really poor implementation of a dungeon finder. It's essentially the old dungeon finder with a few bells and whistles added. Queueing up for dungeons was as slow and non existent as before. Should have been made server wide.


For an MMO that should be using the latest technology, issues like these should have been ironed out from the get go.


Lack of story continuation


F2P announcement - underwhelming. F2P restrictions unacceptable for myself even though I am unsubbing I will not play the F2P model in its current format. I paid for full character slots on release and access to unlimited warzones and flashpoints etc. I would understand if any warzones and operations, races classes etc added after the F2P comes live and in future patches would have restrictions for those who unsubbed but to restrict them from content they have already paid for before F2P wasn't even a consideration shows no gesture of goodwill to those who stayed or tried to stay loyal for as long as they could.


Maybe reducing the subs alongside current F2P model would be a better option. This is because I don't want to try the game F2P and lose characters I worked hard to create. In this way your loyal customers will stay subbed or return and those who are happy to accept the F2P model on offer will do so also. As it stands currently as a subscriber, you haven't shown any form of thanks or consideration to subscribers (vanity pets just don't cut it I'm afraid)


Despite all of the above I really enjoyed playing SWTOR. However, the direction the game has taken and the announcements and decisions made, lack of action on game issues just doesn't warrant a subs or show value for myself anymore. Look at what GW2 is providing as F2P You just can't compare unfortunately.


Have fun everyone a great game that has been spoiled by awful decision making and underwhelming and broken features and announcements.

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The short version:


Having fun? Stay sub'd.


Not having fun? Unsub.




^ this


Honestly, I guess I don't understand how some people think. I play a game, if I'm having fun, I play. When I find I a no longer looking forward to playing the game, I just stop and move on to something else.


There's a lot of talk about not liking things being said, announcements, the future of the game. If all the things you fear happen and it impedes your enjoyment of the game, then unsub...seems kind of silly to unsub out of fear of the future or just feeling hurt about the way announcements trickled down. Again, are you having fun?

Edited by chuixupu
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I tend to think more of us who have been around since the beta, and followed the game for years while it was developed, are more in the category, or feeling underwhelmed and disappointed this far into the actual live game, if you just joined the game in the last few months, you will feel pretty much as we did, last year at beta and early access, as we were all excited and ready to immerse ourselves and our lives, into SW:TOR


This far into the game, with prevailing bugs, we reported long ago, and have never been fixed, yet more fluff added to the game, really make me wonder if they even 'can' fix those bugs at all. The comments mentioned about the camera is absolutely true as far as I am concerned, and only really reveals itself as how bad it actually 'is' when you start to play WZ's and PVP in general.


The game has always been more focused on PVE content, which is fine if you only want PVE content. So the idea of any balance fixes has always been in the mind of balancing PVE out more, sadly, the nerfs or buffs also affect PVP too, and have often been seriously flawed. Would of made more sense if PVP and PVE skills had been kept completely separate as different entities entirely. Separate skill tree developments and kept apart.


While you can't use some PVE skills in PVP, this is not what I am talking about.. because these skills are shared whether you PVP or PVE, so affect both. I would of thought if you were playing WZ's you would have had a separate skill tree progress for PVP mode, so you could in that way of had skills more focused for PVP rather than PVE in mind.


I find constant Black hole dailies and pretty much any daily, more of a grind by now, it doesn't matter how much you add more dailies or more FPs or more or anything where you have to repeat and rinse every day, people will eventually find it boring.


Lack of innovative Open world PVP, (was never on the list) really, with PVE content taking priority. So leaving a more immersive galaxy, looking more one dimensional, and linear in thinking. I would of liked more things like making allies, not just because your in the same faction your automatically an ally - really ?! so no such things as rivalry then ? - a pub guild might be allied with an imp faction, but its not possible to do that either, because they are automatically classed as enemies.


Personal social relationships, and marriage, where is the option to marry some one 'other' than a companion ? or interact with them for social points, by giving 'THEM' gifts ? and awarded affection in return if they accept the gift ?!


Seriously ?! - Bioware you didn't really go far enough in creating a game for people to enjoy for the long term. I hate to make posts like this, as I have enjoyed this game since the start, but I am coming to cross roads too and feel not sure about my future with this game.


There is of course always the option to take a break and come back later to see if you guys actually did fix any of the problems we have reported, or in fact added anything worthwhile to actually justify the constant subscriptions. I can hope !

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Simply put and not t obe an ***** but like it or not stay or go either free or charge someone will be there to take your Server Space so think of it as a Clean up Set Wave or a Community Server Maintenance. Those that like will stay and continue in this journey...those that Fail there Training will go back to the Land of the Average.... Enjoy:D

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