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Dear Pugs, I am tired of carrying you.


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Stop trying to click your way to 75k in damage as a DPS class. In fact, stop queuing at all. No excuse for people being as bad as they are. Why is it two people are able to break 300k plus objectives every single match without fail and others can't seem to get past 100k with full battlemaster gear? This isn't rocket science - rotations in this game take like 4 keybinds.




In light of making this thread more constructive, here's some things that'd be really great of people to do when they're new to the game to be less rude to the people who are trying to win matches. I want to be on the same side as my teamates but its hard when people are so blatantly rude (at least, I consider it rude when people ask you nicely to do things and you repeatedly ignore them). I'm super nice in game, less nice on the forums, but that's mainly because after a night of solo queuing or queuing with one friend the frustration adds up:


1) Now that you get recruit gear for free, there's no excuse to show up in green gear with less than 900 expertise. It's rude. I'll never rag on someone in expertise gear trying to get better, I do however feel like people who take the credits for the token and then show up in leveling gear are jerks.


2) Call inc. Call inc. Before you die. Don't guard the node at all if you refuse to do this. I left you there trusting you to call inc after I helped you capture it and I'm off trying to win us the other node we need to win the game and I can't help you if you don't call incoming.


3) Learn to keybind. I'm sorry but there is physically no way to play well while purely clicking on your skills. If you're serious about queuing to play with other people, take the 5 minutes to watch a tutorial and try to learn how to fight using keybinds like the rest of us do. I don't even care if you keyboard turn. Do that to your heart's content. Backpedal too if you want. Just please learn how to use keybinds so that you aren't standing still and missing GCD's trying to move your mouse around. This one right here, is why people don't break 100k damage. It's not because the enemy team is focusing you. It's not because you're off saving the day in a peaceful way. It's because you're activating your skills once for every 3 times I activate mine. When I take out 2-3 people solo I know they are all clickers because its not like I do 3x as much damage as anyone else.


4) If I'm your healer, don't make me solo defend a node. You're not going to win against their zerg without a healer.


5) Stop leaving one person to defend a node. If I stayed behind to help you hold a node its because I want two people on the node - not because I'd like you to take my place in the fight at mid.


6) Stop following me everywhere. If I drop down on right (in voidstar) to fight two people, one or two people can come. I don't want to see the entire team follow me and then there's no one on the other side.


7) If you think its someone elses job to cap you're wrong. I'm trying to peel and kill people so YOU can cap. Don't follow me off the door to help me out, I'm ok with dying but I'm trying to help us win the game.


8) Stop attacking tanks. Kill the healer. There's a reason I'm hanging off the healers neck like he burned down my orphanage as a child and I'm out for vengeance - it's because you're not going to kill tanks while there's two healers in the back free casting heals.

Edited by dcgregorya
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Personally im usually the one to take guard duty at the natural node because all too many times noobs won't even cap it, or lose it without a single callout. Stats mean jack of you don't get the W. And I'm a tank, so a 150k-175k match is the high end for me.

Though I'll usually lead in medals if not objectives as well.

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Stop trying to click your way to 75k in damage as a DPS class. In fact, stop queuing at all. No excuse for people being as bad as they are. Why is it two people are able to break 300k plus objectives every single match without fail and others can't seem to get past 100k with full battlemaster gear? This isn't rocket science - rotations in this game take like 4 keybinds.


I got something better :cool:Theres a premade on my server(I wont name and shame) that is probably the worst 4 players on the game.

They have a Marauder in battlemaster and 6 parts WH,he is smash.I was in a civil war,unfortunately on his team.He was in the main fight the entire time.His damage was 40k.His biggest hit was 1.1k.I decided to watch him next warzone.Alll he done was run in,auto attack followed by slash,die and repeat..multiply this by 4 and you will beg for pugs..

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Sorry OP, I'm stuck at the only node we capped in civil war (because noone ever ever EVER wants to go take that one and get stuck babysitting it while counting blades of grass all map) and occasionally get a nice little 1v1 to enjoy while you flail around at the middle node, or the east node and fail time and time again to take it.... while trickling in 1-2 at a time...


Yeah, my damage will end around 50-75k. But my medal count will most likely be higher than anyone elses. I got to watch part of a movie though on my other monitor so it's not soooo bad.


Perhaps you'd like to take west for a change and babysit it alone next game?






Oh, ok, I'll keep doing it then.

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I believe you meant to say:


This thread started with a huge ego.


//well it's what I read, even if wasn't :)


That's the thing, I don't think I'm awesome. Like I said, this game isn't hard. If you're not breaking 100k its because you're doing something terribly wrong. I just think as a courtesy to the other people you're playing with, at least use a couple keybinds and get to a point where you're not totally useless. It's like the thread title states, I'm tired of carrying people - play the game, contribute, or stop wasting my time. There's too many people who queue up expecting someone else to do all the capping, all the killing, all the healing and they're just going to come along for the ride.

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Sorry OP, I'm stuck at the only node we capped in civil war (because noone ever ever EVER wants to go take that one and get stuck babysitting it while counting blades of grass all map) and occasionally get a nice little 1v1 to enjoy while you flail around at the middle node, or the east node and fail time and time again to take it.... while trickling in 1-2 at a time...


Yeah, my damage will end around 50-75k. But my medal count will most likely be higher than anyone elses. I got to watch part of a movie though on my other monitor so it's not soooo bad.


Perhaps you'd like to take west for a change and babysit it alone next game?






Oh, ok, I'll keep doing it then.


I've been that guy too and I've broken 100k. And guess what - in those games where there's one guy doing that - what are the other 4 guys with less than 100k doing? The problem is people have these fantasies where they are really good and really doing well but for whatever reason damage is not actually making it from their gun to the enemy. And that's why I'm here to tell you, if you're not breaking 100k as a DPS, you are bad.


In fact, if you're the guy whose always on left in PUG civil wars, do me a favor and call inc before you die. And try to learn to take on a 1vs1 once in a while, or at least stall them. Because every pug where I don't have a guildie guarding a node is a pug where that node gets taken it seems.

Edited by dcgregorya
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I've been that guy too and I've broken 100k.


Sure, as have I...


If they're constantly sending some retard to try and take the node from you. If they have the 2-cap and ignore your node however then what? Guarding the node noone wants leaves your damage at whatever the other team decides to give you.


I've taken the west node before and literally never seen a single enemy the whole map. Ended with 0 damage, 0 kills, 0 deaths and like 4 medals.








But someone has to do it.

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Get off your high horse OP.

Upload a screenshot of your next WZ please.


I want to see what kind of numbers you are pulling up. Not saying that the numbers you claim are hard to obtain, but to see that you aren't blaming everyone else for your fail.


Everyone has to start somewhere and a lot of people don't do PvP till they hit 50 (which I think is silly). There's not really much you can do about it.

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Get off your high horse OP.

Upload a screenshot of your next WZ please.


I want to see what kind of numbers you are pulling up. Not saying that the numbers you claim are hard to obtain, but to see that you aren't blaming everyone else for your fail.


Everyone has to start somewhere and a lot of people don't do PvP till they hit 50 (which I think is silly). There's not really much you can do about it.


They're not hard to obtain. Sorry, is 100k a lot to ask of someone who is in Battlemaster gear and a DPS spec? Am I being unreasonable to hope that at least half my team can achieve that? Did I offend you because you have trouble running your 4 button rotation?

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The problem with OP's post is that he assumes damage is everything that mattered in a wz, when in fact, defending a node - which may result in 0 damage (it has happened before) - is something of a sacrifice that someone has to make because it is extremely important. Rarely do I crap on the pug who are defending because they are pretty much doing the most important job ever.


I, however, do have several problems with the things pug tend to do:


A : Call after they're already dead. Picture the following voidstar scenrio:


Defender 1: How's East doing?

<bombardment detected>

Defender 2: ...inc.


Dumb, right?


B: Unable to hold the node for longer than the duration it takes for them to type inc. It's not that hard to cc break, run around and hide behind walls / poles.


C: Wear PVE gear.


D: Can't even break 100k dmg even when they are attacking. I've seen people rock in recruit gear doing 500k dmg per wz. Granted said person is a PT, still, 100k is dead easy at level 50.


E: Expect someone with more experience to carry them. Literally i have one game where every teammates was standing around me after we capped a node (losing 2 in the progress because the pug who went east sucked) and not doing anything until i tell them to get a move on.


F: Leaving the node undefended


If not being able to stand any of these dumb behaviours make me an elitist, I'm happy to be one. Coming into warzone with 100 expertise when recruit gears are made free for you is extremely selfish and dumb. You're basically hindering the entire team of people who actually want to try and win. Would you rock up to a soccer game barefoot and expect everyone to be all nice about it? No. So really, are your teammates being a bunch of elitist jerks, or are you just being a total dummass?

Edited by hyuplee
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need more maps in wz

moar gametypes also.


Recruit geared could use their own tier qeue but without cross server that would be too long between pops most likely.


GM should organize tournaments of all types 1vs1 4man 8man premade and pug.


Grind on war hero is too long and that is exponential when doing your 2nd toon...

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I'm a keyboard-turning & num pad using SS gunslinger and put up 200-300k a WZ. Recently I started paying more attention to the "damage per second" numbers on the scoreboard and have seen some really really low ones. I can usually pump out 300-350 a second but I've seen other players with numbers in the 50s.. It seems crazy Edited by HaibaneRenmai
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Stop trying to click your way to 75k in damage as a DPS class. In fact, stop queuing at all. No excuse for people being as bad as they are. Why is it two people are able to break 300k plus objectives every single match without fail and others can't seem to get past 100k with full battlemaster gear? This isn't rocket science - rotations in this game take like 4 keybinds.


ohhh, you are just a bad ***. if it wasnt for you, the republic side would loose every match...........oh wait.....................

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Stop trying to click your way to 75k in damage as a DPS class. In fact, stop queuing at all. No excuse for people being as bad as they are. Why is it two people are able to break 300k plus objectives every single match without fail and others can't seem to get past 100k with full battlemaster gear? This isn't rocket science - rotations in this game take like 4 keybinds.

If you play with pugz prepare for anything.

Nobody cares what you want, other people play for fun, not for listening some lowlife what they need to do.

If you dont like something - leave wz.

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Dear Warzone whiner,


Stop queuing. Seriously. You who whine about a loss at the end of a pug warzone are invariably one of the three worst in the warzone on either team. It does not impress the rest of us when you boast about doubling the damage of an operative with your powertech in a huttball match, not realizing said operative also has 250k+ heals and not knowing that damage and heal totals mean absolutely nothing in huttball. In fact, all of this just reiterates to the rest of us how crap your situational awareness is and how terrible your understanding of what you should be doing actually is.


In other warzones, your deaths are so high not because your team is bad, but because you don't fight at nodes and better players who could be supporting and focusing knew not to leave the node and help you. And that time the other team capped snow? That was because, instead of reinforcing snow when the guard called for help, you tried to solo grass, stupidly thinking it was empty, and got ganked by the one invisible shadow who didn't zerg with the other 7.

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