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A Thousand Papercuts


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My Papercuts.





Revan's Chestpeice.

Introduced into the game files as a player item in 1.5.0

Introduced to the player obtainable market 1.6.0

Changed to a Light Grey 1.6.1


Revan's Robes

Introduced into the game files as a player item in 1.5.0

Obtained in 1.6.0

Graphically entirely wrong until 1.6.2

Graphically fixed in 1.6.2, was set to the wrong default color in 1.6.2


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One thing. Very jarring. Spaceships taking off into space just because you decided to enter them.


Why not make a skybox for each planet that you can land on, so that it can be displayed inside of the ship like back on the Ebon Hawk in KOTOR? Then they could hard-bake a video of the ship type in question taking off, which would be displayed when the player chooses to actually leave the planet's surface. Another hard-baked video could then be used for landing on planets, leading to less time spent when a player clicks on the door to leave their ship.

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What a great post!!!! I love the idea of taking armor weapons mods etc. off of defeated npc's (already was a huge supporter :) )


My personal "paper cut": Legacy Wide Cargo Bay/Bank:

Ever since the Cartel Market came out (and a little before), I've wanted this. Let me explain it.

Your Cartel Coins are ACCOUNT WIDE so I think it would be great if the rewards would be ACCOUNT WIDE.

For example: I get a cartel pack on my main and inside is a pet emote (emotes and dueling banners may be server wide but don't exactly know for sure) and/or speeder etc. but I can only enjoy those on one character even though I spent my account wide coins. Solution is easy now. Consumables like pets and speeders will automatically go to the bank where my alts can later add them to the pets/vehicles tab while my main that I bought the pack on still gets the rewards too.


The bank is not only for cartel items, but all others to. If I have an excess if medpacs on one toon, but not enough on another, simply put some in the legacy bay, switch toons and put the medpacs into the toon's inventory for later. Armor would be the same as medpacs. Ever loot something where you stop and say "that would look great on my alt!" Or "I wish my Warrior could wear that." but perhaps the most annoying is when you get the wrong weapon but would like it on an alt but maybe the alt is on the other faction. No prob. Now I can just put that rifle in my legacy bank and my trooper can get it later.


Credits can also be put into the legacy bank just in case. If one toon is rich and another is poor, deposit some creds into the legacy bank, log on to your poor alt, and now he can finally make his way in the galaxy. The same with commendations as it was put up in the original thread. Comms could be legacy wide also. Same principles etc. etc.


This is something I want REALLY bad and I've seen others who want similar. It can also be accessed somewhere on any classes ship, or for low levels or convenience, on the spaceport or capital world.


Well that's my paper cut (and rant :p ) hope this is put in-game!!!!!! :jawa_biggrin:

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The BIGGEST thing for me...."Exemplaring"


I have many alts. My friends have many alts. We still have to solo because our alts are not the same level.


Due to story considerations, I understand that artificially increasing level isn't an option.


I'd immediately choose an option to artifically lower my level to play with a friend who was leveling an alt: not for personal XP, but for the fun of playing with friends.


I want to play with my friends while leveling.


When teaming up with lower level people, create an offer dialog asking if you'd like to temporarily lower your level to whoever is the group leader.

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Crafting window.

It has dozens of items in it! And it is very difficult to find the desired item.

Due to the fact that the interface doesn't "remember" what sub-categories were collapsed, and what is not. After every logout or loadscreen you have to re-collapse unwanted category.

Also I'd like to see search string in the crafting window and in the inventory and bank too.

Currency tab.

It's also doesn't remember what catagories was collapsed and which was not, upon logout or changing location.

Very inconvenient, when you have to scroll down, each time after a warzone, to the bottom of the list to see how many warzone commendations I have.

Chat window.

Except bug which not allowing to join any channel until player doesn't press Ctrl+U two times. Chat window does not allow to send whisper upon clicking on character name in the message that that you sent. So if you send someone "Hi" and want to add something to this, you need to type again /w <nickname> or wait until person respond to you. Also, chat window (AGAIN!) doesn't remember the previous messages you sent, if you change location after you sent them. So, if you start talking to someone when you was on the fleet and then try to press Alt+Arrow Down, you'll get nothing.

Edited by GNWP
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One thing. Very jarring. Spaceships taking off into space just because you decided to enter them.


Why not make a skybox for each planet that you can land on, so that it can be displayed inside of the ship like back on the Ebon Hawk in KOTOR? Then they could hard-bake a video of the ship type in question taking off, which would be displayed when the player chooses to actually leave the planet's surface. Another hard-baked video could then be used for landing on planets, leading to less time spent when a player clicks on the door to leave their ship.


And conversely. I'd really like my ship to land or dock BEFORE I open the door to get out.

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First I'd like to say this is probably one of the most constructive community posts I've seen in awhile. There are a ton valid ideas that I've read so far, to many to read personally. Hopefully I won't repeat to many of them. I also acknowledge the devs still have a lot on the table as far as the upcoming xpac, class balance, bugs etc.


I'm a die hard bounty hunter fan, I've got a merc and I'm working on lvling a powertech. I would love to see more of the mandalorian culture brought into the bounty hunter class story. Some mandalorian titles would be amazing. As far as bounty hunter armor designs, I do encourage variety in styles, but I'd love to see some of the trademark mandalorian symbols/markings on the armor. This would enhance every bounty hunter's experience by submerging them more into their characters. Most bounty hunters are also trophy hunters, the pvp champion set (prior to removal from the game) had skin covering the armor and claws around the shoulder. Boba fett had wookie scalps.


There's a lot of cantina's across the galaxy, would be excellent to be able to sit in some of the chairs, lean against a wall. Roleplayer's would love these functions.


Weapon variety, I'll use Bh's as an example. Bh's are master of arms and technology. While I realize this would probably take quite a bit of work. I'd love to be able to use a blaster rifle whether it be on my merc or pt. while i'm sure some jedi sentinals or sith juggers would love to wield double-sided lightsabers. This adds more variation to game and more player choice when it comes to customizing their appearance. The cartel market packs are a great way to provide some excellent modified weapons. With some obvious restrictions, obviously force users should be the only ones using lightsabers.


Coruscant, well its the center hub in star wars, consisting of many city sub-levels. The upper levels are fancy and clean, but down below the villainy and scum of the galaxy can be found hiding. Think about it, smugglers get hired to smuggle goods on two planets in the lore, Nar shada and coruscant. This a great location for class dailies. As a hunter, that simply means npc bounties and player bounties. Han solo pissed jabba the hutt off and ended up with some of the galaxies most ruthless hunters after him, notoriously Boba Fett. A bounty system encourages players to be social, I may rely upon other players for information regarding the bounty's whereabouts. A marked man may rely upon other players for assistance. Though for game balance make it a universal system for both factions. Personally at the moment, I spend some time hanging out on tantooine and hoth on my merc listening for reports of republic players attacking empire players. Then i try to find them.


Character re-customization, lets face it some of us want to make some changes. I was so pumped about getting into the game on day 1 of early access, I was more concerned about getting into the game than my characters appearance.


Well thats all I got. Good hunting.

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First I'd like to say this is probably one of the most constructive community posts I've seen in awhile. There are a ton valid ideas that I've read so far, to many to read personally. Hopefully I won't repeat to many of them. I also acknowledge the devs still have a lot on the table as far as the upcoming xpac, class balance, bugs etc.


I'm a die hard bounty hunter fan, I've got a merc and I'm working on lvling a powertech. I would love to see more of the mandalorian culture brought into the bounty hunter class story. Some mandalorian titles would be amazing. As far as bounty hunter armor designs, I do encourage variety in styles, but I'd love to see some of the trademark mandalorian symbols/markings on the armor. This would enhance every bounty hunter's experience by submerging them more into their characters. Most bounty hunters are also trophy hunters, the pvp champion set (prior to removal from the game) had skin covering the armor and claws around the shoulder. Boba fett had wookie scalps.


There's a lot of cantina's across the galaxy, would be excellent to be able to sit in some of the chairs, lean against a wall. Roleplayer's would love these functions.


Weapon variety, I'll use Bh's as an example. Bh's are master of arms and technology. While I realize this would probably take quite a bit of work. I'd love to be able to use a blaster rifle whether it be on my merc or pt. while i'm sure some jedi sentinals or sith juggers would love to wield double-sided lightsabers. This adds more variation to game and more player choice when it comes to customizing their appearance. The cartel market packs are a great way to provide some excellent modified weapons. With some obvious restrictions, obviously force users should be the only ones using lightsabers.


Coruscant, well its the center hub in star wars, consisting of many city sub-levels. The upper levels are fancy and clean, but down below the villainy and scum of the galaxy can be found hiding. Think about it, smugglers get hired to smuggle goods on two planets in the lore, Nar shada and coruscant. This a great location for class dailies. As a hunter, that simply means npc bounties and player bounties. Han solo pissed jabba the hutt off and ended up with some of the galaxies most ruthless hunters after him, notoriously Boba Fett. A bounty system encourages players to be social, I may rely upon other players for information regarding the bounty's whereabouts. A marked man may rely upon other players for assistance. Though for game balance make it a universal system for both factions. Personally at the moment, I spend some time hanging out on tantooine and hoth on my merc listening for reports of republic players attacking empire players. Then i try to find them.


Character re-customization, lets face it some of us want to make some changes. I was so pumped about getting into the game on day 1 of early access, I was more concerned about getting into the game than my characters appearance.


Well thats all I got. Good hunting.


I love the ideas about the bounty hunters and trophies, and makings. Also the use of blaster rifles would be a plus for the Powertech. I wanted to remind the Devs of the use of lighting on the Sith Inquisitors while welding a lightsaber. The animations look wrong when they are using both hands, and still holding their lightsabers or double sided lightsabers. Is there anything that can be done to improve this? Perhaps use one hand or sheath the saber? Even if they use a reverse grip permanently for the single bladed lighsabers would improve the look while using lighting.

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As it is now, every time you go up or down a hill or return to level ground, you need to adjust the camera to see what is front of you. I'd really like an option to have the camera change pitch in relation to the grade you are standing on.


This would be a convenience for all and help my girlfriend with a serious problem she's been having. She either forgets to do it or does it and forgets to move it back after the hill. Then, she gets attacked and has trouble multitasking both combat and moving the camera. Even when she does remember, she finds it annoying.


I tell you this cool story, bro, because I know you want SWTOR to be noob-friendly.



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In addition to what I posted many pages ago, I hope that some day the codex system will get fixed. It is so annoying that this still hasn't happened.


Also, would be nice if the jumping physics of the game gets some love.


Finally, it seems that some people lose pets when they try to learn them. There is some speculation if there is an ability limit, whatever it might be, please fix this issue.

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My biggest annoyances with the game:


1. Orbital station loading screens and "empty" space. The is literally nothing other than 1 quest giver on any orbital station, yet you need to run through them every time you go to the planet. It's a huge waste. Ship -> Docking "tube" -> elevator -> orbital station -> shuttle -> planet. It's all a huge waste of time and polygons. Travel between planets could be much simplier. The direct shuttles for L50 daily zones is a great improvement, but there is more that could be done for pre-50s.


2. Operations, death, and travel. Why are you kicked out to fleet upon death, for an added loading screen? Then have to load back into the instance? Why do the speeders drop you off vast distances from the bosses? Why are there so many interior/exterior area transitions that kick you off your personal speeder? It makes travel an unneeded hassle. While I can understand it's a form of death tax, it's insanely annoying and draining. If an operation isn't going well, this is the part I get sick of. It's not the difficulty or the failure or even an occasional buggy mechanic, it's the damn load & ride back that takes 5 minutes.

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I am adding this suggestion here. This is a brilliant thread, kudos for starting it. :)


Please implement a feature in game that makes a deposit in the guild bank automatically when you complete daily quests, flashpoints, and operations, equivalent to % of the individual player credits received. This can be implemented as in other games so that it takes nothing from the cash reward you would normally get, it simply creates an additional amount of cash for the guild bank. This helps build a sense of community and participation in the guild, a common goal that everyone in the guild works towards, in a much more efficient manner than simply encouraging (or begging) folks to feed credits to the guild bank.


Thank you.

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It's almost odd that it hasn't been stickied.


In other news, my papercut (other than screen shakes grrr) are the need v greed buttons being set too close together, particularly for those of us who have large displays and have customised the UI, those tiny need and greed (and the various close boxes) are very easy to miss or miss-click.


Please consider placing the need and greed buttons with at least a button-sized distance between them.


As a complete aside, tabbed windows would be nice to have (particularly for people who like crafting) - by which I mean windows that reduce to tabs at the screen edge (though tabs for different aspects within windows would make their space more productive too).

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Hey everyone,


I just wanted to hop in to this thread and commend everyone on how respectful and constructive the feedback has been. We have been reading all of your feedback and will certainly pass it on to the appropriate teams. We will continue to watch this thread as well for anything else that is added. We always love to see threads like these!


Sorry but I dont have alot of faith left in this game

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Could the type of gift a companion prefers be implemented on the Codex, on each of the companions entries inside the "Important Person" category? i believe it would be very helpful, rather than having to minimize the game prior to give a companion a gift.




...bla bla bla....

...bla bla bla...[/color]

Weapon: like
Military Gear: indifferent
Courting: like, love
Luxury: like, favorite
Technology: like
Republic Memorabilia: like
Imperial Memorabilia: like
Cultural Artifact: favorite
Trophy: indifferent
Underworld Good: love[/color]


or simply: Vete: blab bla bla; enjoys military gear, lost artifacts but dislikes imperial objects and technologyc items.

Edited by YeIIow
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