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Funny guild and character names!


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If we could play a Wookie I'd name him Chewbacco.


A friend and I were joking and came up with "Maxipadawan" but decided ultimately that the risk of bannination was too great. Though I did name my female cyborg "Crankshaft".


I think it's pretty lame when people do lore derivative names (e.g. Sam Holo, Like Skieswalker).


My son was pretty lame, too. His Sith Inquisitor is "Sithi".

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loads of people on my server called


Darthmaul, darkmaul, darthmual or any form of those with accents and stuff


it is actually quite annoying,



funny one I saw was an IA called Mulder, with the Title Agent Mulder, which I thought was pretty cool

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  • 1 month later...
loads of people on my server called


Darthmaul, darkmaul, darthmual or any form of those with accents and stuff


it is actually quite annoying,



funny one I saw was an IA called Mulder, with the Title Agent Mulder, which I thought was pretty cool


Mines named Mall...havent got the "Darth" title yet.

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  • 3 months later...

On Shadowlands there is a guild called "Old Time Gamers" that has an off-shoot guild called "Old Time Troopers".


Every character in that guild is a Trooper and they all look exactly alike and their naming conventions are OTG-<some letters>.


Went after a datacron with them on Nar Shadaa in an OPs group and it was absolutely hilarious to watch 10 mortor volleys fly at once...

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<Your Companion>


Evry time i see one of them i stop for a milisecond and think, "Whats my companion doing.....wait thats not...ahhhh damn they made me look again."


On Drooga's Pleasure Barge, there are now 2 <Your companion>'s, because one transferred there and the GM was apparently too lame to think of a new one. (One has one of the alt letters in it)


Also a guild called <It burns when i PVP>

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