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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Announcing a Free-to-Play Option


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First part is true.

The second part is not. We pay for the ticket to enter the theme park they created and they own. How to improve entertainment is their sole discretion. You like it? Then you buy a monthly ticket, you are allowed to enter the grounds and help yourself with fun. You dont like it? Then go away and have your fun elsewhere. SWTOR is their real business. Gamers are NOT investors. Sub is only small compensation of their huge expenses to create the business. Customers feedback is important, so long as it is positive and friendly.


Themeparks cant be maintained without people paying to enter the gates so while you choose to argue that we dont pay to keep the game maintained, im pretty sure we wouldnt have a SWTOR at all without the income thay recieve from us.

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Themeparks cant be maintained without people paying to enter the gates so while you choose to argue that we dont pay to keep the game maintained, im pretty sure we wouldnt have a SWTOR at all without the income thay recieve from us.



maintenance is only relatively small fraction of their expenses, that's what I meant. And yes, every business is about meeting customer needs. No customers - no business. Thats why they want to improve their business and decided to add new group of customers.

Edited by RiverRaid
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The problem with this is players already on the server that go F2P and old players coming back with characters on those servers. Where do they go? Not to mention if their friends are subscribers but can't play with them from time to time because they are locked out of each others server. The sub isn't going to leave his guild to go to another server to his friends, where supposedly all the trolls will be... Just saying

Might be better just to let it all even out and maybe mark F2P with a different color and/or log them into different ques for match making in WZ, FP and OP


I feel that would be beneficial though. It would also give another incentive to have a subscription. I have a guild, and I have characters on other servers for one reason: to play with my friends that aren't on my server. I don't want my server crowded up with tons of free players. My server is pretty packed as it is. And that's simply the problem. The most popular servers should be barred at least to keep them from over packing, and making it miserable to play.


At the very least there should be two layers within a server that allow some sort of separation. If people want to go and play with their friends on that server, then they (the Subscription players) can go into the Free-to-Play layer (but the Free-to-Play players should not have an option to go into the other layer.). That way they can keep their guild and play without free-players if they want, but also be able to go into the Free-to-Play layer if they want. Like a server within a server.

Edited by CandarOrdo
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I don't understand why people are complaining about this being F2P now. They say it will ruin it. No it won't. It is literally the same game that we have all been paying for for the last 7 months, except now, you can choose to get a little less of the game, but you don't have to pay. I don't see anything wrong with that. In fact, for some people, it's probably great because they don't have a way to pay the sub fee, and it allows people who have yet to enjoy it into this awesome game world that has been created by a very talented group of developers for the first time. So what if you don't think that the sub fee gets you anything worth the money. DON'T PAY. It will be F2P soon enough, and if you are truly a fan of the game as it is, then just jump back in when F2P goes live.
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I am not sure if this has been answered. But will the free player be able to join guilds, if so will they be able to go on raids with the guild or will they be blocked? How will we be able to tell if someone is free and who paid Edited by Dellgar
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The problem of SWTOR is not the price. For a good MMORPG, I'm always willing to pay € 12-15 per month, but SW: TOR is not such a good MMORPG.


One time the story is enjoyable, but not more. The operations does not appeal to me, PvP in this game makes little fun, it lacks in the game on community-forming posiibilitys like a good crafting and trading system, player cities, etc.


Even to play through a second class I lack the motivation because I have absolutely no desire to make the whole planet quests again. It's just a single player game with some multiplayer features.


The new payment model change not one real problem of SW:TOR. The hopes that SW: TOR has been raised before the release, was very disappointed.


Too bad that SWG has been switched off, it had few quests, no voice but motivation for many years. You should have not only copy from WOW, but from SWG to :(


(Sorry for my bad englisch, google translator is not perfect ;) )

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I am not sure if this has been answered. But will the free player be able to join guilds, if so will they be able to go on raids with the guild or will they be blocked? How will we be able to tell if someone is free and who paid


It has been answered. FTP players cannot do Operations. Which is the raids in TOR.

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OK so this goes into effect in the fall, let's say October. That's 10 months of subs for me $150. I'll get 1,500 cartel coins. Will this allow me to play high end content and PvP for free using my amassed coins?


I'm not willing to pay $15 for half my current content either. I'm going to feel like I'm paying for the F2P people to play. I'll switch to F2P day one. I keep my coins right?


PS. Tuesday night sucked BW.....reboot your servers more often! Entire server was complaining about lag. Did you fire the guy that's in charge of reboots each week?

Edited by mSum
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I also was not excited about this game model. Just because I thought the day that they would adopt this method would be to pay to win. But I love the game and all I can do is hope that the game continues in a good way. What good can come out of this is that I can call my friends to play SWTOR and get them out of the damn WoW. So they can test the game to see if they like, and finally, choose whether to stay or not.


Please Bio Ware never adopt the model P2W.


And I really think you should improve the system to avoid lags and let the servers more stable. Done that would be much better!

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I'd definitely suggest to read the following -




If anything, subscribers are getting at least 50% of the game. Plus future updates for "free" where F2P would presumably either have to pay, or not access it.


Percentage wise, they're probably getting a quarter of what subscribers pay for.


So shouldn't the subscription cost drop by 50%?


I really think they shouldn't do F2P and charge everyone $5 or even $7.50 a month. But in the end $15 will feel like too much when in the back of your mind you know all these idiots running around aren't paying a dime.

Edited by mSum
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I also was not excited about this game model. Just because I thought the day that they would adopt this method would be to pay to win. But I love the game and all I can do is hope that the game continues in a good way. What good can come out of this is that I can call my friends to play SWTOR and get them out of the damn WoW. So they can test the game to see if they like, and finally, choose whether to stay or not.


Please Bio Ware never adopt the model P2W.


And I really think you should improve the system to avoid lags and let the servers more stable. Done that would be much better!


Well if you can't raid, or get mail like I've heard talked about in this thread....then it will be pay to win. Free players won't be able to get the mats needed to augment gear, etc.

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Shows how much of an MMO this really is imo....oh how i wish they hadn't shut SWG down in favor of this...


While I think SWTOR is a fun game, I feel like it should have been called KoToR III, and had some "multiplayer elements" rather than a full-blown MMO.


I agree regarding SWG. Really happy there is an emulator.

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Well people can debate it all they want but F2P carries a lot of baggage that certain players don't like so you can say goodbye to about 1/3 of your players and hello to a lot of non committed kids who are going to do nothing but make trouble.
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Executive Producer Jeff Hickman addresses the fans about our Free-to-Play announcement:



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I agree as sorry as I am in the economy where most are staying home sure 15 bucks isn't much but when most Internet subscriptions are about that a month your paying dbl on service really.

To be all honest the other day talking to my CPU guru friend bout FX processors told him to come on join...he has most games BF3 the rips of course( said I was being honest) told him stop that crap get on swtor... Whats that

It's just the next game to take over where WOW failed to upgrade. "How much " ohh I have the e-download and game so here have the game(CPU guru's that are your friends should be treated as such they help u when ur crap ain't running right) what!!!! 15 dollars dude even I can't pay that with PC repair and a job.

SO I SAY THANK YOU BIOWARE U ROCK PLUS mass effect on 360 gets kinda hard when I have to think about which game causes me to shell out more money and u designed both....even if it's for a year from the date u will see a real change BIOWARE on the dedicated people. And again to be all honest ( sorry I'm from the Caribbean where 1 love is all we know) St croix USVI not to be mistaken for St. Thomas lame *** real world thank god they stayed there!!!

So back to topic lol yeah even after a year you'll have dedicated fans that may even pay for service once they get into the game cause it's really an awesome game still waiting on P7-1235 compatible GPU's to crossfire but right now high runs just fine with 8gb of memory gona shoot for 16gb but GPU is already using 4gb max. SORRY for being all over te place I'm really excited about this if you can't tell cause there are literally 30 people I know that would actually do this game. Plus even if you charged a one time fee it would still work and I thank you cause I actually went out and bought my PC because of this game where my gateway M-series 7818u just couldn't hang even with 4gb of RAM and in the neighbor hood for a used X-15 ifpossible to make things portable yeah I love this game sucks I did a 90 day deal starting in middle of July now what happens to those unused lets call them credits can I say use a month for a friends account as to get them started even with free 30 or 60 day trial forgot which one. that would be cool but probably get out of hand but more confusing....either way raise price on game if u ask me to straight 50-60 make it free and we have a winner.

P.S. Stop hating that I keep talking bout charging a small fee. The people who run this have to eat period and they have families to go home to even if no kids. let's be realistic and at least honorable about it.

Don't mean to being up another game lol ^^^^ but Orderandchaos is only 3 bucks and I also got that when I got this for my iPad. Sick game even more fun than WOW but anyways 3,6,12 months starting at 3 bucks is a steal when the game was free to DL the catch money is achieved along with experience points but the catch is u can also purchase money which to be honest at least 8 gold coins to start is best achieved and so on for perks and items so since u can purchase in game items it's a win win situation.

orderandchaos isn't the only game and I believe it's well over 100mb jus compressed cause there's roughly 8 different locations with at least 12 different towns( and being an OS background 1GB game is a really big experience in itself.

Either way thanks BIOWARE for this early END OF THE WORLD Xmas gift lol may the force be with us if not against us come the following year.


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This is Biowares fault thats why EA cleaned house and is running the show now! SO BW EVERYONE WILL FLOCK FOR CUTSCENES AND STORY HMMMMMMMMM screw this idc if i get banned or booted you promised a ton of stuff that you couldnt deliver thats what you get for giving to big of a leash to your writers and btw the raids were stupid short and retardedly easy.


And to all of you going wah wah wah oh my precise sweet SWG oh you were a jewel really do you really wanna go there both games are a steaming pile and SWG just happened to LIMP along.

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Executive Producer Jeff Hickman addresses the fans about our Free-to-Play announcement:



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Talk about throwing everything, including the kitchen sink, at the problem and hoping something works. The level of pure ignorance it takes to believe that $15 a month is what made players leave is astounding. People left because updates, both content and mechanical, were glacially slow to materialize. Taking nearly a year to recognize that having 200 servers with 6 players on each and no way to transfer to a more populated server is inexcusable! I love this game, i'm a sub and will remain one, because i believe this might be the best mmo adapted franchise EVER! That being said, its the upper management i.e the executive producer, the one who thinks $15 a month is the barrier and the problem, that needs to be shown the door. You lost subs because you took TOOOOOOO long to solve the easiest of problems. I want this game to succeed and remain in production for years, but your current path leads to a dead end. Considering how much money was spent on producing this game its simply sad to see maintaing it and adding content to it and correcting problems takes so long to implement. I hope you guys get your stuff together, cause it really is a great game, only problem is your upper management not understanding what the actual problems are. sad, really sad

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I think there's a couple things to take into account. Launching a game as F2P and converting to F2P after a loss of 1 million suscribers are two completely different things. I've played the game since launch and generally have had a great time. It's pretty amazing to me that a company can muck up a game with so much potential so FAST! The majority of the people I've played with left for the following reasons and myself shortly:


- The game is a WoW clone. Face it.


- No world PVP. This was a big reason. Ilum could not have been more of a disaster. Between the lag and the farming, holy hell. Now it sits a dead planet.


- We can only run the same 4 WZs over, and over, and over. There's never any NEW CONTENT or OPEN WORLD pvp. Yes, I can ride around Ilum randomly finding other players but what the heck is the point? Need some open world pvp with objectives that doesn't suck. See GW2.


- The whole dead server issue that they dropped the ball on, I've had to reroll three times before getting to the Fatman. And then we don't even get to pick where our toons go when they do transfer them. Nice job.


- Legacy perk is stupid.


- Cartel coins can purchase "boosts". Yup, that's P2W. Denying that was like denying the game is going F2P or wasn't losing suscribers by the boat load.


- Ranked WZs. Probably will never get off preseason. How can you rank 5 or 6 teams of 8? That whole thing being delayed over and over was a disaster and honestly is useless. Maybe some cross server PVP WZs? Ridiculous how that has not been implimented yet, there's only a few servers left!


- Content updates are always delayed or a joke.


I'll stick around until GW2 comes out then switch to F2P. Might be back if EA get's their stuff together but judging by it's past - that's a lost cause. So much wasted potential. :(


**que song "Another One Bites the Dust**

Edited by wtrent
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Why the hell am I required to give up a Facebook account (of which I have none) to vote on the community choice? I'm CE, been CE since launch, still CE and I can't put in my two-cents on which item I'd like to see? Stop relying on Facebook. Use your own internal accounting systems for this.


^This. People that don't even have the game are able to vote, ***?

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I am not against the idea of a f2p model. Unless the Cartel store offers a blatant advantage in the game (PVP stand point and to a degree PVE). I have plaed MMOs that you have to still pay to keep competitive then I have played ones that I feel have been done right and just offer more conviences and perks.


I hope f2p means just that and not p2w!

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oh how I miss pre-cu swg....wish we could get a star wars mmo taht is an updated version of pre-cu swg sand box style. F2P is the end of this game and wow bores me. I haven't found any mmo that is enjoyable as pre-cu swg was.
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don't fool ppl around. If you cancel your sub you will never be able to log into that acc again. You will need to create a new acc. Enjoy gameplay from level zero:p


ps: not in connection with above: I 've noticed that the more pathetic is avatar, nick and signature - the more pathetic whining and threats to cancel forever and everything connected to swtor and BW :)


I said "admire," I have no intentions to continue playing. There are a lot of great games out now and on the horizon. I have no problem paying $15 a month for a game, I will pay for multiple if they are worth it. I'm not a 16 year old kid with daddy's limitation of 1 subscription. I work hard for my money and I will spend it on quality entertainment. As others have brought up, $15 is a small price per month. MMO's hold long-term value to me. I know people who buy 2-3 Xbox games per month, even if their games were purchased used, they still spend more than I do on video games. Why waste time and money on this game anymore? Was $15,000,000.00 per month not enough for server maintenance, staff, and EA's publishing costs? That's not including the initial surge from purchasing the game itself and it is also accounting for the decline in subscriptions. It's possible, but not probable. I'm sure a metaphor relating to the Titanic or Hindenburg wouldaccuratly depict the rapid decline already demonstrated.


Second, if they do cut people off from their accounts for unsubscribing and calling it F2P. I can promise you, someone will jump on that lawsuit like a junkie jumps on cocaine. I'll enjoy reading the article about it if that time comes.


Additionally, lets address this "I don't want to sub for end game content only." Are you 12, is it even your money paying for the subscription? I only point this out because your logic is at the level of an 8th grader. What do you currently sub for? I certainly hope it's not the grind to end game content because if that is the case, you can get that for free so the ***** fest about give me this or give me that should be done with. So what is the moral of the story? END GAME CONTENT IS WHAT YOU CURRENTLY PAY $15 A MONTH FOR.


I don't feel anyone is entitled to anything. Has anyone here actually read the user agreements or terms and conditions? I don't know anyone that cares about that ****. I'm sure there is a nice big clause stating how big of a fist they can shove up your *** at a time of their choosing. Get over it, you got what you paid for while you paid for it and you will continue to get something. I'm not aware what comes in this surprise package, but I look forward to anyone but myself finding out what's in it.


If the game is something comparable to a religious relic you're willing to worship, then I understand your pain. I don't know if you're aware, but Jedi is a recognized religion in the Military now. While I hope that isn't the case, so be it. If you're upset with the changes, stop supporting them. No one has a gun to anyone's head here (that I know of) saying pay for SWTOR or else. This game will suffer the consequences of this initial decision to go F2P. Will it be enough to turn it into the Hindenburg by tomorrow, no. That doesn't mean you can't stand up for yourself, if you choose to support SWTOR till the flames ignite, I commend you on your dedication. If you *****, gripe and moan about this until the flames ignite, you can probably sleep well at night knowing the trolls fed on your pain for months. If you decide to call it quits now, more power to you, no need to bend over backwards for something that is suppose to be doing just that for it's subscribers.


Those of you that have been here from the beginning, I wish you the best of luck with the future of this game. I had a good run with the game myself. I know the rest of you did at one point too or you wouldn't be on these forums. No one here can predict the future. Concern yourself with your own future, if this game does continue to decline to P2W or begins to concern itself more with the F2P player, do you want to be on the same forum complaining about the next problem or do you want to move on while the only money wasted was considerably well spent. All games end sooner or later, it's not the end of the world.




Good luck everyone.

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I think there's a couple things to take into account. Launching a game as F2P and converting to F2P after a loss of 1.7 million suscribers are two completely different things. I've played the game since launch and generally have had a great time. It's pretty amazing to me that a company can muck up a game with so much potential so FAST! The majority of the people I've played with left for the following reasons and myself shortly

Didn't lose 1.7 million. It reached 1.7 million, and is now "well above" 500k, but below 1 million.


- The game is a WoW clone. Face it.

And WoW was an Everquest clone. I will even go so far as to say WoW looked more like EverQuest, than SWTOR looks like WoW.


- No world PVP. This was a big reason. Ilum could not have been more of a disaster. Between the lag and the farming, holy hell. Now it sits a dead planet.

I think you are right about this. There are a lot of open-world PvPers out there, and they failed to deliver good open-world PvP. I can't deny this one.


- We can only run the same 4 WZs over, and over, and over. There's never any NEW CONTENT or OPEN WORLD pvp. Yes, I can ride around Ilum randomly finding other players but what the heck is the point? Need some open world pvp with objectives that doesn't suck. See GW2.

They started with 3 WZs, have added a 4th, and a 5th is coming out soon. The game hasn't been out that long.


- The whole dead server issue that they dropped the ball on, I've had to reroll three times before getting to the Fatman. And then we don't even get to pick where our toons go when they do transfer them. Nice job.

I wasn't playing when the servers were dead. I played at launch, and after the merges, so I can't comment too much on how bad it was.


- Legacy perk is stupid.

I disagree. It is a good money sink, and adds non-P2W perks. Fine by me.


- Cartel coins can purchase "boosts". Yup, that's P2W. Denying that was like denying the game is going F2P or wasn't losing suscribers by the boat load.

Depends on what the boosts are. If it is just an XP boost, That doesn't mean P2W. when I leveled up my Trooper, I was already over leveled for the content I was in. Leveling up faster doesn't grant you many benefits. It certainly doesn't make you uber. If they have special combat buffs that are "real money only", that could be a problem. I don't want to see P2W any more than you do.


- Ranked WZs. Probably will never get off preseason. How can you rank 5 or 6 teams of 8? That whole thing being delayed over and over was a disaster and honestly is useless. Maybe some cross server PVP WZs? Ridiculous how that has not been implimented yet, there's only a few servers left!

Haven't done ranked WZs, so I can't comment.


- Content updates are always delayed or a joke.

I disagree. We have gotten content updates for free. The game has only been out 7 months. This is fine.


I'll stick around until GW2 comes out then switch to F2P. Might be back if EA get's their stuff together but judging by it's past - that's a lost cause. So much wasted potential. :(

The game isn't perfect, but I am having fun playing.


**que song "Another One Bites the Dust**

This game is VERY far from biting the dust. It still has over 2x as many subs as SWG EVER had.

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I am not against the idea of a f2p model. Unless the Cartel store offers a blatant advantage in the game (PVP stand point and to a degree PVE). I have plaed MMOs that you have to still pay to keep competitive then I have played ones that I feel have been done right and just offer more conviences and perks.


I hope f2p means just that and not p2w!


Agree 100%. I wanted the game to stay subscription only, but F2P can work. P2W is unacceptable though.

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Didn't lose 1.7 million. It reached 1.7 million, and is now "well above" 500k, but below 1 million.


[No one knows the exact number but they are well on their way to 500k and dropping. That's why it's F2P. I made the edit, thanks for the heads up.


And WoW was an Everquest clone. I will even go so far as to say WoW looked more like EverQuest, than SWTOR looks like WoW.


Never played EQ can't comment.


I think you are right about this. There are a lot of open-world PvPers out there, and they failed to deliver good open-world PvP. I can't deny this one.



They started with 3 WZs, have added a 4th, and a 5th is coming out soon. The game hasn't been out that long.


They need more WZs if there isn't any open world PVP. The new planet is supposed to deliver this but who knows.


I wasn't playing when the servers were dead. I played at launch, and after the merges, so I can't comment too much on how bad it was.

15 ppl on fleet on a good day.


I disagree. It is a good money sink, and adds non-P2W perks. Fine by me.


Agree to disagree :)


Depends on what the boosts are. If it is just an XP boost, That doesn't mean P2W. when I leveled up my Trooper, I was already over leveled for the content I was in. Leveling up faster doesn't grant you many benefits. It certainly doesn't make you uber. If they have special combat buffs that are "real money only", that could be a problem. I don't want to see P2W any more than you do.

The legacy perks allow you to level faster. Don't deny this - it will be P2W.


Haven't done ranked WZs, so I can't comment.


You're not missing out.


I disagree. We have gotten content updates for free. The game has only been out 7 months. This is fine.


$15 a month isn't free. 1 WZ added and a loss of world pvp. Plus some random FPs. I'd say we broke even


The game isn't perfect, but I am having fun playing.



This game is VERY far from biting the dust. It still has over 2x as many subs as SWG EVER had.


I don't think so either, I mearly meant 1 more loss sub. The player base is still dropping so who knows when it levels out. F2P is not the answer, probably will stick around 200K total players.

Edited by wtrent
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