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(keep it civil) What let you down most about TOR?


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This isn't a "LOL I HATE TOR" Thread, just a general area for people to say what annoyed them or what was disapointing in TOR to them, not a hate thread. We're all disapointed in one way or another about any game, none are perfect. For the record i still play TOR and am enjoying every bit of it, and frankly i don't see why people constantly moan about how crap it is.


But, what disapointed me was:


1) the inclusion of black colour crystals, these things are ugly as sin, and really should be removed from the game.


2) Flashpoints - after Black Talon and Esseles (or however you spell it) They don't have much in terms of story, which i found a little disapointing.


3) No group finder at launch - i expected this to be a common thing, aparently i was wrong.


4) poor warzone matching, premades being put against pubs isn't the fairest system in the world.


5) Money sinks - too many of them


so, what disapointed you, from even a little bit, to quite alot, about TOR?

Edited by Feeblezak
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I can't see a reason why I can't wear my hood over my mask. The hood is quite big to accommodate the mask. If it was too small I'd say "oh ok then..."


And not having day/night cycle. Screw weather...just day/night.

Edited by Varnast
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The fact that I can solo, as I did lastnight, for 1.5 hours at level 22 and gain 2 levels. That I did so while being under-equipped and only had my companion die twice and me once for a total death penalty of a 10 second wait for the rez timer and 387credits to repair.


In other words... what let me down the most is that TOR is the simplest, fastest, and least challenging MMO I have ever played.

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1) Lack of RvR (or RvRvR as everyone seems to be getting these days), PvP in general is very lack luster too - bounty hunting missions for OPvP!


2) Space - I knew what it was, but I still hoped they be rolling out more in the first 6 months.


3) The general linearity (be it no day/night cycle and places frozen in time like a movie set) or the sheer single player-esq corridorness of some planet (not all though).


4) Lack of anything sandboxy, RPy or just generally "fun" (no sitting in chairs, no fishing, no LOTRO music system, nothing from SWG at all entertainers etc.).


5) That tauntauns are inexplicably smaller than in the movies (try fitting Luke into an in game one! :eek:)

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1) A game engine that cannot support large player gatherings.

2) The aforementioned game engine not able to support open world PvP.

3) Deceptive marketing practices.

4) Overall poor customer service.

5) Absolutely atrocious community relations and communication.

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Probably the biggest let down for me was end-game stat/equipment progression. It just doesn't feel like you really get that much more powerful moving from columi to rakata/black hole. It makes it not that fun to work for gear since you aren't getting all that much. Also strongly highlights the class imbalances.


Other things:

1. Load times are terrible. I know I don't have the greatest computer right now but almost 5m to load certain planets is terrible.


2. Too many "slow them down" features. Timers on quick travel, fleet pass are too long IMO. Sprint was originally at 14, and speeders at 25 (lower with legacy now). Leveling a number of characters just highlighted to me all the steps taken to prevent me from easily progressing.


3. Legacy always felt very weak. I got 8m credits across my characters and could have a lot more if I wanted. Even with that I have purchased like 2 legacy perks on my characters (quick travel to black hole).


That's what I thought of off the top of my head. I will say that I think I absolutely got my money's worth out of this game and never regret playing it. But it is somewhat disappointing when I look at the game and think of what it could have been.


ETA: one thing I really should have mentioned is not enough content updates. I just ran out of things to do. Even with the above if they kept adding things for me to do I would keep playing it...but I've just gotten bored with everything.

Edited by JLapp
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1. Playing the game and being bored so quickly.

2. Having to sit though minute long load-in screens traveling from planet to planet and even having load in screens taking elevators.

3. The fact that the only thing you can do yourself in game is level,FP and OPS. There are no off track distractions like crafting,decorating,racing,social gathering points(fleet doesnt count)

4. The fact they copied so many things from WoW.

5. Space is totally meaningless in a STAR wars game.

6. It was too easy to solo.

7. The players are OP to the NPC's. You can have gear for a level 30 at level 40 and still solo 2 golds.

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Well, the leveling process and warzones were amazing, I think they delivered on that.


What let me down?


- I was expecting more from Ilum PVP, after all James Olhen said it was going to blow our minds, but it actually looked like it was, rushed and not thought, out probably because it was rushed and not thought. the RVR lakes from WAR were much better designed.


- Even while Ilum had issues, it was the only other form of PVP outside of warzones, when they removed all the quest and mechanics that promoted World PVP on Ilum it was very disappointing, I was expecting them to improve upon Ilum but they instead removed everything, and we dont even know when we will get any form of World PVP back, from the content they announced for this year (Terror from beyond. Makeb) It looks like we wont be seeing the return of Ilum PVP this year. which is sad.


So as a PVPer those were the things that let me down the most, the delay of Ranked Warzones were a bummer, but it was only an additional layer of competition to existing content, it was not like they were removing a mejor part of PVP like Ilum was.


So yeah, the game has a number of issues, but if I have to point out the biggest let down, it was that.

Edited by ChazDoit
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Completely honestly? A lack of playable species and tiny planets.


For the former, I simply wasn't interested in any of the species that were announced, bar Pureblood who were only interesting because of their role in the history of the universe. Except for one person who liked Chiss, not a single person in my guild had their wanted species granted to them. And no, most didn't want something outlandish like Wookiees or Hutts. We hoped for Kel Dor, Rodian, Nautolan, Mon Cals, etc. Things we see in-game, even in the promotional materials for it leading to release, but we were never able to get our hands on ourselves. Bar my main, I still don't have a character that holds my interest. And my interest in my main has long since waned.


For the latter, no, I'm not looking for sandbox content. But I honestly expected much larger planets - not every square inch of an area needs to be so strictly purposed. Tatooine has never been so hopping with activity, and Coruscant has never been so tame. I just get very annoyed when everything has a purpose, and that purpose is in terms of game mechanics. There isn't anything there simply to enforce the individual atmospheres of the planets. Subareas are all merely stepping stones to level 50. In my opinion, these "quest areas" should have been the minority in terms of surface area of any given planets - toss speeder routes between them to appease the crowd that can't stand travel times, but let the planets actually feel like planets to the rest of us.


Because my character was not my ideal character, and because every setting given to us was so artificial, SW:TOR just doesn't feel like Star Wars.

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I wanted bigger starting areas cause to me it is the beginning that makes the game (and the ending) really good so i really hoped for a bigger area to explore. And when the legacy came out i really wanted to play as a jedi pure blood sith to test the feeling but to me it was a minor dissapointment, when no one was either frightened or surprised to se a pure blood descending from the airship was a little saddening.:(
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For me it would have to be the lack of Player Customisation and Gear Design - alot of it just looks horrible. There are alot of areas that could use improving but when I got the game and first started those were the things that disappointed me the most.


Other than that me and my husband are enjoying the game seven months after starting. =)

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1. Bugs, there are too many glitches in this game to count, they interfere with smooth game play. I dont want to spend more time finding a work around for a glitch than I do playing actual content.


2. End game content is not challenging, I understand the desire for everyone to see end game but its ridiculously easy. If players face smash on content and complain, Bioware nerfs the content even though its not broken...


3. Updates, the length of time between content updates has been appalling.

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I don't have many complaints, but things like letting any class but SWs be Sith Purebloods irked me quite a bit, the whole 'red eyes' thing when you hit Dark IV, it's totally non-canonical, things like that annoyed me personally, my largest complaint is the way we have to level to experience the story, I wish playing through class storylines was easier.


Like I said, not many things and I have patience for requested futures.

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I couldn't say how much blame EA or Bioware deserves, I wasn't there to see who did what. I also don't blame customer service. I would bet you many of them probably agree with us, they probably just can't say anything. Or, there is simply nothing to say.


The first thing to let me down is the talk before release. That this was going to be a Star Wars universe, where planets and story content would be coming out on a regular basis. I'm a huge fan of Bioware story telling, so this was perfect for me.


The second thing was putting focus on Dungeon/PvP after release, as this is a single player RPG in an online setting. Let's face it, if you want PvP or Dungeons, there's better places to go. They should have stuck with the core feature of the game and slowly worked on the accessories over time. Besides, the focus on these updates after release didn't buy very much mileage at all anyway. Shoulda stuck to your strengths.


Sure there was a ton of things that could have been done better. I'd have been just fine with them a regular release of story content, even if it was every 8 weeks. It would have been enough to keep me engaged.

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Never levelled lately in WoW I see :)


I played it once for 15 minutes, saw a character that looked like the lovechild of Grumpy and a Pokemon and uninstalled it as fast as I could. Then, just to be safe, I erased my harddrive, flew to the Ukraine and dropped it into the Chernobyl ruins.


Ok, the first part was true at least. I wouldn't want to contaminate Chernobyl with WoW cooties, that would just be mean.

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2) Space - I knew what it was, but I still hoped they be rolling out more in the first 6 months.

when i see people go on about the lack of space combat or the crapness it fills me with more rage then anything bioware has done.


as i have said 1000X the kind of space combat people want would be a huge undertaking and would have best been suited into a expansion, i mean SWG had no space combat at all for ages and people seem to forget (or dont know if there post NGE players) that jump to light speed was a expansion pack you had to buy.


BTW this isnt aimed at you Goretzu but its just my general example on players who demand to much to soon.


so to answer the OPs question the community has let this game down the most.

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Outside of the obvious MMOs things, the thing that let me down the most about this as a Bioware Star Wars game... was the lack of decisions that matter. I understand it's a static world and it's hard to implement this kind of things, but there are just so few of our decisions that actually matter. The first time I saved someone's life and I got an in-game mail from them, I started to realize that my decision to spare this person meant absolutely nothing and that I was never going to interact with them again. It would have been nice to see our decisions have more lasting. Some of your class story decisions do affect the path you take, but all of these Light/Dark decisions are just another point category for us to grind.


On another note, it would have been nice to see more background to our companions. It seems like your first companion have an actual story and the rest just go on missions behind your back with you getting a recap of their success.

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My biggest let down is the way they designed the game planets.


Before i got to play the game,i couldn't wait to get to Nar Shadaa and Coruscant.They looked amazing in the pictures.


When i got to play them,i was REALLY dispointed.It was like playing in a sealed box.I don't know how to explain it,but even in areas where you could see the sky if you looked up,it felt like a small closed box.Too many walls,too many undeground areas..

In Corusacnt i was expecting to see the Sanet,but it didn't even exsit =\


Same goes for Alderaan.I was expecting to see some nice view in that plent,but it felt so closed and lifeless.Again,it's hard to explain,but even when you get to play in area with a lots of mobs,it's jsut feel lifelss and static.Same goes for the "main cities" on each planet.


I'v been playing WoW from 2004 to 2008.Left the game a few months after the BC was out.

Back in WoW 90% of the maps felt more alive and intresting than the ones in TOR.Even the maps from the BC.

They just had this feeling ... they were conected,to each other,you felt like you're actually playing in an MMO and not a single player game.The world was WAY more intresting,you had reasson to explore,you've seen gaint elite moobs that you couldn't kill by you're self patroling and allways wondered what can they drop.You had a lot of caves with mines,so you had a reasson to go in there and explore...you allways felt like you was a part of something bigger..


I just don't know what's wrong with BioWare develop team,and i know i'm just voicing a perosnal opnion,yet i also know that A LOT of people think the same.I couldn't find a lot of people,even in-game that actually loved the planets.


And the lack of open world PvP due to diffrent questing areas,only MAKING IT WORST


Another big let down,was the value of the items on this game.While leveling,the epic rate drop on this game is WAY too high and they aren't that good anyway.Back in WoW you were REALLY lucky if you got a *blue* items drop from mobs,and if it droped and you didn't use it,you could sell it for a lot of money.Same goes for epic items.


And not,I don't want to go back to WoW.I love Star Wars and i'v seen countless times the videos of "How we created X planet" from BioWare,and I was expecting more...


A lot of people have already said it - The planets just feels lifeless and static.Some people say that adding a day/night sycale may help,some say that BioWare should add patroling moobs...In my opening,it's just the way they designed the planets.Too many walls,and it's just looks like they copypasted the whole planet.


I don't want them to make more planets like Hoth or Tattoine,just make it...i dunno..WoW style? It's hard to explain,but i'm sure that people know what i'm talking about.

Edited by March
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When they announced in beta that the lack of a combat window wasnt just for beta, they didnt think the game needed it. I knew immediately that this game was in trouble and that the people calling the shots had absolutely no idea what they were doing, it was pretty much a steady stream of let down from there on as they announced all of the other things they didnt think an mmo needed like Macros, dual specs, an lfg tools and on and on.......
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