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A Thousand Papercuts


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My biggest issue, not being able to interact with my environment. I do get immersed in my environment but these are odd things that break the mood for me:


Chairs I can't sit in.

I can't order a drink at the bar.

Emotes with no animations (meditate would be nice to kneel and do it)

More small interactive kiosks and devices on the worlds. NPC's that at least say something to you.

Things to encourage random player gatherings in places such as party events (Festivals, etc)

Nar Shadda should have gambling and other "Las Vegas" style activities

Swoop Bike racing


I'll add more as I think about this.

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When I die, and need to respawn at a medical station, I would like it precisely indicated where I will respawn. At minimum with an accurate name of the respawn point. Ideally I should be able to open my world map and it will show me where I died and where I would respawn.


On Corellia I had a lot of problems with the respawn point being called "Area Start Point". I assume that might be the start of the Instanced area, or an area near to where I died, but it turns out it was the medical droid located at the rocket tram station. If I knew where I would respawn, I might be more likely to wait the 2 minutes or even the 10 minutes (if necessary) than have to walk all the way back to my mission point. Or, at least I can make the decision in a well-informed fashion.


Is it only ones that say Area Start Point that are unclear?

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2 from me.


First, the green color on lightsabers is wrong. Its a lime green, while the ones in all the movies are a more natural looking green, like the color from a Commando's heal beam. This reason alone has kept me from using a green saber crystal, and I've heard from several friends of mine who feel the same way.


If they can't fix the current green crystals, at least add another one (like how there's the cyan option in addition to blue) that has a darker green look.


Second, hood toggle. The biggest and most posted in thread on the Jedi Knight forum. We need it, and we need it bad.


Again, if you want to give a short term fix, at the very least add hood down options to the Jedi Knight classes. Juggernauts and Marauders have both hood up and hood down custom robes to choose from, but Guardians and Sentinels only have hood up versions for some reason.

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I thought of another thing to add to my list.



PLEASE put the drop info out there. It is so hard to find specific things in the game like lvl 50 Droid Motor and not knowing where they are. give the info to Torhead or put it on your own website please.

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I noticed there was a reference to character customization in the OP and I just wanted to throw my hat into that ring, since I've been harping on that topic as evidenced by my weekly question about upgrading/updating the character creation options in the now defunct weekly Q&A.


For instance:

- Sliders instead of static choices (i.e., body type/size, facial proportions, etc.)

- A way to easily reference choices in a list (Instead of guessing "Is this notch 13? Damn, that was 15... ok, here's 13 and I was comparing it to 23, which was over... um... crap, nope... hmm, ok here it is and then 13 was right... DAMN IT!")

- Separating jewelry/tattoos from facial shapes/choices (Maybe I want one type of facial accessory, but not with the only facial choice it's available with)



(I hope this qualifies as a paper cut instead of a walloping with a stack of papers.)

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I noticed there was a reference to character customization in the OP and I just wanted to throw my hat into that ring, since I've been harping on that topic as evidenced by my weekly question about upgrading/updating the character creation options in the now defunct weekly Q&A.


For instance:

- Sliders instead of static choices (i.e., body type/size, facial proportions, etc.)

- A way to easily reference choices in a list (Instead of guessing "Is this notch 13? Damn, that was 15... ok, here's 13 and I was comparing it to 23, which was over... um... crap, nope... hmm, ok here it is and then 13 was right... DAMN IT!")

- Separating jewelry/tattoos from facial shapes/choices (Maybe I want one type of facial accessory, but not with the only facial choice it's available with)



(I hope this qualifies as a paper cut instead of a walloping with a stack of papers.)


All the sliders had numbers when i made me toons last week.

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This is a list I will come back to edit each time I think of new things, instead of reposting each time.


1. Can we make Legacy level 50 gear usable sooner. (As in I create an alt, can I equip the gear sooner. It would bind to whatever level I am and have the stats of level 50 armor/weapon.)

2. As a starting character new to the game, or just back to play an alt. Let players travel to the fleet without having to get to level 9-10.

3. Please connect the two speeder in Kaas city together so players don't have to walk back and forth everytime to travel to a new outpost.

4. Please make it so that if you use a "Priority Transport," it will let the game register you arrived on a planet for (whatever) mission you're on.

5. I feel like it may be too much to ask, but can there be a new warzone map every 2 months? It may seem like it wouldn't get boring playing 4 maps over and over, but it does.

6. Please bring paid for character transfers up soon. (I want my assassin out of The FatMan, and back with my guild on The Bastion)

7. Please keep world events up longer than a week. (2-3 weeks at least) I go to school and don't have time to play all that often.

8. Add more social content. Like able to gamble in Nar Shadda (as stated previously) able to talk to NPC's, and they talk back. (For example: I send an emote, and they NPC understands and responds.)

9. Alow me to drink at a cantina/sit down. :D

10. Add animations to every emote there is please. I don't like sleeping standing up.

11. Add more World PvP spots please.

12. I feel like emergency fleet pass should have a coold down of maybe 4 hours and Priority, 2 hour.

13. Add more races :D


Thats good for now. I'll check back soon.

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All the sliders had numbers when i made me toons last week.


Yes, that's true... but, it doesn't show you the number if you hover over an option, for instance.

My point is that it's nice to be able to look back and forth between a couple options to see which you like better. Currently, there is no way to easily do that.


As an example, if I'm choosing a hairstyle and I want to compare option #11 and #23, I have to guess where those numbers are along that slider line.

It seems like just having the number pop up when hovering over an option would be an easy way to make that insanely easier.

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I have to agree with many things said by the OP.


Many times when I return from a planet and use my commendations to get some gear and modifications I don't need to use them all. Sometimes I get left with 5 commendations because the only thing I'd want to buy costs 7 so I can't get it, for example. It would be nice if we could exchange those commendations for credits atleast, or maybe even consumables like medpacs and stims.


Another thing said by the OP is the loot that comes out of enemies. I really is quite strange when we destroy a huge robot and a lightsaber or jedi robe comes out of it. In KOTOR that was much more realistic I think. That way if you are exploring and you see a strong/champion enemy that is of your class (if you play a Consular and see what looks like a Sith Inquisitor) then you have more incentive to kill it even if it isn't part of a quest/bonus because you know that the only loot he'll drop is usable by your class.


I also agree with what I think is a general sentiment about the hoods. I think many people would like to be able to toggle them on/off and more important than that, be able to have them on while using masks. The first time I used Kallig's mask I was really excited because I already had a hood, so with the mask under it I would look really cool. Turns out that when I equip the mask, the hood disappears :(


That bounty idea is absolute gold. I think one of the things missing in the game is more difference between the classes. I mean, of course you have different class quests, equipment and combat, but that's about it. If you think about it, most quests aren't unique for each class, and that lowers the replayability enjoyment. I think it would be quite nice if there were class specific daily/weekly missions just like the OP's suggestion. The bouny hunter could have a certain bounty, the smuggler could have a shipment to take to a planet in the middle of battle, the trooper could have some POW's he needs to rescue, the agent could have some important person he must assassinate, and Jedi and Sith could go discover relics or provide some lessons to pupils.

I don't know if many people agree with this, but more class specific quests would certainly make me like the game much more.


One little thing that really annoys me is when I use force lightning with my SI. Many times one of the hands doesn't send out the lightning, and some times both of them don't! He just stands there pointing his hands to the enemy lol


Last thing, I promise lol I just arrived on Voss and already got 2 'do-on-the-spot' quests which were quite interesting. It was refreshing because they didn't ask you to do the usual repair/destroy/kill but just talked to you and asked your opinion on stuff and I think it gives the game a more KOTOR-like style, which is quite good in my opinion.

Other than that, pazaak and other mini games would be great, such as swoop races with galactic times, imagine it! Cybertech's could build the swoops with mods for speed and resistance etc hehe

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Just thought of other stuff lol

In KOTOR 1 (don't know if 2 had it) sometimes you would be attacked by fighters in space and had to man the turret to destroy them. I think this would be nice as random but optional mission when you travel in space. You could be attacked by fighters and you could choose between fighting them or escaping and not getting the reward.


Would also be nice if there were more difference in the speed of vehicles. I see all those huge 'cars' people have and they move so slow. I mean, they go at 110% but when you look at them, since they are so big you expect it to go faster. Plus, spending so much money just to get 10% more speed is a bit frustrating in my opinion.

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While I disagree with some of those complaints/suggestions, nothing holds me back from giving my own gripes:


In today edition: companions


- what annoys me the most, is their out of combat regen. If he almost died, you have to spend 15 sec just to bring him back to full. If he died, you have to get close, revive, then spend 15 sec healing him. But this is not a problem by itself. Problem lies with ease this can be avoided. Get on speeder -> companion is reived and healed. Change companion to another and back -> companion is revived and healed. Change companion to itself -> same result. Not that anything here is very bad by itself, it's just that alternatives that you'll have to use anyway(if your companion gets killed in middle of mob group while you ran away, you won't go back to revive him) are so much easier.


- apparently companion bonuses to crafting from affection scale with each point instead of 2k tresholds like some belived, so losing 15 affection from 10k isn't that big deal, but still some kind of buffor where you could 'safely' lose affection without losing any part of affection bonus to crafting. On the other hand, it could be confusing if suddenly afection max would go up by 500 or if buffor was invisible, but then, same effect can be achieved by lowering amount of affection required for max bonus.


- one should use gifts as soon as he gets companion. Due to way gifts and conversation affection gains work, it's best to pump companions full of gifts early on, then if you use them get remaining affection from conversations. And most players when they get new companion don't want to spend next N minutes clicking gifts. If gifts gain formula was based on "saturation" - how much this companion already benefited from gifts(that's even a bit more logical), getting companion from 0 to max would still tame same amount of same gifts(or maybe more), but getting last 500 affection on companion that never got any gifts could be done far easier.

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1. Can we make Legacy level 50 gear usable sooner. (As in I create an alt, can I equip the gear sooner. It would bind to whatever level I am and have the stats of level 50 armor/weapon.)


Are you saying that a level 1 character could wear gear and get level 50 stats from it? If that is the case, then I have disagree with that. It would be a major imbalance to the power for the character level.


I would have no problem, however, allowing a lower player in your legacy to wear the legacy gear, but have any of the stats reduced to a level appropriate for the character. Then it could scale up towards its full stats as the character increased in level.

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The ability to disable the Windows Key in game. I hate bumping back to the desktop in the middle of Hutt ball because I'm trying to extricate someone and slip.


Oh and fix the odd bind points that still display some programming jargon (e.g. {Bind=Null} or some such). The one on Hutta in the cantina did last time I checked and I saw one on Hoth not so long ago.

Edited by elaverick
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1. Why is it that when I spawn into Huttball I have to run to the start area? Can we remove those first two rooms

and spawn in the re-spawn area. I understand the Vendor was working at one point and the Vendor can also be

moved in the re-spawn area. It's the only vendor that I had to race back to buy something and make it out of the re

spawn area before I get booted.

2. I personally hate those starting cutscenes. I don't care about the story in voidstar and mini war going on in

Novare Coast. I have never watched the entirety on the Novare Coast cutscene and the only reason the voidstar

cutscene played through was because I was doing something after joining. Save me from pressing spacebar twice or

escape to skip these. If you don't want to remove these then make it an option to disable them.

3. I thought the speeder ride was removed from Voidstar. I don't need a tour of the area especially in the 50

bracket. Remove it again or make it an option to auto-spawn in re-spawn area.

4. Voidstar and Novare Coast are the only 2 warzones that ask me to press spacebar to enter a warzone. Can

you remove this like the way we automatically enter Huttball or The Civil War?

5. Bring back the auto-queue for the next warzone option.

6. It may just be me but in Civil War I'm pretty sure the speeder placements differ on Imp vs Imp games. I don't think

it's all the speeders but the one I noticed is the initial left speeder. Not to be confused with the far left speeder when

capturing a turret.

7. Not to sound too picky but in Voidstar the hangar is really impractical to be really used as an actually hangar but

looking out the window There appears to be a sun in the background. A sun that size and color would not be that


8. I think it would be nice to say who or what killed who. I am aware it shows in the combat log but to me a small text announcement would be nice. The simple has been defeated is nice to see but at least we can see which teammates are taking names. A side suggestion would be keep the simple defeated message on our end but show who we are killing.

9. I may be mistaken but I think in Novare Coast I hear "An enemy is Unbeatable/ Invincible/ Immortal." when in fact it is a teammate. Shouldn't it say, "An ally is Unbeatable/ Invincible/ Immortal."



1. A lot of players complain of the re-spawn wall. A suggestion to removing this would implement a current in-game

scoreboard with a kill cam shot.

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7. Not to sound too picky but in Voidstar the hangar is really impractical to be really used as an actually hangar but

looking out the window There appears to be a sun in the background. A sun that size and color would not be that


Probably due to practicality, if were realistic you'd be blinded whenever the sun were on your screen (in-game reasoning - the shields that keep the atmosphere in reduce the light from the sun to a tolerable level).


8. I think it would be nice to say who or what killed who. I am aware it shows in the combat log but to me a small text announcement would be nice. The simple has been defeated is nice to see but at least we can see which teammates are taking names. A side suggestion would be keep the simple defeated message on our end but show who we are killing.

There's an option to get a defeated message in your chat log though I can't remember where it is in options. Unless you want a WZ-wide broadcast like when you're invincible?

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2 from me.


First, the green color on lightsabers is wrong. Its a lime green, while the ones in all the movies are a more natural looking green, like the color from a Commando's heal beam. This reason alone has kept me from using a green saber crystal, and I've heard from several friends of mine who feel the same way.


If they can't fix the current green crystals, at least add another one (like how there's the cyan option in addition to blue) that has a darker green look.


Second, hood toggle. The biggest and most posted in thread on the Jedi Knight forum. We need it, and we need it bad.


Again, if you want to give a short term fix, at the very least add hood down options to the Jedi Knight classes. Juggernauts and Marauders have both hood up and hood down custom robes to choose from, but Guardians and Sentinels only have hood up versions for some reason.


This! Please let us chose how it sounds as well since you guys made most sabers sound like your own variation of what a lightsaber should sound like. I want a list of cannon sounds to chose from.


I mean, Jedi/Sith build their own Lightsabers according to Lore. So it just seems right to let us chose how they sound and look. Not to mention you can barely hear them. You guys fixed the volume of the sabers for a short time, then you released that last big patch and bonked them all up again.


Fix the color, fix the sounds! Thank you.

Edited by Wraiven
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There's an option to get a defeated message in your chat log though I can't remember where it is in options. Unless you want a WZ-wide broadcast like when you're invincible?


Yes, and I know It goes in the combat log but I don't want to have to keep glancing over. The message already says that someone was defeated, so altering it to say by who, wouldn't be much different. It could have an option to keep it in the chat box or display it in front like any other broadcast announcement. May even have it to where it says who on your team killed who from the other team.

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Is it only ones that say Area Start Point that are unclear?


They're the most unclear ones. The ones that actually give you a name aren't perfect, but they work ok.


But the Area Start Point ones are just confusing. The start of what area? Where is the start to that area? etc. I wouldn't mind respawning all the way back at a medical droid what-seems-like-miles away, if I knew in advance that that's where I'm going to go.

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Yes, that's true... but, it doesn't show you the number if you hover over an option, for instance.

My point is that it's nice to be able to look back and forth between a couple options to see which you like better. Currently, there is no way to easily do that.


As an example, if I'm choosing a hairstyle and I want to compare option #11 and #23, I have to guess where those numbers are along that slider line.

It seems like just having the number pop up when hovering over an option would be an easy way to make that insanely easier.


I just click the arrow however many times I need to. Not like there are 100 choices to scroll through.

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1. Why is it that when I spawn into Huttball I have to run to the start area? Can we remove those first two rooms

and spawn in the re-spawn area. I understand the Vendor was working at one point and the Vendor can also be

moved in the re-spawn area. It's the only vendor that I had to race back to buy something and make it out of the re

spawn area before I get booted.

2. I personally hate those starting cutscenes. I don't care about the story in voidstar and mini war going on in

Novare Coast. I have never watched the entirety on the Novare Coast cutscene and the only reason the voidstar

cutscene played through was because I was doing something after joining. Save me from pressing spacebar twice or

escape to skip these. If you don't want to remove these then make it an option to disable them.

3. I thought the speeder ride was removed from Voidstar. I don't need a tour of the area especially in the 50

bracket. Remove it again or make it an option to auto-spawn in re-spawn area.

4. Voidstar and Novare Coast are the only 2 warzones that ask me to press spacebar to enter a warzone. Can

you remove this like the way we automatically enter Huttball or The Civil War?

5. Bring back the auto-queue for the next warzone option.

6. It may just be me but in Civil War I'm pretty sure the speeder placements differ on Imp vs Imp games. I don't think

it's all the speeders but the one I noticed is the initial left speeder. Not to be confused with the far left speeder when

capturing a turret.

7. Not to sound too picky but in Voidstar the hangar is really impractical to be really used as an actually hangar but

looking out the window There appears to be a sun in the background. A sun that size and color would not be that


8. I think it would be nice to say who or what killed who. I am aware it shows in the combat log but to me a small text announcement would be nice. The simple has been defeated is nice to see but at least we can see which teammates are taking names. A side suggestion would be keep the simple defeated message on our end but show who we are killing.

9. I may be mistaken but I think in Novare Coast I hear "An enemy is Unbeatable/ Invincible/ Immortal." when in fact it is a teammate. Shouldn't it say, "An ally is Unbeatable/ Invincible/ Immortal."



1. A lot of players complain of the re-spawn wall. A suggestion to removing this would implement a current in-game

scoreboard with a kill cam shot.


Really? "SAVE ME from having to hit space bar twice"? I swear, I literally stopped reading after that. Jesus, you people...

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Really? "SAVE ME from having to hit space bar twice"? I swear, I literally stopped reading after that. Jesus, you people...

You should have continued because he mentioned good and obvious points.


And well not everyone has a fast PC that loads that fast. So the less the loading the more they are happy,

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This is a list I will come back to edit each time I think of new things, instead of reposting each time.


^^^^The above statement is invalid, as I accidently quoted this post instead of Edited it. lol sorry


My favorite things will be marked in green!


1. Can we make Legacy level 50 gear usable sooner. (As in I create an alt, can I equip the gear sooner. It would bind to whatever level I am, allowing a lower character in my legacy to wear the legacy gear, but have any of the stats reduced to a level appropriate for the character. armor/weapon.)

Thank you Bioware for implementing Adaptable gear


2. As a starting character new to the game, or just back to play an alt. Let players travel to the fleet without having to get to level 9-10.


3. Please connect the two speeder in Kaas city together so players don't have to walk back and forth everytime to travel to a new outpost.


Thank you Bioware for connecting the speeders in Kaas City!


4. Please make it so that if you use a "Priority Transport," it will let the game register you arrived on a planet for (whatever) class mission you're on. [Play cutscene's first]

Still wanting this ^^^^^^^^^^


5. I feel like it may be too much to ask, but can there be a new warzone map every 2 months? It may seem like it wouldn't get boring playing 4 maps over and over, but it does.


I believe that in each major patch, there should be at least one warzone. Too much PvE can be a bad thing.


6. Please bring paid for character transfers up soon. (I want my assassin out of Prophecy of the Five, and back with my guild on The Bastion)


Thank you Bioware for implementing Paid Character Transfers.


7. Please keep world events up longer than a week. (2-3 weeks at least).


Thanks for making reoccurring events!


8. Add more social content. Like able to gamble in Nar Shadda (as stated previously) able to talk to NPC's, and they talk back. (For example: I send an emote, and they NPC understands and responds.)


9. Alow me to drink at a cantina/sit down. :D

10. Add animations to every emote there is please. I don't like sleeping standing up.

11. Add more World PvP spots please.

12. I feel like emergency fleet pass should have a coold down of maybe 4 hours and Priority, 2 hour.

13. Add more races :D


UPDATE 8/31/12


14. More character slots


Thanks for adding "unlock character slot" to Cartel Market


15. Guild Calendars, slots to put contact information (This can be like a member note thing.)

16. I think it would be cool to have a guild only Cantina, or place where only guild members can go to. :D

17. I would like to see Imperial/Republic bases on Capital world planets. (For Example: Republic base on Dromund Kaas, and Imperial base on Coruscant) Maybe make a level 1313 for Imps LOL

18. Character houses on favorite planets.

19. More planets from Star Wars movies.

20. Please let 8-man Ops groups join PvP (non-ranked) - I hate being left out of guild PvP groups.


Update 9/3/12


21. More indepth crafting.

22. (This could fit in with suggestion #11) I would like there to be a way to get into Anchorhead if I'm an Imperial, or get into Mos Ila if I'm a Republic. Take away the exhaustion zone on both sides. (What makes a PvP server fun, is the open world PvP. There needs to be a way to raid these super centers etc.)

23. More dance emotes. Diferent types of dancing.


Thanks for bringing more dance emotes via Cartel Packs


24. Festivals. Not just World events but Festivals. Like pod Racing or Rakghould hunts. As stated above.

25. I want to be able to fly a speeder, not just hover. Maybe a special unlock for level 50 speeders (110% speed) that would alow you to control pitch, yaw, etc.

26. More Republic and Imperial neutral zones, like Nar Shadda.

27. I think it would be so cool to open up 'Rent a server" things, and allow people to build their own enviorments. (Like a map editor) in their own server. Then people could go on that server an play a whole nother way.


UPDATE 9/4/12

28. Make Resource nodes collectible by many people before it respawns. (I have problems where I go to collect a node and someone beets me to it, then I have to sit and wait again for it to reappear.)

29. More cantina/fleet music. Its been a long time, we need a change...please?:o

30. Bring back 'The Grand Aquisitions Race' (This Time add more hints where to go) I had to watch youtube videos where to find things, after the event ended.

31. Bring back auto-que for warzones.

32. I think it would be cool to add dailies on Tatooine somehow. (like the black hole)


Thank you Bioware for making GSI dailies and dread seed quests.


33. Please make 'Characeter perks' at least unlock for all characters of one faction. (dislike having to rebuy them.)


Thanks for implementing "account unlock" via Cartel Market.


UPDATE: 9/5/12


34. Please fix combat animations for classes that use blasters, rifles, pistols, etc. Make it so that a target you are shooting at, you're actually aiming at them. (A lot of times when I target an NPC and fire blaster shot at them, I'm pointing my weapon in a completely different direction. This bothers me.):(

35. Please fix the long time bug where dead NPC's stand up, and aren't dead on the ground.

36. Is it possible to add any type of 'Rag Doll' affect to dead NPC's or players? There is usually only a couple ways something can fall down dead, and it usually frustrates me to see a dead NPC floating off a ledge if it died there. (LET IT FALL LIMP...LOL):eek:


-EDIT- 2/5/13


37. This ties in with number 16 and brings me back to my statement about guild only accesable areas. There should really be a place where guild members can chill. I've been thinking that it would be cool if there was a star cruiser in space you could go to for guild related things etc, as well as a sail barge on Tatooine (as seen in Episode VI) that could have a guild cantina, lounge, bank, GTN, etc.



Thats good for now. I'll check back soon.

Edited by LG_XxLegacyxX
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i would have no problem, however, allowing a lower player in your legacy to wear the legacy gear, but have any of the stats reduced to a level appropriate for the character. Then it could scale up towards its full stats as the character increased in level.


exactly! :D

Edited by LG_XxLegacyxX
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Gotta say the thing that peeves me the most is a lack of a barbershop to easily change my character appearance Post Creation and having to restart characters just to change a small aspect of there appearance , The high cost with mod extractions that really make no sense considering the game is going free to play , Putting artificial restriction on vanity items. Yeah and lack of customization on non-human characters , Why do Twilek only have 3 faces that are re-texure ? why do we have 1 hair style , when there a countless styles of Lekkus and jeweled bands .
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