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Please make the upcoming world event last longer.


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True. it should be longer but.... I have a full time job, a family, a house to maintian and several RL obligations and during the last event I got 3 full sets of armor for my 3 lvl 50's and at least 12 of the crystals. It really doesn't take that long if you learn the tricks on how to get samples fast. I also got all the pets for 7 toons during the event.


Making the event last longer would be nice though.


I agree that the time required PER DAY isn't that much. However, when you have things like armor sets that can only be attained through a minimum number of days (wasn't the containment set like 5 days minimum?) it narrows the window considerably.

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I agree that the time required PER DAY isn't that much. However, when you have things like armor sets that can only be attained through a minimum number of days (wasn't the containment set like 5 days minimum?) it narrows the window considerably.


True... but doing the quest for the armor pieces even tho it was one piece a day didn't take much time because they didn't require samples to get, you just had to do the quest then turn it in.

Edited by KeepMe
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True... but doing the quest for the armor pieces even tho it was one piece a day didn't take much time because they didn't require samples to get, you just had to do the quest then turn it in.


Yes but you missed my point: It's not about the time per day, it's about how many days you have available. I don't care how short the daily quests are, if I'm on the road for a few days and can't log in until 4 days before the event closes, it's just as restrictive. Even if someone played for 8 hours per day in that 4 days before the event closed, they still wouldn't be able to get the set.


I'm not saying they should leave this event open for a super long time to cater to everyone, because there will ALWAYS be those people who are gone for too long, but more wiggle room would be appreciated, especially at this time of year, even if it's just a week of leeway compared to the other event.


I think most people would be thankful for an extra week at least.

Edited by Stenrik
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Why do these events have to end at all? Alot of work goes into quests, story, voiceovers, and rewards. It seems wasteful for it to be a one shot deal. Sure, keep creating new events but rotate the old ones in between for the new players who missed out.
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They end because it keeps people interested in being subscribed to the game. I am guessing they will not be available to F2P people.


Oh if that is the case can you imagine the whining here? Oh wait Freeples won't be able to post. :D

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Sucks for you when all you really had to do was stand around.
Yeah but you had to do the dalies to get the gear, which looked pretty cool IMO. So it was do dalies (didn't get all the gear because I didn't learn about the event soon enough :( ), then go to fleet and die....alot.
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Yeah but you had to do the dalies to get the gear, which looked pretty cool IMO. So it was do dalies (didn't get all the gear because I didn't learn about the event soon enough :( ), then go to fleet and die....alot.

The way they chained the gear quest was what I hope they won't repeat in future events. People who came into

the event late, a couple of days before the end, couldn't finish the whole set because there was no way

to finish the daily quest-chain in time.


But we'll see. They collected feedback from the last event, and claimed they've learned from their mistakes.

I give them the benfit of the doubt. :D

Edited by Talahar
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So youre asking them to change the times for YOUR convenience?


As a paying customer what's wrong with that? Especially since he's asking on behalf of the convenience of not just his personal convenience but that of a large portion of the playerbase.


That's why you don't normally do events like this in MMO's. Some poor dude who booked two weeks off back in january to start today is going to be out of luck. There's never a 'good time' for a time limited event. Winter holidays? Lots of people are traveling. Middle of some random month? People have jobs, and kids etc. There's always something.


When you're a developer you don't want to make content people can't experience, that's just wasting money. Making content that is, intentionally, narrowly time limited is expensive and wasteful. E.g. with the rakghoul event they could have just made the plague time limited, left the rest of it in as a dailies grind for anyone who wants it enough. They could have even pushed it off to a separate phase/instance and let people deal with that who cared enough.


An MMO is not my job, it's something I do for fun, denying me fun to make it time limited completely misses the point. One of the big things we worry about in the industry as a whole is digital archiving precisely because you might not ever be able to experience a PS1 or a coleco vision or whatever game the way it was originally done, it' s just hard to produce that stuff. With an MMO the time problem is compressed quite a lot, but when you take stuff out you do take away from the whole range of potential experiences, and that's bad.

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Better yet, just make a new commendation token shared across world events, and make the vendor permanent. It would make it so that people who can't participate in all of them 100% can still get the rewards at a slower pace, through future world events.
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