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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Character Consolidation ..How many are unsubing becouse there is no news yet?


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I won't re-sub unless this is fixed. No reason now that P2W is coming out. I'll check it out in P2W.


Fix this I'll buy the 4 months. I won't pay for 4 months with a completely massive change to the game coming in 4 months time with my account like this.

Edited by PlagaNerezza
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You mean the news that open transfers will be available, and that they are adding in ways to obtain extra character slots, which will be required for many people who want to consolidate characters on one server?


Yeah if only they'd give us some hints... wait a minute...

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You mean the news that open transfers will be available, and that they are adding in ways to obtain extra character slots, which will be required for many people who want to consolidate characters on one server?


Yeah if only they'd give us some hints... wait a minute...


and this is happening when...?..

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I unsubed weeks ago and will not renew my sub as my characters are stuck on a dead server. By dead I mean it had a max population this past week of four other players on. That experience of loneliness and tumbleweeds is not what I paid for.


I'm trapped as my destination server is full. All my 50s are on it. I'm not deleting them, I'd rather quit. My real pleasure comes from leveling alts. My server always had a standard population prior to free transfers. It is now locked so no new players will ever start there. My server is one of the servers they sent my guild to in pre-release but was one of the first they chose to hit with free transfers ahead of servers created post launch. Biowares flawed transfer scheme ruined my server and left me trapped.


No amount of protestation has gotten a response from them with a solution other than "reroll". They are not saying when we may transfer. CS simply directs me to blog and forum posts with no solutions and no answers. In protesting this I've come across other players in the same situation.


When they needed testers on PTS I chose to help and they were able to hand copy my characters to the PTS server. They successfully moved thousands of characters for free. I know they can help those stuck like I am, and most likely with little effort. Why have they chosen not to? Do they in fact care the slightest about their customers?


F2P has to be resorted to to stem the tide of players bailing on this game so many are leaving, maybe supporting ones players who have honest issues and not having CS treat them like unwanted customers might also help.


I do love this game. I've played since closed beta last June, so I'm a 13 month vet. I bought a CE and a six month sub. I was their ideal customer, I might have kept paying for this game for decades. Why do they treat me like dirt?

Edited by Catsmeat
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I won't re-sub unless this is fixed. No reason now that P2W is coming out. I'll check it out in P2W.


Fix this I'll buy the 4 months. I won't pay for 4 months with a completely massive change to the game coming in 4 months time with my account like this.



Why dont people get it. Just becuase the game goes f2p doesnt mean that you as a subscribing player loses out on anything in the game. Why is that so hard to understand.

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I won't re-sub unless this is fixed. No reason now that P2W is coming out. I'll check it out in P2W.


Fix this I'll buy the 4 months. I won't pay for 4 months with a completely massive change to the game coming in 4 months time with my account like this.


The game wont change in anyway if you keep on subbing for it for crying out loud. You as a subscribing player wont miss out on anything, you will still have all the access you ahve today. Jeez.....

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Why dont people get it. Just becuase the game goes f2p doesnt mean that you as a subscribing player loses out on anything in the game. Why is that so hard to understand.


This is true. If you think the game now warrants your monthly sub, then continue on. Nothing will change for you. The FTP may bring in more players who will pay some from the cash shop. Thus giving BioWare more revenue to continue with the game content updates. For a present subber, it is nothing but a win, win situation.

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I'm good with everything right now. I have a couple of characters on my origin server still. We'll see what happens with them soon enough. As for the F2P coming, I'm all for it. I'll be staying as a subscriber though. And I'll probably even pay for some fluff stuff in the online store. I'm content still.
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I am not unsubbing because of this, but it's something that greatly diminishes my desire to play. I rerolled back in March when my server was dead, because that is pretty much what customer service told me to do. Now that my old characters are transferred to a heavily populated server, I am still out of luck because that isn't the same server I rerolled on. I refuse to work on two different legacies. It's pointless and frustrating.


Not to mention I have so many maxed professions which all of my characters benefit from. I don't want to re-grind all those necessary professions again on another server. If I could get all those characters consolidated on the same server I would be extremely happy.


Although the idea of taking the higher level legacy is still stupid, rather than combining the two legacy levels. I have a level 24 legacy and a level 17 legacy. I can understand if they didn't want to make them into a level 41 legacy, but at least put me up to level 30-something. Otherwise all that time grinding that other legacy is overwritten and lost.

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