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Purchased wrong PVP gear set for Vanguard


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I purchased the Battlemaster Eliminator set for my Tactics Vanguard. I thought the set bonus was the best so went for it.


I now realize I want to buy the Combat Tech War Hero gear. The idea of having to re-earn the Combat Tech Battlemaster set first makes me sick. Is this the only way?


Can I use crafted BM stuff to purchase War Hero?


If not, I feel they should allow any Battlemaster piece be used when purchasing a War Hero item (ie: any BM chest could be used to purchase any WH chest) regardless of the exact set.


Can anyone help? Is re-grinding BM gear the only way?

Edited by tibernary
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Thank you OP... I LOL'd... hard! For 2 reasons actually...


1. That you bought the wrong set...


2. That you could have replaced half of it in the time that you posted this thread and checked the replies. It's BM dude... couple days and BAM! Full set.

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I purchased the Battlemaster Eliminator set for my Tactics Vanguard. I thought the set bonus was the best so went for it.


I now realize I want to buy the Combat Tech War Hero gear. The idea of having to re-earn the Combat Tech Battlemaster set first makes me sick. Is this the only way?


Can I use crafted BM stuff to purchase War Hero?


If not, I feel they should allow any Battlemaster piece be used when purchasing a War Hero item (ie: any BM chest could be used to purchase any WH chest) regardless of the exact set.


Can anyone help? Is re-grinding BM gear the only way?


I feel that BW should alow a time limit for any NON Augmented gear to be returned to the vendor for a complete refund of the coms spent.

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Thank you OP... I LOL'd... hard! For 2 reasons actually...


1. That you bought the wrong set...


2. That you could have replaced half of it in the time that you posted this thread and checked the replies. It's BM dude... couple days and BAM! Full set.


WOW he made a mistake perhaps hes new

Edited by DarthSabreth
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Put a help ticket in. They used to give you a gear exchange X number of times for X number of months. Forget the details but it is worth a try.


Thank you, I'll give that a shot. If not, oh well, I'll just keep grinding away:)

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What's wrong with eliminator set? I use that set on my pyrotech PT.

Dont need more damage on rocket punch when my flameburst + combustible out damage it AND ignore armor, slows and apply a heavy dot.


15% crit on railshot owns.


Nothing wrong. I probably shouldn't have used the word 'wrong'. It's more that I want to try a different spec for which Combat Tech is more suited. But if I stay in Assault/Pyro then ya, the Eliminator is better I think.

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I feel that BW should alow a time limit for any NON Augmented gear to be returned to the vendor for a complete refund of the coms spent.


This aint Costco you know haha j/k ... I blame it all on Costco!

But ya, it can get quite frustrating to get the wrong item by accident and have to regrind over and over - I would take the earlier suggestion and file a ticket to see if they could help.

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I purchased the Battlemaster Eliminator set for my Tactics Vanguard. I thought the set bonus was the best so went for it.


I now realize I want to buy the Combat Tech War Hero gear. The idea of having to re-earn the Combat Tech Battlemaster set first makes me sick. Is this the only way?


Can I use crafted BM stuff to purchase War Hero?


If not, I feel they should allow any Battlemaster piece be used when purchasing a War Hero item (ie: any BM chest could be used to purchase any WH chest) regardless of the exact set.


Can anyone help? Is re-grinding BM gear the only way?



Think of it this way. You will be eventually able to join groupfinder for HM flashpoints as dps or tank. I have a full set of WH Supecommando gear that sits in my backpack because I made the same "mistake" as you. Now I am a couple pieces shy of full WH eliminator gear and use it exclusively to PVP or quickly breeze through solo dailys.


For PVE, switch on your tank gear, switch to ion cell, and you can tank decently for almost everything but HM ops.


At some point, the time will come when you are in a WZ and a fully decked out sage will ask for a guard. Switch to tank gear and give him a shot. If he abandons you, switch back to eliminator (or tech) the next time you are in the spawn area. If he happens to be totally awesome, you will like the fact you have that gear.


In the long run, you are more versatile and you will eventually want both sets.


Finally, I don't know how you can be sick for "grinding" BM. It takes almost no time at all to get the stuff. In the meantime, you have some BM gear to PVP with.


I went through the same ordeal as you and in afterthought, it wasn't a mistake. At some point you will want both sets. I plan to own all three. Eliminator, Combat Tech, and SuperCommando. I already find my self mixing and matching pieces to up defense, crit or power. You can further specialize the pieces with different augments and not have to pay the price of swapping augments all of the time.


On a further note, I made a worse "mistake" than you. Somehow, when switching mods around (to exchange a mod free BM piece) I placed a BM mod over the top of a WH mod. Now I have a Supercommando chestpiece with a level 58 enhancement. I thought I was placing it over the top of a different piece of armor for my companion to use. I'm the one that should be sick and it was all my fault. My advice is to pay very close attention when swapping PVP mods around. My "grind" to fix that mistake will be much worse than yours.


I have not QQd about it on the forums until this reply to your post and only use it as an example to learn from my mistake.

Edited by Sungas
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On a further note, I made a worse "mistake" than you. Somehow, when switching mods around (to exchange a mod free BM piece) I placed a BM mod over the top of a WH mod. Now I have a Supercommando chestpiece with a level 58 enhancement.


Yes, this is much worse than mine:) 'Sick' is maybe a bit over the top, but I heard you have to be dramatic to get noticed on the forums:)(j/k)

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I purchased the Battlemaster Eliminator set for my Tactics Vanguard. I thought the set bonus was the best so went for it.


I now realize I want to buy the Combat Tech War Hero gear. The idea of having to re-earn the Combat Tech Battlemaster set first makes me sick. Is this the only way?


Can I use crafted BM stuff to purchase War Hero?


If not, I feel they should allow any Battlemaster piece be used when purchasing a War Hero item (ie: any BM chest could be used to purchase any WH chest) regardless of the exact set.


Can anyone help? Is re-grinding BM gear the only way?


Two things I'd like to say BW should of done a long time ago.

1- allow players to be able to exchange gear back in for a refund of the required badges with in a reasonable amount of time (2hrs).

2- when players get disconnected during a war zone (even rated) they should be able to log back in an pop right back in that same match.


These 2 alone really blow my mind as to why the hell they have not done this kind of stuff yet. Then again BW is gaining a rep of being a piss poor liar. We was suppose to have content monthly according to them. Still has not happened. Bug fixes are a big fail an are not addressed often enough nor responded to. They need to communicat 10x better an inform the community on issues an things to come with a date in reason. The word "soon" is getting very old. They really need to man up an perform like they want a SUB base of players or they will lose more this coming fall

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