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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Secret Space Project


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Is this still going on or has it been cancelled?


As of the 6/6 interview with Daniel Erickson, this project is still ongoing and still has a team dedicated to it. During that interview, he continued to state that this was something that was different from the current game in "revolutionary" ways and was "a completely different pixel space".


Post right above mine has a more recent plug for the project from July 24th. I think it's safe to say, this project isn't going away, and they feel it is going to be a primary driver to bring old and new players into the game.


I'm sure that BioWare is keeping things as quiet as possible so as not to tip their hand to the Project Titan crew, which will most likely be this game's primary content/genre competitor.

Edited by Kubernetic
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As of the 6/6 interview with Daniel Erickson, this project is still ongoing and still has a team dedicated to it. During that interview, he continued to state that this was something that was different from the current game in "revolutionary" ways and was "a completely different pixel space".


Post right above mine has a more recent plug for the project from July 24th. I think it's safe to say, this project isn't going away, and they feel it is going to be a primary driver to bring old and new players into the game.


I'm sure that BioWare is keeping things as quiet as possible so as not to tip their hand to the Project Titan crew, which will most likely be this game's primary content/genre competitor.


you know that since that interview he no longer works for BW right?


this isnt going to happen people, EA will not spend another penny on this game unless it has a hugh returen on the cash shop

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Again you avoid the truth.. Do you still think the 10 missions are the SSSP??? Yes or NO!


I think the 10 missions are all we'll see, yes. I think the SSSP is much less than you assume it to be and was most likely scaled back, along with the staff, or cut in favor of developing 'fluff' to sell.

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I love how people are citing an interview from the same guy who brought us such gems as:


"many people beating on one boss isn't heroic, our game is heroic"

"We still have the same number of subs, people just don't log in as much"

"we will be making super servers to hold all the people who are in our game"


and now...


"we have a super secret space project, but no, doubling the space content and adding new mechanics in all these new missions isn't it..."

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They said specifically in an interview that they were not the SSP.


I didn't see that interview. The SSP could be guild ships, which could just be a place to hang out without actually doing anything to improve the space content and still technically be called the SSP.


BW got extremely negative feedback on the railshooter from the time it was first revealed through beta, but didn't revamp it. Now that the game has lost more than half its' subs and had the dev team cut, I can't see them adding a bunch more railshooter missions while also totally revamping it.

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Guild capital ships are a feature that players have been crying out for since before the game was launched. With so many new features being added to the game this year, is this still on the "wall of crazy?”


Absolutely. It’s part of its own big, sparkly wall called "The Future of Space.”


Article is from last month.


WoW nice interview and again it shows that they do have plans for space.

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I keep telling everybody. Space is going to be the expansion. It's going to be a knock you back on your butt type of thing leave your mouth open and in awe of how epic it is. It will have free roam, space pvp, pve, missions in space, space stations, guild ships, capital ship battles, invasions all that stuff :) you just watch
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I keep telling everybody. Space is going to be the expansion. It's going to be a knock you back on your butt type of thing leave your mouth open and in awe of how epic it is. It will have free roam, space pvp, pve, missions in space, space stations, guild ships, capital ship battles, invasions all that stuff :) you just watch



You're going to have one massive rant post when you realise this isn't going to happen either. :(


Seriously don't build your hopes up.

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Guild capital ships are a feature that players have been crying out for since before the game was launched. With so many new features being added to the game this year, is this still on the "wall of crazy?”


Absolutely. It’s part of its own big, sparkly wall called "The Future of Space.”


Article is from last month.



They've been saying all that since last December, they can keep saying it till the next millennium, it doesn't mean that anything is actually being done. :(

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If it isn't a multiplayer version of X-Wing vs Tie Fighter, then it will fail. PvP, PvE and missions.


Space exploration, asteroid mining, etc are also important.


I doubt they have the foresight to do that though. I expect more of the same, which is all very lame, I will not be renewing my sub.


I won't be playing F2P btw, I don't play now and I still have sub time left. A decent space game is the only thing that could bring me back, and I would gladly pay a sub for it.

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I didn't see that interview. The SSP could be guild ships, which could just be a place to hang out without actually doing anything to improve the space content and still technically be called the SSP.


BW got extremely negative feedback on the railshooter from the time it was first revealed through beta, but didn't revamp it. Now that the game has lost more than half its' subs and had the dev team cut, I can't see them adding a bunch more railshooter missions while also totally revamping it.


they could always keep the failshooter as a mini game and add the 3D free roam space, not saying they will but if thay had any brains what so ever they would.

Edited by GooseGrims
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You're going to have one massive rant post when you realise this isn't going to happen either. :(


Seriously don't build your hopes up.


I am sure plenty of people have told them that this game needs some larger space kind of area with missions and fights and hopefully exploring than the current rail variation. Plenty of people have reminded them that jump to lightspeed was one of the more popular parts of swg.


If they still dont want to release something that resembles free flying in space, they must have calculated that making such expansion is too expensive and on the other hand they make enough money even without it.

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I am sure plenty of people have told them that this game needs some larger space kind of area with missions and fights and hopefully exploring than the current rail variation. Plenty of people have reminded them that jump to lightspeed was one of the more popular parts of swg.


If they still dont want to release something that resembles free flying in space, they must have calculated that making such expansion is too expensive and on the other hand they make enough money even without it.




People have been telling them (repeatedly) since Beta.


They had a poll about what players wanted to see and 3D space was the run away winner.


Unfortunately none of that means it's coming for SWTOR. :(

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you know that since that interview he no longer works for BW right?


this isnt going to happen people, EA will not spend another penny on this game unless it has a hugh returen on the cash shop


As of July 24th, he was still with the company. Where did it ever say he was let go? I must have missed that.


And then explain how him being let go means anything that he said prior to that is now no longer functional or applicable. Thanks!

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As of July 24th, he was still with the company. Where did it ever say he was let go? I must have missed that.


And then explain how him being let go means anything that he said prior to that is now no longer functional or applicable. Thanks!




The problem is all he actually said was that there was a "space wall" somewhere at Bioware.

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If it isn't a multiplayer version of X-Wing vs Tie Fighter, then it will fail. PvP, PvE and missions.


Space exploration, asteroid mining, etc are also important.


I doubt they have the foresight to do that though. I expect more of the same, which is all very lame, I will not be renewing my sub.


I won't be playing F2P btw, I don't play now and I still have sub time left. A decent space game is the only thing that could bring me back, and I would gladly pay a sub for it.


Agreed and SINGED

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If it isn't a multiplayer version of X-Wing vs Tie Fighter, then it will fail. PvP, PvE and missions.


Space exploration, asteroid mining, etc are also important.


I doubt they have the foresight to do that though. I expect more of the same, which is all very lame, I will not be renewing my sub.


I won't be playing F2P btw, I don't play now and I still have sub time left. A decent space game is the only thing that could bring me back, and I would gladly pay a sub for it.


Yeah, we need something like that. Also space is such a great opportunity to expand upon the otherwise static ground game game with some player driven content.


What I would love (and pay for):

- Freeform space fighting and exploration

- Space resources like asteroid materials, comet ice, exotic matter etc

- Colonization of asteroids and player space stations

- Keeping and managing a colony grants resource and/or cash income, other currency could also work

- Colonies will get invaded by NPCs (PvE) or players (PvP), with PvP giving much more profit than PvE

- Extensive variation and customization of space ships, a new branch of crafting


That's just the things I can come up with now

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