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So whos actually unsubbing because of this?


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Done. For those who are scoffing at those of us who are leaving, I want you to ask youself this simple question: What game that went f2p actually followed through on their promises to keep their content release consistent (if not increased), while also not gradually eroding the "perqs" of being a subscription payer?


The answer is: none. And that's why we're leaving.

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With guild wars 2 around the corner this month, and my general lack of interest in the game lately, I am. It was a fun, short play into this MMO, but it wasn't enough to get me hooked. Also, I've seen what FTP models do to a game, and it is no bueno.
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Depends on what I am Paying for.


If i can level with out paying then maybe i will unsub for a few months and play for free.


IF the token we get buys stupid pets and kiddie stuff (dancing jawas or Angel Wings) then i will probally just play for free.


I have not done any ops and i am over alot of the end game grind atm anyway,


I think leveling from 1- 20 is about the most fun i usually have and there are some advanced classes i have yet to try out.


So, it will depend on what i get from my 15 dollars as opposed to to what i get for F2P. If its worth it or not. At this time its too early to tell.

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Not saying that I will unsub because of this but what's the point of having a subscription while leveling alts?


You won't have access to alts. As it looks right now, you can only have one character if you're on the free to play model, with your alts being "locked" for those months you're not subscribing.

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I have been leaning towards quitting for a while now, im not a big pve'er and mostly enjoy pvp, having hit a boredom with constant WZ after WZ.


This wont push me to quit just yet as i am guilded with a great bunch of guys, and i wont be switching my account FTP, but if it starts to become a cash shop to win then i will be quitting for sure, right now if you pay your £8 a month then you continue as you are, as soon as EA decide to make me pay anymore then the basic sub, which im sure they will eventually, i will be outta here. FTP generally dilutes the quality of the game in search of more ways for them to make money, i for one hope this isnt the way this game now goes :(

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With guild wars 2 around the corner this month, and my general lack of interest in the game lately, I am. It was a fun, short play into this MMO, but it wasn't enough to get me hooked. Also, I've seen what FTP models do to a game, and it is no bueno.


>Doesnt like F2p model

>Going to play guild wars 2


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It depends, but I will most likely give up the game entirely. A pity, too, because I was just getting into it again.


But F2P isn't what I like to hear - and I don't think "flexibility and choice" means to me what it means to EA.


I don't want a game that I can check out for free and have a few laughs in - so I can spend a few dollars every few weeks.


I want a meaningful and LONGTERM journey - where I don't have to jump between dozens of soulless MMOs that are all trying to pretend to be F2P, because I get bored with this one.

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I'm a casual gamer so was debating on whether I got enough out of the content to warrant the subscription anyway now that I have other, non MMOs I want to play. Free to play just makes more sense for me, personally. Has nothing to do with being mad or anything, it's just logical.


That said, I will see how it goes. I'm thinking I can subscribe again if I see the need and they do a good job of getting content in the game to where I would need to do so?

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Honestly, im sick to death of listening to people crying about this already and it's only just been mentioned. If you don't like it then suck it up and deal with it, remember not everyone playing wants to listen to you people crying over something that's not even that big of a deal.. You're already paying to play and then crying over it going f2p, it's still going to be p2p, if you go f2p you don't get as much content. It's definitely not a hard concept to grasp and definitely not something to bubble about.



I already unsubbed.


Also, my "I quit" thread was deleted in record time. It wasn't offensive, but I guess letting the company know why you're quitting is not allowed.


you need not post anything else on the forums then.

Edited by Jayshames
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Most of us will keep paying the subs ( aside from those who left as soon as they saw f2p ), it will just attract more player so more content and more fluff to the game.


f2p =/= pay to win, and ill be happy to buy some fluff with my free cartel point.

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Probably will mostly due to boredom and Planetside 2 on the horizon, but it also depends on how closely they follow AoC and Lotro's idiotic models.



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Most of us will keep paying the subs ( aside from those who left as soon as they saw f2p ), it will just attract more player so more content and more fluff to the game.


f2p =/= pay to win, and ill be happy to buy some fluff with my free cartel point.


With EA, Yes F2P does = pay to win


Check out any of their Play4Free games, all massive p2w

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I unsubbed an hour or two before the presser actually - citing many other reasons. The press release made me happy thought, it means I won't be uninstalling a game that I sort of like at least while waiting for it to go F2P.


Though in all honesty, in the 7 months I've been here, I've done pretty much everything there is to do in the game already, so going F2P would be pretty much pointless.


I do sort of cringe to see how EA/Bioware plans on monetizing the hell out of the game though. It will likely be painfully bad.

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Anybody who thinks this will be the first "free to play" game not not turn "Pay to Win" very shortly after the relaunch is the exact type of fool they're hoping will sick around.


I was a supporter of this game. I am no longer.

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Not me and anyone who does isn't to smart. They are setting this up like LOTRO did it and it worked great.


We get more content quicker.. everyone wins..

Sorry, but anyone who thinks LOTRO's move to F2P worked "great" didn't have a high-level character.


LOTRO vets got SCREWED. Badly. Repeatedly. Both F2P and subscribers. I've posted repeatedly on what Turbine did to its most loyal long-term subscribers, so since this is now chiseled in granite that SWTOR is officially adding F2P, I have nothing further to say.


Expect my unsubscription in short order. Freeloaders, enjoy your gimped game.

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Here is the comparison chart for sub vs free2play.




It seem pretty limited but cant say until they give specific numbers.


So far they're handling this the exact same way Turbine handled theirs. Charts, graphs, and promises that there will be no pay to win.


F2P didn't even get out of beta before Turbine added the first pay to win item. This will be the same.

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