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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Announcing a Free-to-Play Option


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over a hundreds pages and absolutely zero responses from a dev or community manager.... I win my bet... thanks so showing us you absolutely do not care. There is an obvious majority of posts in this thread blasting the F2P idea and they simple ignore us. figures.
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Great, Swtor is going to suffer the same annoynces as the Battleon games and POTCO: Useful stuff you need to

pay actual money with, and limited (Basic) access.


If the battleon games are the ones im thinking of, comparing them to tor is laughable.

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and as for the tag line, SWTOR is expanding... not its not that is a bold face lie... the number of player have been jumping ship since the game launched. so no the game is not expanding is shrinking and they are trying to do anything to save it. I hate being lied to!!!!!
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The way I see it is, that these cartel coins are basically how other games use a rewards system for free to play. Plenty of other games have gone free to play, and they wouldn't be doing this if the game wasn't in some trouble. So it is a slight change, and it may effect the quality a little, but it is to save the game that we quite obvious all enjoy to play or we wouldn't be paying monthly for it. Comparing SWTOR to LOTRO, when LOTRO went free to play it virtually saved the game and LOTRO is currently doing very well. I think free to play is going to really help SWTOR. For all you people doubting that, all you are doing is hearing rumors and believing story's over the fact's.
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The way I see it is, that these cartel coins are basically how other games use a rewards system for free to play. Plenty of other games have gone free to play, and they wouldn't be doing this if the game wasn't in some trouble. So it is a slight change, and it may effect the quality a little, but it is to save the game that we quite obvious all enjoy to play or we wouldn't be paying monthly for it. Comparing SWTOR to LOTRO, when LOTRO went free to play it virtually saved the game and LOTRO is currently doing very well. I think free to play is going to really help SWTOR. For all you people doubting that, all you are doing is hearing rumors and believing story's over the fact's.


this is a very level headed rebuttal. especially the portion in bold. i think, however, that subbers still have the right to be upset about that "little effect on quality" because the product they have already paid for has not delivered the promises and expectations that have already been paid for. the game-as-it-is does not, in it's current state, even live up to launch promises, so we have been paying for half a year to play less than we paid for, only to beta test a product so that people can come and play it for free.


that's what i'm most ticked about, regarding F2P. Other than that, I am okay with F2P because I do not want to continue paying a subscription fee for static content. It is similar to subscribing to National Geographic and getting the same issue for 3 months in a row. And I don't mean quartly issues, I mean the same issue for three months before a new one comes out and all that has changed is the cover photo, advertisements, and "letter from the editor."


wouldn't you cancel your sub too? as an informed consumer, isn't that your responsibility?

Edited by nakoda
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Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? Right!!!


1) The poor gamers which will now be more accommodated by the dev.'s than the paying folks. IE [poor gamer speaking] swtor needs to lower the gfx so I can play on my 15 yr old computer.


2) I'm gonna make 10k $$$ scamming little kids out of their loots/tokens. And laugh while I put the whole thing on youtube.


3) And worst of all are the; "Please, can I have a few gold? So I can go....." That will be spammed continuously over the chat channel.


No thank you! FTP gamers are the red headed step children of the MMO community.

SWTOR has been another prime example of game dev.s caring more about the shareholders than the gamers.

And the sheeple gamers believing everything they read on the forums / gamebreaker tv.

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No thank you! FTP gamers are the red headed step children of the MMO community.

SWTOR has been another prime example of game dev.s caring more about the shareholders than the gamers.

And the sheeple gamers believing everything they read on the forums / gamebreaker tv.


i do want to say, in BW's defense, that it is EA who pulls the strings whilst catering to teh focus groups and shareholders. BW, for better or worse, are simply doing their jobs by doing what they are told to do by the powers-that-be.


that in itself is a whole 'nother can of worms, however ...

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I think its a sign that subscription MMO's are dieing.

Its a sign that mmo players will never be pleased, It's impossable to meet mmo players expectations.

If you create an subscription mmo in 2013 you will fail.


GW1's 2004 model, buy your core game play for free online...Create a new stand alone game with same model with same core design.the fans will buy the next game (not expansion but a stand alone game (with new classes) that you can travel with between both games with the core game charactors if you choose or with a new class you made in the next installment)


Or the new model swtor is trying a subscription model for those that absolutely must have everything.

Or the player hits level 50 and chooses to subscribe because they really like it and want the full experience.

Those of us who purchased the game at launch who dont need everything....and are commited to other games in their library, the free to play is fine by me.Then I will play when i FEEL like it, not because I'm subscribed.


I think people are tired of paying subscriptions , expect far too much when the pay a subscription to the extent that its too costly to try and please all the nutcases that expect far too much for their money.

WoW will feel this soon, people will finaly say,Sorry you cannot create enough content fast enough and perfect enough according to my personal expectations.

It is the gamer who has created an impossable task for game developers,they cannot keep up with all those chirping beaks sqwAuking and sqWuaking SqWauking like baby birds in a nest that will never have their appetite nuetralized.

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I think its a sign that subscription MMO's are dieing.

Its a sign that mmo players will never be pleased, It's impossable to meet mmo players expectations.

If you create an subscription mmo in 2013 you will fail.


GW1's 2004 model, buy your core game play for free online...Create a new stand alone game with same model with same core design.the fans will buy the next game (not expansion but a stand alone game (with new classes) that you can travel with between both games with the core game charactors if you choose or with a new class you made in the next installment)


Or the new model swtor is trying a subscription model for those that absolutely must have everything.

Or the player hits level 50 and chooses to subscribe because they really like it and want the full experience.

Those of us who purchased the game at launch who dont need everything....and are commited to other games in their library, the free to play is fine by me.Then I will play when i FEEL like it, not because I'm subscribed.


I think people are tired of paying subscriptions , expect far too much when the pay a subscription to the extent that its too costly to try and please all the nutcases that expect far too much for their money.

WoW will feel this soon, people will finaly say,Sorry you cannot create enough content fast enough and perfect enough according to my personal expectations.

It is the gamer who has created an impossable task for game developers,they cannot keep up with all those chirping beaks sqwAuking and sqWuaking SqWauking like baby birds in a nest that will never have their appetite nuetralized.


i would counter that it is teh development community who has bought into the attitude that "no gamer will ever be truly satisfied" that has gradually distanced gamers and teh developers within these kinds of communities.


people have always complained, that is internet/human nature, but in the past people were directly involved with their developers through the community forums and people felt, even if they didn't get their way, that their input mattered. I point you to FunCom's *excellent* customer service and community initiatives behind Anarchy Online as an example. FunCom released one of the worst MMOs, then listened to the community, worked with them, and turned the game around (WITH a subscription model) to become one of the most enjoyable and engrossing MMO experiences to date.


people don't feel that way any more.

Edited by nakoda
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Hey! I have a great Idea. Lets make everything free to play. I know, we can start with what ever company YOU work for. Let us all know how that worked out will you!!!!


start by asking the creators of guildwars 1,they seemed to have remained intact 8 years later to create guildwars 2

buy core game, play for free.

Just an example that it has been done.

Same with alot of co-op or multiuplayer games.

Buy game play online or if multiplayer shooter,buy game shoot people online for free.

Why should mmos be different than other genres.

Might end up with more players and more core game sales.

Edited by CygnusMX
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Enter the Pecking Order...


1) Your unfortunately less well off than the other players, so you play normal content but miss out on what other people can afford.


2) You've got a bit of dosh to throw around every now and then... Maybe buy this, maybe buy that and enjoy a few perks.


3) You've got a job, a steady monthly income and you can afford the whole game, so you get to see what other players don't.






Uh... so everyone should be able to play this game for free?... get everything for free?...and have access to all content for free?... so, who's paying for the upkeep of the game at this point? the servers? the employees? the incentive to keep coming out with new material?


Sorry, I don't get it-

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I warned of this the moment there was a hint of F2P and i was shot down by a protest that it was only free trial haha

i was right after all.


Initially what seems now to be a definite separation between subscribers getting all and F2P player being limited etc, however like many games before, as the F2P experiment gains popularity that line will quickly get thinner due to major expansion into micro transactions and loss of subs to F2P and BW resorting to easing off restrictions.


Not to mention there will come a time where even subscribers are going to have to pay more than their sub in order to have everything and be competitive with each other.


Those who defend BW due to being self proclaimed SW fans, that's what BW have put all their chips on that you will blindly follow them into the abyss with this project all in the name of George Lucas and the SW's Universe. Eventually even you people will realize turning something into a turd with SW's branding on it aint going to cut the buck, but if not well that's your choice no one can make it for you.

Edited by shegoy
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i think they should seperate the servers, allow those of us who want to play subscription get to choose between a f2p server and a subscription server while f2p players are obviously on f2p servers, that way subscribers don't have to put up with the idiots that join f2p games and ruin it for the rest of us.
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Uh... so everyone should be able to play this game for free?... get everything for free?...and have access to all content for free?... so, who's paying for the upkeep of the game at this point? the servers? the employees? the incentive to keep coming out with new material?


Sorry, I don't get it-


might wanna check this http://www.swtor.com/free/features



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• Why not level 49 or 45. Why let a person that doesn't pay for the game complete the story for free. That truly seems like a huge oversight on the management's part.


• Why let them have a class 3 speeder? Why not limit them to class 1 or 2?


• How about not letting them wear Artifact grade gear


These perceptive comments came from:


1. A person who bought the game new

2. Renewed their subscription around level 40 for first character

3. One who currently is finding 'Very Heavy' PVE servers to not be as fun as when they were 'Light' to 'Heavy'



Thank you

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Main reason why I dont think that F2P model is better than P2P is :


With enough subs, a P2P structure is a more stable and consistent way of getting revenue. How much money you can make with F2P varies wildly. F2P games probably don't plan too far down the line since they never know when their money will bottom-out and the company goes under.

Devs of P2P games can plan for patches and content far in advance since even if subs drop, they won't drop at such a pace that they wouldn't have at least a few quarters to fix whatever is wrong.

Edited by Lunablade
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I hope this is the right place to ask these questions. My personal financial situation has changed thus preventing me from being a subscription member,


1) Has there been a month noted as the release for the F2P addition?


2) I'm confused at to what lvl F2P will be, is it 15 or 50?



Thank you.

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The majority of replies in this thread are ridiculously uninformed and filled with angsty rage. It's laughable.


Please before you complain about something, learn about it. There are a few official sources (what F2P players will have access to, etc., http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/6449 ). Opinionated arguments based on wild speculation will just make people think you are an idiot.


Asking for Dev input on incorrect things you state as fact is not the way to get a response. And saying that they developers have no community involvement is just silly. The Community Q&As are great and miles above many other companies. Every week I read something that makes me believe the communities concerns are being heard. You just have to remember that not every harebrained idea is going to be implemented just because you think it should.


Complaining about free players being able to level to 50 and not some lower number will be of little consequence later this year when level caps are set to increase.


Saying X happened in Y game when it went F2P has no bearing here when its not even the same type or scale of game.


100+ pages of mostly garbage makes my head hurt. Personally I'm excited about F2P prospect because it means that some of my friends that have stopped playing will come back (at least for a while) to see what's changed.

Edited by Jnight
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1) Has there been a month noted as the release for the F2P addition?


To the best of my knowledge F2P will happen in November, but I don't have any official source on it.


2) I'm confused at to what lvl F2P will be, is it 15 or 50?


F2P will be all the way up to level 50, the trial which is out right now is only to level 15.



There's certainly a lot of wild speculation and assumptions going on in here, not that there is a whole lot of information to go on at the moment.


Something I don't get, what's the big deal about F2P being able to get to level 50? Personally if they limited how far I could progress in the story would make me not to want to even bother, it would be like watching a movie and then halfway though having to spend more money to see the end of it.


Another thing I just don't get is some peoples attitude toward the freebie's, like their some sort of blight on the game. The big 'fear' is what, that some will be asinine in general chat? Not sure how to break it to ya, but there already are asinine people in general chat, in this thread too for that matter.


The simple fact of the matter is that this game IS going F2P, nothing anyone says here will stop that.

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Uh... so everyone should be able to play this game for free?... get everything for free?...and have access to all content for free?... so, who's paying for the upkeep of the game at this point? the servers? the employees? the incentive to keep coming out with new material?


I wasn't saying go free, I was simply stating that it should stay as it is. Everyone pays the same, everyone gets the same experience.


The problem is with MMOs like this is that they need regular upkeep, constant updates to keep the game alive. What I don't understand is the reason to change things. Are they honestly not earning enough money? Millions of people that paid £40+ per game then additional subs each month. Surely the upkeep is paying itself tenfold...

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