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If there was one thing you could remove from SWTOR....


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I disagree with OP. I love the black core color crystals. Except maybe the orange black. All the other ones i like (especially blue/black). I would love to have the black crystal from the force unleashed 2. Who are we to dictate what is and isnt star wars. Some things are obvious like the gear they have for the game obviously doesnt remotely look star war-sy. But i think color crystals have a lot more potential in the star wars universe.
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what would it be? What is one thing you hate so much you want it removed from the game?


So, what would you like to see removed from the game?

Rare items.


All items should be availiable to all players. I don't mind having to work for a purple lightsaber crystal (The colour, not the quality). Make it take a very long quest line for solo players (Include platforming, puzzles, etc), make it availiable to PvPers on the vendor, and drop from bosses in operations. But don't limit it to a small group of people.

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I have 4 things I would remove



1. Black core color cristals - How can something made of light or plasma or whatever, but something emitting light can be black ? I always assumed the core of a lightsaber's blade or a balster's shot was white only because the core is so bright that you can't say the color of it anymore and see it bright white.


2. The thing that prevent you to to use a GTAoE when you're on GCD. - Tapping the keybind or clicking the icon doesn't make the AoE fire, but only transforms the mouse pointer in a "target here" thing... I don't get why I have to be off-GCD to have the right to select an area. Plus it creates a "void time" in my rotation as a Balance Shadow, because the Force in Balance cannot be fired at the instant when GCD stops, and cannot benefit from the "ability waiting queue"


3. The "Holy Crap !" Sweep/Smash of Focus/Rage specs. - I don't mind taking a big hit in the face but it bothers me a lot when such a hit is performed by an AoE. I think the spec should be reworked in order to make the spec being more sustained in the AoE department but where the burst is single targetted.


4. The limitation on defensive rates against Tech/Force attacks - When you fight against a Vanguard, or Assassin, or a Gunnery Commando, it makes you think : "Why in the first place did I have stats on my gear ? I could be naked, but with a stim, it should be the same."

Edited by Altheran
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This game has more mmo in it than a lot of other mmos... so nice try with yet another failed bash!


You jest right?


Level 1 - 49 is a Single player experience, there is nothing remotely challenging or forcing you to have to group, you dont have to run any flashpoints, or H2,H4's if you dont want to and if you feel you need to its normally for loot drops and but are run solo mode over level. Then again better gear is easy enough to craft or buy off the GTN...

Level 50 is where your sucked into grouping for the sole purpose of achieving personal gearing goals.. even tho all the gearing goals end up being the same, looking the same, doing the same.

Exploration has zero risk /reward unless you call creating an OP's group with largely over leveled players in it, in order to defeat a World Boss without penalty of loot or XP..... then brk group and go solo the rest of the planets side quests in order to rail across to the next planet to rinse & repeat.


To create a bit more MMO to the game take away companions, make quests more challengin, introduce quests which require tactics or at least are not able to be activated with players that are over leveled for them...create an LFM where a player has more control of what he/she wants from a group and not just geared to flashpoints or Ops with pre-flavored pug generators which half the time see players join then leave etc etc etc..


Sorry I agree the poster you tried and failed to argue back at.. this game is souless when it comes to MMO.... however as a SPRPG, it actually isn't that bad due to half decent Story lines (albeit quickly SPACEBARRED Story lines)


I would like Mod costs either reduced a big chunk or removed

The poorly Optimized Engine

Poor UI to be replaced with much more customizable options.. ie stretching, extra slots blah blah blah...

Edited by Bloodstealer
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Definitely Expertise. I really don't want that around anymore.


I also don't mind the black core crystals that much as long as they're not in a lightsabre. They're fine in a blaster. Saying they're the best for PvP is also not true in the slightest.

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Orbital Stations.


These things puzzle the hell out of me. No idea why they're there, no idea why that design decision was made, no idea why someone thought it would be a good idea to add a step to such a simple thing as landing on a planet.


I've yet to receive a good answer for this so I can only assume there isn't one.


In beta, the capitol worlds where the hub and the orbital stations where like mini fleets for each planet. Each planet for the most part had a gtn and all trainers. Large amount of folks complained in beta that this design caused lag and fractured the community either by jamming everyone onto capitol worlds in a lag fest or spreading them out so thin that you never knew how many was around.


With the inroduction of the fleet as a social hub and main area to obtain anything and everytning and a kick off point to fps and ops it did improve things. The fleet literally was a breath of fresh air when they were added. Only complaint we had was that they didnt do away with all the oribital stations. I think atm if they lowered the max number per fleet instance to 150 or even 100 that things would be better.

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Why do people want to remove expertise? What is the alternative?


We want to remove Expertise because it is what causes all the problems in PvP. It's more or less why PvP is so gear based. Expertise grants a whole mess of bonuses in the PvP environment, so having more Expertise gives you a ton of advantages.


What's the alternative? Simply not having Expertise. There doesn't need to be a PvP stat. Leaving the gear Expertise-less will just make the game more of a level playing field for everyone. Good gear will still be good gear, but it won't be the incredible game changer that it is now.

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Player skill.


No, people who want expertise removed are actually asking for the gear gap to be removed. They just don't know it. But they do have a point.


Expertise prevents PvE gear from being the best-in-slot for PvP and it works perfectly.


I would remove the damn movies and space-bar presses at the beginning of Voidstar and Novare Coast. If the new warzone has one I will punch a kitten.


I'd also like to do something about Operation lockouts. I hate pugging an operation, getting past the first boss, and then someone has to go, DCs, or whatever, and you are basically screwed on that content for the rest of the week.

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We want to remove Expertise because it is what causes all the problems in PvP. It's more or less why PvP is so gear based. Expertise grants a whole mess of bonuses in the PvP environment, so having more Expertise gives you a ton of advantages.


What's the alternative? Simply not having Expertise. There doesn't need to be a PvP stat. Leaving the gear Expertise-less will just make the game more of a level playing field for everyone. Good gear will still be good gear, but it won't be the incredible game changer that it is now.


Yes there does, or PvP players will have to do EC HM to get the gear they need for warzones, which is stupid. I don't get why so many people hate on expertise. You are just trading other stats for more damage and mitigation; it's basically a wash. There needs to be a pvp stat. What you should be advocating is a smaller gap in the gear sets.

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I disagree with OP. I love the black core color crystals. Except maybe the orange black. All the other ones i like (especially blue/black). I would love to have the black crystal from the force unleashed 2. Who are we to dictate what is and isnt star wars. Some things are obvious like the gear they have for the game obviously doesnt remotely look star war-sy. But i think color crystals have a lot more potential in the star wars universe.


Sorry, but Lucas has said no black lightsabers.


Black lightsabers do not exist, outside of the darksaber from that god-awful cartoon.

Edited by Feeblezak
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