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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

(keep it civil) What let you down most about TOR?


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What let down the most about TOR is that we've lost -- perhaps now forever -- a true KotoR 3.


KotoR 3 should not have been multiplayerified at all. There should have not been any marketing of this game as "Kotor 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and more." It should have stayed away from Revan.


Next is that Revan ended up becoming a mid-boss to be defeated by the even uberer TOR player; metaphotically making the statement that TOR >> KOTOR; TOR TOON >> KOTOR TOON.


Next are the cards that TOR dealt the Exile.


Basically, the fact that we never did get even one good KOTOR sequel out of this game, much less 7, as it was presented, is its biggest letdown.

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I think what disappointed me the most was that you could roll Imp and Pub toons on the same server.

That should have never happened - it would have changed the whole gaming experience, making Dark vs. Light Side feel much more real.


Otherwise, here is my list of complaints:


1. Cheaters, exploiters and hackers and what little Bioware is doing about them (netlimiter is the cheat FOTM atm).

2. Buggy FPs, OPS and WZs - some of these bugs have been around since launch (i.e. spawn lying down)

3. Death of Open World PVP (I miss mega battles on Ilum, lag or not, they were fun!)

4. Crude crafting system (they could have really made an effort to make this more challenging and sophisticated)

5. Legacy being all fluff and no substance (give loyal subscribers a real reward, not another silly pet or dumb title)

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Just two things for me;


1) I am annoyed when things get nerfed because people complain that they cant do something, this just bugs me because at the end of the day if something is tough keep trying/change strategies... i mean come on SOA has been nerfed to the point where it wouldnt surprise me if a vid came out soon of someone 1 manning him .... its just dissapointing


2) Revan........ This guy leads the republic to victory against the mandalorians .... he then comes back sith and near about takes down the republic but does so strategically so as not to destroy key worlds.... he then gets a wiped memory and BOOM again makes a comeback with what was it a team of 8 or something? finds all the star maps fights through an army on the star forge and AGAIN saves the republic not to mention he is the only jedi to have mastered the dark and the light side of the force at once..... Then going on his own .... ON HIS OWN back to the sith empire to try and take down the emperor .....


Ok this is one bad *** mother ..... you cant tell me im wrong here..... this guy is a BEAST.....


Then your telling me my sith can group with 3 other people and take him out? ..... Are you kidding me? ..... Really? ... i dont care who you are your toon should in no way be more powerful than revan .... in a thousand years.... We took him through that first KOTOR to the end beating malik ... Then they just end him with a story that didnt exactly seem that well thought of .... That was my biggest dissapointment of all lol


Was hoping when i saw the revan advert he would be your master or you could at least lead strike forces with him didnt bother me if he was sith or jedi .... nope.... let dooown lol

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This is what I wrote in the "Cancel my subscription" textbox, I think it sums up my thoughts pretty well and the box didn't accept more than 2000 chars so I had to keep it short aswell!


Letting EA force BW to release 2½-3 months to soon was a big mistake.

Release should have been with the underlying mechanics from 1.3, then EC/Kaon/LI could have come later.

Having to devote developer time to developing structural mechanics (like LFG/Rated WZ/Augments/Legacy) instead of creating new content is not a good thing for a game that initially prided itself on having the tools on hand to create new content with a low turn-a-round time.

This caused a backlog in content release and as it seems now, SWTOR will only have released 3 full NM Ops by it's 1 year mark, 2 of them included at launch.

Announcing that you have the tools to make new content really fast and then only releasing 1 new ops/2 FP/1 (maybe 2!) WZ in 12 months is just not good enough.

There is ofc also the issue of population on servers. Again I hope that if you'd had 2 months more before release, you would have been able to make the same upgrades to servertech so that we would have gotten the same number of people on servers as we do atm. thus negating the whole slew of population based issues. This might even have made Ilum openworld PVP work!

Atm. the deathspiral of lead devs/dev teams being re-assigned/leaving combined with F2P announcements leaves me to wonder how long the issues surfacing to the public have been there.

I also completely fail to comprehend the decisions behind taking away dev teams at such a critical time pre-1.2, unless the management had already given up on SWTOR.

If SWTOR were to survive, it would have been crucial to reinforce dev teams so that content AND underlying mechanics would've been made at the same time instead of one OR the other at it seems atm.

4 Months without any new actual content, only new incentives to re-play the old and a foreseeable future without a new Ops has fortified my choice.

I really really wanted to give SWTOR a chance, but you blew it thanks to the management forcing the lead dev's hand, then taking devs away.

So so sad

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* Doesnt feel Star Wars'ish


*Class balance is in some cases way off. That's tolerable, what's not ok is BW telling people to L2P. Such an arrogant reply to complaints that keep popping up houndreds of times each day on this site.


*No organized ow-PvP


*Not being able to instantly turn off PvP flag on PvE servers


*Silly money sinks that make no sense at all and only restrict players, foremost refering to the costs for pulling mods.


*The focus on insignificant things such as speeders and pets instead of putting time into fixing obvious bugs and shortcomings.


*Promises they can't live up to. Where are updates ythey promised on a monthly basis? Are they refering to bug fixing as an update or is it something that will start with two years from now?


*Patches that seemingly only make things buggier. I don't think I've ever come across one of the bugs they were "fixing". I have however had numerous other bugs after that they tried to fix something.


*Downtime sometimes three times per week and always at the same hour. I thought I paid so that I could play when I wanted to play and yes, I expected maintenance but not that often and for 2-6 hours every time.


*Armor. I just don't get some of the armor models, they're absolutely horrible and it would probably have taken them less time to create the plain jedi'ish outfits people actually want instead of the "elegant" crap with shoulder pads they persist on giving us.


*They want us to roll alts and use the legacy perks but unless you are extremely successful in your crafting you won't be able to afford the perks on more than one alt at a time. So you basically have to play on the main too for it to add up. I don't have 40 hours per week to spend on this.


*Lack of dynamic/world events. It would be better to have the same rakghoul thing every weekend than nothing at all for 5 months.


*Animations, foremost the sage's, are lacking severely.


*Few "rare" items and basically none pre-50. At 50 there's only a handful such as the black/red speeder and that hat from KP.


*GF is lacking and not even doing the few things it should be capable off. I queue as dps, I make sure that it says dps only, yet I keep ending up as healer. And yes, this is when solo queue'ing so it's not because of the leader bug...another thing that should have been fixed.


*Having to send CS a message about not recieving BH comms ...EVERY WEEK

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the lies "its coming:...when nothing ever comes.


the fact that Oceanic get approx two downtimes/week in prime time


the fact we pay $15 for...wait....why do we pay it again??


first 3 patches should have been included at launch

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Lack of social past times in game.


No alcohol, no pazaak, no swoop racing.


There is nothing to do for the down time between quests, flashpoints, and operations.


i'd LOVE to echo this sentiment. All of my guildies who are still playing and I were talking about this on TS tonight. Where is the Pazaak? Where is the swoop/pod racing? Dejarik[sic?]? Sabaac? Why don't all the games work in the casino on Nar Shaddaa? Could you imagine how packed that thing would be all the time with players? You can't just put a band on a stage in front of a Hutt statue and think people will hang out somewhere. GIve the people something to do that is purely recreational. BW has said since release that they are working on that type of stuff. At this point I think they are just keeping it for when it goes f2p so they can charge people a la carte for it.

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General disinterest in everything once leveling to max on both alts and main. Once you've done it twice, you've done it all and you're just going through the motions to get to your damn class story. There should be alternative XP sources besides flashpoints, warzones, and quests. Minigames come to mind or specific activities like smuggling and bounty hunting, but we sure as hell aren't getting that are we? Edited by Thondan
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Right from the customisation screen I could tell I was going to have a problem. Not alot of options equals alot of players looking alike. That took away alot of immersion before I even levelled to 10. I believe that an mmo character is an extension of the player, moreso than any other type of game, so I was left feeling like a clone.

Then there's the no day/night cycle, no weather change, no complete freedom to go wherever you want, no proper space, no real choice other than story. The stories are great, but they shouldn't be the only thing to do.

And it's the little things, like the loading, no sitting, no swimming, no chat bubbles, etc.

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The message boards. Never seen such a bunch of spoiled, entitled whiners, that know not square one about MMORPGs, in my life. Never seen so many "experts" talking out their backside either.


Was a time when people would just log on and play the game, not Jerry Springer the thing on a message board.


Millions upon millions of dollars worth of programing for the cost of 50 cents a day and its not enough, they want it tailored to exactly to them or it "fails". LOL No game will ever live up to the expectations of some of these people.


If I leave this genre it will be because I can't stand the fans, not the games.

Edited by Blackardin
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The extremely linear PVE. You have zero choice in where to go.

not even going to touch PVP


In the end though it was at least better than Star Trek Online and DC Universe Online.


I remember when SWTOR came out i said it was a cross between those 2 and will end up F2P just like them.

wish i could pick powerball numbers like that.

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1. The cartoon graphics.

2. Extremely linear maps/worlds/game.

3. No player driven market.

4. "Bind on equip/bind on pickup" - lol?

5. No housing/building guild bases.

6. No risk vs reward.

7. No territory or resources for guilds to fight over.


We were 100+ who started playing this game (from our old guild/clan) and we are today 3 left still playing it.

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when i see people go on about the lack of space combat or the crapness it fills me with more rage then anything bioware has done.


as i have said 1000X the kind of space combat people want would be a huge undertaking and would have best been suited into a expansion, i mean SWG had no space combat at all for ages and people seem to forget (or dont know if there post NGE players) that jump to light speed was a expansion pack you had to buy.


BTW this isnt aimed at you Goretzu but its just my general example on players who demand to much to soon.


so to answer the OPs question the community has let this game down the most.


Yeah, but if you look at the current "space" there's basically only 5 mission (those missions are then lenghtend and mirrored for later missions and the other side).


Also I have no problem with them saying (or having said 6 months ago) "a space expansion is in developement, but won't be here for 12-18 months".


But we've so far has NO expansion of space at all (no new missions live yet, no customisation of ship exterior looks and plasma bolts etc).


And basically they said nothing about space at all (other than we will eventually be getting another 1-10 on-rails missions).

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1. Bugs, there are too many glitches in this game to count, they interfere with smooth game play. I dont want to spend more time finding a work around for a glitch than I do playing actual content.


Where are you finding all of these? I honestly would like to know. Maybe there's some part of the game that I'm just not taking part in or something. I haven't hit a real bug since January where I couldn't finish a Consular story mission on Voss due to a bugged conversation. I see a lot of complaints about bugs, but I just don't see them.

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List of disappointments:


  • No Pazaak or other mini-games.
    Everything in the game is based on combat and it gets old. With such limited tools, it's nearly impossible to create something engaging to to that doesn't revolve around killing something. The worst part is that Pazaak was created by BioWare for the game that TOR is based on. It's borderline brain-damaged that it hasn't been added yet. I do not believe for a second that the studio does not have someone that can code Pazaak in probably less than two weeks. It's really just a simple card game. People aren't asking for the world on this one. We just want something to do in between Flashpoints, Operations, and Warzones. Start at Pazaak and then move into other stuff.
  • Gear progression and grinding.
    It really just sucks. I honestly can't think of many ways to get around it, but I feel like a game that puts so much emphasis on multiple characters and story shouldn't make things so expensive. For example, my Vanguard is at the point where War Hero gear is her next step. Not only does my character have to give up 3,475 ranked Warzone commendations, but she has to fork over her gun too. Without being able to queue solo for ranked Warzones or efficiently find groups for them, it takes absolutely forever to purchase something like that and it's only one item. I'll have to repeat those steps countless times to get the whole set. Where does that leave time to "build my legacy"?
  • On the note of gear...
    It all looks the same. Oh, you're the leader of Havoc Squad and a medic as well? I can see that from your armour that looks like everyone else's. The endgame gear has no variety or intrigue. I'm barely determined to get it since I'll look just like the person next to me. I can pull out the mods and put them in something else, but that new piece is probably bland as well. Far too many pieces of gear are just recoloured pieces from something else. If you're going to do that, at least let me pick the colour. I want some darn purple Trooper armour, but it doesn't exist. There are 9 different tiers of white armour with grey or red lining, though. I'd like to see some more social armour added as well as more variety for the endgame stuff. I'd just like a few more models to pick from rather than "you're a Combat Medic and this is what you will wear now."
  • On the note of legacy...
    This idea was trashed by character perks. Now that there are character-specific things in the legacy window, the idea of the legacy is ravaged. My new Gunslinger no longer reaps the benefits of my old Trooper's exploits and galactic achievements. She has to find her own way by purchasing her own bonuses. On top of that, they almost all have an expiration date. Once that Gunslinger gets to level 50, that 600k I spent on perks are useless. There's no return on that investment. Something like that should certainly be legacy-wide.
  • Lack of open transfers
    It's time that these were added. I have characters that I want to bring together and a server (or more specifically server type) that I want to play on. I didn't know that when I started playing and would like to move the characters that were mistakenly started on a server that I don't like that much to another server that I prefer. The transfer technology is there. Why hasn't this happened yet? This is also an opportunity for BioWare to rake in a few bucks. This seems like a bad game development decision as well as a bad business decision. As Fry from Futurama has said, "shut up and take my money." I'm willing to give it to you and you have the ability to take it. Please do so. It's simple things like this that make me really wonder about this game's future.
  • Incredible lack of RP support
    No engaging environments, no RP moderation to keep non-RPers from flooding and destroying RP servers, and no consistent acknowledgement from the developers. The first part is kind of a hint at the lack of Pazaak and mini-games, but none of the cantinas are interesting. There's nothing to do in any of them. There are also planets like Hoth, Quesh, and Belsavis that don't even really have cantinas. They're just small rooms with a bar where people can log out for rested XP. There aren't any cool areas of land that aren't specifically made for people questing or fighting enemies. This really sucks for RPers.
    Moderation is also almost necessary. Without even name moderation for RP servers, the whole idea gets destroyed. Anyone comes in and makes a character with a name like PáncakèSyrüp and it ruins the flow of the RP experience. Sure, his name isn't offensive or derogatory, but it disrupts RP play. To properly RP, the game needs to deliver a nice, lore-respecting environment and Mr. PáncakèSyrüp and his friends ruin that experience. The result is that it's hard to find RPers on RP servers (from more than one cause, but I feel like this is a large and simple one to point out). I've met RPers that are afraid RP in the open world because they're simply outnumbered. I'd rather have a Moderate-level server filled with RPers than a full one with a bunch of regular PvP-server dingbats.

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I enjoy the game, I enjoy the immersion the 8 class story's have to offer but, after those story's what is left, raiding, pvp in small war zones, social, crafting, pretty much the same thing all current mmo's offer on the market. Being a core player I will play everything the game has to offer.


My biggest let down over all, is my toon does not feel like it lives in the world, I am just playing through it, there are no activities that the game offers me to keep playing for years, no divieristy in the game play, no non-combat activities outside of crafting, and the news that there is no inforamtion about open world pvp, is a real let down, I can olny assume that it and the space project have been put on the back burner until the f2 goes in :(


The game needs some kind of activities like swoop or pod racing cantina games open world faction based pvp that gives us a reason to go there where everyone benefits like DAOC style,

I used stay in an mmo from any where from 2 to 5 years the mmo's that have come out the past few years, do not offer me the depth of game play older mmo's did years ago, I guess the times they be a change'in, and not for the good at least for me.

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- Far too static world, feels just not alive.

- No true open world PvP (too separated questing zones) not even Ilum works.

- Losing character names to the server transfer I took back in december during early access.

- terrible costumer service and even worse communication with the community overall.

- Still all the bugs in the game, like all those codex entries which one just can't get.

- Breaking something with almost every patch, and still too stubburn to use the PTS for every patch.

- Waiting like forever for new content.

- No reason to have a legacy level higher than 25.

- No water content to swim and dive in.

- Not enough mini-games (sabacc, pod racing, or even pet battles).

- Not enough variation in gear appearance (and too many of them are ugly anyway).

Edited by Drudenfusz
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List of disappointments:


  • Lack of open transfers
    It's time that these were added. I have characters that I want to bring together and a server (or more specifically server type) that I want to play on. I didn't know that when I started playing and would like to move the characters that were mistakenly started on a server that I don't like that much to another server that I prefer. The transfer technology is there. Why hasn't this happened yet? This is also an opportunity for BioWare to rake in a few bucks. This seems like a bad game development decision as well as a bad business decision. As Fry from Futurama has said, "shut up and take my money." I'm willing to give it to you and you have the ability to take it. Please do so. It's simple things like this that make me really wonder about this game's future.


Agreed with everything you said, but this one ^^^ is driving me to want to cancel my sub.


I just want to consolidate all my 50's and be able to use them effectively with the current guild I'm in and hearing what was said yesterday by, AllisonBerryman, "Right now, we don't have any new information about server transfers. We appreciate your patience and know you have questions (especially regarding the possibility of paid transfers)...


"The possibility of paid transfers" does not instill a lot of confidence that they are even planning to let us have paid transfers. What a bummer!!!! :mad:

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so to answer the OPs question the community has let this game down the most.


I was reading through thinking to myself what I felt let down by and really.. this is the only thing.. The community, its a sad thing to say but it is true. In game community is great but outside the game.. is where it's ripped apart the most.


I love the game in it's current state and since the mergers, I have enjoyed the game even more... I was a bit taken aback by the F2P announcement. I felt it was not needed, but then, I am not the one looking at the balance sheet. I have decided to subscribe for another 6 months and look forward to more content and communication from BioWare.


As for customer service, I have never had issue with them, when I reported a bug, or issue in game, they got back to me quickly and either fixed it or escalated to a higher level to get fixed. I have found them extremely helpful.

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1) Lack of inmersion: The only aspect of the game that makes you feel a bit in a SW uiniverse is the storyline, but are inconsistent and many times they become just a "go there and kill these guys", and the options wheel is irrelevant besides the useless dark/light points.


2) No attachment to my characters: Though I like my PT Tank, I don't feel any attachment to it. Is like any other PT Tank in the game, no or little differences, specially on gear.


3) The game became boring too fast. I played many MMOs, most of them just a couple weeks, mostly because they were not fun for me, but I expected SWTOR to be different. It is SW what means not the overused fantasy theme of 90% MMOs in the market, and it was under development over 6 years and had the biggest budget ever (100M, 500M, I don't care the exact number, it was the biggest investment in a MMO to date) so I expected something really epic and innovative as they promised. But, besides storyline, the whole game is a copy-paste of the same type quests and game mechacnics I went through all those other MMOs I played before. Certainly nothing epic neither innovative. The nail in the coffing was the gear grind dailies. I got sick of Blact Talon the 3rd time I did it... and I did it like 30 times (like the other 8) because of the stupid gear grind.


4) Stupid meaningless crafting system I didn't expect an awesome crafting system, honestly. I realized long ago that I will never see something as complex and complete as SWG's crafting system in a MMO. Seems average MMO player only wants to run around shooting everything so MMO developers doesn't add a "complex" crafting system and they tend to make it easy and dumb. Howevrer in those crafting systems you always could do something useful, surelly not unique, but something that could be sold in game's market. SWTOR went 100 steps further and made the silliest, dumbest and meaningless crafting system I ever saw.


5) Space on rails To be honest, I knew the game was going to fail the day it was announced that space content was going to be a rail shooter. Was my first let down and, awesomely, before the game enter in beta stage. Yes, I admit that SWTOR's rail shooter is fun the first time you play it, even the second time, but is no more than a minigame that they could put in an ingame console (surely much better idea) instead of that silly 3 clicks map to make it look more than what it is: an arcade.


I can't speak of PVP because I'm not a PVPer (I played some hutball matches in the first days but never felt compelled to play pvp regularly) and I do PVP in a MMO only if it is meaningfull, it's got some impact in the world. Obviously SWTOR's PVP is meaningless.


I'm a casual player (I played the game around 3h a day) and for me the game bacame old and boring in 4 months. I was hardcore player in SWG and only NGE made me quit that game. I think that speaks for itself.

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- Far too static world, feels just not alive.

- No true open world PvP (too separated questing zones) not even Ilum works.

- Losing character names to the server transfer I took back in december during early access.

- terrible costumer service and even worse communication with the community overall.

- Still all the bugs in the game, like all those codex entries which one just can't get.

- Breaking something with almost every patch, and still too stubburn to use the PTS for every patch.

- Waiting like forever for new content.

- No reason to have a legacy level higher than 25.

- No water content to swim and dive in.

- Not enough mini-games (sabacc, pod racing, or even pet battles).

- Not enough variation in gear appearance (and too many of them are ugly anyway).


wow, you pretty much read my mind. I would also like to add to the list how linear the planets feel and how unlike other games where the zones are all connected into one giant world this game has all the zones it's own planet which makes the game feel very small. Also space combat on rails was a let down, I want to see some free roam space battles.

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