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Did anyone else kinda burn themselves out the first few days?


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I caught a cold and still have a paper to hand in for uni. Barely level 16. Also the queues kinda turn me off since my gametime is limited.


Only 16? Re-roll on another server. I started over my Inquisitor just because how they handled hoods with the Twiliwhateverthey'recalled.

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Its easy to overdue the game if you rush through it so early on. Its still in its infancy. Look at any successful MMO today...they're radically different from launch day.


Slow down and give it a good 3 months to see what happens.


I think I missed the part where your response has anything to do with the OP.

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I think I missed the part where your response has anything to do with the OP.


Really? Let me assist your comprehension. The OP was talking about how he burned himself out by playing too much in the first couple days. I made a suggestion on how to not do that. If you slow down and play less each day but for more days, you wont burn out so quickly and are able to last long enough for updates/patches/content.


If you need anymore help translating some of the english on this board, let me know.

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Got into the game Friday afternoon. Got more than a day played time now. It didn't really feel like that much time was going by. Played like crazy in beta, too, since August. Not really getting tired of the game, either. Might take a day off here or there, I suppose, but it's extremely rare for a game, even an MMO, to keep me occupied for that long of a stretch. Helps that I've been looking forward to TOR since I heard those first rumors about it.
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Agreed. They're already players closing on 50 yesterday. I don't know if these people even slept.


50 already? Some people need to get a life... I thought I played quite alot, and I'm going through quests fast yet I only got to level 20 atm. Also, I dont really see the point of leveling so fast, all that will happen is that they have to wait for everyone else to catch up, fun :p

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I've been playing for about three days now, and I'm currently a level 15 Sith Inquisitor. I've only done Black Talon once, and I quested through the rest.


I'm just taking a steady pace with my leveling, and I'm just enjoying the quest content that the game has to offer. The different dialogue options and the alignment system really make it much more involving, and with all the "Kill Y of X" quests being completely optional, there hasn't been a real moment in which I've felt bored yet.


I probably will be able to keep myself busy with SWTOR for at least a few months, possibly more if I can be arsed to get any alts, or if I get some extra spare time for the end-game content. For now though, I still have to tear myself away from my PC to stop playing it for the day.

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You set your girlfriend on fire so you could play? Now that's what I call dedication.


hahahahaha! :D


I did the same, played it for a couple of days non stop and didn't care at all today, haven't played it at all and it's 12:30 at night. I have a slight urge now, will go play it for a while.


I thought I played it alot, and people are at level 50! Crazy! I'm only at 17.

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Yeah, Taris just isn't doing it for me on my 22 Sage...


I was messing with my Trooper (who is surprisingly fun) until the game decided to slam me with three heroic quests and I couldn't get any groups to go do them. That's kinda discouraging and why I am strongly against forced grouping quests...especially at low levels.


Do the rest of the quests in the zone and go back once you have a companion. I was easily able to solo them with my companion. No muss, no fuss.

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I was getting real sick of it until I got to Tatooine. Having fun on that planet. Much more open than everything before it.


This is what I'm hoping. Kinda sick of the whole "city is the planet" thing. I'm on Nar Shaddaa right now, thankfully near the end. I'm almost wishing I had gone to Taris first. The claustrophobia is really getting to me right now, especially after Coruscant.


Looking through WIKISW:TOR most of the other planets really look open and inviting. Some of them are just downright beautiful.

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4 Men heroics, I doubt it. :)


I duo'ed them with my friend and we both had companions. But 1 player with a companion, you're god-like if you've done it.


If he is level 8 and got 3 heroic missions at once as a trooper there is only one spot he can be leveling. In that spot, I soloed all the heroics. I watched several other people soloing them as well.

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