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Everything posted by GreyLisa

  1. I'm at level 43 and has reached the Hoth questline, so its not an KOTET character
  2. I'm trying to start the Calls to arms questline with the Boarding party and Foundry flashpoints. The problem is that the driod that should give me quest won't talk with me it only says systems=nominal. Anyone that knows what I shall do?
  3. I'm doing my second IA right now. The story is great, probably one of the best ever seen in a game
  4. I loved Balmorra and Voss. I thought Taris was the most boring
  5. I'm sad that he leaves. The agent story is the best in SWTOR, and it beats the story of most single players as well
  6. Overall the Republic tries to live after principes I consider good, while the Empire is ruled by a religous cult who favors power above everything else. But that does not make every single citizen of the Empire bad. You can easy compare it with real life nations historical and present. There are nations that at least tries to live after good values equality, freedom etc. Does that make every single citizen of that nation good? Absolutely not. Are every single citizen of a dictatorship evil? Absolutely not. I usually play good imperial characters because I find it nice to explore what it would be to be born on that side of the fence. The difference between this sith empire and most other sith empires we seen in star wars so far is that this was not recently created by a fallen jedi. The people in the swtor empire were born into it, and have been for generations. My empire charatcers does not like everything their government are doing, but they still have love for their country and the people within it.
  7. The lead writer wrote on the forums pre-launch that the sith are quite family focused. So my guess that is that a high standing sith would not waste their force sensitive children by sending them to Korriban too early instead have private training with them to make sure they get an edge over the other students Daniel Erickson wrote: For the last thousand years the Sith Empire has needed stability and growth more than anything else. That means alliances that prevent power struggles. It means encouraging the creation of more children. Which in turn means marriage and a focus on family. Where once the individual was judged largely alone, bloodlines are now incredibly socially important. A Sith from a long line of powerful Sith will find his path through the Academy easier, his opportunities increased. A family with no Force-users who suddenly find themselves with a Force-sensitive child will sacrifice everything they have to get them martial training and mental discipline coaches - for if that child passes the Academy and becomes Sith the entire family will rocket to the penultimate social class in Imperial society, side by side with moffs and governors, second only to Sith themselves. Marriage among the Sith is usually between only two people and is often to forge a political alliance. Marriages of love do happen often among the lower ranked Sith but decrease the closer the Lord is to the top of the pyramid-shaped power structure. Marriages between Sith and non-Sith are rare as the Sith believe it dilutes the chance of a Force-sensitive offspring. It is a common, though unspoken of practice, for Sith parents to kill a non Force-sensitive offspring and deny it ever existed, claiming the baby was stillborn, etc. A Sith with openly non Force-sensitive offspring is believed to be admitting the thinness of the blood in his or her family line. Adultery is common among the Sith but officially illegal. Divorce is strongly frowned upon but killing one's spouse for adultery or any other provable offense is socially acceptable. The one time you see obligatory divorce is when a member of the Dark Council breaks a couple apart to stop the assimilation of too much power in one place. http://unjoe.yuku.com/sreply/202490/Star-Wars-The-Old-Republic-MMO#.UGTJelFmr5g
  8. I agree with the OP. I find the old republic area, much more interesting than the movies
  9. Yes, they both deserve remakes. I can only imagine how good they would with ME graphics. Kotor2 also deserve to be released whole, not the broken version we got.
  10. I loved the IA story, probably one of the best I ever seen. So full of plots and twist, and it truly got me emotionally invested in my character.
  11. The story was probably one of the best I ever seen in a game, it was full of twists and never got boring. You get to play from the perspective of a normal person in the sith empire, which is really interesting. It is a story that leaves a lot of room for roleplaying and it feels like your agent's character develops as the story progresses. My agent was quite respect to the sith in the beginning and at the end she despised them. There is much more shades of grey in this story. You find good people within the Empire, and Republic has it's bad sides as well.
  12. The story of IA is one of the best I ever seen in a game.
  13. Imperial Agent. I have a IA at level 47 and I think I have been given quite many flirt options and the voice acting is excellent for female IA
  14. I think the lead writer said in an interview that sith in SWTOR are quite family oriented and very obssesed with getting force senstive offspring, so sith usually marry sith. I do think however that most female sith leave the caring of babies to slaves or other servants. Quite similar to how nobles did in mediaeval times. So I guess it is only for the last months of the preganancy a sith needs to be careful to stay at her estate, or try not to attract any attention. The first months, well my friend was three months pregnant and she hardly noticed it, so many women handle the first month of a pregnancy with ease
  15. The Exile's students did rebuild the order, but neither Revan or the Exile were there to help them. In the beginning they had a more unorthodox view on romances and such things, but with time they adopted a more orthdox view.
  16. I have been trying to defeat him probably 20 times, but I always have to run up to him in order to see him. Seems impossible to beat him with a level 32 sniper
  17. I always plays as a somewhat good character in role playing games. I've never managed to play a completely evil person. But in SWTOR I prefer Imperial characters due to the intresting roleplaying opportunity. In most games I can choose to play a good or bad character in a society that is usually more good than bad, there can be bad elements but the society often try to follow good virues. In SWTOR I like playing characters that are actually at their core quite good people that happens to be born in a twisted and crual society and raised to believe that loyalty to that society is their duty above anything else, and that carving for power is the highest virtue. So in SWTOR I usually play lightsided imperial characters, and experience is quite interesting
  18. I'm happy we get to see her in the game. But I would have prefered it if was still alive like Revan. The Exile is one of my favorite characters in a game, I found her story fascinating, and she deserved better then getting stabbed in the back
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