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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free-to-Play Q&A Thread

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This looks incredibly similar to the initial LOTRO F2P model (which was so successful for them).


Are you also aiming to make Cartel coin content only a way to obtain stuff available in game to subscribers, plus fluff / ease of use stuff (as LOTRO launched F2P promising), or are you planning to add stuff not available reasonably in game (LOTRO added stuff that was vanishingly rare or could be bought, losing lots of support, then started releasing more powerful store only stuff, and lost more) ?


Not working for Turbine I have no way to know whether this divisive use of the store made them lots of money or cost them players. Maybe it was necessary to profit.


If you're going to cover the interface with shop links as they did, any chance you could keep subscriber accounts clear of most of them (or at least offer an option to do so) ? That was also rather offputting to many players when F2P happened.

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Are future content items such as new companions and new playable races going to be automatically given to subscribers or are these items things that we'll have to buy with these cartel coins?


If we have to buy them with cartel coins, is the monthly allowance given to subscribers going to cover it?


I'm fine with a f2p option as long as my subscription is still worthwhile and I don't have to pay extra for content (including new companions).

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Why are you restricting warzone content for F2P users? F2P users currently have unlimited access to pve content 1-50 why would you restrict warzones played per week if people prefer leveling through pvp?


Is the restriction apply per character or per account?


How many warzones are allowed?


Does it apply to both under 50 and level 50 brackets? Ranked and unranked both?


If you just want to keep F2P players from progressing fast then limit the amount of comms they can earn or something but totally limiting PVP is going to seriously kill the chances of the PVP community staying steady or growing at all once F2P goes into effect.

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I notice that in the upcoming features you did not mention Cathars as a playable species, or same sex romance. Does this mean these planned features have been cut? Or is there some other reason they have not been discussed lately?
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I was very sad to hear the news about SWTOR going F2P. :( It's a tense time for loyal fans who find themselves feeling marginalized and frankly ignored--I've personally been fighting against F2P since 2008. With that said, it would go a long way if Bioware decided to do something to make the current subbers who don't want F2P feel reassured.


In the context of the above, I'd like to ask: Are there any talks about making subscriber only servers?


Edit: More importantly, I'd like to inquire about the nature of in game purchasable items. Many (including myself) are against items that can be bought in the store to gain statistical advantages. Will these items be offered?

Edited by ShallowBay
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Critical questions that should be asked by all current subscribers:


Q1. Are you now prepared to commit to a road map/timetable of when subscribers might actually see some new content as previewed on the site? In other words, we have been waiting (and paying) based on promises that haven't been delivered, are you going to make good on those promises before or after F2P?


Q2. What steps are you taking to fix the current game issues before F2P launches? For example I imagine a defensive cool down that can only be bought by Sorc/Sage would be a gold mine for a cash shop (as would some burst damage for Sorc/Merc and possibly even Operative DPS). Just because the game is available for free still means it has to be good - so what do you plan to do about current game issues including (but not limited to) PVP balance?


A general question that applies to a fair number of subscribers including myself:


Q3. Why aren't digital deluxe purchasers getting any additional Cartel coin/benefit? This seems petty and unfair to those of us who spent the additional money on the deluxe version.

Edited by Ntranced
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Will there be a lifetime subscription option to remain on a premium account forever with one payment?


Thought I said something to this once somewhere.


I hope not.

If so, then Cartel Coins should come to a stop (and I'm sure a few other things).

There is no reason you should benefit as a "paying subscriber" if you only pay once then stop. $90 is 6 months for me. If you pay $150 for a lifetime, and play longer than a year, why should you be treated as supporting the game as much as an actual sub?

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Q1: How do you think this will affect the economy? With a lot of players having their usable credits limited - there won't be too many buyers for "money makers" ( in my opinion ofc ) :) . Why did you decide to limit the credits a character can have under f2p? How is this of any benefit to the game ?


Q2: Personally I'd still log under a f2p model - to check out the story lines I haven't yet, to do a flashpoint or a wz with a friend checking out the game, BUT according to your Q&A section I will NOT have access to all of my existing characters, all of my credits, storage etc. Considering I, as many more, have been playing since day 1, and have all my char slots filled ( 4x50s ) - do you really think this is the best way to handle existing accounts ?


Q3: According to: this, we will need to choose which ITEMS to keep if we decide to switch to a f2p account. Would you please clarify that.

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What do I gain as a Digital Deluxe buyer??? Nothing?? What about my monthly subscription? I swear, if F2P players can buy weapoons-gear to make em equal to me (a paying subcriber) in any form of contest, be it PVP or OPs, thats gonna be the last day u can consider me a subscriber. You can keep your F2P base, BW-EA m done with your ignorance towards the real fanbase.:mad:
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Will items that have stats or otherwise affect gameplay ever be in a cash shop? Will there ever be content packs or similar things in the cash shop that I cannot gain simply by having my subscription? If you say no to either or both and it changes later to where these P2W items are in the shop, will you refund 100% of the money I paid in subscriptions post-F2P? Edited by JefferyClark
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Can't find the article that showed how much more money F2P games + cash shop make over P2P subs games, basically exploiting ppl addiction to the game.


So my worries are:

- How will you handle the server lag with all this new players coming? servers already barely hold and WZs lag like crazy as we are now.


- Cash shop? what do you consider "not-game breaking"? I'm cool with cash shops as long as all you sell are vanity items, or exp/drops buffs, speeders similar to those in-game, whatever.

The moment I see p2w items i'm gone (paying a sub or no) don't want to even see items like 200% speeder with no chance to dismount, costumes/clothing with +XX to all attributes, + expertice items, HP or atk speed/power buffs/scrolls, etc......been there before, is not fun.


- In game economy, you let ppl trade items from the cash shop or be BoP? what happens to gather and sell in the GTN if you sell crafting mats in the cash shop?....again seen it before, again not fun.


- Game updates, again...personal expertise, after a couple months devs/managers get a big $ in their eyes and realise that adding more cash shop items/offers generates more incomes than releasing new content or fixing bugs, exploits, chasing hackers (who also sometime don't get banned 'cause they spend lots of USD at the cash shop)


The big issue, it's that I've seen all this before, cash shop starts with vanity items only and sooner or later they start to sell p2w items forcing both subs and F2P guys to use $$$ to be able to compite at top end pvp/e.

That's why I stopped playing F2P games and started playing P2P ones, I can name you 10 f2p mmos where you need to spend USD 50+ just to be able to compite.

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The 10 space missions that have had info released on, are they the hidden space project becuase i really wanted a full 3d space game that was on par with the ground game and if we still have a big space update coming will that be included in the subscription model. Edited by Shingara
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I have some questions here.


1. Under the free to play model how many characters will we able to have?

2. How much inventory slots will we be able to have?

3. Will we have access to our cargo bay?

4. Will Free to play players be able to join guilds?

5. Will we be able to buy more character slots?

6. Will Free to play players be able to contribute to their legacy?

7. If the inventory slots and cargo bay slots are limited under the free to play model, will free to play players be able to unlock it by buying it with cartel coins and will it be unlocked.

8. Will there be paid character transfers when free to play comes out?

Edited by Mdgshorty
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If a player for some reason got a free month of game time, will that month still count as a paid month when figuring out how many Cartel Coins we get?


Edit: Will the freeplay option restrict how many characters you can have, or will the subscription expand on the current slots?

Edited by CainCypherus
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Sad Sad day Bioguys. Many people, myself included have been following this game for four plus years. Having the game go F2P, if done right may be good but I am not optimistic. I hope you prove me wrong. Perhaps it will be good for the game like what happened to Lotro. But if this game becomes Pay-2-Win...This jedi is done, hanging up the saber and the robes (well the robes werent the best to look at anyway).


What are your plans to combat server lag? It is already bad now...imagine the servers full of greifers, or f2p folks trying the game out and having to reboot every thirty minutes or less or its...wait it is already free. I will have to do alot more reading in the next few days to read the reviews and make a informed desicion. I forked out some big bucks in the belief it would stay a subcriber based game. Really disapointed EA. What happened to " Swtor is a profitable game with 500,000 subscribers?? Anyone? I guess 15,000,000 (minus operating costs and investor dividens) isnt enough. Really hope it doesnt backfire on you. I really love this game.. Because I really love Star Wars...loved. Sad sad day...

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Right now, we can use in-game currency both through normal (original) inventory/bank tabs and we can use in-game currency to give us more travel perks. Will all of these perks and upgrades be taken away if we become a free player?
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Is there any posibility that we will seea part of new content before F2P goes live?

Lots of people had cleared all operations and flashpoint and dont want to wait 3 months to see something new in the game.

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