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Advance Class Respec


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Personally, I think having AC respec is a bad idea. It leads to FOTM and homogeny. However, if it keeps players from leaving or helps bring in new and old players then it should probably be considered. IF they do have AC respec, it should be a 20mill+ credit sink, or $50+ real money with a 6-12 month respec timer. Charging real money would help the game keep afloat, while having a credit sink and a timer would give people pause before making the final decision..


WOW! Economics is not your friend. I respect your time and investment in making all those alts but come on man! If $EA$ makes no money the servers get turned off. Get a reasonable price point here.

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WOW! Economics is not your friend. I respect your time and investment in making all those alts but come on man! If $EA$ makes no money the servers get turned off. Get a reasonable price point here.


My point, when it comes to changing AC, is to make it as hard as possible so that people don't do it on a whim. I'm still against changing AC, I'm just speculating the penalty I would like to see imposed if they make it possible. Credit sink and $$ can be negotiable but the I stand by the timer issue, 6-12 month.

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They won't because they will lose more if they do.. Breaking the game is not a good way to make money.. The advent of the cash shops doesn't mean they are going to change fundemental mechanics of the game..


You all can believe what you want.. Reducing the number of clssses by half will kill the game..


As I have said.. This issue has been discussed countless times.. It is a dead horse at this point.. It isn't going to happen.. Cash store or not.. Allowing AC respecs will truely kill the game.. They will lose money if they allow it..


I disagree, it's not a dead horse, it's been beat so much it's more like a pile of glue.

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Personally, I think having AC respec is a bad idea. It leads to FOTM and homogeny. However, if it keeps players from leaving or helps bring in new and old players then it should probably be considered. IF they do have AC respec, it should be a 20mill+ credit sink, or $50+ real money with a 6-12 month respec timer. Charging real money would help the game keep afloat, while having a credit sink and a timer would give people pause before making the final decision.


People who think ACs playing style are the same are idiots or haven't tried the other AC. Speaking from someone who has level 50 jugg, mara, sorc, and assassin, the playing styles of the mirror class are completely different when you spec for efficiency for pvp or pve. Just because a jugg and mara share a tree doesn't mean you are going to spec both ACs into that tree. Example: when I play my jugg, I spec Vengeance for pve and Rage for pvp, while I spec Annihilation for both pvp and pve on my mara. I guess I could spec my mara into Rage for pvp but it does less damage than Annihilate so why would I want to do that?


Although I don't like the idea of changing ACs, I won't quit the game if they do put the option in. However, I do think a severe penalty is in order if they allow that option. In the end, I'll agree with what ever helps the game stay afloat. People who say mirror ACs are the same, they aren't so stop saying that.


You feel the same about respecs, right? 3 trees means there are vast differences in playstyle-so respecs should only be allowed every 6 months for an exorbitant cost. I mean some trees even allow different roles-and who can really play a healer or tank after leveling as dps?


And dual specs are definitely out-talk about FOTM and homogeny. If everyone has 2 specs the amount of ninja looting (for off-spec) will be insane-not something the game needs.


Does that seem any less absurd than your plan to make Bioware some cash? Hell rather than use your offer I would rather enter your warzones at level 10 and refuse to choose an advanced spec (or train) until the team carried me to level 50. I'm not afk-I'm just walking over to enemies (since I don't use sprint) and trying to kill them. Having only the starting 2 attacks means I won't ever get nerfed either-so win on that front as well.

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I don't think you can compare SWTOR ACs to other MMOs Classes.


The ACs share the same character customization restrictions, starter zone, class story, companions, buffs, equipment (except JK/SW armoring), many abilities, and even a branch of the talent tree. Did I miss anything?


I'm not sure how to do it without breaking the game, as some fear, but it seems more natural to me to allow AC respecs, and if BW decides they can do it without hurting the game, then I would certainly pay for it.

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No no no !!


Just re-roll RE-ROLL


need more characater slots on my server to re-roll, and I'm already knee deep in current legacy on the commited server. Stuck like Chuck.


You got to keep up with common complaints it like your in RL Lag.

Edited by kirorx
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need more characater slots on my server to re-roll, and I'm already knee deep in current legacy on the commited server. Stuck like Chuck.


You got to keep up with common complaints it like your in RL Lag.


new server for you then !! Damn where are the hard questions!!??

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You feel the same about respecs, right? 3 trees means there are vast differences in playstyle-so respecs should only be allowed every 6 months for an exorbitant cost. I mean some trees even allow different roles-and who can really play a healer or tank after leveling as dps?


And dual specs are definitely out-talk about FOTM and homogeny. If everyone has 2 specs the amount of ninja looting (for off-spec) will be insane-not something the game needs.


Does that seem any less absurd than your plan to make Bioware some cash? Hell rather than use your offer I would rather enter your warzones at level 10 and refuse to choose an advanced spec (or train) until the team carried me to level 50. I'm not afk-I'm just walking over to enemies (since I don't use sprint) and trying to kill them. Having only the starting 2 attacks means I won't ever get nerfed either-so win on that front as well.


To be honest I'm not a fan of dual spec either, but playing both pvp and pve makes it almost necessary. Right now the lack of dual spec option and increasing amount of credits for respec keeps people from ninja looting for their off specs. Letting people change their ACs will make ninja looting worse since Inquisitors and Bounty Hunter will have 3 options instead of 2.


I'm trying to find ways for people who are against AC changes to accept the possibility but acting like a snippy petulant child isn't really helping your case. It's probably making it worse. What I find absurd is the notion that people like you feel like you deserve something for free when other people work for it. If you get to change your AC then people with multiple alts should get free stuff too. I would like valor rank and social ranks to roll over to all my alts. I think speeder ranks should be given to all alts too. It's not hurting anyone else so why shouldn't I get these options? While we're at it throw in a free max affection for all my companions on all my alts too. It doesn't affect your gaming so it shouldn't matter to you right?

Edited by Yrneh
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Yrneh, how many times have I or other ppl in this thread talked about possible prices and.or buying this respec opportunity? If it was free then that would be great, but alas i'm realistic about it possibly having a cost. Also, no one MADE you create 50 alt characters. I love how people try to insert their own reasoning for blocking this. WOW you played extra characters, so now because you wasted time doing this (and embarrassed about it), people shouldnt be allowed this option? Bottom line, it sucks alot knowing that I paid $150 bucks for Collectors edition game and ppl are advertising on the forums that K-Mart has it for like $10 bucks now. I'm not standing in front of K-Mart protesting because I got hosed, nor am I threatening to quit playing. People bring up the old devs statements as if it was written in stone... NOPE. They didnt see F2P coming either, but its here.



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Yah because this game is SOOOO complex how could anyone learn to tank/heal/dps after they respec? You guys keep bringing up the word PERMANENT CHOICE at lvl 10. After playing a character to valor lvl 60 plus at the point before they released their patch, I think anyone would figure that their character's performance was PERMANENT. Just because you rerolled doesnt mean someone who isnt interested in Alt-itis has to. Gimme the RESPEC


The one great thing about F2P, is people like this will no longer be able to post. Because you know that he is going to go F2P the moment it rolls out.

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Very true... But the game is run by the majority of players.. Not the cash shop.. Most people don't want it.. See thread above..


The game is NOT run by the "majority of players" LOL. The game is run by BW and EA and its ***shareholders***. If you think that the powers that be care about what the "majority of players" say then you are going to be extremely disappointed with how things go from here on out.


Also... the "majority" of players don't even visit the forums. The people QQing all over the "General" forums do not constitute the majority of players. LOL. Not even close.


Remember when the "majority" of players said that mounts would never be granted below level 25? That there was no reason to have a mount below level 25? Remember that? Yeah.


Remember when the "majority" of players said that sprint wasn't necessary until level 15 or 16? Remember how it was "lazy" ("OMG You're so LAAAAZY. So lazy. OMG this guy is lazy. Look how cool I am everyone! I called someone lazy!!!!) to need sprint before level 15 or 16? Yeah.


I mean really...

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Yrneh, how many times have I or other ppl in this thread talked about possible prices and.or buying this respec opportunity? If it was free then that would be great, but alas i'm realistic about it possibly having a cost. Also, no one MADE you create 50 alt characters. I love how people try to insert their own reasoning for blocking this. WOW you played extra characters, so now because you wasted time doing this (and embarrassed about it), people shouldnt be allowed this option? Bottom line, it sucks alot knowing that I paid $150 bucks for Collectors edition game and ppl are advertising on the forums that K-Mart has it for like $10 bucks now. I'm not standing in front of K-Mart protesting because I got hosed, nor am I threatening to quit playing. People bring up the old devs statements as if it was written in stone... NOPE. They didnt see F2P coming either, but its here.




Wow apparently you fail at reading comprehension. Did I not state I have no problem with AC respec? I said I would play this game whether they made AC respec possible or not. I would prefer if they added steep penalties but I'm not going to protest in front of EA headquarters if they made it easy and cheap. I'll just grumble a bit and that will be the end of it, however, if Bioware personally asked me if I wanted AC respec then I would say "absolutely not" every single time because that is how I feel and I don't you can dictate how I should feel. Also, did I ever post I felt leveling alts was a waste of time? Stop making dumb assumptions from things I didn't even post about. I like leveling my alts which is more entertaining for me than the limited amount of end game materials in this game. In my first post I even stated I have no problems with free AC respecs if it brought in new and old player and no where did I say I am completely opposed to this idea, I simply stated people who are dead set opposed to AC respec would open up about it if the penalties were high enough, also no where did I ever mention anything about dev's posts so I don't even know why you are addressing this issue with me. If you believe you should get free AC respec then other people are going to want other free stuff too. Making social rank and valor rank account wide isn't game breaking so I would like that option. Why do I need to rerun each character from rank 1 when I already experienced it? Yet, you don't see me starting useless topics about it. Before asking for free AC respec you need to fix your attitude. Apparently you feel the need to attack everyone who don't agree with you and that's probably making people more dead set against this idea.

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Lightsaberaddict, Its funny you say that. Where is your idea to make this game better and keep players playing? After buying a Collector edition and logging in every day the game has been in existence I guess my obvious pattern would be to quit.... Yrnew, I didnt attack you, sorry if you received it that way when you laid out a post containing multiple irrelevant gripes. Some how asking to see 3 other spec possibilities with an Advanced Class respec is equal to have maximum affection on worthless companion characters? It just sounded like sarcastic jibberish. But if that truly concerns you, then feel free to create a post entitled "Shared character stats" or something.
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This should be allowed and they should charge 1000 Cartel Coins for it.


Of course it should. As should be a brand new level 50 character - 5000 coins and a brand new level 50 character with full BiS gear - 25000 coins. Sky is the limit.

Edited by vandana_
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Seriously guy, Lazy? Because I refuse to grind mindlessly through the same 50 lvl story again, and 90+ valor lvls of pvp just to see 2 different spec trees from Powertech? I value my time better than that. Also , I love the idea of spending Cartel Coinage to buy the respec. Fantastic idea! Now just to price properly.
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Lightsaberaddict, Its funny you say that. Where is your idea to make this game better and keep players playing? After buying a Collector edition and logging in every day the game has been in existence I guess my obvious pattern would be to quit.... Yrnew, I didnt attack you, sorry if you received it that way when you laid out a post containing multiple irrelevant gripes. Some how asking to see 3 other spec possibilities with an Advanced Class respec is equal to have maximum affection on worthless companion characters? It just sounded like sarcastic jibberish. But if that truly concerns you, then feel free to create a post entitled "Shared character stats" or something.


How is allowing people to change classes going to make the GAME better? It will make your time in game better, but it will make my time in game worse, having to deal with people who have no idea how to play a new class.


"Sorry, I was an assassin this morning, I forgot I don't have stealth anymore." "I was a sorc yesterday, I forgot I can't heal." "Forgot I can't wear heavy armor. Just went from guardian to sentinel. Sorry, I'd give you that nice upgrade, but it's soulbound." These are just a few examples.

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If you want to switch advanced class, then reroll. And quit saying, "But I put so much time into this character already!"

That's just being lazy, so quit yer ************ already.


LOL, I absolutely love how the word "LAZY" is like the new ultimate burn here on the forums.


NEWS FLASH: We are all sitting on our big fat butts playing a video game LOL. I mean ***really****


Playing the same story over and over again accomplishes nothing. Killing the same 10 people over and over again on 4 maps (4 maps lol) for days on end accomplishes nothing. It's a game. If you think you are accomplishing anything beyond entertaining yourself then I pity you.

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Seriously guy, Lazy? Because I refuse to grind mindlessly through the same 50 lvl story again, and 90+ valor lvls of pvp just to see 2 different spec trees from Powertech? I value my time better than that. Also , I love the idea of spending Cartel Coinage to buy the respec. Fantastic idea! Now just to price properly.


You chose to spend your time PVP'ing. That's fine. That was how you chose to play the game. Some chose to play new classes. You don't want to take the time to level from 1-50 again, and want a max level character of a new class. How about those that leveled other classes, but also did PVP? Should someone who already PVP'd to valor 60 on one character have to grind out 60 levels of valor on their alt? They already did it once, why can't all their alts have valor 60?

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Again, If the idea of this doesnt appeal to a player no one is forcing said player to partake. At the current moment of the game, (using group finder), youve never encountered a "New" 50 that isnt geared or seasoned in tanking or healing? Just like anyone else we all have the option to drop from the team and look for other players we feel suited for the task at hand.
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