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Why do you think the Agent story is so good?


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Hi, im very new to SWTOR. I only got a level 13 Sith Warrior and so far the story is great but all i keep hearing is that even though people argue which class has the "best" story everyone seems to agree Agent story is awesome. So why do you think (without spoilers ) the Agent story is so good? Is it the people you meet along the way/how you react with them? Is it the 007 kind of feeling? Or the companions/romance? Etc etc


Also, my Sith Warrior is mainly light-side. Is it a big deal going lightside on Agent, will it make sense? Or is darkside just the way to go?

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I loved the story, but for me it was the plot that kept me involved. Some of the companions have some interesting backgrounds and were fun to learn about as the plot unfolds. The agents story has kept me in suspense at times and had me wanting to hurry up with leveling, so I could see what happens next in the story.


I enjoyed darkside mostly because I love when he pulls out his blaster!

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I was a lightside agent and it worked with the story very well. It also helped that my main companion was lightside too, so our values matched up. (I used Vector.)


I love the suspense, the dark feel of the story, the countless dangerous situations that you get thrown into, and the many, many complex characters involved. If you like conspiracy theories and analyzing your plots end over end for hidden clues and tidbits, the agent story could be for you.

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Light Side Imp Agent is really good. It's Light Side for the greater good of the Empire, where you take LS actions to make the Empire stronger, not to subvert it.


The Imp Agent story is really good because it deals with how "normal" people exist in a world ruled by the Sith. This is an extremely interesting perspective.


As well, I think it's the storyline that has the greatest potential to affect the player. The story becomes intensely personal after a while, and judging by the forums, people simply have a stronger reaction to what happens in the Agent storyline.


It also has extremely good villains. It's full of all the spy tropes and traditional spy stories. It's also very "grey", rather than black and white.

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I like the fact that you have a steady cast of characters (your Imperial Intelligence crew), not including your companions, that are right there with you from the beginning to the end. Not that it's the only story that has that, but some of the ones I have played don't. It helps to make the whole story feel more tied together.
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The story is strong with this class! The story takes the most exciting aspects of so many movies & tv series (James Bond, Manchurian Candidate, A-Team, 24, X-Men, Homeland) and puts you as the cherry on top. The peaks and valleys of the story plot is what sucks you in! The quality of the storyline is strong whether you choose lightside or dark. The sith warrior storyline was good, the imperial agent was great.
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I thought the story line was average.


I was hoping for double crosses, intrigue, traitors etc...I thought act 1-2 much stronger than act-3?


Personally I thought the inquisitor story much more interesting.

Edited by DropbearSW
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^spacebarred through the story I guess


Lol exactly what I was thinking. :p


The scene after the final boss and all the entire Act II cut scenes were phenomenal. Act II definitely pulled the emotion out of me!

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I don't know about the Agent story hype. So far the IA story has been quite lackluster for me and my Sniper is level 39 and almost finished with Act 2. Perhaps it picks up, I don't know, but the Sith Warrior story was a 100x better up to this point. Smuggler was also better.


Of course, the IA story is still much better than the JC story, but that's not saying much because JC was a snooze fest.


Hoping it gets better, but still wouldn't be too impressed at this point... *crosses fingers*

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Every time this subject comes up, I need to remind people that there is always personal taste at work. There's a whole lot of people out there that actually can't stand Star Wars at all and can't figure out why anyone likes it. Crazy, I know.

The type of character that the IA portrays isn't for everyone. It's full of read between the lines dialogue, odd conspiracies, fairly hopeless and depressing moments. I think it's weird that everyone who doesn't care much for the IA story seems to like the Smuggler story, which to me the least favorite I've done. I even like the Consular story better.

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I'm okay with smuggler. It's light hearted and funny. It's just the opposite of agent. Agent is bleak and dark and very plot driven. (You are always doing something that ties into the larger plot. Even seemingly unimportant stuff early on turns up again.) Smuggler is pretty much the opposite. You're just derping around, having adventures. They tend to be fun, lightheated adventures. Even the worst things that happen to you don't tend to be that bad. (Like your ship getting stolen.)


So I can see why someone who thought one was awesome would think the other is terrible. They're really different stories. (I personally like both, though, and am glad that the game isn't KOTOR 3 mostly because it allows us to play things like smuggler, BH, trooper, and agent...none of which I suspect would exist in KOTOR 3.)

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1 There's a reason the James Bond franchise has lasted as long as it has and the Agent story captures some of it.

2 It is one of the only classes where your choices alter the story past the typical light and darkside storylines.

3 It doesn't copy Thrawn, Tarkin, Bothan Spies as much as the other storylines do with there archetype model. Way more original and less predictable because of it.

4. The writer went out of his way and took a risk.

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3 It doesn't copy Thrawn, Tarkin, Bothan Spies as much as the other storylines do with there archetype model. Way more original and less predictable because of it.


I think this was really my favorite part of it. It's a really unusual storyline. Like it or hate it, it's NOT your typical "go off, take out the three super weapons, kill the big bad, and save the day" type story. If you love those stories (and if that's why you play video games), you're probably going to hate agent as it's not structured the way most video game stories are. OTOH, if you're like, "Eh, I'd like to try something new for once..." you'll likely be blown away because it is so different.


I also liked all the realistic touches.

I loved that my character's life was destroyed when she lost her old boss to illness, got a new boss she hated, was demoted, then forced to do a job that was beneath her...then eventually had her whole organization dissolve and was laid off. Not to mention having her best friend arrested, bursting into the villains while they were holding a teleconference, having your arch-nemesis leave you voice mails, etc. It felt closer to stuff that's really upset me IRL than having my mentor slaughtered before me by a psychopathic Sith.


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I can compare IA story to Inquisitor and Smuggler. I like the IA simply best. Why? I has the best mix of good / bad choices you have to do along the way, some of the choices are pretty rough and the story has some nice, breaking twists ...


Again, it is personal liking.

in my view so fa, what i playedr:

1. IA

2. Inq

3. Smuggler

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Hi, im very new to SWTOR. I only got a level 13 Sith Warrior and so far the story is great but all i keep hearing is that even though people argue which class has the "best" story everyone seems to agree Agent story is awesome. So why do you think (without spoilers ) the Agent story is so good? Is it the people you meet along the way/how you react with them? Is it the 007 kind of feeling? Or the companions/romance? Etc etc


Also, my Sith Warrior is mainly light-side. Is it a big deal going lightside on Agent, will it make sense? Or is darkside just the way to go?


the answer, in my case is simple, you get to play a dark james bond, what could be more fun than that? The story it self is also superb, even if I hated the ending a bit, it was totally worth it. I too would recommed everyone to play the agent story at least once.


It is my belief that the agent is suppose to be played neutral, that is the most logical choice, but of course, you can play her/him as you like. Sadly, there is no reward with being neutral (dark-light-dark-light etc. or the other way around).

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Well, in my opinion, this is what makes it so good.


- You are the one who works behind the scenes, taking out the hidden threats and you see the galaxy from a unique perspective.


- Your choices in the storyline actually matter.


- A whole lot of intriguing and interesting characters and content that really grab your attention and keep it there. You REALLY want to see what happens next. (Well, this is how I felt anyways)

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I think it's a fairly overhyped. It's not leaps and bounds over some of the stories. It's good, but I wasn't blown away and a lot of the twists are fairly predictable.


To be fair, though, I think this is true for every single story in the game. (And probably just about every story in any video game, ever.) If you want great literature and ideas that are truly ground breaking, read a book. (Or better yet, short stories.)


Plus, twists are supposed to be somewhat predictable and able to be spotted ahead of time. It's a really bad twist if it comes completely out of nowhere.

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without spoiler i'd say this


act 1 is pretty much a season of 24 and you are jack bauer

act 2 remind me of alias

act 3 is the weakest for me, remind me of triple x, the one with vin diesel


i let you discover the plot. try to role play, as classy agent, or a brutal ageny, or even a corrupt agent, it's better this way.

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The story was probably one of the best I ever seen in a game, it was full of twists and never got boring.

You get to play from the perspective of a normal person in the sith empire, which is really interesting.

It is a story that leaves a lot of room for roleplaying and it feels like your agent's character develops as the story progresses. My agent was quite respect to the sith in the beginning and at the end she despised them. There is much more shades of grey in this story. You find good people within the Empire, and Republic has it's bad sides as well.

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Jadus and Hunter.


I reeeally wanted to hurt them badly, loved them. Hunter is such a son of a troll. "Pity that Kaliyo missed the party". ARHGH! :D


Yeah, I was truly impressed by how much they made me *hate* the enemies in there. I mean, you don't just vaguely want to take them out. You want to rip their still beating hearts from their rib cages.

I mean, when Jadus electrocuted me to death for refusing to kneel for him? Or when Ardun Kothe took over my body and ran it through its "exercises"? Or when Hunter very sadly remarked on how he really wanted my mind control to stay in place because "we could have wandered the galaxy, me as master, you as my servant, whispering sweet nothings in your ear..."? Oh, yeah. It's hard not to want them all dead in a truly visceral way.


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The transformation of my character was what sold it for me. Whereas other stories are focused on the acquisition of power, the agent story is less so. My character transformed from a dedicated Imperial loyalist to a jaded, hardened realist, ultimately culminating in


her turn as a rogue agent, turning away from the organization she once believed in but still holding true to the Empire she believes exists below all the bureaucracy and backstabbing.


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