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Will the perks for subs be enough to keep you from switching to F2P?


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How many people are going to stop paying subs? How many people are going to keep their subs?


This is about individuals' why & why-nots for keeping or dropping their subs in Fall, NOT about the merits of F2P vs subs as a business model.

Edited by NatusPerEnsem
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How many people are going to stop paying subs? How many people are going to keep their subs?


This is about individuals' why & why-nots for keeping or dropping their subs in Fall, NOT about the merits of F2P vs subs as a business model.


Until I know all the perks and restrictions I will continue paying. They have only given us a limited idea of what is going to happen .

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Well, at the moment 'Freebies' cannot send/receive mail or trade. I would not be going to F2P if that is the choice. I would need to see a COMPREHENSIVE listing (not the vague one they currently have) before I decide that.


I mainly came back after quitting after 2 months of release because some of my friends are playing free accounts (I just moved my paid toons to Doogans Pleasure Barge) to play with them (and if I find I cant play with them then it will definitely be cancelled again)

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It's too early to say, but I suspect I'd rather keep the subscription up than be nickel-and-dimed into paying for every little thing via the freemium model. Have to wait and see.


Level 50 Space missions FTW. And yes, I'm well aware that I'm probably the only person who thinks so :)

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All I'm playing atm is alts anyway. The commendation grind got old fast. As long as the inconveniences aren't too outrageous I'll stop the sub and just finish out the story line on my last 4 alts...


If they end up going with crazy restrictions like no mail, deactivate my non-human toons, or remove the legacy perks then I guess I'd pay until I finish the game with those last 4 classes before I uninstall.


I'll go to youtube to see how the new (last) ops finishes the dread masters storyline from denova... assuming there's anyone left to post such a video.

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Until I know all the perks and restrictions I will continue paying. They have only given us a limited idea of what is going to happen.


That is reason. I'm in the same boat; not enough information for me to make a determination.


- Arcada

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15 bucks a month is just not that much for me to worry about. I'll continue to pay the sub as it's way cheaper than going out to the bar :)


Exactly, and you can bring the bar to your SW:ToR.


- Arcada

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Well until there is 'really' a comprehensive list, I can't pretend to know just exactly F2P will have access to entirely, rather than just some bullet points they made so far. I am not suggesting Bioware are being cagey about this, but they are not really up front with any details of what's happening either.


I would never choose F2P, I would continue to pay for time I want to play for. I would like access to everything, not limited access there will be on F2P. Either way, it would be continue to pay to play. If I do continue to play, it really depends on just how much access and what is available to F2P when it launches and in the future after that, which will make me decide whether to continue playing at all, switch, or just take a break.

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i might just quit playing altogether if they make a F2P option. I can only forsee that to be the beginning of the degradation of the already poor service.


I had such high hopes for this game. Shouldve known better than to spend money on an EA title.


Oh yes and i havent been able to log in for 3 days now. How is not paying for this going to improve things?!

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Not enough information, but as of now i will quit.

I was going to cancel my sub as is, but having been billed for the month i let it roll to see if more information is released.


Not looking good though. Guild Wars 2 is rapidly approaching, and if i can get everything im enjoying here with that free to play model, then i would have no reason to keep this one. I would most likely do as mentioned by someone else.

Go to free sub and just finish the story out on my alts. Stop playing much beyond that altogether except perhaps to RP.

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The way I see it, we've got a little while still before we learn more about what the perks are going to be. As for myself, I just purchased 3 months pretty much a day or two before any talk of F2P, so I'll have to let that run out before I can decide for sure.


All in all though, unless the deal is terrible, I most likely will continue to sub.

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What perks? All they have said is that subs will get some amount of "Cartel Coins" and we will have access to OPS (all 3 of them, only 2 of which have NM mode).


First problem with this: what, exactly, is a cartel coin?

1)What is this worth in real world money (ie how much will it cost for a F2P?)

2)What can I buy with it? (the answer: "nihilus' lost mask" and other fun items TM" is not acceptable)


Second problem: How many FP and/or WZ does "limited number" imply?

1)if 3-5, what is the point? Just say Flashpoints and Warzones cost money.

2)if 10+ for flashpoints, so what? that is a lot of repetitive junk.

3) Also, is this limited number a)per day b)per week or c)per some predetermined amount of time that makes no

sense to anyone but devs?


If BW would just be upfront and tell us what this junk means I think more people would be inclined to stick around without being worried that they are simply throwing money onto the funeral pyre of SWTOR. Personally, I wish they would stop jerking us around and give some real info. There is no way that they would make an announcement this important if they didn't have a pretty good idea what they were going to do.

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I think I may go F2P as I don't really do the multiplayer (every time I try a warzone I get hate tells for wearing greens..whatever that means).


If they offered me 12 chars on a couple of servers they may well keep my £8.99 a month. I like the idea of legacy and can't really do it all with 8 chars. If they don't offer 12 I'd be quite happy completing story lines with human chars and deleteting (already deleted my first 50 as nothing for me after 50 and need the slot to run a new story).

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What perks? All they have said is that subs will get some amount of "Cartel Coins" and we will have access to OPS (all 3 of them, only 2 of which have NM mode).


First problem with this: what, exactly, is a cartel coin?

1)What is this worth in real world money (ie how much will it cost for a F2P?)

2)What can I buy with it? (the answer: "nihilus' lost mask" and other fun items TM" is not acceptable)


Second problem: How many FP and/or WZ does "limited number" imply?

1)if 3-5, what is the point? Just say Flashpoints and Warzones cost money.

2)if 10+ for flashpoints, so what? that is a lot of repetitive junk.

3) Also, is this limited number a)per day b)per week or c)per some predetermined amount of time that makes no

sense to anyone but devs?


If BW would just be upfront and tell us what this junk means I think more people would be inclined to stick around without being worried that they are simply throwing money onto the funeral pyre of SWTOR. Personally, I wish they would stop jerking us around and give some real info. There is no way that they would make an announcement this important if they didn't have a pretty good idea what they were going to do.


I maybe wrong and you have a pesimistic outlook while I have an optimistic one.

Ok most of this is speculation but this is the way I understand it:


Character creation will be limited in some way, probably 2-4 character slots only, and probably not all the races.

Leveling is gimped, you can't use Quick travel or Fleet pass, or speeder rank 2,3. This is the only playable part though.

Flashpoints I assume are limited to normal modes, and maybe only tier ones, and only 1 or 2 per day.... (so nothing to do at 50 besides BoI, FE)

Warzones, probably only normal with Ranked warzones becoming the subbed players only way to play, and only 3-5 per day..... (if they don't limit people to under 50 bracket outright)

NO OPERATIONS at all, but if you never went many times I guess that is fine.

No player trading, under 500k credit limit, 3-5 GTN listing, no non party chat.


So in other words you can SLOWLY level all 8 classes to 50 for free.

But AT 50 there is absolutely nothing you can do.... NOTHING.....

OH and if you ever did anything from the P2P category and then went F2P it gets locked and grayed out, but still takes up space.

EG. Columi+ gear, Warhero+ gear, 100%+ mounts, Legacy maybe..... Pretty much everything


So I prefer to think of it as, Free trial to 50.

And those of us who actually want to play will get a store full of vanity stuff.

AND those of us who have already been playing will probably get 50-100% of that stores vanity stuff FOR FREE when it comes out :-)


PS. imo the cartel coin allowance should be eqivallent to about 5-10 euro of real cash.

Edited by AruthaWolf
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Going from P2P to the F2P model is no option for me.

If I change the modality it will be from P2P to unsubscribed.


If I still want to experience the class story lines, I still can do that on a distinct F2P account, but I definitely will not downgrade my Preorder Collectors Edition Account.

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Probably not given the fact that MoP will be released and when it comes to my subscription it's the service and what's on the shelves that counts, not the idea of having an mmo in outer space. I will probably continue playing although I am a little concerned that the number of bots will skyrocket due to the lack of support and the option to create a new account at anytime.
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