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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stigma Of Star Wars


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I often read these bitter reviews from players about the direction of this game, so i wanted to bring to light something that many Starwars fans already know.


Starwas is notorius for pulling out all the stops to bring in the most amount of money as possible.


Nothing in the starwars world is safe. Lore has been changed on a whim with no regard to the fanbase, everything from Ewok Movies. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoXdYJO0oYU&feature=related)

to Video games (force unleashed)


How many re-released and re-vamped movies have now been re-introduced?

(had to use one of the worst addittions)


It seems the starwars IP brings out the greed in everyone. As a fan you grow to expect this



EA view on micro transactions


Ewoks created soley to sell toys, Endor should have been Kashhyyk (EWOK, is just mixed letters from WOOKIE)



The massive changes to SWG i(massive failure)



So when players want to blame Bioware or EA you got to look at the history of this IP in general, its like a curse.


As some point the fans will lose out to the all mighty buck. If they can sell something with the starwars logo they will.


SWTOR is fun game but when things like F2P come along with a real cash store for items, dont be surprised.

When lore is broken from ingame vanity items, dont be surprised.

If short cuts are taken (re-releasing old green items as new moddable), dont be surprised (Greedo was reused in ROTJ)


There is no point to get mad about it, Starwars as an IP is notorious for selling out.

Been happening for years, you just got to get over it and accept it.

Heck the cheesy stuff and the greedy disney world esque IP is part of what makes starwars, well...starwars.

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agreed it is bizzare the depths of Fandom star wars fans get to.


Well I don't have room to talk. I went through a several year phase where I hated everything star wars. I got over it though and learned to just enjoy it and not take it so seriously


After all it's just a movie about space wizards.

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I think everyone knows that, and certainly Lucasarts's ruthless devotion to monetizing everything possible is well known. I humbly submit that is not the problem.


Part of the outrage is that they went from "oh, no, F2P isn't an option" to "well, a free trial to level 15" to "HAHA cash shop" in the span of what, two months?


Part of the outrage is that they spent YEARS on this game and it has not delivered to the satisfaction of players, shareholders, or even Bioware itself.


Part of the outrage is the feeling that if EA had not corrupted BIoware the game we would have gotten would have been superior.


Part of the outrage is that issues raised in beta still aren't fixed, and now people fear resources will only be devoted to cash shop crap and not making the game better.



Sure, it's a heavily marketed thing. Core fans interested in the lore should already be crying, given what they did to poor Revan and T-3.

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mr premise man..ill tell you exactly whats going on



during the huge production cycle of this game pre-launch......bioware had developed a gigantic amount of material...about three times what we currently have,...crafted to perfection like a flawless diamond


and bioware wanted to put it all out at once.....ea saw this masterpeice and got mad...because ea wanted more money...and ordered bioware to chop it into bits so it could be dolled out,causing millions of bugs and engaging the "hold out for more money" scenario


bioware resisted....and as a result alot of bioware employees got fired,EA put in there own guys....and now things are in a concentrated miasma of butchered,frankensteinian game codes....especially since the new guys dont have the level of understanding neeeded to reassemble everything


also i suspect that lucas arts had some responsbility in this act that ea did....bioware likes doing things all the way,less caring about the capitalism


lucas arts on the other hand only cares about capitalism most of the time,so its likely they pressured EA to do this...

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lucas arts on the other hand only cares about capitalism most of the time,so its likely they pressured EA to do this...


I feel that way about LA very often as well, of course not that you cant tell from the post I wrote :cool:

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So when players want to blame Bioware or EA you got to look at the history of this IP in general, its like a curse.


As some point the fans will lose out to the all mighty buck. If they can sell something with the starwars logo they will.


While I am not a total fan of all the changes to the Star Wars IP over the years, I still have to disagree with you.


"Curse" is a bit strong. This is a matter of rebranding. Do you feel the same about what DC comics has done to the "Batman" or "Superman" franchises? How about Marvel and the "Avengers" and "X-men" franchises. Heck even Disney has changed Micky Mouse over time.


It's a buisness. Buisnesses exist to make money. Sometimes you need to rebrand to remain current and "fresh".


If I don't like the direction a company goes in, with regards to this rebranding, I can stop supporting the company and "write a letter" ( you know on paper and "signed" with a signature .. remember when people actually wrote). If you actually take the time, especially in these days, to write a letter it tends to have a bit of weight. Get enough like minded people to do the same and maybe the company will listen. How many of all of you that complain about SWTOR will take the time to do that? I suspect not many, if any at all.

Edited by Urael
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I often read these bitter reviews from players about the direction of this game, so i wanted to bring to light something that many Starwars fans already know.


Starwas is notorius for pulling out all the stops to bring in the most amount of money as possible.


Nothing in the starwars world is safe. Lore has been changed on a whim with no regard to the fanbase, everything from Ewok Movies. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoXdYJO0oYU&feature=related)

to Video games (force unleashed)


How many re-released and re-vamped movies have now been re-introduced?

(had to use one of the worst addittions)


It seems the starwars IP brings out the greed in everyone. As a fan you grow to expect this



EA view on micro transactions


Ewoks created soley to sell toys, Endor should have been Kashhyyk (EWOK, is just mixed letters from WOOKIE)



The massive changes to SWG i(massive failure)



So when players want to blame Bioware or EA you got to look at the history of this IP in general, its like a curse.


As some point the fans will lose out to the all mighty buck. If they can sell something with the starwars logo they will.


SWTOR is fun game but when things like F2P come along with a real cash store for items, dont be surprised.

When lore is broken from ingame vanity items, dont be surprised.

If short cuts are taken (re-releasing old green items as new moddable), dont be surprised (Greedo was reused in ROTJ)


There is no point to get mad about it, Starwars as an IP is notorious for selling out.

Been happening for years, you just got to get over it and accept it.

Heck the cheesy stuff and the greedy disney world esque IP is part of what makes starwars, well...starwars.


Hey man, who cares? In the original script Lucas decided that Han Solo would not die because he thought he wouldn't be able to sell as many action figures.

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Time to get a grip.Greed is not an EA problem.Nor is it a Bioware or Lucas problem.It is a human being problem.All we care about is the almighty dollar.So getting upset because they are trying to make every dollar they can is juvenile.Is there anybody out there that would intentionally make less money than they are capable of making?I didn't think so.
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You know, I don't even think that "Star Wars" is really that much of the problem. In my opinion the frustration has more to do with the game itself. All that time, treasure, and talent, but this was the best they could do? Tossing a brand as popular as Star Wars on top of the steaming pile just makes it that much worse. It could have been "Buck Rogers Online" and if BioWare took eight hundred people, almost two hundred million dollars, and six years to make it but this was all we got? Lots of people would still be justifiably upset. Edited by SirRobin
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so from what I get from this thread is that players shouldn't be upset because:


1. star wars franchise has always sucked in regards of screwing the fans, so accept it.

2. everyone's greedy, so accept it.

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The only "curse" when it comes to Star Wars games is the continued bungling of the developers.


Can't blame marketing for the fact that Soa keeps bugging out, meaning a wipe or a restart (just one example)

Edited by agamemnon-
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Time to get a grip.Greed is not an EA problem.Nor is it a Bioware or Lucas problem.It is a human being problem.All we care about is the almighty dollar.So getting upset because they are trying to make every dollar they can is juvenile.Is there anybody out there that would intentionally make less money than they are capable of making?I didn't think so.


Yes and no.

In most markets, I'd say you were completely correct.


But for video games, it's a different story. Not too long ago, developers released finished polished products, because that's how you sold games. You got a fanbase by creating high quality games. EA got a good name, and has been exploiting it for a few years now. The number of people who won't ever buy an EA product again keeps growing by the day.

The other companies in the video game market didn't do this. Even the ones that got great name recognition, didn't stop trying to make high quality games. EA intentionally releases unfinished games, and releases games with MANY bugs not bothering to wait a few months to fix them.

Blatant greed does NOT work in the video game market.....look at EA's stocks. They tanked harder than any game company.

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I often read these bitter reviews from players about the direction of this game, so i wanted to bring to light something that many Starwars fans already know.


Starwas is notorius for pulling out all the stops to bring in the most amount of money as possible.


Nothing in the starwars world is safe. Lore has been changed on a whim with no regard to the fanbase, everything from Ewok Movies. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoXdYJO0oYU&feature=related)

to Video games (force unleashed)


How many re-released and re-vamped movies have now been re-introduced?

(had to use one of the worst addittions)


It seems the starwars IP brings out the greed in everyone. As a fan you grow to expect this



EA view on micro transactions


Ewoks created soley to sell toys, Endor should have been Kashhyyk (EWOK, is just mixed letters from WOOKIE)



The massive changes to SWG i(massive failure)



So when players want to blame Bioware or EA you got to look at the history of this IP in general, its like a curse.


As some point the fans will lose out to the all mighty buck. If they can sell something with the starwars logo they will.


SWTOR is fun game but when things like F2P come along with a real cash store for items, dont be surprised.

When lore is broken from ingame vanity items, dont be surprised.

If short cuts are taken (re-releasing old green items as new moddable), dont be surprised (Greedo was reused in ROTJ)


There is no point to get mad about it, Starwars as an IP is notorious for selling out.

Been happening for years, you just got to get over it and accept it.

Heck the cheesy stuff and the greedy disney world esque IP is part of what makes starwars, well...starwars.


Because Star Trek is immune to that kind of jerky, right? (Star Trek Online, various other Star Trek games over the ages that are bad bad bad)


Star Wars has it's ups and downs. But don't expect any lore to be broken. Lucas Licensing keeps that in check.

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so from what I get from this thread is that players shouldn't be upset because:


1. star wars franchise has always sucked in regards of screwing the fans, so accept it.

2. everyone's greedy, so accept it.


pretty much, I was not trying to only focus on it from a negative stand point though.

Edited by kirorx
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Didnt realize that this thread was moved to the starwars discussion thread.


Kinda pointless here. This is the starwars fans, and you guys already know of all this stuff.


I was trying to point out to the non starwars fans that LA has a knack for choosing financial gain over the desire of the fanbase, not to knock bioware and EA all the time and this stuff comes with the terriroty. (the shop will probally include some cheesy fun stuff that will cause further forum anger)


I love the franschise but it is covered in cheesy stuff created for the sake of selling toys, but it would not be star wars if that stuff was not there. Star wars is Kinda weird like that.


Kinda like hating on the prequels is just part of the fun, as much as we hate them they are still in my DVD collection. Go figure.


Maybe you can enjoy the videos, but this was geared more toward the general playerbase and gamers not starwars fans.

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Because Star Trek is immune to that kind of jerky, right? (Star Trek Online, various other Star Trek games over the ages that are bad bad bad)


Star Wars has it's ups and downs. But don't expect any lore to be broken. Lucas Licensing keeps that in check.


No, no star trek here :D

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Because Star Trek is immune to that kind of jerky, right? (Star Trek Online, various other Star Trek games over the ages that are bad bad bad)


Star Wars has it's ups and downs. But don't expect any lore to be broken. Lucas Licensing keeps that in check.


star trek armada

bridge commander

eleite force

all considerd sucesful


but it seems lately that games based on franshises have gone downhill

jedi outcast


tie fighter series

before game irocicly became major franchises and game sometimes went down quite well yet it seems that like films based on games games based on franchises are bad bad bad.

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star trek armada

bridge commander

eleite force

all considerd sucesful


but it seems lately that games based on franshises have gone downhill

jedi outcast


tie fighter series

before game irocicly became major franchises and game sometimes went down quite well yet it seems that like films based on games games based on franchises are bad bad bad.


had to bring up battlefront.....seriously where is battlefront 3,. I really want to play that game lol

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Part of the outrage is the feeling that if EA had not corrupted BIoware the game we would have gotten would have been superior.


Part of the outrage is that issues raised in beta still aren't fixed, and now people fear resources will only be devoted to cash shop crap and not making the game better.


Quoted to agree with these two points; while it's not necessarily outrage to me, it's definitely frustrating.

Edited by Belora
adjusted wording
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