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Best planet in the game?


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Mine would have to be Korriban. Simple reason is, when I waited all those years to play SWTOR and finally started my Sith character I was really impressed with Korriban. I had a lot of fun those first days of playing SWTOR and loved the quest and the lore behind it all!


Sadly that feeling has long passed, but I will always remember how excited I was to see Korriban and how much fun I had questing there with my 1st and 2nd toon! :)

Edited by MrLeee
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So im just curious to know what everyones favorite planet was once you completed your story and why? We all had our favorites and it would be interesting to hear what everyone thinks.:)


Recently I went on a dora the explorer mission to uncover the maps on all the planets and for me it's honestly impossible to say.


My top 3 in no particular order are





All the planets are different (compare ilum and hoth),Have a slightly different feel to them and are quite star warsy.

The only planet I didn't really enjoy was tatooine, mostly because every SW game i've played has involved numerous journeys to it.Taris also didn't do anything for me, Wrecked city with swamp elements thrown in and it can be trouble to navigate sometimes without a speeder.


What I'd like to see in the future ?

Something completely different. The planet where aayla secura dies would be a neat start, The jungles of Yavin 4 would be cool, the mon Calamari homeworld would be neat aswell..

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Korriban, definitely.


I love that planet. I couldn't say why, but it feels more real than any of the other planets to me. Gets into my head. Someday this game will go offline, and unlike my old console games that will mean its end, and the thing that makes me most sad about that is that I won't be able to go back to Korriban anymore.


I also really enjoy the environment and mood of Hoth, although I hate the questing there.

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For me, definitely Voss. I don't know, it's just the colors, and the detail. It feels and looks sooooo much more different from the other planets. It's a real change in scenery from all the war torn worlds, republic and imperial controlled worlds. It's a planet apart from all the huff and puff and the other planets.
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Hmm... Well my top three would be...


Alderann: Scenic with a lot to discover. Loved the dam. It was an unexpected find. Love the music too.


Belsavis: Lots to discover. Love the hidden areas on the other side of teleports. They were scenic as well, but I really loved the huge monsters in those hidden areas culminating with the WB, the Primal Destroyer.


Tattoine: More of an open world feel. I really liked the dune sea and including Sarlacc and the Sandcrawlers. I liked the balloon ride to get the datacron and the shard. Love the music as well.

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Taris: Only seen the republic side of it so far but it is one of my absolute favorites. Dangerous forests, hidden treasures and scary monsters. The JK and Smuggler had really good class stories there. Always get a little misty-eyed when I watch the holo:s from the people living in the "promised land".


Balmorra: Oki, the place is a all-out-warzone, I never learn the map of it and it's a complete maze. Always enjoy questing around on Balmorra. Seen it with JK, Smuggler, Bounty Hunter and Sith Warrior. Getting to the last map, running across the fields ducking for incoming shots, zig-zag:ing between enemies and trying to keep alive. Really feel connected with the story there, and the ending of the planet's story feels quite spectacular.

Honorable mention


Tython: for the green forests. Very much enjoyed running around there with my then little JK. The story was really good, it was my introduction to SWTOR and I loved every second of it.


Korriban: Also a favorite. You can feel the heath, and the danger from entering the Sith's training hall. Excellent story, have enjoyed it playing my current little alt that I'm lvl:ing, a Sith Warrior and a SI during beta

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I would go with iconic planets such as Tatooine or Hoth for my favorites. I only wish there was more to do on the lower planets besides Datacron hunting. Even then... an hour or so will give you more then enough time to obtain all of the datacrons on a planet. I still like going to Tat. or Hoth from time to time just to ride around. :D
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