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(keep it civil) What let you down most about TOR?


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I love SWTOR, i really do and at the moment i have no issues with the game itself, but.... i do have one complaint:


All of my republic toons are on Ebon hawk, all of my empire toons are on Lord Adraas, i cant move my imps off of adraas. what irritates me is there is no definitive word as to what they are going to do with regards to server tranfers.

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I have a very open mind and I was willing to sit through most of the bugs, lack of content that SWTOR has experience in the first year. I mean these type of things are normal for a first year MMO so I was willing to tough out the bugs, balancing issues, etc. while Bioware got under their feet.


My biggest letdown has really been the server transfers. I've been waiting to bring my toon over to my friend's server since March and to this date, have not gotten any news/ETA on when this can happen. We all know it's capable of them to move characters (as evident with the Jung Ma => Bastion move, so I am not sure why they are sleeping on it.

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I still like this game and can see myself playing it for the foreseeable future. That being said:


1: I'm becoming more pessimistic with every patch that they'll actually continue the character storylines which were advertised as being a central part of the game,


2: I'm a little disappointed that a full free-to-play option will arrive before even the one-year anniversary. They can talk all they want about expanding, but the fact is they wouldn't implement this so soon if they weren't seriously worried about the size of the player base, both short and long-term.

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World rvr (like warhammer) some sort of forts and darting from world to world fighting large amounts of players. Also it has always bothered me that this game was not 3 faction could easily have been done republic (trooper, Jedi knight and consular) Empire (Sith Melee, Sith Sorc, Imp Agent) Hutt faction ( Bounty hunter, Smuggler and some sort of neutral jedi/sith (possibly Voss). If you look at the class make up they all would have had healers tanks and dps choices and maybe illum would not have all been one sided and we could still have a pvp zone.
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For me, I would say the ease of leveling was the worst let down. Here we are 6 months in and I have 2 level 50s, a lvl 43, a level 39 and several at other stages and that is after switching servers from TEH to Jung Ma. Leveling is too easy, if I can level that fast it is way too fast (I'm historically noted as a slow leveler with a severe case of altitis).


The next would be the completely linear nature of the game, after the 3rd/4th toon on a side, the side quests get so boring I'd rather never even see the planet again, let along that particular quest. I guess I times I miss just having a good dungeon crawl, which is just doesn't seem to be supported in MMOs anymore... I think this has done more to hurt the game than anything else, MMO burnout will cause people to drop out faster than any other reason (in my experience).


That would lead me to my next issue and that is, the game has NO re-playability factor, there is no enjoyment beyond the class quest of a new character and heaven forbid you want to play a different subclass (such as gunslinger and scoundrel), then you even lose the re-playability there too. This prevents any unique feeling to a character and they become cookie cutter...


The final disappointment would be the F2P announcement. Not going to comment further on that as it has already been hashed out...

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The issues for me:


Game is too linerer. Not enough character creation options, unique armors/looks. No real sense of choice. World enviroments do not feel 'alive'. Almost everything is static.


PvP post level 50 is a boring gear grind, lack of world pvp, and only 4 war zones to fight in.


No 3D space (pvp) combat.


Crafting system is lacking.


FYI - I'm not posting any of my ideas/fixes in this thread, just what bothers me most about this good but could be better, single player / coop game.

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1, Professions not requiring ANY work. click a button and its done, no searching for mats.

2, Not being able to choose how many lightsabers or type of lightsaber you want to use.

3, Things looking to close to what we have seen in the movies. it was over 2000 years ago.

4, Stupid vehicles to ride. i would much rather ride an animal than a machine. them speeder bikes are fine but the stupidly big cars that don't have more than 1 seat are just daft and ugly.

5, Ignoring almost every bit of advice the players have offered.

6, Every problem with the game being something that was on my end.

7, The ease of using cheats. i wont name them so my post doesn't get removed.

8, We have a galaxy to explore and can only quest on the planets we have been told to quest on. No matter how many times you do the quests they stay the same lmao.

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This isn't a "LOL I HATE TOR" Thread, just a general area for people to say what annoyed them or what was disapointing in TOR to them, not a hate thread. We're all disapointed in one way or another about any game, none are perfect. For the record i still play TOR and am enjoying every bit of it, and frankly i don't see why people constantly moan about how crap it is.


But, what disapointed me was:


1) the inclusion of black colour crystals, these things are ugly as sin, and really should be removed from the game.


2) Flashpoints - after Black Talon and Esseles (or however you spell it) They don't have much in terms of story, which i found a little disapointing.


3) No group finder at launch - i expected this to be a common thing, aparently i was wrong.


4) poor warzone matching, premades being put against pubs isn't the fairest system in the world.


5) Money sinks - too many of them


so, what disapointed you, from even a little bit, to quite alot, about TOR?


Only thing that ever disappointed me about SWTOR was the player community. It's a great game, but the incessant whining and complaints has only damaged the game IMHO.

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Only thing that ever disappointed me about SWTOR was the player community. It's a great game, but the incessant whining and complaints has only damaged the game IMHO.


A "great game" (mmo) doesn't go from almost 2 million boxes sold, to apprx. 500,000 current subs, soley because of "whinning and complaints".


Some of the complaints might have some real merit.

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1) Broken Codex entries. Even after 8 months of being released they still can't fix them? Seriously?


2) No Dye System for armor. No, matching everything to chest piece is not good enough. I want the color/colors I choose. Guild Wars did it great.


3) Lack of high end armor that doesn't look like utter crap. Rakata and Columni gear, whoever designed it should be fired. It's UGLY. I want armor that looks like Darth Maul, Darth Talon, Darth Vader, etc. THAT is what high end armor should look like. I mean, this is supposed to be the stuff you work hard to earn, yet it all looks like a 2 yr old would didn't know a thing about SW designed it. Please, add some armor that actually looks cool and nice, not jagged garbage sticking out, cyborg crap, and dunce hats.


4) Quests that go on, and on, and on, and ohh...bonus...and ohh, a cave with a boss fight at the end. I played two beta's and got two characters to lvl 18 or so. I had a Sith Marauder to 50 but deleted him. I now have a lvl 43 Sith Sorcerer and lvl 8 Sith Warrior who will be a Jug. I can tell you right now that the questing is so boring I actually get pissed off and sick of how utterly repetitive and BORING it is. They need to make them more engaging and draw you in, more fun to them, not just go to point A, do bonus, go to point B, find item, holocall, go to point C which is a Cave, get bonus, get second bonus, third bonus, get final bonus, go all the way back and fight boss for main quest. Over and over again. I am so sick of it it is not funny. It's beyond boring me to tears. I just want quests over the second I get them because they are all the same. And, why is it that you have to talk to someone who then tells you to talk to ANOTHER person just to turn some quests in? Isn't one enough?


5 ) People actually say leveling is EASY in this game. I disagree 900%. As I said above in #4, its utterly boring 75% of the time, and mostly after you hit lvl 30 or so does the utter terror of mind numbing boredom set in. It takes a good few weeks to get to 50. I fail to see how that is easy. Unlocking Legacy Perks helps a little, and that is something you earned, so you deserve it.


6) Lack of end game content. All there is are dailies, PVP Warzones, and Flashpoints, EV's. Wow, all my time spent....for that. Again, the boredom set's in quickly. We need to be able to decorate our ship as well as dye it, have our own home on our home planet, further our romance with who we marry, stuff like that you can do and earn. Armor that you actually want to wear. Not just boring repetitive dailies.


7) No group finder for specific quests. Such as Vehicle quests, World Boss fights, etc. You should be able to have a que for every type of thing in the game. I can never find a group for World Bosses, or Vehicle quests. Even being in a guild doesn't help with that. And, what about the pets too.

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Subs are between 800-900k currently. Still well above 500k. :)




They said their break even point for subs was 500,000 before launch. They are switching to a F2P model. In my opinion, they are closing in on that 500k mark pretty quickly, or were anticipating it soon enough.

Pure speculation on my part of course.


Even if we take your sub guesstimate, they have still lost about 50% of their potential sub base in what? 7-8 months?


I still find it hard to believe that its only because of a whiney community.


If they thought the game was great, why would they care what the message boards are saying?



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It's another trinity game. I almost didn't try it because of that.


Lightsabers connecting like whiffle bats. Combat is too much like Wow and not enough like any single player game. Sure my sent or guardian can kill fast but how many times has he connected with an enemy target? Way too many. Blasters should also do more damage but be more blockable.


I agree that Esseles/BT are almost the only instances of their kind and that was disheartening - I kept hoping as I went into new instance after new instance... what are social points again?


No flying mounts. Maps are too small and too low to even support them.


Terrain mazes. Seeing where I want to go on my mini-map but not being able to get their because of an incline or series of rocks without going way around is not entertaining. Most mmos abandoned that design approach years ago.


The Space Game - STO has one (far lower budget), SWTOR does not.


Companions - i like having them for group fillers and for the stories and the crafting dynamic, I don't like needing them for the epic solo fights in the class stories; I remember being jarred when my knight lost his fight to Bengal Mor (lvl 8ish) until he figured out that he needed R2-D2 (T7) to tank (of all things) for him.


No decent group finder was a minus - many fps went unvisited when I would haveliked to. I still think they need x-server.


No x-server pvp or pvp with level brackets. Bolstering not horrible but a cheap mechanic and it didn't work with 50s fighting non50s.


No arenas.


Armor and defense and shields are so useless in so many pvp situations.


Way too much CC in pvp.


Jedi knights are a strength-based wow warrior rip off that can't use the big sabres or two sabers (or blasters for thst matter) without being a specific class - did the devs watch the trailers for this game (or any SW movie)? Classes in general are way too focused and restrictive.


Hood up brown or white robes or very weird pvp armor for jks - still seems baffling.


I like SWTOR and will keep playing until something better comes along but that's my short list of disappointments.

Edited by WaywardOne
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Subs are between 800-900k currently. Still well above 500k. :)


600,000 to 700,000 active accounts with ~500,000 or less paying and playing accounts IMO. If they'd had 800,000+ active acounts they'd have said "almost 1 million" I think rather than "above 500,000 and under 1m".


I can't see why they'd go F2P with almost 1,000,000 active accounts, the only way F2P makes sense is if they are terrorfied about not breaking even with 500,000 active accounts.




2) No Dye System for armor. No, matching everything to chest piece is not good enough. I want the color/colors I choose. Guild Wars did it great.


Yeah the colour match is good, but it really needs a dye system too.


3) Lack of high end armor that doesn't look like utter crap. Rakata and Columni gear, whoever designed it should be fired. It's UGLY. I want armor that looks like Darth Maul, Darth Talon, Darth Vader, etc. THAT is what high end armor should look like. I mean, this is supposed to be the stuff you work hard to earn, yet it all looks like a 2 yr old would didn't know a thing about SW designed it. Please, add some armor that actually looks cool and nice, not jagged garbage sticking out, cyborg crap, and dunce hats.


I dunno what they were thinking with a lot of gear, the strange thing is a lot of the lower green gear looks great, but there's no orange equiverlent. :(



5 ) People actually say leveling is EASY in this game. I disagree 900%. As I said above in #4, its utterly boring 75% of the time, and mostly after you hit lvl 30 or so does the utter terror of mind numbing boredom set in. It takes a good few weeks to get to 50. I fail to see how that is easy. Unlocking Legacy Perks helps a little, and that is something you earned, so you deserve it.


Different levelling paths would help this, at least 2 per faction.


6) Lack of end game content. All there is are dailies, PVP Warzones, and Flashpoints, EV's. Wow, all my time spent....for that. Again, the boredom set's in quickly. We need to be able to decorate our ship as well as dye it, have our own home on our home planet, further our romance with who we marry, stuff like that you can do and earn. Armor that you actually want to wear. Not just boring repetitive dailies.


Expanding the breadth of end game would help a LOT, especially if they could do something to innovate the daily quest model..... it was boring when it first appeared 6+ years ago and it really hasn't got any better with age.

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600,000 to 700,000 active accounts with ~500,000 or less paying and playing accounts IMO. If they'd had 800,000+ active acounts they'd have said "almost 1 million" I think rather than "above 500,000 and under 1m".


I can't see why they'd go F2P with almost 1,000,000 active accounts, the only way F2P makes sense is if they are terrorfied about not breaking even with 500,000 active accounts.


"Although it launched well, subscriptions have been on a declining trajectory and have now slipped below 1 million. Last year we announced that the breakeven point was roughly 500,000 subscribers. While we are well above that today, that is not good enough."


To me that appears to be in the 800-900k subscription range since they they've only recently "slipped below" 1 million and still "well above" 500k. I could be wrong though. ;)

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What annoys me most right now is those small (or not so small) graphical issues and bugs, which are here for a very long time. Speaking about hood- and mask-head clipping, big butt robes, companion's melee weapons turned on all the time, red colored chestpieces are shown brown everywhere but in curscenes or on companions and so on. Second issue on my list is long loading screens and badly optimized engine. Third one is lack of things to do for PvE player on max level.
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2) No Dye System for armor. No, matching everything to chest piece is not good enough. I want the color/colors I choose. Guild Wars did it great.


This. Also, lack of even a hairstylist in game. If they try to make me pay real money (or my 'stipend' per month) just to change hair color and style, that's asinine. Even LotRO has an in-game accessible hairstylist that can change color and style. And I use it every now and again, because just like in the real world, I get sick of the same hair, if nothing else. I wouldn't mind some kind of option to let us change to some things we unlock later via Legacy, either. Even though I don't play one, there's plenty of Cyborg players that would have to reroll just to get some of the other looks...after they already slogged through to 50. Defeats the point a bit, especially if you want to spread your 8 slots out and not use them on several of one race. Lack of nice looking gear also falls under this. I've looked at some of the stuff for PvP and endgame on the vendors. While I'm into neither aspect of gameplay, the looks on the armor certainly aren't doing any wonders to induce me into it. Also: hood down option for Jedi, hood up for my Marauder, please? Soonish?


4) Quests that go on, and on, and on, and ohh...bonus...and ohh, a cave with a boss fight at the end. I played two beta's and got two characters to lvl 18 or so. I had a Sith Marauder to 50 but deleted him. I now have a lvl 43 Sith Sorcerer and lvl 8 Sith Warrior who will be a Jug. I can tell you right now that the questing is so boring I actually get pissed off and sick of how utterly repetitive and BORING it is. They need to make them more engaging and draw you in, more fun to them, not just go to point A, do bonus, go to point B, find item, holocall, go to point C which is a Cave, get bonus, get second bonus, third bonus, get final bonus, go all the way back and fight boss for main quest. Over and over again. I am so sick of it it is not funny. It's beyond boring me to tears. I just want quests over the second I get them because they are all the same. And, why is it that you have to talk to someone who then tells you to talk to ANOTHER person just to turn some quests in? Isn't one enough?


Also this. (I'm just going to steal most of your post, as I just sat there going 'Yep. Yep. True.' through most of it.) I remember getting incredibly frustrated and antsy around level 40 on my first char to 50, which was my Sage. Frustrated enough that it actually sparked a few arguments between my boyfriend and I as we duoed. Some of the bonuses drag on far too long, and are scattered all over the map. Add this to the issue of having to go the long way around because a rock or wall is in your way (I'm looking at you: Taris, Corellia) and it makes it worse. Honestly, just up the main exp reward and do away with the longer bonuses. Especially the multistage ones. They take forever if you're solo. This has gotten especially bad 40+ especially late 40's, as since I'm an Agent and

the game saw fit to take away my *geared* meatshield leaving me with SCORPIO.



5 ) People actually say leveling is EASY in this game. I disagree 900%. As I said above in #4, its utterly boring 75% of the time, and mostly after you hit lvl 30 or so does the utter terror of mind numbing boredom set in. It takes a good few weeks to get to 50. I fail to see how that is easy. Unlocking Legacy Perks helps a little, and that is something you earned, so you deserve it.


And this. It's 'easy' in that it can be done alone, perhaps. I suppose the die hard old EQ and FFXI people would see that as 'easy'. As a former long term FFXI player, I couldn't care less about that. It's not easy when you're solo, when you're playing one of the lower performing classes or specs, and when you don't keep up every couple of levels with blues on your meatshield/healer NPC and yourself. Easy, if you've got a guild, or your server's economy actually has things on the AH. If neither apply, it makes the slog take even longer. It's taken me so long to go from 40-50 on my Sniper that I'm remembering why I took a several month (still subbed) hiatus after I finished my Sage. It gets old. Repetitive. Boring. If the Legacy bonus for Class Quest exp equaled to a 100% total bonus when all five were bought, it might help. Because once you've done these side quests once, you've seen them. I would infinitely prefer being able to do mostly the class quest, and just a few side quests per world on later alts. I want to see the stories to so many more classes, but unless my boyfriend (and only remaining person I know playing) is leveling with me, it becomes such a boring trawl that I'm not so sure I'll bother. It's especially bad when you're playing a very interesting class story, and you just want to see what happens next, but you end up with a several hour lull while you do meaningless side quests just to keep your level up.


On that note, if nothing else, one should be able to be on level, or slightly ahead by 100% the solo, non-bonus series content per world. It seems this is the case... up until about Tatooine. After that I had to backtrack to every Bonus series there was, except Voss, because I just wanted to see the end of my story. End result? 1/2 level to go until 50 and done with Corellia. Now it's back to Voss, I guess, before I can finish my final class quests. Sitting around shouting for Heroics that most people don't bother to do, even on their first 50, is just slowing you down further. I would also like to be able to leave the Bonus series' so that I can spread them out between characters to add at least a little variation in their leveling paths, but as is, without doing Heroics or FPs (sorry, overtuned, annoying mechanics give me migraines and I stop doing them after Mandalorian Raiders or thereabouts) you end up behind more often than not. And at least in my case, even geared my NPC tanks aren't that great. Add a level or two disparity and it's almost monitor defenestration time.



Edit: Because my browser thought posting before I was done was cool. :p

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What most let me down?


1. The hype. It's a good game, but it gets a little old hearing "we have awesome, great, fabulous stuff coming soon" and either it hasn't materialized in any sort of "soon" manner or it's really not all that awesome. They'd do better to lower expectations and then blow people away with how awesome it ACTUALLY is.


2. Lack of dynamic worlds. No night/day. No weather. The Jedi Council is never in session unless you're on a mission, nor is the Senate. The rakghoul event had me hoping that we'd have more regular world events (I believe there were dev comments made about that - see #1) but as popular as it was we haven't seen anything since then.


3. Lack of fun stuff. No sittable chairs, no mini-games, nothing to drink or eat, no way to customize your ship. Your options are kill stuff, send companions on missions, and post stuff on the gtn. The "we've added hidden pets, etc" hints were a lot of fun and really well done; there should be more of those, but I haven't seen any in quite some time.


4. End of the story. Heck the end-game loading screen is even titled "Interlude." End-game is where we spend the vast majority of our time, and it's just a pause button before the "real" story gets started again. Companion stories end, class stories end, world stories end. Really the only way to alieviate this is with small, regular content updates...wait, that's what was promised...see #1.

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"Although it launched well, subscriptions have been on a declining trajectory and have now slipped below 1 million. Last year we announced that the breakeven point was roughly 500,000 subscribers. While we are well above that today, that is not good enough."


To me that appears to be in the 800-900k subscription range since they they've only recently "slipped below" 1 million and still "well above" 500k. I could be wrong though. ;)

If they are 800K-900K why hey didn't say "we're well above 800K". Sounds way better than "we're well above 500K", specially to investors and press who are not fanboys than want to believe that cows has wings and can fly. They are smart people and they know what "under 1M but well above 500K" means: Subs between 500K-600K and dropping.

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"Although it launched well, subscriptions have been on a declining trajectory and have now slipped below 1 million. Last year we announced that the breakeven point was roughly 500,000 subscribers. While we are well above that today, that is not good enough."


To me that appears to be in the 800-900k subscription range since they they've only recently "slipped below" 1 million and still "well above" 500k. I could be wrong though. ;)


I still think they'd have said "just under that" if they were, and I can't see why they'd F2P with 800,000+ active accounts (considering the huge negative PR hit F2P is).


Although I suppose losing 400,000 6 to 3 months ago and another 400,000 to 500,000 in the last 3 months might well have paniced them into it too, I dunno. :confused:

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If they are 800K-900K why hey didn't say "we're well above 800K". Sounds way better than "we're well above 500K", specially to investors and press who are not fanboys than want to believe that cows has wings and can fly. They are smart people and they know what "under 1M but well above 500K" means: Subs between 500K-600K and dropping.


Because 800-900k isn't "well above 800k" as you say. But it is "well above" 500k and just under 1 million as they said in the earnings call.

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