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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Fear of Cartel Items


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I'm not here to complain, just to express my concerns and see what you guys think. Anyway, I was kind of shocked to see that one of the very first showcased items for the Cartel shop was Darth Nihilus' mask. I was kind of hoping they would stay away from adding lore breaking items like this to the game (i.e everyone running around with the supposedly unique mask of a story character.). I know they have added stuff like Bastila's lightsaber and such, but considering you can't really tell what specific weapon someone has just by looking at them, those weren't really an issue for me.


Another thought that this brings to mind is that they are either out of ideas for new, interesting gear or that they are afraid to make actually new stuff because of the rage from the community last time they added new gear.


Either way, I feel worried that they are just going to be piling on a ton of stuff based on gear from already established characters (like Revan's mask, etc.)


Anyway, what do you guys think?

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While it is certainly true that it is a lore-breaker, in some way, the whole game is because of its setup. You know, like each Sith becomes "Darth" at some point. Every player is the hero of his own story.


And additionally, I do not think THAT many players will buy such vanity items, thinking many people will be able to buy them (which is perfectly right *g*) and therefore the items won't be unique longer and lose their charm.

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While it is certainly true that it is a lore-breaker, in some way, the whole game is because of its setup. You know, like each Sith becomes "Darth" at some point. Every player is the hero of his own story.


I can't tell you how many other leaders of Havoc Squad I've met. Republic Command must be having a rough time coordinating so many squads with the same name.

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While it is certainly true that it is a lore-breaker, in some way, the whole game is because of its setup. You know, like each Sith becomes "Darth" at some point. Every player is the hero of his own story.


And additionally, I do not think THAT many players will buy such vanity items, thinking many people will be able to buy them (which is perfectly right *g*) and therefore the items won't be unique longer and lose their charm.


You have made some fairly good points, though it does still bug me that they would take a highly iconic item and basically let anyone who can pay for it, have it like that. I mean they could at least have made it difficult to obtain or something.

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Look as long as the mask isn't some type of orange gear..I could give a rat's behind.

Think of it as Old Republic halloween mask, you know to scare all them little jawas to sleep and what not.:jawa_eek:


Lol interesting thought, however I'm afraid that it will more than likely be orange, because it is social gear and it wouldn't make sense for them to make it anything else really, unless they decided to implement scaling gear now as well.

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The Lore was broke from the beginning...


Dark Jedi, and Lightside Sith...

Explain how a dark jedi can use, much less only use lightside force powers, and how a lightside sith can use darkside force powers.


MY newest toon, a Shadow, has already killed 4 Jedi Masters... she is already Dark II, yet her lightside powers have only improved, yet her face shows darkside corruption.

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The Lore was broke from the beginning...


Dark Jedi, and Lightside Sith...

Explain how a dark jedi can use, much less only use lightside force powers, and how a lightside sith can use darkside force powers.


MY newest toon, a Shadow, has already killed 4 Jedi Masters... she is already Dark II, yet her lightside powers have only improved, yet her face shows darkside corruption.


Yeah, that has always bugged me that your alignment as a force user didn't affect your powers in any way :confused:

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The Lore was broke from the beginning...


Dark Jedi, and Lightside Sith...

Explain how a dark jedi can use, much less only use lightside force powers, and how a lightside sith can use darkside force powers.


MY newest toon, a Shadow, has already killed 4 Jedi Masters... she is already Dark II, yet her lightside powers have only improved, yet her face shows darkside corruption.


If you feel that strongly about it you should refuse to use them.

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Those super unique looks cash shop items WILL BE Oranges most likely because not only it looks cool its also useful/viable in game and MORE people would pay for it not less.


And an easy way to not break the lore with these items are simple and is fairly common in other F2P games. Adds a [Replica] tag behind the name. Yea there's only 1 Master Raven's mask, but there are plenty of replicas made by your friendly Jawas near your planet.


Give it sometime there will be Mystery Datacorns on sale soon, lore breaker cosmetic items are the least you should be worrying about.

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Those super unique looks cash shop items WILL BE Oranges most likely because not only it looks cool its also useful/viable in game and MORE people would pay for it not less.


And an easy way to not break the lore with these items are simple and is fairly common in other F2P games. Adds a [Replica] tag behind the name. Yea there's only 1 Master Raven's mask, but there are plenty of replicas made by your friendly Jawas near your planet.


Give it sometime there will be Mystery Datacorns on sale soon, lore breaker cosmetic items are the least you should be worrying about.


Yes, I fear that there will be a lot worse things that will be coming to the shop, like special shop Legacy unlocks, Operation boss unlocks, etc.

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Yes, I fear that there will be a lot worse things that will be coming to the shop, like special shop Legacy unlocks, Operation boss unlocks, etc.


This is usually the case. Even tho there are still fanbois saying nothing will change and if you stay subbed you get EVERYTHING for free (which is understandable most fanbois has little clue about other mmos).


Two Words: Shop Exclusive


You can sub all you want, they never said you will get everything in the cash shop for free.

Oh you are getting 200 cartel credit a month? What's stopping them to make certain items ultra expensive? (for all you know 200 cartel credit might be worth 2 dollars)

E.g you brought the CE and subbed all these time and you started into the F2P at 2500 CC...


In order to prevent people from QQing its going to be P2W, BW release a Guild Capital Ship - Jawa Garbage Scavenger. Cost 200 million credit + 1000 ship modules (drops from HM FPs trash mob at 5% chance per modules from strong mobs and up). This is purchased from ingame guild registrar. 2 weeks later...



Shop Exclusive Yamato Guild Capital Ship (same functionality as any ingame guild ship just looks super *********** cool)

10000 Cartel Credits. (BUT WAIT FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY ending 9/1/2012 50% OFF! 5000 Cartel Credit)


They can make everything shop exclusives thats super desirable super cool, somewhat expensive... actually there's no reason why they wouldnt since thats where the biggest $$ is coming from.

Edited by warultima
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I really am having a feeling of deja vu here..............I saw the same thing happen to Star trek online. I think the two games both went F2P for different reasons BUT the result will be the same in the end.


1) The Cartel items will start as fluff, the game changing items will slowly start to appear, despite claims to the contrary.


2) The games staff will be cut until its on tickover, producing little or no new content.


3) Player poplulation will fall until game is sold on to a token games company by EA to recoup losses.


Anyone who is familiar with the STOL launch by Cryptic knows how this went, same is happening here. A real shame as I really do believe that BW have done a good job, but the knee-jerk stunts and nerfs really killed the game for lots of players and the fact that most (it seems) want another WoW incarnation.

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In order to prevent people from QQing its going to be P2W, BW release a Guild Capital Ship - Jawa Garbage Scavenger. Cost 200 million credit + 1000 ship modules (drops from HM FPs trash mob at 5% chance per modules from strong mobs and up). This is purchased from ingame guild registrar. 2 weeks later...


Why would a Guild Capital Ship only be purchasable by an individual's Cartel coins? Where Cartel Coins won't be transferrable.


I've seen so many people post this ****, it's laughable.

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Why would a Guild Capital Ship only be purchasable by an individual's Cartel coins? Where Cartel Coins won't be transferrable.


I've seen so many people post this ****, it's laughable.


Its simple, because the person that purchases the guild ship will also get 2 more tabs for the bank storage as a bonus... its easy to throw in virtual goodies in a F2P game. Now I am a GM, and I really want that cool looking Yamato Ship. Its on sale for only $50 and I can save my guildies and myself 200 million credit and about 100 Flashpoint grind. AND I get 2 more tabs worth of storage? Hell Ya. There you go simple as that, its sold.


Also, I said in my previous posts I played a game called Mabinogi (one of the most profitable P2W MMO from Asia). Guess what, I can send my GASH (cash shop currency) to ANYONE I wish, they even wrap up my GASH in a nice little ingame Gift Box. At the time of play Mabinogi is full F2P, no subscription... no stipend to worry about. my $20 is just as good as anyone elses $20... no reason why you couldnt trade it... which they do let you openly trade GASH. Ive actually sold my GASH points as well as shop exclusive items for ingame currency as well.


Its easy and have been done many times on different game. Ive seem so many kids know nothing about F2P model and thinks that they will NEVER EVER FORNEVEREVER put F2P in the game, its laughable.


Just because you have zero clue about something doesnt mean they dont exist.

Edited by warultima
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The cash shop has to sell for F2P to make money.


This mean they'll stick anything on to sell in the end.


Quoted for truth.


P2W will be next. This is sadly the way the F2P system makes money. I have seen it before in Star Trek Online. I stopped playing that game because of that.


I am however remaining cautiously optimistic with SWTOR but at the first sign of P2W I'm out because I won't make the same mistake twice.

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Its simple, because the person that purchases the guild ship will also get 2 more tabs for the bank storage as a bonus... its easy to throw in virtual goodies in a F2P game. Now I am a GM, and I really want that cool looking Yamato Ship. Its on sale for only $50 and I can save my guildies and myself 200 million credit and about 100 Flashpoint grind. AND I get 2 more tabs worth of storage? Hell Ya. There you go simple as that, its sold.


Also, I said in my previous posts I played a game called Mabinogi (one of the most profitable P2W MMO from Asia). Guess what, I can send my GASH (cash shop currency) to ANYONE I wish, they even wrap up my GASH in a nice little ingame Gift Box. At the time of play Mabinogi is full F2P, no subscription... no stipend to worry about. my $20 is just as good as anyone elses $20... no reason why you couldnt trade it... which they do let you openly trade GASH. Ive actually sold my GASH points as well as shop exclusive items for ingame currency as well.


Its easy and have been done many times on different game. Ive seem so many kids know nothing about F2P model and thinks that they will NEVER EVER FORNEVEREVER put F2P in the game, its laughable.


Just because you have zero clue about something doesnt mean they dont exist.


Can you please stop using Mabingo or whatever it's called (:p) as an example, it's not relevant to this discussion as it is clearly a cash whore system and different to what SWTOR is implementing.... They are not making Cartel coins transferrable..... end of.


Bioware/EA are not using the F2P system that Mabinogi or STO has implemented. They are using a similar system to the Turbine model, which is not unexpected considering Turbine's profits since they implemented it. In that system, Guild related purchases are not tied into the cash shop.


Please go and troll somewhere else... preferably the Mabinogi forums, seeing as you like that game so much!

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I suspect at a very expensive level we will see Revans outfit. A full set of orange gear that allows you to look like Revan and this will be bought by a lot of people making bioware some money. Then everyone will look alike (or at least or Sith Warriors) but at the same time very little else will be appealing from the fluff shop. Once you have your look and plenty of options in game on top its unlikely people will feel the need to buy every new uniform that is offered.


Is it a shame yes, and for very little long term revenue unless Bioware can keep coming up with flying mounts and the like that people are willing to pay for.

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