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as soon as i crit my first railshot for 5k on you my entire team would know you had zero expertise and you would be marked to see how high we could crit.


I've been critted by a rail shot for over 4k on my full WH / BM sentinel... .so what exactly is your point? that PTs do too much damage? yea I think everyone knows that already... in fact there are a few threads dedicated to how Tanks should not be able to do that much damage.... ...

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I used to care about having scrubs on my team because I am competitive but now that I can get around 100 coms for a loss and i'm closing in on full WH on all my chars I don't mind at all anymore.


If I see a bunch of 13k guys, iv'e been around long enough to know we most likely will get rolled and i'll ignore objectives and dps right out of the gate. I find it just as fun to switch to beast mode and try to go for personal goals (800k+ dps) as I find it's much easier to destroy the damage meters for personal screenshots when i'm the only one on my team that is capable of doing real damage.


It's a win win for me, I don't feel like I have to carry keyboard turning PvE no talents and I still get to own people. To top it all off I get 100 coms while my green geared counterparts get peanuts and rage quit during the match. :D


It's almost more fun that winning!


I only play competitively when my team looks good from the start or I am running with my usual pre made crew. I save my "fun, shooting for 800+k dmg" games for when I solo queue with the scrubs.

Edited by Kurfer
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when i'm the only one on my team that is capable of doing real damage.

this is hard to do as a pt pyro. the second I stand out as the person nuking all their healers, i start noticing I have to go into survival mode a lot more (picking off the edge).


and you can't rack up the dmg when you have to keep taking breaks to heal back up after a kill.. :p

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I've been critted by a rail shot for over 4k on my full WH / BM sentinel... .so what exactly is your point? that PTs do too much damage? yea I think everyone knows that already... in fact there are a few threads dedicated to how Tanks should not be able to do that much damage.... ...


my point was directly countering your point that expertise is overrated, *******. and you would get smashed by a geared dps juggie (also tank AC) for 7k if you had no expertise. pretty much everyone would be putting crazy damage on you and you would be doing nothing to them. and yeah my railshot crits geared targets for 4k. come at me bro.

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I love it when the PvE house dads come in here trying to justify a reason to use their coveted PvE gear in PvP. They want to feel so significant, the truth is nobody cares about your silly little PvE accomplishments. A monkey can clear PvE content in MMO's, your enemy only gets weaker as your team gears up. It's usually not the PvE gear that makes you suck anyway, its the dead giveaway that you spend most of your time in easy mode PvE instances against computer controlled monsters that allow you to beat them with your clicking and keyboard turning newbie friends.


You can continue to practice and gear up in PvP but so does your opponent. Stay out of WZ's in your garbage gear, grab a set of recruit and spend more time PvPing, get geared. It will make you better players. :D


PvP > PvE

Edited by Kurfer
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this is hard to do as a pt pyro. the second I stand out as the person nuking all their healers, i start noticing I have to go into survival mode a lot more (picking off the edge).


and you can't rack up the dmg when you have to keep taking breaks to heal back up after a kill.. :p


God I love heavy nukers like you when all I need to do is stay out of sight of the enemy and throw some healing your way so I can laugh while people like you take on 3v1 battles. Juggernauts and marrauders are especially fun to watch.


I imagine their chat along the lines of "omg OP hero wont die!!!11!!11"

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God I love heavy nukers like you when all I need to do is stay out of sight of the enemy and throw some healing your way so I can laugh while people like you take on 3v1 battles. Juggernauts and marrauders are especially fun to watch.


I imagine their chat along the lines of "omg OP hero wont die!!!11!!11"


That's funny, as a DPS I find that 80% of healers in this game panic and start tunnel vision over healing themselves the second I throw damage their way. Nothing is more fun that hitting a healer a few times and watch them spaz out over healing themselves while I hard switch and kill all the dps around them.


Too many fail healers making it easy to nullify their efforts. What is it about this game where healers ignore their teammates when they break into panic mode?

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Just to play the Devil's Advocate here, why do you all care so much about winning a non-ranked WZ? I can understand that winning equals more medals thus getting gear faster. However, if gear is truely what drives you to win, then what happens when you get the gear?


To me it isn't about winning. I have games that I'm more fond of that I've lost than won. I want a *GOOD GAME*. Just like, if I'm running an Op, I want to have a good Op. If someone showed up to my Op in recruit gear just expecting to get carried through I wouldn't take them. If someone shows up to a PVP match and either: A) Wears laughable ranking greens when you could have a free recruit set. B) At the first sign of defeat cuddles together on the node we have to farm defense medals or C) is so clueless that they can't effectively play their class and don't care or are delusional about it - then you're annoying me because you're turning what could be a fun match into me trying to fight 4-5 people by myself.


And, since I have to wait 15 minutes for the damn match to end, you're wasting my time too.

Edited by dcgregorya
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Is this 'snow' and 'grass' thing in Alderaan a new designation for the nodes, I've only really noticed it over that last couple of weeks.

I still call them LS (for Landing Site) and Gen (for Generator)....Sorry is it just me or if you can't learn the name and location of 2 bases you should just quit.


Lol, is this a troll?

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If this was before the recruit gear existed. I could understand. Hell I took my beatings to get Cent/Champ gear myself. And I wasnt very well geared as a fresh 50. But I leveled up most of the time from doing PVP, so I understand capping objectives and calling out nodes. But when you have a FREE PvP set just handed to you, it irks me.


I also kind of find it sad we even have to say snow/grass. When I first saw someone say that my thought was, "People dont understand East and West? They're simple cardinal directions!!!" But...yeah...


^^ This. The first time I heard somebody say snow I literally *** in RL.

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That's funny, as a DPS I find that 80% of healers in this game panic and start tunnel vision over healing themselves the second I throw damage their way. Nothing is more fun that hitting a healer a few times and watch them spaz out over healing themselves while I hard switch and kill all the dps around them.


Too many fail healers making it easy to nullify their efforts. What is it about this game where healers ignore their teammates when they break into panic mode?


Melee are annoying, no question, but LOS juking against ranged is a great time waster while I wait for my battle-buddy to (hopefully) help me out.

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You have 4 person with 13k hp. Even if they were trying, they'd get demolished. That's not unique to swtor.


Eh, I disagree with that. Its pretty rare that I don't break 250k and up in recruit gear either DPS'ing or healing. You're not going to 1vs1 anyone with a brain but you're also not as useless as the dead weight that'll inevitably be on your team (in war hero or otherwise) anyway.

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While i'm perfectly capable of understanding east/west I laugh at the people who force it in WZ's. Snow/Grass is retard proof and when you play with other window licking gamers who most likely work IRL as blue collars or fast food employees you try to accommodate the lowest common denominator.


Snow/Grass works best in this case.

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I love it when the PvE house dads come in here trying to justify a reason to use their coveted PvE gear in PvP. They want to feel so significant, the truth is nobody cares about your silly little PvE accomplishments. A monkey can clear PvE content in MMO's, your enemy only gets weaker as your team gears up. It's usually not the PvE gear that makes you suck anyway, its the dead giveaway that you spend most of your time in easy mode PvE instances against computer controlled monsters that allow you to beat them with your clicking and keyboard turning newbie friends.


You can continue to practice and gear up in PvP but so does your opponent. Stay out of WZ's in your garbage gear, grab a set of recruit and spend more time PvPing, get geared. It will make you better players. :D


PvP > PvE


FYI - Recruit is garbage too. Your first week in WZs is going to consist of you getting blown to giblets in 2-3 GCDs regardless of the gear you are wearing.


As for your argument that PvP > PvE, you are missing nearly every aspect of a sound debate. For example, on what scale are you making that claim? Where is your supporting argument? Where is your evidence?


Sounds an awful lot like you are just grandstanding your opinion as a fact. ;)

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Don't play dumb; you certainly do know what people mean when they say "grass" and "snow".

my favorite are people who call out "left" and "right" on voidstar.


and then when you say "west" and "east", they come back with "i don't know which is east / west".


seriously? :eek:

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FYI - Recruit is garbage too. Your first week in WZs is going to consist of you getting blown to giblets in 2-3 GCDs regardless of the gear you are wearing.


As for your argument that PvP > PvE, you are missing nearly every aspect of a sound debate. For example, on what scale are you making that claim? Where is your supporting argument? Where is your evidence?


Sounds an awful lot like you are just grandstanding your opinion as a fact. ;)


Recruit gear isn't bad at all esp when you combine it with a fort stim to make up for the lack of HP, baddies like to use it as an excuse on why they suck in WZ's "but i'm wearing recruit gear...waahhh I can't break 100k dps". I've broken 300k plenty of times wearing recruit on my marauder and my sniper is 80% recruit because I just started pvp grinding him and I just broke 771k last week. Recruit gear is superior to PvE gear...having zero expertise will cause you to get killed in a single dps rotation (esp a carnage marauder gore/ravage/scream combo.)

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Recruit gear isn't bad at all, baddies like to use it as an excuse on why they suck in WZ's "but i'm wearing recruit gear...waahhh I can't break 100k dps". I've broken 300k plenty of times wearing recruit on my marauder and my sniper is 80% recruit because I just started pvp grinding him and I just broke 771k last week. Recruit gear is superior to PvE gear...having zero expertise will cause you to get killed in a single dps rotation (esp a carnage marauder gore/ravage/scream combo.)


Recruit gear is superior to SOME PvE gear. Even without Expertise, high level PvE gear is superior to Recruit gear.


Please note that "superior" does not mean "functional". It means slightly less awful.


For example, your PvP performance in full Black Hole will be 22% superior to your PvP performance in full Recruit (that percentage is after Expertise has been factored), however, you will still only live for 2-3 GCDs from WH burst.

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