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Star Wars fanboys playing SWTOR???


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I am both. But if f2p is the new business model of the future, I probably won't be an mmo fan much longer. Too me 5-6 years searching for a good game to immerse myself into an it goes f2p in less than a year. *sigh* it's been many many years since I haven't been let down by game developer's greed. Nobody just focuses on making a great game anymore. Every company is controlled by large corporate exec's and bean counters to try and make a game that will squeeze as much money from consumers as possible. Gamers suffer as a result. I don't even have a tv anymore because they forgot how to make anything but PC fantasy's. And, I am beginning to wonder why I even bother to have a gaming computer anymore.
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I may be wrong but I don't think the OP was expecting the responses he got. Starting by calliing out "Fanboys" seem like a slight putdown on his part to the people playing the game.


Again, I may be wrong. But.....

Edited by RikHar
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Star Wars has been my all time greatest movie ever since I first seen it in 1977 as a young boy. I enjoy the Star Wars universe very much but wouldn't catagorize myself as a fanboy. Fanboys are rude irrational people and often attack others for a difference in opinion. Edited by SwordofSodan
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I have to be honest, as a kid I loved the star wars movies/books, but after lucas took a dump on his own intellectual property I lost interest. I signed on to check out a bioware made MMO. I just wish it has been mass effect or some original IP.



so not a fanboy, just a fan of mmos & a former hardcore wow raider.

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If fanboy means mindless drone that will eat any crap with star wars name on it, no I am not.


I was 13 when I saw Star Wars back in 1978 (is the year it came to Spain). It was love at first sight. I played SWG beta and the live game until NGE, when I quit because it destroyed all my work along 3 years on my characters and I couldn't stand the wow-like game it bacame. Despite space rails (the most stupid idea any developer could came up for a Star Wars MMO) and that was going to be a wow-like game (main reason why I quit SWG at NGE launch) I decided give it a chance because it was Star Wars (i would never play it if it were not a SW game) and Bioware made some nice SW games (KOTOR 1 and 2). Stayed subbed 'till yesterday to see if this game was going to evolve into something worthy. Now I know it won't happens and I've got no reasons to throw my money into this game just because it's got Star Wars tag on it.

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I'm particular about the MMOs I play in.

I've played Ultima Online, World of Warcraft, City of Heroes, EVE Online, Lord of the Rings Online, & Champions Online.


None of these MMOs had what it took to keep my subscription.


Star Wars does. Not only do I like Star Wars, but I like this MMO above all others I have ever played.

After 10 years of MMOs, I finally feel like I found the perfect game for me.


^ This

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I'm just curious: How many of you playing SWTOR is Star Wars fanboys?

And how many are MMO fans?

I'm asking because its seems that's less and less Star Wars fanboys ingame...


Who you calling a "boy"? ;) I am 57 years old and only ACT like a boy.


In answer, I am a fan of almost everything Star Wars.


I am also a fan of some MMOs......just not of so-called "f2p" MMO's including what this one is about to become.

Edited by Gruug
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Third post in a row woot!


I think immersing yourself in the Star Wars lore of this game makes up for it's short comings as an mmo. I love Star Wars so that's why I started playing this game. In all honesty I do think it's better than wow. It has a lot of shortcomings compared as an mmo, but I really don't care lol.


Those faults will be fixed with time. Just enjoy force choking Jawas and sticking lightsabers into various things :p

Edited by TheBetty
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I'm just curious: How many of you playing SWTOR is Star Wars fanboys?

And how many are MMO fans?

I'm asking because its seems that's less and less Star Wars fanboys ingame...


I'd say I was both. Obviously having grown up with Star Wars (Original Trilogy ) that came first but been MMO'ing since original Everquest. It WAS the Star Wars name and the fact Bioware was making this that first got me interested back in 2008 though.

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