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A Thousand Papercuts


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There is a setting in your Interface Editor or Preferences that allows you to drag your windows around the screen. Has been there since... 1.2... I believe. And you can have more than 2 windows open at a time.


welp. new discovery.

Edited by xorcist
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For the planet Tatooine, please implement the following. :rolleyes:


They should just really take a way the exhaustion zones. That, or turn it into something like ilum. Let there be objectives to try and capture in order to control the both cities. Anchorhead and Mos Ila.


So basically instead of exhaustion zone, there'd be a mine field that you'd have to try and get across. Before each mine field you'd get an item from a box that would give you a device to use for a certain amount of time to let you scan for mines. After clearing the mine field, you can then control sentry turrets located through out the base that would fire on enemy NPC's and players. That would make it so that if Sith controlled anchohead they could spawn close by, control the turrest etc. And vice versa for Mos Ila.



Edited by LG_XxLegacyxX
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+1 to most all the above posts. Apologies if these are already covered.


1) Please give me a mailbox right outside the cantina in Kass City. If it is there I can't find it.


2) I need a plain black turtleneck for my agent (you know, the tactical kind)


3) Quit telling me that the reward for a mission is going to be "great" or a "fortune" and then get an email later from the quest giver with 236 credits. Either make the reward significant for the level or just tell me "you will be able to buy some desh with this."

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I THINK that this is a very good Quality of Life suggestion, yet not a particularly obvious one...


Improving Group Conversations - Alleviating (but not solving) "skipping" frustrations.


Suggestion: While in a group conversation, when you hit Spacebar, you only skip to the next dialogue option once every other group member has hit the spacebar also.


Reasoning: Obviously people can get frustrated when someone isn't skipping, but I actually think a major element of that frustration is due to something else. The fact that when you've chosen to skip, you're staring at a static screen for many minutes at a time (in the knowledge that a party member is preventing you from proceeding past this boring screen). If you changed how skipping worked, skippers would at least be a little less bored in that worst case scernario, as they could at least enjoy the cutscene to pass the time... And two birds one stone, a lot of the effort that was put into the cutscenes aren't going completely to waste on skippers as they would still see the story in groups where players are choosing not to skip.


It won't solve the rage that people feel. But it should alleviate it a little because the cut-scenes aren't as tedious as a blank screen... This also hopefully puts a little less social pressure on the new player (who hasn't experienced the story yet) as their "crime" of enjoying the story isn't as punishing to the other player(s) of the group.


Anecdote: I don't know about other people, but when I'm staring at the blank screen for ages, I think "I wish someone would have told me we're not skipping so I could at least watch the cut-scene while I'm waiting", but then on the other hand, if you choose to watch the cut-scene you run the risk of pissing other players off who DO want to skip, and now you're holding them up on the very same, boring "Waiting on Other Players..." screen. This suggestion would at least solve that predicament because I can now skip, but also enjoy the cut-scene if someone chooses to watch. I think this is actually a very important suggestion considering this game's huge emphasis on Story. It's a way to get more players to watch the story, without forcing them to. You've just converted wasted blank screen time, into wasted cut-scene time. By simply replacing the "Waiting on Players Screen" with a "1/4 Players have chosen to skip" dialogue on the bottom of the cutscene.

Edited by Ashyel
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Galaxy Map inside your map pane (not just on your ship):


Pretty simple really, put an overall galaxy map inside the map pane so that you have a sense of location within the galaxy at all times. Whether on a planet, flashpoint or even a warzone. It would go a long way toward making the worlds feel like disparate "levels", and make the game feel more like a cohesive, *real* place with *actual* distances between the various locations you find yourself in.


My analogy would be to imagine going to Nar Shaddaa without having the overall map. The Promenade wouldn't feel like a HUB. The various sectors would just feel like levels rather than locations because while you're in a taxi the journey is just a blur of neon. But that overall map does a decent job of giving Nar Shaddaa a sense of unity, and ties it together somewhat. A galaxy map could do the same thing, but on a larger scale.


IMO it would probably be the easiest addition to the game, with the most impact (when it comes to resolving the "dead world" feeling of the game - but there are obviously plenty of other issues). When doing Lost Island I don't feel like I'm on Ord Mantell. When doing Kaon, I have no idea where I am. This could help to solve these problems with immersion.

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REPUBLIC MED DROIDS: Why are they so rude? It was better in the beginning when they didn't talk at all, but they could at least be nice. The Imp droids are much more pleasant. I get tired of hitting the mute button every time I want a quick repair.


COMPANION SPEECH: Give us a MUTE OPTION for random speech. Really! If I wanted to listen to smart mouth like Kira, I'd adopt a teenager. Or fix her story to one where she learns to be a real Jedi instead of a brat. And Nadia... please, I just want to space her. I could go on and on, but I won't. A mute option would do the trick.


LANDING/DEPARTING ANIMATIONS: These are out of order, The landing animation plays when you exit the ship instead of when you arrive on the planet. If you're getting on and off your ship without leaving the planet, you have to watch the animations over and over. It should be 1) arrive at the planet, 2) land on planet, 3) exit ship. Reverse when you're leaving.


NAME PLATES: Name plates are huge and distracting. I'd like to see a small icon over each group member's head indicating their role. Optional, of course.

Edited by Gidrea
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For endgame gear, allow people to exchange their comms/tokens for either the item or for a bundle of the mods that would have been in the item with the set bonus bound to the armoring. I'm tired of going broke moving mods on my sage so as to not look like a giant puff pastry with wings and oven mitts or an 80's flashback, and with having to give up the set bonus to do so for all but campaign gear. That way, if people like the look of the set, they can get it and if they don't they can simply drop the mods into whatever orange gear they prefer.
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With regards to crafting, when doing a mouse over on a schematic, could we please have a tool tip that lets us know instantly if we have the schematic already? It is very cumbersome when deciding if I should need for a drop to have to go and check the crafting screen while the countdown is going. Same with buying them off the GTN, I have to close the window, open the crafting window, scroll down and look for the name. It is especially confusing because a lot of the items have very similar names.
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Id like to start off on a positive note. There are many things I love about swtor. Graphics are nice, questing is fun , for the most part. Music is nice, and I like companions and the crafting process.


Now onto my papercuts...


In a technologically advanced universe, we should have access to a map of the universe, including a map of all the planets surfaces, roads, etc. wherever we are. My ear implant should be able to do that. Right now the only way for me to see the Taris map is to go to Taris. The fact I cant feels like they made a totally arbitrary and silly decision here. It also break immersion and makes things feel much smaller than they are. Even on planets.. coruscant, nar'shadda I cant even see the subsections of those zones. I have to fly to them first to be able to see their full maps. This is absurd. Does anyone who lives in a technologically empowered era lack access to something as simple as a thorough map? Yet we dont have decent map access. Aren't we the supposed heroes of the galaxy? It follows that we would have decent access to maps, wherever we are. Im not really sure how this could have been overlooked or never implemented and it seems like it would be an easy fix. I can think of 3 or 4 ways to address this, from very simple ideas to more elaborate implementations.



When I go to planets, Some look great, others they look like 1994 graphics when your looking at them from your bridge. Not sure why that is. What I think would be more engaging is to see planets as they appear in space combat. We could warp into a planetary orbit, and the planets horizon could fill half our view and affect the lighting in our bridge. Currently, we warp in, see a ball floating in an uninspired space. It could use some creative improvement


The Fleet is too tiny, and an insufficient base of operations for any faction. On both sides the function of the fleet should be moved to respective capitol planets or cities. Not to mention its boring, repetitive and has no character at all. Its fine for what it is, but does not fulfill my expectations of what it could be.



RP things like /sleep currently have no matching animation of laying down. It just prints in chat "Player went to sleep" . If theres a chair, bed, bar stool etc, I should be able to interact with it and use it. The fact we cannot makes the world seem sterile and dysfunctional, it points out to me, "Your in a game!!! Stop trying to have fun and role play"


Chat bubbles, have been requested since beta. They help in pvp, pve, ops, roleplaying and general immersion. If the developers don't understand this, Im at a loss. If they do not get this, its just silly.


Chat functions are terribly limited. Reference Guild wars 2, wow, etc.. Look at them then make the proper modifications. This chat box we have now is the most rudimentary chat Ive seen in any major game release in the last 5 years. Please, give it some love. Again, this was also was requested in beta by many.


The GTN interface needs work. I should be able to search anything from the main search, and not be forced to narrow it by a subsection. Very Annoyng. Also there is no bidding, only fixed buyout. Again, poor search functions. Again, this was also was requested in beta by many.



Class respecialisation & Dual talents. If they expect this game to move forward with free to play, and to stop the hemmoraging then they need to implement this. They knew it was a good idea, and they knew it was important to have in a game. The reasons are too numerous to list , so I will only list one. -You cannot know if you will like a class, until you've played it for 10 levels (10 levels of being the AC, not the 10 starter levels) , by then, if you hate it your stuck with it. I absolutely hate being an operative. I have in fact, unsubbed in the first month after release because of this and the myriad other issues. I was one of the first to sign up and create an account and request beta access, as soon as it was possible after the game was announced. I've followed its progress and demise for years now. There is no argument against this that holds water. Plenty of opinions why , but no good reasons why not. It needs to be ingame 6 months ago.


Here is James Ohlen talking about AC switching at comicon. He said it WOULD be ingame for very good reasons. This shows they understand how important it is. Hopefully they will follow through with this, as it makes perfect sense as he describes it. Again, this was also was requested in beta by many.



Ship Customizations Cybertechs could make mechanical mods which actually appear on the ship, synth or armormech could make decals and paints, artifice could make color crystals or other modifications. There are many great possibiities here which have been discussed in many places Use your imagination.


Better cosmetic customization for our characters, especially companions. There are terrible, awful armor designs in the game, and it would be nice to have more control in this area. There are maybe a handful of decent looking outfits possible. The apperance of companions is no less important too. So whatever cosmetic option improvements are made should always extend out to our companions. Hide head peice, match colors, etc... Orange moddable gear is ok, what would be even better is a seperate interface where we can setup outfits which override the visial appearance of what we actually have on. Available at level one, freely.


Guilds Really need a lot of work. Finally added guild banks, but where are guild meeting halls or guild ships? So much social potential could be added with a few simple modifications to this aspect. I believe it could create some healthy motivation and spur people to interact with one another more, to get involved more. As opposed to playing Kotor. I see so many un-guilded people, and is it any wonder? Again, this was also was requested in beta by many.


Naming would be nice to be able to report players (who would be forced to do a rename) for offensive or ridiculous names. Give us a way to police the community and weed out the losers who make offensive names. I mean jeez, cmon. Dont let a few idiots ruin a fun experience.


Anyway, I hope that someone considers these items, and puts some energy into refining the swtor experience. It has so much potential and it truly broke my heart to see what it became, even after having loads of feedback about ALL these things from testers while in beta (myself included).


Here's a toast to a long and prosperous future for swtor. May the developers(EA) free it from the shackles and restrictions it has now to release its full potential. If done right there could be a bright future. Anything is possible. Just because every mmo which has crashed , burned and fizzled out never had a revival does not mean that is inevitable. It just takes thinking way outside the EA box.


One of my greatest concerns is that they will pull the plug here, just like they did with Earth & Beyond or SWG


Thank you OP for starting the thread. I hope you get thousands of constructive responses! There are so many practical and sound ideas presented. I also want to thank the other contributors who have made some great suggestions. I agree with almost all of them

Edited by Redorbz
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This is a good thread but 50+ pages in have to wonder if the Dev's are still reading it, and if the number of paper cuts has exceeded 1000 :D Although it does give an indication on just how many and wide spread each players issues are. Me I wanted new alien species and that would make me happy, other people would love this game if the cut scenes played after landing on the planet, they could trade a speeder or daily quests had accurate dialog for a epeatable mission. Other people need completly re-written world PvP and Space combat. Dont envy the task of anyone deciding whats popular enough to warrant taking forward, whats doable and whats just plain crazy.
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- the ability to equip a 2nd gearset at the click of a button

- the ability to equip 2 relics or implants with a right click

- capes clipping player torso/arms

- having match-to-chest automatically enabled with every chestpiece swap. Enabled should be default, not disabled

- control files transferrable to alts

- being able to preview gear with match to chest toggled on

- being able to preview the look of sabres and color crystals

- a single button "buy all ranked comms" instead of buying 10 at a time

- the ability to augment anything outside of a mod station which is required to add a augment kit

- the ability to send companions on multiple missions instead of just one

- the ability to see stat changes before spending comms to transfer a piece of gear/mod/enhancement/armoring/etc

- characters/capes clipping mounts

- the ability to preview a mount before binding it

- being able to set a preference order in which companions appear after crafting missions.

- being able to inspect another person's gear while also inspecting your own

- the ability to inspect a group member's gear no matter where everyone is, or what instance they're in

- more characters to use on Guild message of the day

- the ability to display the guild info tab on connect as well

- more characters to use on guild notes for players

- Guild roster debugged, so its fully functional

- A shared legacy inventory tab in player bank, at a legacy 25 requirement, and at some appropriate credit cost.

- A credit bank in the above

- The ability to save all "sent" messages in the ingame mail system

- A box you can check called "notify if read" or something, so a mail recipient can check it off if they want to let the sender know they read the msg

- The ability to send in-game mail to the entire guild once a day or once a week

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Quite a few pages, so I'll just list mine here, if it's doubles? I'm sorry,


Dye armor: Any color, not just hue to chest


Less WoW inspired ideas, more old school MMO stuff like from SWG or Everquest. I want a quest to feel like I accomplished something when I finish it.


More levels, which in turn means more quests, and more storyline. Don't just stick to theme park, go sandbox to, you CAN have both if you work at it.


Alternate Advancement stuff: x amount of xp goes toward earning a single Alternate Advancement point you can spend on something USEFUL for your class/advanced class.


Truly custom high end armors: If I wanna yank all my battlemaster items from the graphics your devs chose for them, and put them in graphics I enjoy, I should be able to do so, and retain the set bonuses as long as I have the requirements in the set.


More end game stuff. Like questing for the pieces of Revan's saber, or Juhani's saber, or questing for Zalbaar's bowcaster..stuff like that.

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Quite a few pages, so I'll just list mine here, if it's doubles? I'm sorry,


Dye armor: Any color, not just hue to chest


Less WoW inspired ideas, more old school MMO stuff like from SWG or Everquest. I want a quest to feel like I accomplished something when I finish it.


More levels, which in turn means more quests, and more storyline. Don't just stick to theme park, go sandbox to, you CAN have both if you work at it.


Alternate Advancement stuff: x amount of xp goes toward earning a single Alternate Advancement point you can spend on something USEFUL for your class/advanced class.


Truly custom high end armors: If I wanna yank all my battlemaster items from the graphics your devs chose for them, and put them in graphics I enjoy, I should be able to do so, and retain the set bonuses as long as I have the requirements in the set.


More end game stuff. Like questing for the pieces of Revan's saber, or Juhani's saber, or questing for Zalbaar's bowcaster..stuff like that.


Everbody's entitled to their opinion so I don't mean to take anything away from yours - adding more levelling to a game however does not make it any more engaging or interesting. Adding more levels does mean that 100% of the population has to do more to reach 'end game' content - which is fine for mid to hard core players but works against more casual players, they end up mired in the levelling experience and only glimpse the rest of the game. Where you restrict participation, you lose player interest and ultimately lose players.


Regarding Dyes - despite being yet another feature to copy from WoW, I think it would be infinitely better to embrace their 'Transmorgify' feature (to copy professionally crafted gear designs) than to have players wade through hundreds of colour swatches to find what they like... I can't imagine designers being happy with seeing their carefully crafted designs put through the wringer everywhere they look (yes, the most recent ones were bad, many others are truly excellent).

Obviously we've got the option of 'modable' gear, so that's already in the game in its own way. I imagine they do mean to apply it more generally, its just a lot of (moderately complicated & tedious) work to do so.


I'm extremely wary about "more stuff from old school mmo's" - most of what hasn't survived of them has died because it was bad or has been replaced with better things. Perhaps you should provide more detail of exactly what you mean.


If we were going to suggest anything like this from another game, I'd recommend both RvR and the sandbox style 'open quests' that games like Rifts and GW2 embrace, and which are generally acclaimed for bringing players together and making the world feel much more active and alive.

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Companions always having you fixated with their gaze. It looks very unnatural in a lot of cases, such as when you stand on an elevation and they bend their backs and necks looking like something straight out of the exorcist.


Just have them look straight ahead.


this can be especially annoying when they're standing on a table... it's really creepy...

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Searchable inventory and bank.


Rift does this very well. You type in what you're looking for, and items which don't match are dimmed out (as you're typing of course, partial string matching).


I love this idea! I buy an extra bank slot for my crafters when i really don't need it simply to organize better.

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My companion won't join in on conversations if I start them from my speeder.


Solution: Backend changes so your current companion will always join conversations assuming they are not dismissed. I believe currently the game is technically "dismissing" and "summoning" your companion when you mount a speeder, and when you start a cutscene, it doesn't "summon" your companion again before starting.



Man this frosts my cookies. I have lost so much companion affection when i wasn't paying attention to the fact that I forgot to get off my speeder before starting the conversation!!


[If I have my bank tab and inventory open and close the bank tab window, the inventory automatically closes. Similarly, closing a vendor window also closes the inventory window.


Solution: I could see how some users would want this functionality, but personally I would like my inventory to remain open when I close to bank tab. This would be a perfect instance of a preference setting that the users can elect for.


what he said...

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Not going to quite the quote because there were so many, but:




I understand why they don't want to do this, some people will never queue for some WZ's. SO....... Keep the random, give a higher reward for it. If you don't want the random and higher reward, at least you know you're going to the one you like.

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Ability to equip a pre-configured set of gear with a single command or button click.


Rift's /saveequip and /loadequip functions work perfectly for donning all of your pvp gear before entering a warzone.


Agree, would be nice to be able to change from your PvE gear to your PvP gear in one click. :)

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This has turned out to be quite a lot longer than I'd expected, nearly all are repeats from six months ago.



  • Modal Dialogues or menus of any kind with only one possible option are worse than useless.
    Elevators around the place are frequently guilty of this.
  • Superflous confirmations - Windows has been rife with these for decades and all through that time the world has made fun of them and /facepalmed because they're the epitome of bad design. Please don't make us confirm that we really, really, really mean to send our companions away for a few seconds to sell grey items - especially not with a modal dialogue box!
  • Already known schematics seriously need to be sorted out and readily identified.
  • Not being able to join groups while in the Group Finder queue. You do realise this causes all sorts of hassles and literally prohibits people from forming groups while they wait up to several hours for a GF group to pop. I know you don't believe it but prohibiting MMO players from playing together is slightly bad.
  • We need to be able to identify out-levelled and group missions before sitting through cut-scene dialogues just to find out what they are.
  • Hypno-grass - the perfect rhythm with which grass waves is slightly disturbing. I try to avoid looking at it because it brings on feelings of motion sickness.
  • MFing Orbital Stations - I do appreciate that you've added the option to go to our ships in various places but those orbital stations are still an anathema to the StarWars setting. Even if they're there because this is thousands of years in the past and ships can't yet travel to the surface.... oh wait, there are several worlds where they can. Orbital stations are all kinds of bad detailed quite thoroughly in plenty of other threads.
  • Robes - This isn't Age of Conan. It isn't NeverWinter Nights or Baldurs Gate; it's not Sembia, Waterdeep or GOR - it's not ancient Rome, Greece or Mesopotamia. It's not a medieval setting. Robes (and robe derivatives) are not appropriate.
  • Having to hit Spacebar to start cut-scenes before entering instances - this is another of your UI crimes - listen to the rage against useless QuickTime Events i.e. they only exist to make players 'click to continue'. No matter how enthralled you are by your work, you should never block the game's progress to force players to "press a button to continue".
  • Screen Shakes - Must be used sparingly!!. ONLY use them when you absolutely, positively must impart to players that the world is literally shaking for some really important reason. Screen shakes are bad, they're annoying, they make it near impossible to see our UI's and the action on screen. I have 20/20 vision but I can guarantee people with vision problems just see a big blur. I should have a section for UI / UX crimes... Screen shakes are absolutely amongst the top of that list... perhaps second only to single-option menus.
  • Black screens - another huge UI / UX crime is the use of black screens. Making the player "fill in the blanks" might seem very artsy on paper but in practice it's a massive interruption; If a computer display suddenly goes black / blank the common first response is deeply negative - that my expensive display has failed or the game has crashed etc... That's clearly not the case now that we've seen them so often, we're somewhat used to them but the primary response you elicit with them is "something's wrong with my computer". I can't put into civil words just how incredibly bad and incompetent this is from a User eXperience perspective.


Lesser issues:

  • Camera distances - I appreciate that you've normalised some of the camera distance settings. I'll never understand why you added custom camera distance functions to individual speeders... even if it was one of those projects during the employee explosion that slipped by best practices, somebody should've been working on fixing it over all these months. Please as other posters have mentioned, at least let us lock the camera distance.
  • Camera distance increments - when bound to keys rather than the mouse scroll wheel, increment distances are awkward and jerky.
  • Ready Check - this is one of those feature requests that we wonder at.. "how hard can it possibly be?".
    I'm going to slip in a proposal that 2 checkboxes be added to our Player Frame - When clicked, they're made visible on on party frames (and raid frames). When activated, they remain activated for say, 10 seconds.
    As many people are red/green colourblind their positioning should be carefully considered and consistent.
    Red of course to indicate that you are not ready and green to indicate that you are.
    This way there's no need to wait for a raid / group leader to initiate a check of some kind, each player simply clicks a box to show his state of readiness. This is instant, intuitive and non-intrusive.

Edited by Kynesis
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Love this thread.


Buying Ranked Warzone Commendations at the fleet vendor is a pain in the ***.

You can only buy them 10 at a time (on a 3-1 conversion rate) which means that if you've got 2000 comms waiting to be converted, that's 65 times you have to click on this thing.

BUT WAIT! There's more.

It's actually double that amount of clicking because you have to move over to the confirm box each time (which can't be moved).


I read some post saying that you can use the alt tab (or something) to mass buy, but I tried everything and no such luck.


SO. In conclusion - being able to mass purchase Ranked Warzone Commendations would be great.


Man. 1st world problems or what? Jeez life is tough. OOoooo! A COOKIE!

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Everbody's entitled to their opinion so I don't mean to take anything away from yours - adding more levelling to a game however does not make it any more engaging or interesting. Adding more levels does mean that 100% of the population has to do more to reach 'end game' content - which is fine for mid to hard core players but works against more casual players, they end up mired in the levelling experience and only glimpse the rest of the game. Where you restrict participation, you lose player interest and ultimately lose players.


Ahh but you have tried to diminish my opinions with your own. Honestly, after reading your opinion of my requests, I have to wonder if you truly know what you're talking about. "Adding levels doesn't make it any more engaging or interesting"? Adding the levels, then adding the content for said levels has been the meat of any real MMORPG for years. WoW and it's ilk took the concept of "Instant Gratification" and ruined MMOs in my opinion. I'm a casual gamer. I loved Everquest, Absolutely loved it. I played it for 11 years. Might go back to it some day if I get over my EQ meltdown.


Regarding Dyes - despite being yet another feature to copy from WoW, I think it would be infinitely better to embrace their 'Transmorgify' feature (to copy professionally crafted gear designs) than to have players wade through hundreds of colour swatches to find what they like... I can't imagine designers being happy with seeing their carefully crafted designs put through the wringer everywhere they look (yes, the most recent ones were bad, many others are truly excellent).

Obviously we've got the option of 'modable' gear, so that's already in the game in its own way. I imagine they do mean to apply it more generally, its just a lot of (moderately complicated & tedious) work to do so.


Regarding your opinion of using something from WoW that completely doesn't bother to remedy what I'm looking for: I don't really give two banthas about what a designer thinks about my color choices for their armor design. The design stays the same, I simply "improve" upon it (I put improve in quotations because a color change is in MY opinion, an improvement, MINE. Not necessarily anyone elses depending on the color) and I don't look like a thousand different Sith running around the GFFA. It doesn't matter how many unique designs you have, there's always going to be someone who gets the exact set you get. If you can put a variation on it with color? Why the heck not?


I'm extremely wary about "more stuff from old school mmo's" - most of what hasn't survived of them has died because it was bad or has been replaced with better things. Perhaps you should provide more detail of exactly what you mean.


I'm going to take a guess here and say you're from the WoW crowd. If so, that's fine. If not, I stand corrected. I could list any number of things from Everquest for example, that would improve ToR, or from SWG that would improve ToR. What about more challenging quests for lightsabers, rifles, cannons, blasters, vibroblades and the like for starters? Or a bit more in the way of Lore Stories? The Flashpoints and Ops are great and all, but they're finite. Turning the game into a Sandbox game that more closely resembles Everquest and SWG would do this game wonders.


If we were going to suggest anything like this from another game, I'd recommend both RvR and the sandbox style 'open quests' that games like Rifts and GW2 embrace, and which are generally acclaimed for bringing players together and making the world feel much more active and alive.


In the end, at best I'm looking for Devs to look over my suggestions, and at the very least consider them. At worst, I was looking for a response from them telling me to go chew bantha poodoo. As you said, each person is entitled to their opinions. This however, is NOT an opinion thread. This is a thread for suggestions. Good day.


All responses are in red of course. I felt it easier to do it that way as opposed to answering each "point" one at a time. I do get confused sometimes.

Edited by DarthDrachonus
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Regarding Dyes - despite being yet another feature to copy from WoW, I think it would be infinitely better to embrace their 'Transmorgify' feature (to copy professionally crafted gear designs) than to have players wade through hundreds of colour swatches to find what they like... I can't imagine designers being happy with seeing their carefully crafted designs put through the wringer everywhere they look (yes, the most recent ones were bad, many others are truly excellent).


It's all fine and dandy to say that the "designers" aren't happy seeing their "carefully crafted" designs abused... but it has become painfully obvious that the gear in this game was designed by people who are game designers and not graphic or (gasp) clothes/fashion designers. That's an important difference. There seems to be little understanding of color theory going on in the game. The overall color palette is horrible. Purple and red simply do not go together and yet we have several sets of gear for Sith Inquisitors that have both purple and red on them. The Empire seems to have banned all usage of colors other than gray, black, white, purple, red, orange, and the occasional blue. I sometimes go to Nar Shaddaa just see some bright, appealing colors. The Republic is just as bad as they are limited to muted greens, brown, and yellows. I have a couple friends who are color blind and they say they can't tell things apart, it's so bad.


Besides which, it's not the designers you have to keep happy. It's the people who pay to play the game.


Dyes would enable people to at least give people a sense of variety. My Sith Inquisitor would very much like to wear deep jewel tones, like royal blue or emerald green. She wants simple, elegant clothing, not the starfish look of the Rakata gear or the... I don't know what to call the BH/Campaign stuff. Don't even get me started on the PVP stuff; I quit PVPing a long time ago.


As for people complaining about Sith Warriors running around in hot pink capes and day glo green boots, I say let them. Those are their characters, they have every right to wear what they want to and what colors they want.

Edited by Pairaka
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