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A Thousand Papercuts


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The inability to use one of your characters as your official forum handle is a real sore point with me, to the extent that I investigated creating a different account merely to acquire a display name that matched the name of my primary character. I know that sounds ridiculous, but some of us no-lifers enjoy having server forums as an extension of our in-game experience and it is irksome to have to gussy up your posts with a signature just so people know who you are. It's particularly wrong-headed given that you choose your display name well before you know what character names are even available, so matching your character to your display name is quite often a pipe dream--It's like being asked to describe your credentials well before you even know who you are. Beyond that, I genuinely dislike my display name because it is straight up gibberish that I settled on only due to other handles being unavailable--as someone who enjoys being in-character I'd much rather be Imperial Operative Senon Jago of Jung Ma instead of the unpronounceable mess I grudgingly saddled myself with. I understand that technically speaking it's only tangentially related to the in-game experience, but I really think it would be a step in the right direction given that you already have cross-faction communication available in-play and are one tantalizing step away from having a more robust set of server communication tools than your main competitor.
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Sorry if this has been posted already, but frankly there just isnt enough strong star wars themed music when you are just walking around, or questing by yourself. Usually there are just light ambiance sounds.. I'd love the option to just have some good star wars theme sounds playing constantly. And of course there should be an option to toggle them on and off like in most current MMos out now. And SWG did this beautifully...It felt like you were actually in the star wars universe when you were on that game.
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Chat System: As a guild leader, I get a lot of whispers/enquiries, oh the times I have sent my reply to the wrong person, the time it then takes to apologise to the relevant people (still getting it sent to the wrong person). I know many people have mentioned this, however, BW this is no longer a paper cut, this is a huge knife wound that is bleeding profusely, please, please, please fix this a.s.a.p.


Thank you for starting this thread, great idea, also for listening to my little whine, have a great day all.


Quoting to hilight this issue - sending sensitive information to the wrong person can be a major headache. I've seen the results of a number of intercepted tells though thankfully haven't had to repair any great harm... yet.


I know you're swamped and have a million important things to do, and that just as likely this has been grouped into an "enbiggen chat functionality" project - but this I feel, is one of those stand-out issues - it has a significant impact not only on the game in general terms (making conversations feel 'buggy', that we need to constantly be on our guard) but because of the social problems attached to it... a few words in the wrong place can be catastrophic to a relationship.


Text chat carries little enough of the meaning we try to convey, it really is important that the system supporting it be as cohesive, reliable and complete as possible.


For now we bandaid the situation by keeping all sensitive discussions to VOIP but that carries its own caveats.


We've also considered the guild rank system to isolate such talk to the Officer channel but that still really doesn't address the issue for people like me who act as counsel / advisor to officers and the GM and to members in general.


In other news, I'd love to see a more fully-featured chat system ;)

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Sith Warrior Companion:


A True Sith does not accept forgiveness for betrayal. Why does the Warrior keep Mal? I don't care if he is my healing companion, I want him dead, maybe get Sith Pureblood Companion replacement



Marriage: When someone creates a romantic relationship with their companion it should Show, Like an optional location placement for that companion in the ship to be in your Room.




Please merge the Valor and Social ranks Legacy Wide. Its extremely tedious especially with the Orange crafted version of the PvP gear when my Sith Marauder is valor rank 58 and my Jedi Guardian is almost Valor Rank 69. and I have to grind all that valor again on alts to wear the crafted version. Especially with how hard of a grind Social has been.





HOODS: Bioware I know a solution to fixing your hood option than manually adding every hood in the game an off off option.


Remove all Hoods, THEN. add a Toggle Hood option on all hood model shapes with the toggle head in a drop down box, Hood 1, Hood 2 Hood 3 Unhooded 1 Unhooded 2(show cowl on back).

Source, Don't Necro please.)http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=495873


[Dark Robes with Hoods]

Sith are strongly lacking in Dark Jedi like robes, Yes there is a diffrence between Jedi and Sith, but that doesnt mean I want my Sith Marauder dressed up like Darth Vader my least Favorite Sith. There is a huge lacking still for dark robes with the hood up.


Character Customizations

Khem Vhal has almost 14 customizations while HK 51(Could totally have a HK 47, Republic/Empire war paint scheme) and Sergant Rusk have 0 customizations. Imbalance is a bit upsettting.



I don't know about you, But I am a bit upset I cant have the title Jedi for my Jedi Knight for it being Consular only.


There are also a lot of unused titles Like Emperor's Wrath and General, be nice if those could be given out General for PVP or certain PvE content and the Emperor's Wrath to you know who players.



I have already seen the leaked SWTOR Cartel coin market and I am glad a lot of my suggestions from my old suggestion thread for additions to the Collectors Edition vendor were brought into fruition here in the market.

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=422175 (Don't Necro please.)

For those pieces that didn't make it I wish to suggest them here.


Darth Baras' Helmet. (Sith Inquisitor PvE end content helmet without the wizard cap.)


KoTOR 2 Mandalore's Helmet.


Character Recustomization Item token, enables a character eligable for a complete body remake of that race only but the option to change the appearance or body Build.


Race/Sex Change item token. Does as above but for race. If higher than 25 it requires that race unlocked by Legacy.




Football body build style still has a lot of helmet hood clipping issues with the Battlemasters War Leader/Vindicator/Weaponmaster with many hoods with this body build.



Lost Promises

Quoted from my old thread. (please don't necro). http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=442034

If I recall, I believe he promised a lot to the roleplay community.


The Roleplay Phases, basically sandbox Roleplay areas that are phased to only have you and your group. Because a lot of people requested to be able to return to some areas they quested at to RP in etc etc. from the Guild Summit. I have YET to see any announcment about this since the Guild Summit. D: Would love to have great RP areas besides a Cantina...


Whatever happened to Guild Flagships and Achievement Systems? Despite I am a devoted fan of the Old Republic Franchise, I feel a bit betrayed ideals that made my heart jump dis-appeared.




Your long time subscriber who is still sad my RL name is on the banned name list because there is a no lore NPC boss named it in a empire only Flashpoint. Magnus.

Edited by Magnusheart
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Make Coruscant/Dromund Kaas a secondary social hub.


PLEASE I beg you do this. One of the biggest turn off for me in this game are the copy and paste fleet. Create a new area in Coruscant and Dromund Kaas with all the stuff the fleet have and allow acess to Fleet general chat as well. Not only will this reduce lag within the fleet it will also give us reasons to stay in these amazing planets you worked hard to design.


Second, let companions ride mounts. Its a shame that we miss alot of open world dialogues from our companions when were mounted. If not possible then at least let us still hear the dialogues regardless if were mounted or not when we enter the triggered area.

Edited by Idunhavaname
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I wish for some appearance tab. If you are subscriber, the price to remove mods from an armor is meaningless now. Also, you can buy campaign armoring, etc... I agree the system is more friendly than it ever was, but it's still extremely complicated over a simple appearance tab. And it will always be. Also, you simply don't have any appearance options for the tionese->rakata range. And whatever it is for pvper. Also, there is several item unavailable as orange/purple item, I have 2 of them in my bank, quest rewards, green. For all your leveling, you can use orange item to customize your character, then for campaign gear and afterward, but for the fresh 50, you can't. And for the ones who don't do denova etc, it's almost impossible, while having a full columi set is easy to do. Some may argue you can, but you loose set bonuses, and it's a harsh drawback since you worked for it. I worked for it, I earned it. Both system can work together. I want to be able to use both.

I know some people are opposed to that, but BW can make the restrictions they want on this stuff to remove those fear. You may disable them for PvP area, or for fight situation (as in gw2)...


Also, I want "casual" clothing. I'm not always fighting in the dirt. When I'm on Dromund kaas, or in the fleet, or some cantina, I just want to relax. Yet, there is only one "casual" cloth I know of : DK/coruscant social clothing.

It could be an awesome add to the cash shop aswell, LOTRO sell appearance tab unlock for f2p, and a lots of appearance stuff, either combat or social clothing. GW2 have a whole "non fighting appearance tab", with casual cloth from the shop. It's both something most people like AND not pay to win. IMO that's the best thing you can sell in a cash shop.



If you really don't want appearance tab in this game, for some reason I don't understand, please add a way to buy tionese/columi/rakata armoring the same way we do for campaign ones. So we can spend unused tionese/columi token to buy them, instead than buying stuff for our companions. Dunno about the rakata armoring, maybe black hole tokens, but for a lower prices than black hole gear (10BH/armoring ?).


That's my biggest cut from SW, and it's painful each time I play on my 50 characters.


Not related, but it seems the SGRA (same gender relationship) was not mentioned, dunno if it's worth mentioning since the dev already said they are planning it "someday", but it is something that should be available by now. They said it would make it in the game soon after the release, and one year later we are sitting on "someday".


Also, not related, I want minigun looking assault cannon. We can see them in the Clone Wars serie, and even in the Return promotional SWTOR trailer. Yet, ingame, none of them looks like that. You don't even have to add rotary cannon. I always found weird you can see minigun in SW movies, but not ingame.


And finally, add a way to manage friendlist by adding handle/account mail/legacy name instead of character name. Having about 10 characters, and my friends doing the same, it's a pain to comunicate ingame. Also, add a way to see if the person is online, but on the other faction, so I don't have to reroll just to see if my friend is arrived.

Edited by erei
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- Allow people to go directly to the thread they'd like to reply to after they hit the "reply" button and are asked to login.

- Allow me to change my mouse sensitivity! This is such a HUGE pain, and changing how fast my camera moves isn't as useful or intuitive to me

- Please fix the ship-leaving-station cut screens. Some are clearly not finished and look plain hack for some classes


And finally:

- Where are the Guild Faction Ships? Or better - when can we "go off the rails" and add some space PVP? (Would be really sweet if I could pilot/ man the guns of the same ship with friends)

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I am sure this is mentioned, But sabers that do not shut off when holstered. This should have been a priority fix. super annoying to see my companion with a pole saber sticking through their own head.


HK-51 currently has no image in the Crew skill's window.


When you try and View someone's gear, you see their image but y our gear. This used to work fine till 1.5. Two patches later still not fixed. Apparently this is not a priority. It should be, how do we judge if someone is geared properly for higher level FP's. Or if someone needs assistance in configuring their gearing.

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To the guy above me (and his quote) I also like the idea, and what would be cool would be to do kind of like what DCUO did, make a pre-made appearance customization with your gear and be able to re-equip that appearance customization to look the way you want. Also would like a prototype converter, able to make "greens" into "oranges" with mod enhancement etc. slots.
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Put the Fleet Shuttle on the map. Optional: give it it's own symbol on the map.

Take off exhaustion zones to opposite fractions space ports on Tatooine.

Allow players the option to go to travel to opposite fraction areas on Corellia.

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First, let me say that I love the idea of this thread.


Second, I found this thread because I was planning to suggest the Legacy "wallet," though I was calling it a Legacy Bank. Cumbersome, and tedious, are probably the perfect terms to describe the process of mailing items back and forth between my various alts (which has been made extra tedious because I can no longer add my cross-faction alts to my Friends List). The idea of having a tab in my bank (or several, depending on the level of my Legacy) where I can store stuff for all my characters to use is something I endorse is the strongest possible terms. It would make my life so much easier! As for the idea of combining the various Commendations, the only problem before endgame is that the planets aren't in the same order for both factions, so Balmorra Commendations are worth more to a Republic character than Imperial. Still, even if they were separated by faction, pooled Commendations would make leveling alts much easier.


Third, and this is one I have suggested since the beta, I would love to be able to change the color of the subtitling in Conversations. Against certain backgrounds (like Hoth, or anything meant to be shiny) the bright blue-white of the standard subtitling can be painfully hard to read. This isn't as much of a problem for NPCs who speak Basic, but when everyone speaks Huttese it can be a real strain on the eyes.


Fourth, on Crew Skills, I really wish the quests my crew undertakes to get materials was more specific. Now, I don't mean being able to send them out just to get the purple items (as near as I can tell, these come from a critical, and that's fine). What I'm talking about is that the various Grades often cover two different crafting materials, and if you want one, you almost certainly don't want the other. Example: I use Scavenging to try and acquire some Aluminum. My companion returns with both Aluminum and Desh. By the time I'm working in Aluminum, Desh is nothing but a waste of my inventory space, so why is my companion bringing it back? Conversely, if I want some Desh to craft gear for a low level alt (or whatever), then Aluminum is a waste of my time. This doesn't seem like that big of a change, but it would make my crafting life much easier.


Fifth, when it comes to Crafting Schematics, could we please add a nice, bold "Already Known" to the window if such is the case. You know, like... um... that other game does? More than once, I have bought Schematics off the GTN, only to discover my character already knows them. I am aware that, when everything is working right, known Schematics are darkened, but, sadly, this feature seems to work sporadically at best. Plus, it's kinda subtle. Could I have a nice, bright STOP sign, please?


Sixth, and mentioned elsewhere, but I approve: can there be a keybind for me to equip items directly onto my companion? I buy something for me, and 99% of the time I just right-click, done. My Companions? Open the Character Window, click on the Companion Tab, and then right-click. In particular, this annoys me most when it's a piece of equipment I can't use, but my companion can. (A more advanced version, and probably not qualifying as a "papercut" would be a context menu that allows you to select any companion to equip an item on, even unsummoned companions.)


I may have more later. Thanks for reading.

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[...] Also would like a prototype converter, able to make "greens" into "oranges" with mod enhancement etc. slots.


I like that idea. Many times I find a great looking piece of gear that I have no actual use for, but that I would love my character to wear.

Furthermore, this could be a rather simple addition (depending on how items are organized in the code). I would even understand the resulting customizable items being empty - it's just for the looks after all!

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Great thread! ... sadly very hard to read through with so many pages. I hope OP's compilation list would come out soon :)


I just thought of something that fits the papercut definition and I believe hasn't been mentioned before:

I love the companion stories and am working on maxing out all their affections (on the 6th character now). This happens by spamming crew missions for gifts as I cannot possibly raise them all with mission conversations (and tbh I don't like switching companions only for conversations). Now, due to randomness of gifts received via missions and the fact that companion preferences are not too systematic I end up with a rather significant stockpile of unused ones when I start a new alt (I'm not selling them while they still have use). Since they take lots of space I have to use them as soon as I get a new companion (according to preference) which raises their affection significantly and usually leads to me running through their story line in batches of 3-4 or more quests at a time (interrupted by class quest checkpoints). Running through the story so fast breaks immersion, of course, and I am left the only option to intentionally postpone conversations so that a more realistic progression is achieved.


This, in my opinion, is easily fixable by introducing more hooks / checkpoints which would tie triggering the companion quest to either different part of the class storyline or the character's experience level. In the end, if it is doable, a player shouldn't seek a manual workaround to keep immersion.


And to add my voice to something that has probably been posted before - I am very very tired of my double-bladed-lightsaber wielding companions running around with their weapons sheathed but still lit, thus impaling them right through their head or in the case of Ashara both sabers dangling at her sides, potentially shredding robe, pants, legs, etc. to pieces... It is high time this gets fixed as it's been there since the early patches


Just yesterday they mentioned on the livestream event, that due to such obvious bugs the game feels buggier than it actually is and I believe that. So my suggestion is - drop development of new content in part or altogether for few weeks or even a month and work only on the overly long list of papercuts. I hope I'm not the only one who feels that desire to see current game experience properly polished already outweighs the desire for immediate new content as new content would come flawed with those same imperfections + others that would inevitably turn up.

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When the rewards tab for a crew mission pops up, there should be an additional option to tell your crew mate: "Just drop it in the cargo hold." so that crafting items that your companions gather on their own don't block up your characters inventory.


It only makes sense, you can craft using items from the cargo bay and your companions aren't with you anyway, so dropping it in the cargo would even be more logical from a story point-of-view.

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To the guy above me (and his quote) I also like the idea, and what would be cool would be to do kind of like what DCUO did, make a pre-made appearance customization with your gear and be able to re-equip that appearance customization to look the way you want. Also would like a prototype converter, able to make "greens" into "oranges" with mod enhancement etc. slots.



This would be the perfect fix to break out of the cookie-cutter look alike outfits we've been relegated to. There are so many great looking outfits that we simply cannot wear, and remain competitive, because they are green or blue quality. What a shame to waste all of the hard work BW artists put into creating unique armor sets.


As the poster pointed out, a simple Item Converter Kit would fix that problem while adding to the crafting market. Value added= good idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A proof reader would be nice, text errors are annoying.


"Alright" is not a word.


You don't "beat a tough fight," but you can win it. You beat an opponent, you win a fight.


Sith Warrior Chapter 2 screen: "... prepares to assist his Baras's rise to power." Huh?


And, I know I can't summon my companion while in an Ops group, so stop telling me every time I load into an Operation.

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  • 4 weeks later...



Can't believe it took me so long to discover this thread, exelent copilation!


a few things i would like to add(with the links of the original threads explaining and expanding); some of the things i might mention might be already on the original post... i apologise if thats the case






There is so many buggs in the game, many of them has been present since the very Beta, that is almost hard to believe they still around.... Sometimes it feels like if there is 1 dev working on bug fixes, 1 on expanding the stories, and 50 devs working on Cartel Market?


  • Sector X still bugged since decades ago.
  • Illium Map still broken(PvP area not geting explored no matter what)
  • Not all Codex entries are unlockable(STILL)
  • Taxis still flash all the time while ur siting on them and are traveling anywhere! quite an inmersion breaker!






  1. - New Tittles:
  2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=572054


I think we all will agree on that there are so many posibilities for new unique tittles, that require little work to implement, and would bring so much diversity to the game, and add so much joy to simple tasks such as exploration, that it almost feels as an insult to us loyal subscribers the addition of new tittles into the cartel market shop.... Only focusing on the BROKEN CODEX there are 100s if not more of posibilities:


  • Tittle for discovering all species
  • Tittle for exploring the entire map of all planets
  • Tittle for discovering all datacrons
  • Tittle for discoring all codex entries
  • and so on.. i think u get the idea






  1. -Expand the Legacy System:
  2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=516972
  3. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=578572
  4. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=548360


There is so much to add, fix, change and expand on the legacy, so many posibilities and oportunities; so much to work on...

I personally would re-desing it completly, making it more similar to the skill tree:


  • For each level u gain on the legacy, u gain 5 legacy skill points.
  • 5 skill points for each level X 20 levels = 100 legacy points in total.
  • Each skill/perk would cost: 2 points the first tier, 3 points second tier, and finally 5 points last tier.
  • With special avilities such as the Rocket Boost, HK series, "Legacy Datacrons", Repair and Mail Droids, Training Dummies and GTN Console costing from 5 to 20 legacy points, the ammount of points depending on wichone, making u spare for a while in order to gain them.
  • Apart from those legacy point u would also require some small amount of money to unlock those more exclusive things mentioned above. The price should range from 50k-100K-200k-300k-500k depending on what. But still making it more open/avanible to all, contrary to the 500k, 1M,, 1.5M, 1M, 2.5M and 5M that some things cost right now(pretty damm expensive).
  • Include many of the Cartel market items(specially Pets, Speeders and Armour Sets) to be legacy bound, in stead of bound on equip, why? cos we buy those items with our real money and use them on a character, but as soon as we start a new character those items have no longer any use.... this making us think twice in the first place if wether or not re-roll a new toon.
  • Make datacrons into a legacy perk, as it was done with HK series, in my opinion gathering all datacrons is by far more tiresome and takes longer time than the HK missions.






  1. -Implement a proper archivement system into the game:
  2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=469844


The same way that with the tittles, if use the BROKEN CODEX, much can be done in this regard, this would solve many of the late-game problems of people getting boring and having nothing to do. Something similar to the [VEHICLE] quest but with more variation and not everything being focused on WB and OP Bosses.






  1. -More flexivility regarding to weapon and classes:
  2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=565554
  3. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=206533


The current system is quite restrictive, making us basically chose our class regarding of what weapon we want to use, class choosing should not be based on that. While some things makes sence, like only Troppers being able to carry Heavy Cannons, and Snipers using Sniper Rifles, others make little to no sence, for instance Sentinels not being able to use only 1 lightsabre, Assasins being forced into a double bladed lightsabre, Bounty Hunters not being able to use Rifles. and so on....






  1. -More Options regarding Companions:
  2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=455813


The truth is we spend 90% of the game hanging around with them, be it because we like them or need them, the fact remains the same. Because of that, much more needs to be done with them:

  • The option to kill them for example should be added back, with the addition of new companions to remplace old ones.
  • More customizations
  • Redesigning the affection generator, so that we are not forced to gift-spam them
  • They should be visible in our taxy while traveling
  • 2-Seats Speeders should be added so they can ride with us
  • Secondary Companions should also have personals quest similar the the First Companion, not just fade to black screens after conversations
  • The option to see what gear other peoples companions are wearing
  • Companions should be made to feel more alive and less like robots, more dialogs, more animations.
  • They should be able to interact with Mission items, such as ordering them to open a door, use a terminal, ect so they can fully remplace a human m8






  1. -More Options regarding character Customization


This has been asked for since so long ago, and so many times !!!


Both while on character creation:

  • More face types
  • More hair styles
  • More Tattoo Options
  • More Jewerly Options


And ingame:

  • Barber shops
  • Body shop(something to act like a gym, so u can change the type of body ur character has)
  • Don't know if anybody here have ever heard or played APB, and APB Reloaded but hell, anythign similar to that, regarding character customization, would leave anybody spechless and more than satisfayed....






  1. -More options and flexivility regarding armours:
  2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=541885


I think something in what most people will agree is that there is not enougth variety of good-looking clothes ingame, the end-game gear looks freaking ridiculous(seriosly cant be more ugly even if u try) There are not enought good looking Adaptible and/or Moddable gear around, so many people end up looking exact the same for most of the game. In stead of the devs spending so much time on adding the coolest Gear into the CM, they should add some ingame too, for those loyal subscribers who have been here for such hard/full of disapoitment year! Things we need:


  • I think the biggest example of what we need is the Hood Up and Dawn option, that was been asked for since day 1!
  • Adition of more good looking pieces of armour to the game, either loot rewards, quest rewards, for completing archivements or exploration. Make them Purple so that FTP have to pay extra to use them if u wish, i don't mind.... but we(subscribers) need fresh stuff in-game, not just at CM ... :(
  • Armour Tynt, yes similar to unify color, but allowing us to choose what color!






  1. -More Planets(and more content)
  2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=212256


It is said that the galaxy is the limit., well it feels quite limited right now :/ There is so many places we would love to visit and explore, even if they don't have any class-related quest, even if they are not related to the Republic-Empire Conflict in any way, it does not matters, we want to be there! Not every new content and place has to be relevant to the war, and u know it. Places like Yavin 4, Dantooine, Ryloth, Genosis, Naboo, Kashyyyk and so, so many more places that have already been featured on previous games, movies and comics, so much lore to expand around, the planets are almost already created from the art and style point of view, all u have to do is bring them to life into 3D !

Am sure 90% of the people would love to see any of those i mentioned in stead of Makeb.....






  1. -Proper Space Combat
  2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=145844&highlight=space+combat


We been asking for something to be implemented in this regard since the BETA! i do know that to make it happen it will take at least 1-2 Years, since the scale of making a "new 3d open space combat system" would be equal to the making a new game, but at least we deserve to know if its been working on, if its never gona happen or what, i MEAN WE WANT SOME INFO; we are tired of living in the DARK!




... work in progress ....


Edited by YeIIow
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It is definitely a papercut for me that, when my companions are out doing missions, I can't craft an item. Am I the one who has learned these skills, or my companions?


And I agree with what has been said about useable chairs and the suggested changes to the players' ships that would allow one to enter a ship without taking off. Those cuts sting.

Edited by caburleson
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First of all; great thread. I'm just going to throw in my 2 cents here.


Implement Chat Bubbles


Standing next to players, it's sometimes hard to get their attention if they are not looking at the chat window & are looking more directly at the center of the screen where the majority of the game play takes place. It's not so much about the bubble itself as it is about an easy way to recognize that a player is trying to communicate with you.


Player Bounty System


This was mentioned previously in this thread but I just wanted to direct people to a game called Age of Wushu. This game has a PvP bounty system that, at it's core, would have worked really well in SW:TOR. Open world PvP with a player funded bounty system.

Edited by Coinspinner
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